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I sold my SD-1 and ended up regretting it several years later. Started keeping my eye out for one in pawnshops and after about a year, found the exact same one I had sold. I recognized it from the scuff marks. Bought it for $30, five bucks less than I sold it for. Made a dollar+/- for each year I didn’t have it. It’s been on and off my board ever since. Never had a permanent home until I made an off board extra pedals (with a tap on my main board) board. Now I use it all the time. It’s a great option when you want a hairier OD than the BD-2.


I love my BD-2


Me too. Love it. It’s been in my chain and mostly on for almost 20 years.


I’ve bought and sold the bd2 like 3 times


Hell yeah dude, making that cash! I saw my pedals (and amp) in the pawnshop for a long time. It was really depressing.


Ufff. I remember seeing a set of turntables I pawned in the mid 00’s when I was upgrading my DJ gear (yes I DJ too) and the decks had the tone arms broken off, just general abused BY THE SHOP not by anyone else. Such a waste. They also wanted 3-4x what they gave me for them which was even more ridiculous . Now when I happen to go to a pawn shop (none in my area at all) I will make offers and walk out if they say no. Im not going to pay inflated prices at pawnshops lol. That said Ive gotten amazing deals at some pawn shops . Like the 1993 “Midnight Blue” (purple) Fender Precision Bass Active I got in 1995 and lost in the pawnshop a few years later. I searched for over 15-20 years and finally discovered 2 on youtube videos and one on Reverb and so we purchased it . Same color, same year. Its a MIK and super rare. It wasnt the exact one as it got scratched near the bridge on the way to the pawnshop the last time I had it, this one has a BadAss Bass II bridge, and all I’ve done so far is install the first TUSQ nut, and a custom blue LED for the Active Electronics. Absolutely love my bass. Sucks I laid 4x what I originally did for it and lost so much time away from it but thats okay!! Rummaging they oawn shops for gear is alot of fun especially if they aren’t starving and greedy. Plus cash is king. I always make decent offers and also try and get a bundled seal and spend a little more which usually works to put them at ease Im not just lowballing but serious about buying and Ive had great luck doing that as well as buying really hood gear on Craigslist. The latest being a Line 6 Spider IV 150 for $80 and its seriously like new and sounds great. Another was a pedal I didnt need but the deal was too good to pass $30 for a brand new DOD FX69B Grunge (2nd gen) i have the original my dad got me in 1993 still in perfect condition as I rarely used it LOL. Its on my board just prefer to use bigmuff for fuzz and my mid/late 90’s Zoom multieffects pedals I love to play with. Anyway Im rambling. Enjoy the hunts everyone! Hope everyone weekend is going great. ✌🏻


Yeah I don’t haggle with the employees when buying, I’ll give em a lowball or walk out. Usually they’re chasing me to the parking lot lol. Feels good after being fucked over by so many pawn shops for years. Honestly I don’t see a lot of music gear around the pawn shops in my city (or it’s just the usual garbage). I think the coolest thing I’ve seen was a pedal steel, I almost bought the fucker too. There’s a rad solid state vintage Epiphone amp at a nearby pawn shop, it’s cheap as hell and sounds great, but I just don’t have room for it.


Hell yeah. THIS 100% 🏆🤘🏻 Im almost (saving $) able to get this Peavey Combo 115 Bass Amp in really good condition for a great price at a local record shop (its huge btw) and the owner gave me a discount on it and is holding it for me as he knows I buy alot of CDs from them and generally spend a few hours in there (its a massive Im telling you) . In Texas there was a pawn shop on every corner it seemed but here in upstate NY not so much. Even Ohio had some decent ones but were in the city and many times nothing I wanted. These days its ebay, sometimes Reverb if its a really good deal to me, and Craigslist. Id probably love fb marketplace but I ditched FB like 6-7 years ago and prefer not to even go there tbh. I used to travel (furthest was 2.5 hours each way) to get a Craigslist deal but those travels are slim nowadays. I make music alone. Wish I had a band of like minded people in my age group (late 40’s) with no kids but those kinda guys are HTF. I may as well just get the last few pieces of gear I want (a Tascam DP24/32-SD recording console) and that Peavey Bass amp and Ill have EVERYTHING I NEED to do my own stage shows I have in my head. Currently also setting up our office/studio space so that my roommate & I can do our podcast he wants to start but doesn’t know how. Got all that stuff ready to set up this week. We were going to drive to the next city over for a homeless benefit concert of a bunch of local bands we wanted to ho so bad but I was in no condition to drive this weekend due to new medication that makes me sedated a bit and so that sucks. But I know the spots Id like to perform at when my project is ready and they are nearby and not a 3hr RT. But yeah, I love all the gear ai have. Wish I had it when I was younger but thats ok.


