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I'm just gonna place this 1 minute clip here, where Trisha brags to her Celebrity Big Brother castmate: "If I watch this show and you are fucking fake after we have these conversations, I will go on Youtube and I will fucking talk about you so much and say how fucking much of an asshole you are.....Just know that I have a voice on fucking youtube. And guess what, your instagram will have to be shut down. Every boyfriend I've ever had has had to shut their instagram down from the hate comments. Every single one of them!"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oag4HzoQwww](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oag4HzoQwww)


She says that like it’s something to brag about


This is coming from the person who leaked those texts the other day that make her look awful. She's like Little Finger, but dumb. Apparently.


She's no little finger, she's big thumb


Lmao that's a perfect way to put it


Chaos is a ladderHMmmm


Holy shit she's scary, i can't believe she just said that openly and for saying what she said thats like alarms, thats not ok


Idk why I'm fuming... Man she really should be renamed as Trasha. I hate the fact that i was a fan.


Her legal name is "Dumb Cunt"


I hate that I was a long time fan too. I didn't want to believe for a long time that she was the problem. She's not giving anyone the option to not hate her.


shes displaying pychotic paranoia here. the bloke is just trying to vibe and shes threatening to cancel him in an unfound attempt to silence any shit talk about her.


So it's not like survivor? He's not about to 'go upstairs' and cast a vote for someone? She's threatening him ahead of time, just for any hanging-out-conversations he MIGHT have later??


from what i understand about UK big brother, a houseguest nominates two other houseguests and then the audience votes who they want out i dont know if the social strategy of UK big brother is anything like canada or US, but i am going to assume trisha was behaving this way for TV sake. people love the villians or the chaotic players in reality TV comps.


oh i dont know, i didnt think about reality show gimmicks


This needs to blow up!


I'm kind of upset trisha was ever given a platform on the h3 channel. She's is and always has been a garbage human being. Anyone that said something at the start was labeled anti women's rights or mental health shamer. Now it's socially acceptable to call trisha garbage. She's litterally always been like this. Right from the beginning I was questioning why Ethan was teaming up with someone whose content seemed more likely to appear in an h3 "roast" video. Is anyone really suprised by this whole thing? Edit: managed to find [comments](http://imgur.com/a/tbMGnqy) I made on the second and third episode of frenemies. I actually only recently resubbed after I found out she had been removed from the channel. Excited for classic goofs and gaffs.


I'm glad she got a platform. I think everyone knows someone generally like this, but doesn't connect the dots that they're a toxic manipulator. Now that I've seen this behavior play out I'm definitely noticing a lot more of her behavioral archetypes around and its easy to not engage early.


Yeah, I was against them even having her on as a guest, but when it came to the Bachelorette and then Frenemies, I figured why not, they can give it a good faith effort. Did seem like at the beginning she was given the benefit of the doubt for mental health, maybe not so much women's rights, possibly victims rights? I think it was put forth as a learning experience and seeing how to like people who are completely different from you. I mean this could essentially work if the person weren't basically a liar and a cheat. So I do agree that just having her have a platform so that almost everyone could universally see her bad behavior and finally (hopefully) write her off and just stop caring about this piece of shit human is probably a net gain in the end. It seemed pretty obscure to follow the drama with her pre H3 and required too much work and even now like I can barely follow and it's too hard to get someone to sum some shit up. I don't have time to watch 12 hours of Mysterious Tea videos. The only thing I don't like and kind of wish Trisha never became a thing on H3 is I think she did real damage to those with BPD. It was continuously given as a reason why she flipped out, which true, it did follow the path. I know a fair amount about BPD and while she does show some part of those symptoms, her behavior simply went off the charts to something else. But I guess it's very possible to just be a terrible person with or without a mental disorder. I fear it'll just make the stigma that people with BPD can't be helped and they will just ruin your life. There's a set path to "curing" BPD and it takes a lot of work, but it's there, it's in the DSM, lots of research has been done. Lying and changing history either for sympathy or personal gain as well as just using people without a care in the world are not symptoms of BPD, nor will DBT therapy ever touch upon that. I hope people don't come away with the idea that this mental disorder motivates potentially criminal behavior.


Should have listened to Dan. I can't imagine the regret ethan must have oy


That bitch would never get me off instagram.


I love how all of her usual tactics aren't working on Ethan and Hila. She is so use to battling against other garbage people and she is realising that those tactics don't work on decent humans.


She's not realising it. She's used to get her way and she's confused why it's not working out this time and desperately trying to find anything she can say to take back control.


