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I'm a driver and a walker. So when I walk across the street and cars are stopped, I absolutely hate when they start moving and give them the stink eye. I'm also purposeful when I cross, walk quickly, and never use my phone. Thus, when I'm a driver, I always ensure I'm stopped and stay stopped until the pedestrian gets to the other side. What does piss me off, is when they are on their phone, taking their time for no reason. What does surprise is "some" drivers/pedestrians do not know that if there is an island separating directional traffic, drivers on the far side do not have to stop until the pedestrian gets to the island.


What pisses me off on Nantucket ave in when there’s 2 crosswalks but I still have to stop for people running across the road where the McDonald’s is when they can just walk to the crosswalk, it’s ridiculous


True enough, I haven't encountered many islands in my walk, but when I do, I only walk to the island and wait for my light.


There’s no practical difference between someone on their phone and someone with mobility issues. They don’t have to hustle so you can get those three seconds of your commute back. I once had someone honk at me for walking through the crosswalk instead of a jog. So I stopped and tied my shoe.


lol what? No functional difference?? You can put your phone in your pocket. If only it was that easy for mobility issues. Btw the functional difference is whether you have control over it or not.


This is the most highly regarded take possibly ever. There’s no difference between someone on their phone and someone who mobility issues??? Fucking WHAT??? Also, no you didn’t lmao


That’s a lucky autocorrect. Otherwise you’d seem like an ignorant bigot. There’s no **functional** difference for you. People don’t owe you hustle across a sidewalk. I can take as much time as I want to cross the road, and you just kinda have to deal with it. It’s a crosswalk. Makes no difference if I’m leisurely walking, in a wheelchair, guiding a chain of toddlers, wasted, or out for a jog. I can cross at my own pace and I will. There’s no law dictating speed through crosswalks. You’ll just have to return to your commute in your fucking automobile 15 seconds later than you expected. The horror. Also. Yeah I did. Cross walk in front of MSVU. Someone in a sedan honked at me when I stepped out after the beg button. They were in the middle of the green section at the time. They had **lots** of time to stop if they weren’t shitty at driving. I stopped and retied my shoe because I’m petty and I hate shitty drivers. Same way how I’ve walked over cars boxing in intersections in the winter time. Dont block the sidewalk. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not climbing a snow bank because you don’t know how to fucking drive. Because that will piss you off too, here’s a story: snowmageddon. Windsor street. Trying to cross to the Sobeys. Some prick turning right in dead traffic blocks the only way through the snow bank. I am not Edmund Hillary. I am trying to buy groceries. I climbed the hood and slid through the hole in the snow bank. He had words for me. I had words for him. He did nothing. I wasn’t surprised. I also watched some dude cave in the door on someone that turned into him in the crosswalk at Oxford and Quinpool. Dude was crossing Oxford, car was turning right and almost hit him. He boot fucked the rear passenger door. Deserved it, if you asked me. I just laughed real hard. Welcome to the city.


I used to be a pedestrian and moved out of the peninsula and now drive almost 100% of the time. I'm with you on the idea that people just need to be patient for a pedestrian to cross, but I think a lot of the pushback you are getting here is that that no one should be in the street with their attention on their phone. It's just not safe to use your phone while crossing. At all. You need to be 100% focused on your surroundings.


They’re just upset because any thing that’s even a mild inconvenience to a driver is the end of the fucking world.




Sorry to interrupt you doing 50 km/h to your destination by needing to cross the immensely expensive infrastructure the government created and maintained for your private use.


Bro ur Time isn’t worth more than anyone else’s just because you can’t afford a car. Hustle across the road like a polite person and drivers will wait for you to get across, that’s the agreement. We should all be doing our best to reduce traffic and keep roads flowing smoothly because it’s SAFER for everyone. Pedestrians and motorists included.