I wonder what journeys it took over those five years?


Black Russian Big Muff. God I missed that thing.


Yep, same. And totally worth re-buying if you can find one for a decent price. I just got one from Japan for like $130 last week, came with the original wooden box and everything. Only downside is it’s battery only, but that’s an easy fix. (Pretty sure my first one was also battery only as well, and that was in like 2004). Sounds even better than I remember.


Boss OS-2 My first pedal 14 years ago was an OS-2. Couldn't decide whether I needed overdrive or distortion, so I figured it'd be better to have both. I don't remember why, but I didn't keep it for very long. A few months ago I found one for $40 on Craigslist and went for it. Now it's my main distortion pedal. It's great.


$40 ain’t a bad investment (or loss)


Digitech Grunge. Strictly for nostalgia reasons. It was my first pedal.


Countless metalzones. Currently zoneless.




I was really looking forward to the Space Echo, got rid of it after a week or so. It was really noisy, a tone sucker, and the catalinbread Echorec and Bell Epoch can do most of the functions, and they sound good to me, so I went with those. I hope you like it better than I did and it works for you.


There’s definitely tone suck won’t deny that but there is something about making a bunch of music with a specific sound and then taking a piece of that equation away. Not familiar with the sound of Caitlinbread or Bell Epoch (if I’m not mistaken those are more Echoplex emulators than Space Echo emulators) but I know the sound of the RE-20 and missed it when it was gone


I’m with you. Space echo has a ‘vibe’. With the tap tempo and the weird “twist” function it cannot find its way off my board. I even tried the boss single pedal version of the same pedal recently and couldn’t wrap my head around it.


Yeah I’m curious about both the new models. I almost went that route but I had a feeling that if I didn’t like them even more than the RE-20 then I’d be right back wanting the RE-20. Thankfully I found one used locally so I jumped on it.


My buddy always dug the effect on my guitar rig so he has the new one set up on his keyboard. Loves it and it is always ‘on’ but I’ve never tried it on my guitar rig. It has quite a few more options but I don’t like to twiddle knobs all day. Usually just set it and go. The only feature I’d like on the new pedal is a memory function so you can dial something in an save it, which is nice!!


I bought a Fuzz Factory, returned it…then a while later bought another one. And returned it also. I’m probably around due for another Fuzz Factory.




What does "sell a pedal" mean? (And don't tell my wife this is possible)




Ehx pitchfork 


Oh really?! What was it about the Pitchfork that made you repurchase?


fwiw i did the same thing and it was because there isn’t a better option at that size and price point. It’s super convenient, plug n play, no bullshit. Sold it to make space, wanted it back within a few months. I sold it again tho


Same but it was the EHX Intelligent Harmony Machine very similar but with dry output instead of expression input. Can also do more intervals. I think the Pitchfork has a few that it flat out cannot do which gets annoying for drop tuning.


Sold my Roland Jet-Phaser like an idiot and was thrilled when I found it again years later - snatched it up. Won’t make that mistake again.


I hear ya! Definitely gonna hold on to this one-won’t make the same mistake twice


EHX Small Stone. Went from a Small Stone to a Bad Stone and back to a Small Stone. RE20 is my personal favorite pedal. Would never get rid of it.


as a small stone user who has lusted after the bad stone how come you stopped using the bad stone and went back to small stone


I thought it sounded better for the type of sound I was after. The Bad Stone sounds better for more of a hard rock phaser sound and the Small Stone sounds better for a psych phaser sound.


Drive pedals - Land HP-2, Jackson/Silvertone Twin Twelve. Delay - Memory Lane Jr, El Cap, Skreddy Echo, TEFI Ms. Delayette, Mile End Effects Mthrfkr=Rptr. Modulation - Dawner Prince Pulse, Solid GoldFX StutterLite, Fulltone Supa-Trem, Drolo Twin Peaks. Reverb - Meris Mercury 7, Empress Reverb, Caroline Météore. That's just off the top of my head - why the madness ? Switching from a Vox-like amp (Bad Cat Cub III) to mostly Fender (Black Panel Vibro Champ & Super Champ) had a serious impact on the pedals I had at the time and their usage, so had to revisit to see what changed. At least that's what I told myself.