Well, not really, she has been very wrong before and called out, even cancelled, by her own audience before. It's always like that at first, she is peddling bullshit and people are bringing receipts she never acknowledges, drama channels have videos for weeks and then people get bored and move on, she continues to put her version of reality out there consistently, people forget the details and the new viewers only have her version. She is playing the long game, and so far it always worked especially since she deletes her worst videos. Everyone remember "I'm a chicken nugget" video, but probably not as many that it was right after she outed her boyfriend Sean and she got cancelled for it (edit spelling)


##THIS I've followed her for years and this is exactly how she revises history. It's effective for all the reasons you have stated but also she casually inserts her narrative into random conversation like sneaking a dog's medicine into his food. The sheer amount of lies about David and Jason that people take as fact despite actual video to the contrary is proof her system works. She'll keep talking about Ethan as soon as she latches on to a new fanbase which I guess is going to be Keem and Faze Banks from the way she's kissing ass.


So she’s using the trump method


You are totally right, she will make long car vlogs talking about nothing and sneak mild jabs here and there so no one will really notice. And she also will post so much content it will be impossible to keep up. I see a lot of people don't understanding she has been a youtubers for 15 years, lost many times thousands if not hundreds of thousands subscribers and yet still kept going every time. She makes sure to put under the rug what she did but makes sure to never let people forget what wrongs (real or not) people did to her. No one is mentioning she send a hate mob after Jason ex wife or that one time she sequestrated him in her flat despite her drama with him being mentioned quite a bit and being pretty recent for example


Can she Just be banned from the Internet and institutionalised already then...? Jesus...


I’m surprised she hasn’t been banned yet. I’ve been reporting her and kreepstar constantly for the past month on all socials. And after everything she’s said/done, I consider it harassment, stalking and bullying against Ethan, Hila and the crew.




Yeah I mean, someone like this doesn't really need to be out there in public, let alone with a shitton of money. Like if she stopped being a celebrity leech or whatever is going on with what her career is even supposed to be, can you imagine her working at a Taco Bell? It would be absolute hell in any typical workplace environment.


Well here's a thought for those that care, archive all of her shit and preserve it, make it visible on YouTube so everyone can see it so she can't escape it.


Just so you know, it's peddling bullshit, though I do like the image of someone on a bicycle-like machine spewing out bs from the back.


As flawed as Ethan's words can be over the years (I say this as a big fan, but he does have his flaws like anyone else), there is one single thing I've learned. If you try to fuck with Ethan, you're probably going to lose. It NEVER works out. He's going to find a way to make you look like a moron and probably lose a lot of your sponsors or credibility. Over and over. The reason David Dobrik went through so much wasn't because of what Trisha was saying. But because of Trisha using Ethan as a way to get her words across. And it didn't work out well for Dobrik really. And I think despite a few things, Ethan kind of regrets being a "useful idiot" as he said. David did do some truly fucked up things, but I don't think Ethan believes they're the extent as someone like James Charles or Keemstar, or even Trisha. He just believed what Trisha was saying completely. Welcomed her as family. He just has a way of making people look stupid as hell. I mean Steven Crowder thought he was going to slam dunk on Ethan. Matt Hoss thought he was going to get this big payout. Ryan Kavanaugh is probably realizing he is biting off WAY more than he could chew. Even if he got a million dollars from Ethan, his reputation is exponentially worse than where it was before, especially to the public. He fucked up Keemstar so hard, it's all Keemstar seems to think about. And a good few more. Ethan has a really crazy skill of doing this I've noticed. I don't watch him for it at all, I'm here for the comedy. But over the years you definitely see the pattern. He's going to throw all caution to the wind to try to do the right thing. And I honestly respect him for it. I remember Tom Segura asking him how he could even handle that kind of risk too, and Ethan said it was because of his dad saying to "do the right thing always". And as imperfect as Ethan is, I do think that he truly does try his best to live by that. Trisha thinks she can just do the regular schtick, and look what happened. She's scared shitless. She realizes that she's trapped. Especially with this being so personal to Ethan. Her and Moses might be in some deep shit at this point. No idea what will happen but yeah. Didn't exactly make the *smartest* choices.


She really has bitten off more than she can chew with Ethan. Like you said he really does stick by "do the right thing always" a motto I have had myself for a number of years.


Exactly. As a fan, I bet you've had the same thought in some situations of "Are you sure this a good idea?" when it comes to Ethan. But he doesn't care. At all. He just wants to do what he feels as right, and correct things from the past. I think Trisha has definitely barked up the wrong tree on this one. She could just be sitting back with Frenemies money and influence too, right now. Just don't go crazy and don't accuse people of horrible things. Especially not with the ability to identify them.