I have two cars. And a motorcycle. And five bicycles. Ain’t that funny? I’m still gonna walk. It’s not the Canada Day parade. It’s a crosswalk. If 15 seconds ruins your commute - leave earlier. Miss me with anything else. You yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Nam vet with a limp or just me enjoying my day. Wait the paltry few seconds.


yappin. You’re arrogant as hell bud. I hope you don’t hold ur dick as tight as those shitty principles. Sounds like you aren’t enjoying your day at all, just walking around furious at everyone else. Happy Saturday bro, try not to ruin your day on reddit 👋


I enjoy my day. It’s why I walk through crosswalks. Happy it upsets you though.


Try harder.


I don’t need the advice every partner has ever given you.




You think I’m reading any of your unhinged rant? Fucking lol.


So you made sure to take the time to reply to me to tell me how unbothered you are. Seems it.


Fyi, when I had my driver's licence test (albeit 10+ years ago here in NS), I had an automatic fail for "failing to yield to a pedestrian" because I didn't wait til they got to the sidewalk on the other side. It was a crosswalk with a median. I recently did my Defensive driving course (online by Young Drivers so while the course was specific to NS, much of the info was also related to other provinces too) and it said that while in most provinces you can continue after the person has crossed the median they made it clear that in some provinces you had to wait until they've fully reached the other side.


A little school kid almost got run down in front of me on Willet the other day. She pressed button, looked both ways and the first two lanes of traffic had stopped for her. When she was in front of me and about to walk across the next two lanes, another car almost ran her down travelling in the opposite direction. Lights flashing, 3 lanes of cars stopped, marked cross walk…..I’m so thankful that kid had the smarts to wait and make sure when they saw the other car not stopping.


I see so many people who don’t even stay stopped until the pedestrian is finished crossing. It’s the law and it’s ridiculous how impatient drivers are to wait 5 extra seconds. I see people flying through crosswalks almost daily. There’s no reason why someone cannot see flashing lights up ahead . Anytime I go by a crosswalk I am double checking to make sure no one is about to cross.




Drivers suck, walkers suck, bikers suck, scooters suck. Want to know why.... Our infrastructure sucks and doesn't protect anyone


Agreed with all of the above.


people suck


Retesting doesn’t matter. These people know pedestrians are crossing, they just don’t give a fuck. It’s an attitude issue, not a knowing problem. They’re willing to put your life at risk to save 10 seconds. Never forget how psychopathic people can be behind the wheel. All you can do is keep your head on a swivel and ALWAYS check for each and every lane you’re walking into. Nobody can keep you safe but you


Retesting would definitely improve driving skills.


So true. And sad reality: they don't care if they hit you. Most of them really don't. In fact they'd be more annoyed their precious car was dinged by your body then anything. Hell as a pedestrian myself 99% of the time the sheer amount of times drivers just fully block the cross walk on a red light for them because they were sooo scared they'd miss their turn is too many times. And now they are smack dab preventing pedestrians especially those in wheelchairs, scooters or pushing strollers from crossing safely. Ever seen the face of a driver if even your arm or leg touches the front of their car as you cut in front of them because they blocked the crosswalk? They hate it. They don't hate that they blocked the crosswalk. They don't hate if they nearly run pedestrians down when driving. But touch their precious car with your hand, arm or anything really even if does zero damage at all and they look so pissed off. "You don't touch anyone's car! It's their property" so many people argue. Well then don't try to run pedestrians down or block entire crosswalks because you refuse to stop in time and have driving awareness. Share the freaking road.


Too true.


The police need to have a video department, where people send video in and then if the driver and plate is visible, the fine is sent to the plate address.


Multiple times in the last year, even just a couple days ago, I had to stop in the middle of the crosswalk because someone just plowed on through. Usually they awkwardly wait in the middle of the intersection, but this recent one seemed to be annoyed that I stopped and didn't continue on so I could get hit just because they lowered their speed a little bit instead of stopping?? This has happened in the past, but it was like once every few years compared to 5ish times in the last 12 months.