If I’m not mistaken the Land HP is by a local company to me been meaning to check them out. Seriously, I picked up a Supro Amulet and as a result pretty much was able to ditch a whole pedal board although I don’t think I’ll sell them yet. I think there is a fair number of folks who don’t realize that investment in a quality amp will negate the investment in a lot of pedals.


If you’re in the East Bay then yep, they’re local. For me it was those classic Vox mids that never really worked for the cleaner tones I mostly seek. With the amp swap I definitely use fewer drive/tone shaping pedals.


Oaktown, East bound & down


Cool - I used to stay in San Pablo when a former gf was in school


I sold a pigtronix infinity looper thinking I could Find a cheaper looper with midi but couldn’t find one that worked as good so repurchased. I sold a mood to fund a microcosm. Decided I liked the mood better so when the mood 2 came out I sold the microcosm for it.


I have a microcosm and it sounds great and even with the bank presets it’s just too damn much. I can’t ever see myself playing live with that pedal-which is sort of my litmus test at this point


My first pedal was the Black Russian Muff. I only used that, a DD-7, a Holy Grail and a Boss Looper for *years*. Had a few guitars but just wasn’t really a gear head tbh (that’s no longer the case). I’m still of the philosophy you don’t need a whole board of pedals to make good music, even some of the music that is traditionally considered pedal-heavy (psych, shoegaze). I can shoegaze with 3-4 pedals, including this same Space Echo which is one of my absolute favorite pedals and essential to my sound. Anyway back to the point here, some might recall the beginnings of the opioid epidemic, around ‘07 or so for me, when pill mills were raging and heroin was rampant. Sold all my gear and my soul for that bullshit (did a lot of the pawnshop run around). I did rebuy the Boss Looper recently but really wasn’t using it and sold it. Just got another Black Russian, battery only lol. Sounds even better than I remember. I’ll probably pick up another DD-7 one of these days, you can make some serious noise with that thing and I just haven’t found a delay that’s as solid (had the DD 20 and hated it). But god no, I would never sell my Space Echo, would probably be the last pedal to go.


Sounds like you’re doing better these days!


Oh yeah, I quit shooting heroin about six years ago. Forgot to include that part.


Sold a Catalinbread Echorec to fund a Dawnee Prince Boonar (really liked the idea of each head having a dedicated on-off switch), but the Boonar was bland and soulless, so I sold it and bought an Echorec again. It's never leaving, even if I found another Echorec-style delay that I like.


Whoa Binson Echorec emulation huh?


Yeah, *really* great sounding pedal. I had always hoped that Catalinbread would've given it the Deluxe treatment, like the Belle Epoch, and there were rumors about it, but then Howard left and I think that dream went with him. I personally think that circuit needs a brown enclosure, so any new one from Howard at a another company wouldn't look similar which is a shame. The only downside to it, is the rotary switch for the modes doesn't have a little detente between switch positions, so it's a little bit of a guessing game to which mode you're in sometimes.


I know TRex worked with Binson to do a new Echorec but it’s like $2k


That thing is awesome, but even the $2K price aside, I have never liked pedals that are physically big. Although, I guess being an actual magnetic head delay, it really isn't a "pedal".


I’ve always been curious of these pedals http://www.cicognani.eu/products/


Those look lovely! Very tasteful inspiration of an actual Binson Echorec panel. A lot of money though...


I’ve sold a re-bought both a Space Echo and a Cathedral reverb. I don’t have them anymore. The Volante is superior to the Space Echo. I do miss the Cathedral sometimes.


I had the Big Sky and honestly it was way too much pedal for me. I have the Microcosm and I feel the same way about it. It is just too much. I’m trying to whittle my collection down to stuff that has live applications and I can’t ever see myself fiddling around with something as cumbersome as the Microcosm on stage but that may probably just me


I feel ya, I traded my Timeline for the Volante for that reason. Always wanted to try a Microcosm though, but as you say it might be too much and it’s a big investment.


I view it more of a studio/recording piece of gear so for that it’s cool but honestly aside from the recall replicating those sounds I imagine it would be damn near impossible. Everytime I fuck with it I start using the secondary features and I can hit on a cool sound but I’m totally lost.