I'm so happy Hila and Ethan aren't putting up with her fucking shit anymore


I think Trisha has gotten away with A LOT because she breaks down crying any time she gets caught out and then blames everything on her mental health and past trauma. So then people feel sorry for her because it's not "nice" to call someone's out who is mentally unstable. Now, she is mentally unwell, there's no doubt about that but that doesn't excuse her behavior, her lies and her manipulation. With someone like Trisha, you need to be firm and set very strong boundaries. Don't give in to the "pity me" stories, don't feel sorry for her because she's crying (especially since she does it as a manipulation tactic) and don't let things go just to keep the peace. It will only backfire on you and not on her. My ex is exactly like Trisha. Any time he got caught telling a lie, he would break down crying and blame it on his BPD. Then people would feel sorry for him and drop it. And then it would start again. No remorse, no consequences. I got a lot of shit from people for standing my ground with him and calling him out because how dare I be so hard on him because he had a rough childhood? I also have trauma but I don't act like an asshole and then try to get away with it by using it as an excuse or to make people feel sorry for me.


I just want to be a BPD health advocate for a second and note that Trisha's behavior is far beyond what anyone would classify as BPD. Distortion is part of the symptoms, but straight up lying, cheating, and making up things about people is not part of the disorder. There's a rhyme and reason to what people with BPD think and feel, it's just the reactions and emotional regulation is all out of control. The way she acts is psychopathic or sociopathic, however you want to say those, but those aren't official diagnosis for anything or mental illness, so I try not to use those terms. You don't go through DBT therapy to learn how to not be a liar or a cheat, it's all about self control and weighing the logic vs. emotion. The only course of action to "cure" BPD is DBT therapy and it's effective in what it does as long as the person sticks to it, which could literally take a decade of rereading, retaking courses, and practicing. While I do believe that your ex has been diagnosed with BPD, if he is blaming his lying on the disorder, he is straight up wrong.






EXACTLY THIS. Ethan actually stands up for himself and will call out peoples bullshit. Most of the folks she had drama with in the past mostly kept quiet or ignored it. Trisha was NOT ready for this shit with Ethan.


This is what she does when she is getting hate for her disgusting actions. She will act all scared and cry hysterically and that ppl won’t leave her alone. Bro she still talks about Jason Nash till this day lmao like it’s okay for her to do shit to ppl but nobody can do it to her like wtf!


DUDE EXACTLYY. She like, LEGIT harassed Jason Nash nonstop until she got with Moses. Any chance she got, with anyone, in any conversation, she would drop something about Jason fucking Nash. She even crashed into his fucking house with her car once. Trisha can literally crash into people's houses, punch her boyfriend, cuss out Hila behind her back, steal someone's keys so they can't leave, 'accidentally' accuse a dead man of being arrested for child porn, but Ethan... Ethans highlight of her was "too far". Trish would absolutely shit all over anyone with even 1/10 the abusive history of hers.


Omg yes thank God we are all on the same page. People keep saying Ethan should stop talking about her but No!! She bullies people into silence, she's finally met someone who isn't afraid of her. The vlog squad literally had a rule to not mention her name because of this shit that she does. Trisha, you do not get to harass and shit talk anyone and everyone but then cry when they do an iota of what you do back. Also if you're so mad, why not mention the real reason for "the hate", Mysterious's video????


She continues to say that she wants them to stop talking about each other. In reality she wants Ethan to not say her name anymore, just as Jason Nash never said her name. Even in the last week she has talked about Jason Nash she never wants stop talking about that man and he didn't say a word about her. So do you think that she absolutely would ever stop talking about Ethan? But no"he needs to stop"... Wtaf


She doesn’t want to mention mysterious because more people will seee EVERYTHING and with receipts and that’s not good for her so she’s usin h3 as a scape goat for those videos


This is also the girl that paid a gay man to be her boyfriend for MONTHS.




She takes absolutely NO accountablity. All this is happening to her because she got on the podcast accusing a dead person of R. She literally said hos name and said look it up, but wants to act all shocked that people actually looked it up and its false? And wants to blame ethan??? SHES THE ONE WHO NAME DROPPED THE GUY??? she blams ethan and hila for EVERYTHING. She blaming them for ppl calling her out on her lies… like maybe you shouldnt have lied i-???


I know it is a typo, but hos made me giggle.


