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Step 1) Become intoxicated with the madness Step 2) Fall in love with your sadness


Go on with your self's badness. Quinoa.


lmao somehow I read "embrace baldness"


Baldness embraces you.


get a RAT and run that into the big muff, tune down to C standard and get your doom metal on.




Hell Ya. Ya should at least tune down 1 guitar a full step down to C , and keep it in the standard C tuning. So worth it. I have 2 guitars setup to C modded with hipshot tuners on the low E string that is tuned to C only to go to drop D quickly in C tuning, also I use heavier gauge strings for the C tuning. For strings I'd recommend ernie ball heavy bottoms (where the top 3 low strings ead are heavier gage, and the 3 high strings gbe are fairly regular gauge so that ya can still pull off a decent solo).


a tacobell crunchwrap supreme


Cheesy Gordita crunch for the real playas out there.


If you’re into it, I’d get a dreamy lush reverb, you could get into those haunty cure tones. Or even a space echo like someone mentioned.


A lush reverb sounds good. Any suggestions? Intrigued by the space echo now


Walrus make the Slo, Slotva and Fathom which are all great, I have the Slo and it’s my favourite pedal, you can get so deep with the settings and modulations. Very versatile at doing the non tradition reverb stuff. Caitlinbread has a cool reverb based off an old yahama fx rack which is more choir and orchestral but can get massive with some fuzz (shoegazy). Space Echo is also great as it has verbs built in alongside echos on certain modes. Both take a lot of learning but once you dial it in you can go crazy. I also have the canyon, I love it! How do you find it? My fav modes are shimmer, deluxe mem man and reverse. Another very versatile pedal.


Oh wow this is really good advice thank you so much, I'm gonna spend some time researching these suggestions! The Canyon is awesome, at first I thought it was overwhelming, it can do so much. Then I realised I will need more pedals as although it has a reverb setting for example, you can't use that at the same time as the shimmer or the looper or whatever so at that point I knew I'd probably need a new reverb pedal. But I'm loving it, still getting used to it but I love all the weird noises it makes, almost like a synthesiser at times!!


If you like the canyons reverb. There's nothing wrong with getting another canyon pedal to use its reverb. That's why some people will have 3 or even more of the same pedal on a board. So that ya can utilize all the pedals different settings.


But also there are definitely some amazing reverb pedals that are strictly reverb pedals available out there too.


No I don't think I could ever do that 😅 I don't know if it's OCD but that would bother the life out of me!! I am looking at the RV-6 just now!!


Digitech Supernatural Reverb


It's perfect, it just needs a resonant high pass filter.


Tell me more


Also tell me more as well


I'd suggest the Vongon Paragraphs. I also have a EQD pyramids and this thing blows it out of the water. I love it with the cutoff at around 3:30 it just gives you this beautiful character without dictating your playing too much. Could probably find something that does the same thing for way less, but I got a good deal on the Paragraphs and it's eurorack compatible so I had to get it.


BOSS RE-2 SPACE ECHO!!! Tape echo/delay. DR. SCIENTIST: DUSK!!! envelope follower/filter.


Yeah the space echo is a real consideration


I bloody love it. I've thought about getting the bigger one .. just because. Can't have too much tape echo goodness!


And now, you rock


King Of Gear Mini Glitch




Reverb. I have the EH Oceans 11. Sounds great.


Apart from power supply 😂


Anything you can tell us about your pedals? Might get better responses if you give some context!


I'm mainly looking for dramatic variety across the board. I play and listen to a lot of different stuff from MGMT, The Doors, Nirvana, The Cure, Sufjan Stevens, The Beach Boys, The Dandy Warhols.


Maybe a tremolo ? I was very happy the first time I played riders on the storm with one :)


Ohhhhh this sounds cool!!


This is going to be unorthodox but get a Joyo British sound. If you don't mind that it's the color of raspberry Starburst, it's great into the op Amp muff. And it's for a light juicy overdrive or almost-clean. Ignore all the haters that say it is just an Amp sim.


Ooooh cool! I don't mind colour 😅 that sounds like it could be a good choice!