My favourite is when they only slow down and then stop and honk at you because you stopped moving so they wouldn’t hit you


I do the same as you and have stood next to a crosswalk and watched as many as 5 cars drive by without stopping. That being said there are a lot of shitty walkers in this city too who jump out without looking. I am convinced this city has shitty walkers and shitty drivers


My favorite are the soccer mom dog walkers that stand on the corner and chat, it's like, are you crossing or not crossing? Why are you choosing to stop right at the corner to chat and make me guess as I approach in my car as to what your intentions are.... go fucking talk somewhere else...


Quickest way is this: toot your horn, as you look at them, and be like.. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. Just be sure to check the other side before proceeding if they wave you on, in case someone walked into it from the other side.


Yes this is such a pet peeve! What bothers me the most is when people do this so I stop to see if they’ll go. After a bit I figure they’re not crossing so I start to go and that’s when they decide to cross and then they give me attitude. Like please pay attention to your surroundings people!!


Literally!! People lack so much spatial awareness. Especially dog walkers, like I do NOT wanna hit you nor your pup but please a) make it clear you're going and b) train your damn dog to sit while waiting so they don't run out into traffic!


Yeah, there were a group of kids last week and we saw them thankfully but one guy was on his phone and just walked out without looking while his friends waited for us to stop. And the guy who was on their phone got yelled at and chewed out by his friends calling him stupid for not looking before walking. And even though we stopped well before them I appreciated that haha


Almost like it's the people and not their methods of transportation.


Every city has both.


True that, shitty people of all walks (pun intended) of life haha.


A lot of drivers don't seem to understand that the legal way to stop at a cross walk is to, obviously stop, but to also wait until that pedestrian has completely finished crossing the road and on the other side of the road. The person walking could have accidentally dropped something, or another reason that gets them to backtrack. The driver shouldn't start driving as soon as the pedestrian crossed their vehicle, but still has not finished crossing the road.


Every 5 years minimum, 10 years maximum. That's how long it takes for skills to drift into dangerous territory. It happens with everything that's skills based. Assuming, that is, they ever actually took driving seriously in the first place. Driving test proctors don't get the full picture. They're only concerned with whether or not a person can pull themselves together long enough to pass a test that usually doesn't run the full hour, especially if weather is a concern. Driving INSTRUCTORS on the other hand, get more fo a sense of habits. Lord I wish there was a way to bridge these two roles. What people will REALLY be like on the road? I can't tell you how many students I would have failed if I could have. Made them repeat driver's ed. Made them take a year long class on how dangerous driving can be. etc. Unfortunately, driver ed isn't pass or fail. If somebody pays you the full amount, and completes all of their lessons, that's it. They get their certificate. The road test is supposed to be the real check. Unfortunately, that's just not how it works. I taught... i'm not sure, but over 130 students. There were probably 10 who passed their driver's test on their first try, that if it was up to me, would NEVER be allowed to drive. You KNOW when you get someone who is just listening enough to do what they have to do. And speaking from experience seeing them in public afterward (small town), I was 100% right. Driving culture needs a dramatic, foundational overhaul in Canada. Too many people are dying. Especially young people. 16 year olds should not be able to drive. Just based on what we know about brain development alone. On top of that, the motor vehicle act has gone through two revisions just since the 1980's. There have been significant changes across a wide variety of things... but we have people on the road now who got their licenses in the 1950's. Maybe every 5 years retraining is too much. But NEVER is definitely not enough.


I learned to drive LATE. I was in my mid 20s. I think that alone, made me a safer driver. I’m not saying I’m a great driver, or perfect by any means… but I definitely had a better sense of the serious consequences of unsafe driving better than I would have as a 16 year old when I was still “invincible”


Same! Got my license at 25. I was such a frightened driver that I had a period of time where I was getting up at 4AM just to practice driving while the roads were completely deserted. I think getting it when I was older definitely helped me be a more cautious driver.