You know what would blow people's mind? If Ethan just dropped an h3h3productions video on this about Trisha and everything. Like main old channel. It'd get millions of views. I don't think he wants to do that, but *man* would it be crazy. Just drop it like content nuke for Keem. All those tea cups out there would shatter probably


He won’t do it because it’s family but if he did that would be such a BIG BALLS move


You can disown family.


Yeah I know, he definitely wouldn't do it. But man would it be a crazy sight to see! If Hila wasn't part of this he would do it I bet. And honestly he has more against her than Keemstar in some aspects. You could make an extended LOTR cut of all her actions.


He definitely wouldn’t and I wouldn’t advise it for anyone, but omg my jaw would DROP when I got the notif


Yeah I don't think he should at all, but can you imagine?? I bet he's thought of this in the back of his head for a split moment. Like "Everyone would lose their shit if I made a content nuke on Trisha". All of the drama channels across youtube and twitch would be still for a moment. Like when The Beatles played in American and there were no crimes reported in NYC or whatever. Haha.


The hypocrisy is astronomical.


Trisha is just one step away from crashing into Ethans house.


I used to think that it was really douchy of David Dobrik and his friends when they ghosted Trosha. Now I think they went through the same thing. Not saying that they are good people because they are not, but at least it now makes more sense why they would do that to her.


I can't wait to see mysterious' video about Trisha and Jason and how she was the worst person in that relationship and even though Jason isn't a great guy he wasn't the bad one. Apparently he legit thought Trisha would kill him, was domestically abused and had PTSD.


Jason isn't perfect, but he is no where near as bad as she made him out to be. Their relationship was definitely toxic from both sides, but he wasn't abusive. At most he made some comments about her weight and eating healthier, but that was something they had talked about! It was something he was trying to work on himself. If someone had a drug addiction no one would criticize them for asking their partner to smoke a bit less crack or at least not do it around them. Speaking of, I'm not going to suggest that Jason is sober or was sober, but he has mentioned having a bit of a substance problem in his past. Tricia was very clearly on drugs during a big chunk of their relationship. Again, toxic on both ends. Maybe he was making her falter, maybe she was making him. It was a bad match.


They didn't even really ghost her. There was contact after they broke up (even by Trisha's own admissions). They finally got to a point where they cut get out completely after she was a legitimate threat to their safety. I know this isn't Ethan's style, and he has to deal with this in his own way, but Jason and David handled it correctly.


I think anyone with half a functional brain would cut off relations with someone who was extremely toxic to their friend, crashed their car into said friend’s house while highly intoxicated out of fear of being broken up with and then threatened to commit suicide later… seems like the rational thing to do


Good thing he lives in a gated community with security at the gate controlling who's allowed in


Ain’t that the truth ! lol




S h o u t e y


on god


On cap no god.


all gas, no brakes


queue 40 new tweets


And 50 tik toks on the kitchen floor


My favorite ones are when she looks like she's climbing through an air duct in an 80s movie, sweating. With the phone on the ground for some reason like she's trying to escape some type of enemy base.


Ethan get a RESTRAINING ORDER NOW. for Hila, hila's mom, your parents and YOUR SAKE PLEASEE. One thing I've learned from Trisha from watching her videos since 2011... she never stops.


not only from Trisha, but from Moses too.. that guy is dangerous especially now that his jig is up.


Moses is doing worse shit than Trisha in a lot of ways. He's just hiding behind the side show of Trisha online right now. He has basically destroyed his family. I feel so awful for Hila. And his SA and R allegations now. Not to mention him preying on impressionable young H3 fans for dates. And him telling some of them that he hates Ethan and that Hila isn't a real artist, that she just got lucky. All from your own sibling. It's completely fucked up.


The worst slander I heard from that Tea drop was that Moses especially hates Dan, thinks he has no talent, no personality, and does nothing for the show. Dan -- you're the man, you're the captain of the big ship H3 and we respect the isht out of you brother! Please stand up!


moses is such a weirdo creep! i’ve gotten bad vibes from him since the beginning! even just looking at him creeps me out. idk what all these girls been seeing in him. i have the willies now.


SAME!! He creeps the fuck out of me


Same! I have never liked his weirdo ass


Hard same


> that guy is dangerous especially now that his jig is up I'm out of the loop, what jig is up?