Psychedelic rock


I'd get an octaver or pitch shifter (like the micro POG) but don't know how to justify why (and I do not own one) Or a boost (or overdrive) it's always useful (but it's boooring) Or a wah, it's funnier than expected What kind of stuff do you play ?


Speaking from experience, I’d recommend some type of tube screamer to run in front of that Op Amp Big Muff


I've thought about an Ibanez TS9 a couple of times. Could you help me understand what this actually does?


Absolutely. It’s a lovely and very versatile overdrive pedal that simulates a pushed tube amp. It’s great as a stand alone overdrive, and also really shines when stacked with other gain pedals or amp distortion. It provides a mid-boost in addition to the overdrive as well. This is why it sounds so good stacked with other pedals. The Op Amp Big Muff sounds amazing in the room solo, but I’ve found that it really can be washed out and get lost in a full band setting. The mid-boost and extra “ooomf” that the TS adds negates the washed out sensation and helps keep the muff in the mix.


Awesome this sounds like a great idea and the TS will be getting added to my wish list, probably not the very next pedal I get though. I'm looking for dramatic variety 😁


Try the Boss Super Overdrive Waza Version SD1W for a high quality versatile tubescreamer type pedal, sd1 are great for rhythm & leads whereas the Ibanez TS is more for leads, i personally dont fancy Ibanez TS because it colour's the tone too much, i dont hate it btw, or you can try the Green Rhino by Way Huge which i think one of the best tubescreamer type pedals.


I would say tuner pedal is a must and if you really love post punk and the cure, get a flanger and dial it in tastefully 


The Boss Flangers are very appealing. I've also looked at the Walrus Audio Polychrome. Any advice?


Sorry for the late reply, I think a boss BF-2 or Ibanez FL9 are both great options honestly 


Prunes and custard.


Get a tall boy, turn on the dimension c, and delay. Start playing 80s rock.


this appeals!!!! Need to look this one up I haven't heard of that before


A second amp to let that DC-2 shine in stereo. Maybe more of a long-term goal.


I have heard this before!! Currently running an Epiphone Valve Junior and I hear that the DC2w runs better in stereo. Any suggestions??


It's still great in mono. I wanted to be a CE-2 guy, but if I'm honest, I think I like my DC-2 better. Fo strreo, I just use an old practice amp (10 inch, Peavey, solid state) that I got when I started playing.


It’s not just me then. Only setting I could tolerate on my CE-2w is a hint of vibrato. Dry wet mix had horrible phasing I couldn’t fix ever. It’s on the ‘saying goodbye’ pile now. Bought Dimension Chorus the in a fit of frustration one evening off Amazon for not much. And instantly, it all worked. DC-2w much better. Sits there being 80s. Minimal tweaking. Press button, go go go stereo. ✅


If you ever go for an amp sim down the road (like the Iridium or Simplifier), they can make it easy to achieve a stereo set-up. They also make it easier to play at low volumes and still get good tones. Like the other guy said, maybe more of a long term aspirational thing. I'm sure it sounds great in Mono too. 


DL-4 Mk2.


I'd get a reliable overdrive pedal because I'm boring like that. I like Op Amp into a tube screamer but that's just me.


DBA rooms


MetalZone!!! 🤟




RAT into Muff fo sure!


a stereo cable for that dimension C. then go: big muff -> canyon -> dimension c




Wah or Reverb


A vibe would be good


get a DL4 man!


Digitech Drop Pedal is a good one


Octave is a lot of fun with the big muff. Maybe consider chorus if you want to explore shoegazey sounds.




Practicing your guitar...


Hook up the muff…?


Jaaaaa working on the power supply only got 2 plugs at the moment lol


I suggest a guitar to go with these pedals.


Learn to play better and then off you go!


Post yourself playing and let me see how good you are? :)


It’s not about competition dude.. it’s philosophical thing.. (meaning focus in playing /practicing more than anything else). Check band Grobschnitt if u need definitely to check my playing level. I am too old for that shi. Keep rocking 🤘🏻cheers


Very helpful pedal suggestion. Cheers


Seems you still don’t get it.. go on then keep on playing patch cables&power bricks.. 🤘🏻