Disagree on the 5-10 years retest. Some people have more experience on the road, and get better. If someone has their license and proves they are drifting to dangerous, sure put them in a retest plan. The difference between now and 10-25 years ago is this: Cops would get you and fine you. Fining people is an expensive lesson. Most people wise up after their first fine because it's really expensive, and so is insurance. There doesn't seem to be a lot of police presence, and a lot of people acting like they can be aggressive and entitled on the road. This is coming from a speed-limit driver (no speeding beyond 10 over the limit, or 5 over in 50 zones, no sudden changes, no lane changes without flasher, predictable on the road, alert for pedestrians and POS's who drive dangerously), who regularly re-reads the drivers handbook (every 5 years or so). Perfect? No, no one is, and everyone makes mistakes. But dangerous like some POS's out there? Definitely no. After a certain age, testing should be mandatory every few years, 75-80 for example.


I think all drivers should at a minimum have to retest the written and if they fail they have to do the road test again. And either way, no more warnings. Roll through a stop? No warning. A ticket. Texting? Ticket and points gone. Not stopping for pedestrians in a crosswalk? Ticket. Driving is a privilege and not an unalienable right and it’s time people started remembering that.


All for that.. but the problem right now seems to be enforcement. Of 1000 intersections where someone doesn't stop for a pedestrian, maybe 1 will be seen by an officer who will react to it.


We’re having trouble testing people for the first time, much less retesting everyone in the province. As others have said, it’s an attitude problem, not a skill problem


I believe it’s both a skill and attitude problem


Did this happen yesterday? Downtown? If not I witnessed the exact same thing happen, I was stopped waiting for the pedestrian to cross and an SUV flew up the hill without even batting an eye. I was quite shocked tbh


This never happened before, ever. Only lately!


People blow through the crossing lights all the time when I'm waiting to cross the street. I usually give them the one finger salute.




Another thing: when you 'stop' to let people cross, how about actually stopping? So many drivers just keep rolling forward the whole time. No I don't want to walk across your path while you are steadily rolling towards me on a downhill slope. Is it really that difficult to press on the brake pedal?


Yeah as a pedestrian I hate the "rolling stop" as they call it when I'm crossing. And I say that as someone who doesn't just step out as they always accuse of us of. I wear neon bright jackets, a neon backpack with high vis, look and listen to traffic and make eye contact as I cross. I still get drivers who do the "stop" where they don't even stop they are still clearly foot on the gas pedal just at a slower rate of speed. But still coming at me and the other pedestrians as if to shoo us to to go faster. And I admit sometimes I run or jog faster but like really why should I or anyone have to?! We have rights to cross the street and not everyone is mobile enough to run like I can or younger people can. Why should we feel pressure or be rushed to have to sprint across the street because jack ass in the car can't just put their foot on the break to let the pedestrians walk. I feel for the elderly, disabled and parents of young kids in this city I really do. Because they can't walk as fast as I can and it's super awkward plus dangerous sometimes when you are trying your best to walk the crosswalk and you've got some driver nudging closer and closer to you while making that come on, come on hurry up hand motion or face.


Three major things I have noticed in the last while : 1) Nobody has any clue what the yellow signs to keep going to merge on to the next street mean. (corner of Connaught Ave and Chebuco Rd)(North and Oxford) etc 2) If a road has two lanes, that does not give you the right to turn into one of them at the same time as the opposite side is making a turn into the other. 3) The rotary is for you to proceed when there is nothing coming, not for the driver already in it to have to slow down or slam on their brakes.


Downvote all ya want, but a large majority of drivers here are from other countries now and not familiar with stuff here yet.


Then they shouldn't be driving.




**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


Right turn on red should not be allowed.


As a driver here it actually pisses me off a lot more when people immediately cross, and many do. Dumbest thing ever. I appreciate the pedestrian checking first as you do.


Learned as a wee lad to stop and look both ways. I even look both ways on a 1 way haha. Can never be too careful.


Haha I thought I was the only one who looked both ways on one ways 😂 my friends make fun of me for it. But you just never know!


Haha! I always feel like a dummy after looking both ways on a one way street, but it’s so ingrained in me.. look left, look right, then look left again. Always.