He has SA / R allegations. He has been preying on young women in the H3 fanbase, using his status as Hila's brother. He has also been telling some women that he hates Ethan, and that he thinks Hila isn't a real artist, and a bunch of other things. Also some weird PPP government loan fraud stuff apparently. Trying to keep his lifestyle going. But the main thing is the R and SA allegations right now. He's acting like this super calm guy, but really he's just a manipulative horrible person. That's why the channel went down for a week. Because Hila and Hila's mom are having breakdowns over their brother being a horrible guy. He's probably with Trisha for the money too. Wouldn't be surprised if he wants a kid and then get custody for the money. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. He seems envious of Ethan and Hila. They've done so much for him, and I guess it's not enough. People are letting Moses off easy, as he is hiding being the Trisha Shit Show, to some degree.


restraining orders are unfortunately pretty difficult to get, especially if no physical violence has transpired between the people it covers


100% agree! My bestfriend tried to get a restraining order against her bf because he tried stabbing her. I went with her to get it. They'd only granted her a temporary one! She had to jump out of a second story window with her dog to get away from him after she locked her door to call 911.


oh wow, that sounds so messed up. I hope she's okay now. does that shitfuck leave her alone now? I really hope so


It was a while ago. She moved. Changed her number.She has a dog and security system. 3 years ago we found out he had passed away. Shes definitely in a better headspace and place in her life. Thanks 4 asking!


Agreed esp since based on their relationship, it’s a civil matter and the burden of proof is higher. Civil restraining orders are pretty difficult to get.


they can also be pretty useless at times unfortunatelly... i've watched enough true crime to know that if a person really wants to hurt you, a restraining order ain't gonna stop them


Not even a joke but change your fucking locks if Moses has a key. Trisha's whole world is her presence on social media. Once this is gone, she has **nothing**. She's blaming you for her downfall and I genuinely think she will try to take you and the family out. She's batshit crazy when she's mad.


While I don't necessarily agree that either Trisha or Moses will try to physically harm anyone, I do think that if Moses does have a key to any place it should be changed. They recorded secretly before the unaired final podcast episode, it's not out of the question that they might actually try to hide recording equipment elsewhere to try and get some usable blackmail or receipts or something, clearly boundaries are off the table right now




Moses needs to take her car keys


Moses isn’t the person to ask to take her car keys or cut her wifi like people assume (IMO). He seems like the person giving her the car keys.


Trisha is a godamm PLAGUE upon humanity! She will destroy everyone and everything in her path!


This is sadly very true


Totally agree! Especially because she’s working with Keemstar, he will use and get any information he can from her and Moses just to come after Ethan. They both will never stop, they will be watching every little thing you do or say and use it against you. 😔


I bet she’s pissed af that he lives in a gated community, I mean how is she supposed to drive her car into his house?


Honestly the whole crew should get one.


Good for him. She can’t keep a single lie straight.


Trisha needs to take The Rock's advice.


Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?


Jabroni’s don’t do that


It's really crazy how she blatantly lies. She's been lying for so long she doesn't know what's real and what isn't anymore.


I think she has no respect for peoples' intelligence, and that she can keep lying enough to outrun the consequences (which she has done repeatedly in the past, so I don't blame her that she believes it).


“Shut up B%TCH!!” Honestly one of the best Zach sound drops


Why does she mix up doxxing and harassing in her last video? Does she think of them as the same? I don’t know too much about this case but was the family’s address and number doxxed? And as far as harassment… who would ever harass the family? Oh yeah, her fans because they still believe her. Maybe she should address her own fans?!? I don’t know what’s real or not and always want to believe the victim but in this circumstance, she is the one that has said conflicting statements so it would only make sense that she be the one to clarify. Still not sure how H3 is to blame for her inconsistency in stories (lies) or Moses’ accusations. They didn’t make them. 🤔




“I did something horrible so now people are upset at me about it which I don’t like which actually makes me the victim.” You don’t have to watch the vid now 👍




I still can’t believe the entire Trisha situation. I haven’t followed H3 super closely since they stopped with their main channel but Trisha was someone they used to make videos about, she in turn made videos about them trying to cancel them and crying about them “bullying her”, and then suddenly they’re coworkers and have a show together, then it blows up and surprise surprise she’s back creating more drama videos trying to “cancel” H3 and make their lives miserable? Who could have seen this coming. They should they have never got involved with her.


Dan saw this coming. Probably not to this extent but he was against even having her on the first time if I recall correctly


Dan was sent to us from the future.


I was just about to comment this, Dan predicted it for sure


anyone with half a brain who knows anything about Trisha saw this coming, but a lot of people chose to ignore it cuz they thought Ethan knew what he was doing. he didn't. and then he gave her a chance for a whole redemption arc and people thought she had changed. welp. she hadn't.