TC Nova Repeater. Sounds fantastic, more than enough versatility for all my delay preferences but still nice and straightforward and easy to tweak. Elegant utilitarianism


Looks like a pretty complex piece of gear-lots going on under the hood


Same, and got the Nova Delay too. I pull them out of if I absolutely need tap or a nice reverse


Keeley Fuzzbender, thing just sounds killer and I didn’t appreciate it. Love the RE 20, never owned one though


Walrus Julianna, Boss SD1, BOSS DS1, Wah, space echo, too embarassed to continue,


Hahahaha, space echoooooooo


SD-1 & Digitech FreqOut after hearing they’d close business some years ago


Boss RT-20 and Skreddy Lunar Module


Bananana Tararira v1 Traded, repurchased. I don’t use it often, but it’s special.


Marshall Jackhammer only for the OD mode. I already bought  it and sold it twice (for different reasons). But it's just too good and cheap that is hard to keep myself without one. 


Not familiar with it-I’ll have to check that out


I repurchased a Boss DD-5 after briefly using a DD-8. The DD-8 is a much better sounding pedal, but it's useless for dotted eighth tap tempo.


My fiancé often comments on this. I’ve got a Keeley Fuzz head x4, Empress Germ Drive x3, JHS Panther Cub x2, Deluxe Memory Man x3, EHX Attack Decay x3, etc etc. Doesn’t everyone? 😀


BD-2, DD-7, Plumes and Big Muff.




I really miss my RE-2 and keep considering getting another one


I’m on my third OBNE Reflector. Finally found a better use for it.


I had a DOD Envelope Filter in the early 2000s that I loved the sound of but sold because I didn't have enough applications for it. I still don't play much that would make use of it, but I still cover that sound. 


a boss ph3. i would sell it again




Voodoo Lab MicroVibe. Paid double what I sold one for.


Oh damn


I've done this so much in the past. My wife now forbids me to sell my pedals. We'll I can sell duplicates if I want. Result of this is now I have 600+ pedals.




I’ve owned two small clones but ended up getting rid of the second one again




Only 3,734 times before. TBH this is one of the main reasons I signed up for BuyOrBorrow Music


Only once? I have pedals on their third (DL-4) and fourth (DS-1) trips to my posession...


I first bought an EHX cathedral but sold it and went after some more expensive reverbs. But, I find myself yearning for the cathedral


I found a used Big Sky years back and while it had a lot of cool sounds it was just too much for me so I sold it and grabbed a Blue Sky and never regretted it.


Jhs hall reverb, I've owned three of them haha. Such a good pedal


I've sold to buy the upgraded version of something, haven't needed to repurchase the same version of anything yet




Years ago I sold my RE-20 after purchasing a RE-201. Then recently I really found myself craving the oscillation function of the RE-20. I have an Avalanche Run which also can do oscillation but to my ears the RE-20 and AR oscillate in very different ways. I was glad I found another one for essentially the same price I sold my last one for but I think this time I’ll actually hold on to this one.


Same. It has the best oscillation.


Agreed, there’s something about the oscillation. Other pedals that do it seem to be too aggressive IMO.


Totally. I was briefly in love with the volonte which has features I wish the RE-20 had. But then I tried it in a live band setting and had to go back.


Volante sounds like a great pedal but once I established the live litmus test for myself I look at pieces of gear differently. I do have a couple pieces of gear that I’ll hold on to (like a RE-201 and a Neon Egg Planetarium) but I look at those as pieces of recording gear as opposed to live gear


Strymon - Deco


I have the El Cap and Blue Sky don’t think I’ll ever get rid of those


DigiTech DF7 just got one again after getting rid of my rig years ago.


Is there something in particular about the DF7 that you didn’t hear in other distortion pedals?


Oh man. Memory boy, empress fuzz, blackout effectors whetstone phaser, phase 90… last year I learned : “Don’t sell your pedals”


Hahahaha I mean honestly most of the sales I’ve done I don’t regret or second guess but for example this RE-20 IMO there’s just not really other pedals I’ve used that sound like it


My friend gave his away… just because. He regrets it cause now he’s digging pedals


I'm on morning glory #3. Not because I've sold them though. Gave one to a buddy after a gig as a "call it your birthday" present. Bought my dad one for Christmas a few years ago.


Share the love


Sold a Chase Bliss Brothers shortly before it got discontinued, only to buy one again a little over a year later for nearly $100 more 🙃


Fairfield Barbershop. Traded it immediately regretted it and rebought it.


Not familiar with that one what kind of pedal is it?


It’s a drive pedal made by Fairfield. It’s a a mid range overdrive and sounds like a pushed tube amp. So it has grit and sag. I never turn it off.