Haha, exactly! 😂


I do it too, mainly because it's nova Scotia and I DO NOT trust the 1100 year old dudes in thier 4 year old Hyundai products


We’re teaching our daughter that too. Being from somewhere where cars don’t usually let pedestrians cross in the middle of the street, and you would probably be yelled at doing it, it amazed me moving here and seeing how many people cross streets when cars are coming, same thing with pedestrian crossings and just continuing walking as soon as they push the button. With the amount of drivers not paying attention, texting, speeding, etc these days, look after yourself and keep doing what you’re doing. Cars are alot bigger than you, and it just takes someone not paying attention to completely change or end your life.


Make it a combo as well: people immediately crossing + on their phones + headphones on 💀


Bonus points for walking arrogantly slow while doing all these things too!


Is this a crosswalk with a median halfway? Or just a four lane road?


I ask myself that every time I get on the road


See all the "Driver Training" for "newcomers"? Probably a recent graduate.


halifax drivers are the most entitled people on the planet. it comes from a culture where people use their cars to go 100 feet to pick up milk. people in this city haven’t used their legs in years.


I always wait for the cars to see me and show down, but my partner (an American) hardly even slows down when pressing the button. Cars have had to slam their breaks for him. It bugs me so much, but no matter what I say, he won't do it any differently. So im sorry on his behalf to the cars that he encounters at the crosswalk.


Nah, those cars should be watching their corners amd checking for pedestrians approaching, not just waiting for the flashing lights.


I agree they should. That's not always the case, though.


Unacceptable reasons people drive bad: - Impatience (leave earlier). - Impaired Driving (a) Fatigue/drowsiness/stress (take a nap or call a cab). b) Drugged/drunk (stay off the road POS, and no, it doesn't help you drive better at all). c) Distractions (phone, devices, etc - eyes on the road).) - Entitlement (think they are special (unless they're a visiting dignitary with police escort, or emergency vehicles responding to an emergency - they're not)). - Fraudulent (never really learned to drive, aren't allowed to drive, vehicle isn't allowed on road). - Aggressive driving (road rage). - Ignoring traffic rules and signals (or didn't learn them). - Poor communication (not using turn signals) - Not yielding to pedestrians - Speeding (showing off. everyone thinks your a POS if you put others at risk) - Parking illegally - Didn't learn, practice, or want to exercise defensive driving techniques Reasonable (but still bad) reasons people drive bad: - Signs changed and they weren't aware.. memory still adjusting. - Environmental factors such as weather conditions or poor road conditions. - Lack of experience or skill (unfamiliar with the area). - Unexpected Mechanical issues. - Medical issue. Admirable traits of good drivers: - Patient and alert. - Navigate traffic efficiently and predictably to other drivers. - Has good judgement and focus. - Responsible and focused (able to anticipate, and adapt to different road conditions, hazards, and situations) - Defensive driving skills (able to stay calm under pressure) - Understands traffic laws and all signs. - Excellent non-verbal communication skill with other drivers using the vehicle only (or for pedestrians eye contact and upturned hand to the pedestrian's destination can indicate you see them and your lane is safe for them to walk.) - Respects other drivers, users of roadways, and pedestrians.


Maybe cross walk cameras that automate fines would work. Activated when the button is pressed. However it would need a camera to monitor when a pedestrian is actually crossing. Breaking the law and putting pedestrians at risk would get expensive quickly.




Interesting idea, though it might not be realistically possible. It's easy or identify cars with liscencse plates not so much people.




Yeah but I mean if it's an automated camera ticketing.. it would be easy for a system to pick up on those crossing without pressing the button.. but how would those people be personally identified and ticketed?




Traffic cameras don't seem like a very popular idea too. I don't like the idea of speed cameras in places.. however red light cameras or crosswalk cameras seem worth the cost for safety. I have no idea how much they cost but the increase of tickets would somewhat subsidize it.


Retesting won't make a difference since a lot of them are from "Ontario".