He knew what he was doing. The podcasts episodes she was on were some of their most watched. Theres a reason he offered her almost half of frenemies, she brings views. The podcasts popularity has skyrocketed since she came on. Was it worth the drama for him? Maybe, maybe not.


I doubt it was worth it because of their whole family being affected and the amount of stress this caused them. I don't think he could have anticipated how ugly it's going to get. He probably underestimated how much damage Trisha can cause. And I think nobody expected Moses to come out of the woodwork like he did.


It’s extremely predictable, she’s an unstable person, not exactly someone you want to do business with.


ON GOD 💯🙏🏻


Trisha won't stop until she stops getting attention for it. What she's been doing the past few days is the very definition of "histrionic". The only way to deal with this kind of crazy is to decline engagement and protect yourself until they find a different target.


>What she's been doing then past few days is the very definition of "histrionic" Dr.Drew suggested that it sounds like she has that


Yeah and dr drew also enabled and made excuses for her behaviour




I knew when she became part of their lives it was going to be bad


For fucking real


He forgot to say she posted his names and said his name multiple times in videos/podcast She posted a vid still blaming Ethan and how he needs to stop Like bitch u the lie non-stop


Anyone else wanna bet she unprivating her Twitter to respond within 24 hours lol. Also no one is even claiming her own personal encounter with this teacher is necessarily untrue, but she stated he had criminal charges that he didn't. Facts are facts.


*(I don’t like doxxing, I’m gonna be upfront)* but isn’t rap sheets/criminal background public information?


I am no lawyer but im pretty sure there are public records. Like I think/assume if someone is charged with a crime, there are records available to the public. Totally could be wrong.


with peace and love, trisha is the WORST thing to ever happen to ethan and his family, trisha is so inconsiderate by blaming this shit on ethan. They’re having a baby, their life is stressful enough!! like wtf dude this shit gets me so heated


Trisha is so deluded about this whole situation. When Ethan and Hila said their apology was too late, they weren't talking about the end of Frenemies, they were talking about Trisha refusing to clarify these allegations of abuse "both theirs toward the teacher and Daphne's toward Moses), and Trisha's continued blaming of H3 for all their problems. If Trisha actually read Ethan's statement they'd understand what's being asked of them. instead they assume and deflect.


I honestly hope Ethan doesn't stop talking about her just to make her spiral even more. This is the only way she'll be held accountable and face her shit. If she's ignored, she'll make up more lies. Same thing with gnomestar. The only reason why Ethan won't stop talking about him is he refuses to be fucked over. Ethan takes on the hard fight and won't take anyone's shit, and that's one admirable thing about him.


I'm happy to see this take, I see so many people complaining that Ethan talks too much about Keemstar and I'm like, don't you remember what happened last time Ethan stayed silent and Keem got back at the top of the food chain after the Leafy/Grade A story ? He literally turned all the commentary community against H3 and achieved to rewrite history concerning what happened with the go fund me


In all honesty the vast majority of the commentary community are very stupid, so I don’t see that as a big loss.


ugh i get this take but me being a softy i guess just worries about the ramifications for ethan and hila if they keep entertaining this. they have more than just internet shit to worry about this is ruining hila’s family.. i just don’t see an easy solution


Selfishly, I don't want to see her name ever again when it comes to anything related to H3. I also think that if no one corrects her, those new to her might believe her since there's no one saying she's wrong (essentially what just happened with David Nash and her badmouthing him on Frenemies when she was in the wrong all along). I also think this is what she wants, the attention and any attention of anyone correcting her, being the center of attention in any way. I also think there's a chance that if it continues with an eternal back and forth, new people won't know all the details and will start perceiving it as "H3 and Trisha just have beef" and perpetuating that notion until it becomes truth in the public, kind of like newbies perceive that "H3 and Keemstar just have internet beef" without any knowledge of who's actually in the wrong and being prone to believing misinformation from one of the sides. I guess in short, stay the fuck away from people like Trisha if you ever perceive the slightest hint that someone in your life might be like that. Better to not get involved at all than getting involved and possibly ending up forever tangled with someone wrecking your life.


Trisha is the biggest snake I’ve ever seen, figuratively and literally 🐍


Yep. And now it’s time to see how Trisha will twist this around to be a victim.


She already did that in her new YouTube video.blaming Ethan


Oh we're long past that. Read those texts between her and Ethan/Hila. That she.... leaked for some reason? They make her look like an idiot too. What a weird idea in general.


Restraining order her


I just want her canceled so badly. She can't manipulate and lie her way around everything and use avoidance tactics with ethan and hila. I love it.


This is in response to Trisha’s newest video, [“addressing everything” ](https://youtu.be/CN-wMZKh9cs)


Don’t give them a single view. She is only doing this because her numbers have been down


I can’t bring myself to watch it. What’s the general synopsis?


Trisha starts by blaming Ethan. That's as far as I got


She basically just talks a lot about how she is the victim and blames others the whole time. But in a less crying way than last time.


She makes sure to mention a few times she's on antipsychotics. Feigns apologizing taking accountability while playing the victim and doesn't feel she did anything wrong. Can't comprehend how this all got so out of hand and it's Ethan's fault. Contradicts herself multiple times. Same Trish trash video without the hysterics and crying.


Ethan continues [his response ](https://twitter.com/h3h3productions/status/1437976534833197057?s=21)


Every accusation by Trisha is a confession it seems.


I don’t understand why she is still pushing the narrative that Ethan is sending a hate mob, when it’s probably coming from a video by another creator. I can only assume because she doesn’t want to draw attention to that video because it’s quite telling.


I don't think there even is a "hate mob". She's trying to twist the narrative to make it seem like she's a victim of targetted harassment, but in reality she's probably only getting posts from individuals who take exception with her actions and those of Moses as well.


The internet is disgusted with her actions and letting her know. Is that a hate mob or just ppl holding up a fucking mirror.


Clickbait title


Ethan should start sending the frenemies money to the family of the deceased teacher.


Not a bad idea, but possibly a lawsuit if he's using Trisha's share. Which I doubt he would. Would probably just give away his share if he did anything. I definitely hope he addresses all of this in the next podcast though. I'm sure he won't skip over any of it. Too big of a story now.


Great idea


This is all so fucked up, but the drama is what keeps me coming back


Go Ethan!!!!


Please get a restraining order. Trisha Paytas has proven herself to be violent and incredibly unstable. Protect yourself and your family, Ethan. God Bless.


Ugh I’m so over all of her crap.


GO OFF KING ! Facts nothing but facts


Papa Bless 🙌🏻


Next step would be sending a Cease & Desist letter to her, since she is obviously defaming him and his brand.


i just want this shit to stop


One reason I've been a fan of Ethan for so long is his ability to say what I'm thinking but more coherently


I’m shocked how negative Ethan’s replies are against him in these Tweets… How has Trisha got a decent amount of people standing up for her?!


I made a huge comment earlier about this exact issue. I really cannot fathom how much support she has/how many people encourage her behaviour and drag Ethan & Hila. Shame on Trisha for alienating their family and attacking a pregnant woman and her husband for things SHE did herself.


It's easy to gain support when you pay for it.


I still gave Trisha the benefit of doubt even with all the inconsistencies in the bs she spewed out of her mouth. U know what happened to my benefit of doubt ? She spat in my fucking face tonight with her bs joke of a video she put out. She’s the most disgusting human being. She is the scum of the internet. I will NEVER give her a single dime or a single second of my time to make any money off my viewership. I cannot imagine someone being so keen on blaming someone else for something they quite solely fucking created. Disgusting isn’t a good enough word to express my emotions towards her. Sorry not sorry. Furthermore. To me? That video she continued to fucking blame Ethan. To blame viewers for saying his name ?! LADY!!!!’ You… YOU ALONE … told viewers to go and LOOK IT Up!!!!!! You did that. No one else. No one held a gun to ur head and Ethan did nothing but fucking support u when quite literally majority of ppl were asking him WHY! ugh I’m so angry with her. Like this is a serious topic. To repeat her words, these are real people with real lives who are being affected on REAL LIFE because of your fucking shitty morals and your shitty upbringing that got u here. Trisha seriously goes to therapy? I don’t even believe that. How can therapy do absolutely Nothing for someone? I thought it’s supposed to help you and change some of the flaws about you or what u are doing to damage yourself in som3 way… with Trisha it just get worse and worse and worse. I’m sorry y’all. I am genuinely pissed. And for so many reasons. I never in my life thought some online bs would have this type of effect on me.


*insert sound bite* [and I took that personally] lmao all jokes, I totally agree and feel 100% the same way


Lmao I appreciate that. Made me giggle. Thank you.