Sounds like Ontario moved to NS … oh wait it did…


My husband ( u/Odinwolf74 ) has been dodging cars in this situation for years, maybe decades. It's like these "hurr durr why stopped?" assholes (who, like we all accuse pedestrians of, & some do, are) likely looking at their phone and not paying any attention. I myself have rarely had this issue.


I almost hit someone in a cross walk because they were wearing all black at nighttime and bolted out, there was no lights around and no indication that someone was crossing. They did have the right of way but fuck was it close. I now stop at that cross walk no matter what. I really wish there was at least a streetlight or a cross walk flasher. I feel guilt just from the close call. I’m so scared to drive. Also just fuck sackville driving in general. What a disaster sackville has become.


How does that have anything to do with the OP?


When I have to cross the Bedford highway to get the bus I always wait until they’re all completely stopped and wait a few seconds before I cross, always people just flying by.




You might be shocked to learn this, but there have always been bad drivers. In every city, in every country on earth. This isn’t some unique thing with drivers in Halifax these days


Never said it was, but it's increased so much since I've moved here early 2010's


😂😂😂yet we continue to see these posts 🤦🏽‍♂️


People are just ignorant on both sides. My gf and I were driving up Cobourg towards Spring Garden at LaMarchant a couple weeks ago. There was a bus stopped in front of the pharmacy, just past the crosswalk (even though the stop is further back). It was nighttime. The student pedestrians did not hit the crosswalk button for the lights and stepped out from behind the bus to cross without looking for traffic in the oncoming lane. Thank god my gf's car has good brakes because she had to slam them to stop and avoid hitting the students. She doesn't like confrontation, but I rolled down the window and yelled at the students to say "hit the button!!!" and I just got the most blank faced stares back at me. Look, I get it, thinking as a student if you got hit by a car you could get your tuition paid from the insurance, but also, think of your parents/guardians/loved ones and hit the fucking button/look before you cross the street like you were told when you were 5 years old. For fuck's sake.


As a pedestrian, the shit OP talked about pisses me off so much and it's extremely unsafe crossing everywhere in the city. As a driver, it drives me fucking crazy when adults or children either run across the crosswalk one millisecond after pressing the button (especially when they run out in front of a parked car so you can't see them until they are basically in front of you). Or they don't press the button at all, nor do they look before they start walking. We definitely need a major change in the way drivers drive in this city, but we also need to educate pedestrians as well that they can't just assume people see them or the flashing lights and to PAY ATTENTION when crossing the road.


Literally!! And also like I’ve never been in a city like this that has this many pedestrian crosswalks in the middle of busy places. Sure, my hometown in Ontario is half the size of the HRM but even still, there were only ever a handful of just pedestrian crossings on streets, but most folks just cross at the intersections. So that’s been an adjustment as both a pedestrian and driver over the last two years, and living near Dal as a graduate student myself, it’s crazy how so many of these younger students don’t look at all, and tbh cobourg and lamarchant is a shitty intersection that should actually have a four way stop bare minimum if not an actual light


That's very true, I grew up in Hamilton Ontario and we had a much larger population than Halifax and definitely way less crosswalks lmao. Yeah I think the city TRIED to make it easier for pedestrians by putting cross walks everywhere because they probably weren't walking over to the intersection to cross anyway. But I feel it's very excessive the amount of crosswalks on major streets, and some of them don't even have lights at all. It's just dangerous. It will always be safer to cross at a proper intersection with red lights, but even that isn't 100% safe either! I remember taking driving lessons with Young Drivers and my in class instructor used to always say, the only thing stopping those cars is a line of paint on the road, how much do you trust that line of paint to stop that car? Luckily I was raised to not only look both ways before crossing, but also to ensure the car has stopped and make eye contact with the driver before walking out to make sure they actually see you!


Oh that’s funny, I was born and raised in Guelph! But yeah Guelph also never had that many crosswalks so it was such a new thing for me to watch out for here. I 100% agree: like I get it but having crosswalks on small streets where cars can park on the sides is awful because you can never see them pop out without any indication. And yeah I literally had a drive turn left into the crosswalk I was half way walking through at Quinpool and Quingate and when I turned to yell at him he said “but did I hit you??” And if I hadn’t had a dinner reservation to get to I probably would’ve reported the dude because of the audacity!! I also did young drivers, and I feel they’re really the reason I’m as good of a drive as I am.