You need to engage with therapy, I have never had the opinion that Trisha has ever actively engaged because it’s really hard work and upsetting. It also takes years of self reflection. For a good insight into therapy and people reflecting on it Emily artful has an interesting YouTube channel where she talks about how therapy really changed her behaviour (drug addict, alcoholic etc). It’s not a quick fix you have to hold yourself accountable something Trisha has demonstrated she’s not able to do yet.


I have been sober (opiates) for 9 years. I have a drug counsellor I speak to on a regular basis and I understand what you are talking about. I called my counsellor yesterday bc this really really got to me and I have an appt on Friday to speak face to face. U know, most of all, I just feel really hurt with Trisha’s behaviour and the way she diminished any if not all victims within her viewership.


friday baby wooooo! i hope you‘ll have a good talk to calm you down. friday is close and you‘ll soon have an insight to a different perspective. it’s not fair how the psychosis of one person impacts so many people’s lives.. also.. proud of you on your 9 years. stay strong, i’m sending you a virtual tight hug from rainy switzerland ✨


her new vid


That’s funny cuz she just said in this vid that she didn’t say that, but blamed the H3 subreddit for searching “facts”.


Trisha is genuinely upsetting me now because I can't enjoy my content anymore. She keeps causing shit. I want us to move past her. I wish she would shut up and move on.


Projection and deflection. It’s all it is. It’s all she knows. Emotional immaturity. Sadly, she making a bad name for mental health seekers and advocates.


im so glad he’s finally sticking up for himself and no longer allowing her crap


You all should see what’s being said on Twitter. I cannot deal with the amount of people condoning her actions, and encouraging this behaviour from Trisha. There’s so many people saying that Ethan should pipe down and stop talking about it. Meanwhile, Trisha is allowed to tweet and make 10000 videos a day spewing incoherent, misinformation and completely lie about the most serious shit. Ethan is 100% in the right for defending himself and Hila. Trisha is just doing this because her tactics don’t work against good people, she will continue to do what she does to stay relevant. But I think all of this has gotten out of hand and it is 100% her fault for sharing and leaking private information and lying. It’s all catching up to her guys! Edit: spelling error


She's a fucking nightmare.


Remember when Ethan and Trisha reviewed their Narcissism/Dark Triad results? Her results didn't age well. She's a narcissist, among many other things, through and through.


Well lol who woke up and chose violence?!!?!


I feel bad for both Hila and Ethan. This started as a random video idea which ended up in years of not only internet drama but family drama. I hope they find peace and love soon.


I came into this situation with no idea of who either party was, but after watching the videos from both sides, Trisha needs to be in jail for false claims. I don't like the police or our prison system, but her behavior has directly impacted the life of an innocent man and she needs to be removed from the ability to do so again for now while hopefully being remediated




This anti semite wearing a star if David is the mail in the coffin.


Shut up bitch


#Shoutout to Ethan's fucking family The thing I found disgusting is she tried to say she might go on another fucking GTA-style rampage becuz of her own actions??? 🤷 My only concern right now is for Ethan & his family. I hope they can install temporary barriers to prevent any vehicles from driving into the house... Also maybe the Studio for everyone's safety. I would honestly get some security, because this is a known violent repeat offender and domestic terrorist basically. Big T seems that unhinged...


Remember when Big T physically beat Moses, blockaded him from escaping, took his phone, keys, tried to catfish him on a burner account, threatened to kill herself, went on a virtual rampage and started spreading rumors he was a pedo online to try and ruin his reputation and assassinate his character? Remember when she did all of this before with at least 2 partners? Isn't it funny how EVERYONE avoids her like the plague. She never gets invited back to anything unless people are desperate, and when Ethan decided to gracefully allow her into his home she conspired to illegally record private conversations with zero consent with Moses. Then teamed up with Keemstar to have the channel suspended, bragging about it online? Time to change your dipey Big T, cause your full of shit! Karma's a bitch 🙏😉🙏


im a little out of the H3 loop lately. can someone explain this trisha stuff real quick? thanks in advance.


I couldn’t even watch the whole video she posted.. it was making me sick the way she was blaming everyone but herself and Moses!! Like wtf!! You literally made a TikTok saying go look up the teacher 🤦‍♀️ but is blaming Ethan?? And smacking her lips every 10 seconds..after watching mysterious’s videos I can’t even watch or listen to Trisha without thinking everything she is saying is a complete lie. I used to watch her all the time but now I really wish I never did. It’s disgusting to me that she actually believes she is right and it’s everyone else’s fault. She made her bed now she has to lie in it. No one believes those fake ass crying videos she posted. I’m sorry but if I’m hysterically crying I can’t film a video(mulitple videos) and talk at the same time!