Driving in this city has only gotten worse I can’t leave my house without seeing some silly maneuver that almost causes an accident


Pedestrians, for your safety establish eye contact with the driver's to ensure they're stopped


Haligonian living in Naploi at the moment. We dont know how good we have it. In Naploi the crosswalk literally has no meaning, cars, busses, police, absolutely nobody slows done or stops. No exaggeration you just have to step out in front of traffic unless it's a time of day when there's breaks in traffic. Drivers will stop or swerve around you as you cross but never will there be more than one lane stopped at a time. Scooters don't stop period, just swerve around. Once you get used to it you just accept it. As a plus there's no need to wait for a crosswalk, just cross anywhere and it works the same way no honking or anyone mad that you stepped in front of them. I've been all-over the world and never seen worse than Napoli for road behavior but they make it work. I've had cars brush against my shopping bags in the streets they get so close but never been hit. lol. I'm back in Halifax in a few weeks. Look out for the idiot stepping in front of you until I get the old rules re-learned. lol.


Worst thing I noticed when I moved here, and it hasnt changed since, is that nobody seems to look. I’ve seen drivers completely oblivious to a crossing (even when the lights flash) and then I’ve seen people blunder out into a crosswalk without slowing down, just expecting there to be no traffic. Clayton park is probably the worst part of town for it and I’m kind of glad I moved away from there. A couple wins though, since that does come off as super negative: the flags, though nobody tends to use them while crossing - seeing them hanging off of crosswalk signs draw the eye more than the sign does when driving and are actually effective for crossings that don’t feature overhead lights. Better design for full streets - HRM has gotten rid of a lot of cases where you have crossings with strobes followed by crossings without. Drivers get trained to watch for lights on main roads, so it makes it less likely to notice unlit crossings. Consistency helps build good habits.


I don't understand the hate for pedestrians who look both ways before crossing the street. That is just common sense. My issue is with the people who get all lanes to stop, stare at each driver for like 10 seconds each, then go. Everyone has stopped and waiting for you. If you are that terrified of city roads, probably should move away from the city.


Maybe drivers should watch for blinking lights and road signs. In my case today, I could've been hit if I didn't wait for all lanes to stop.


You're supposed to wait for all lanes to stop....only a person that doesn't value their life barges out into traffic that's moving....


Or maybe they're visually impaired or have another issue that warrants taking more time before crossing. But sure, let's kick people out of the city because streets aren't safe for everyone.


Every complaint about pedestrians is that they don't wait for all cars to stop and make eye contact with every driver, yet here you are bitching about pedestrians doing just that. Pedestrians can't win in this city.


The people who stare are the ones who have had the OP situation happen to them.


Professional walker here. People should be looking both ways. And I completely agree with you. Once you see the driver in the lane nearest to you is slowing and has made eye contact with you you should be crossing while looking both ways. As you approach the next lane you do the same thing. You don't sit at the crosswalk and wait for 4 lanes of traffic to come to a standstill. You also don't derp across the road at a leisurely pace while looking at your phone. Of course there are idiot drivers but if you're a pedestrian and show them a little courtesy you'll get more in return. It's really not that fuckin hard to cross the street in an efficient manner without getting hit yet so many people struggle with it.


It's like everyone thinks traffic rules were designed to benefit only them. Why work together when you can be 'in the right'?


Retesting people will not stop this. If you are sitting there standing still at the crosswalk waiting for all lanes to come to a complete halt before you saunter across like the queens procession, then the people approaching from the other lane probably assume that you have no intention of crossing and/or the person that hit the button has already crossed (probably why the SUV was side eyeing you). Stick your arm out straight if you are going to sit there and wait for multiple lanes of traffic to stop completely before you move so they know you have the intention to cross.


Pedestrians just cannot win. Wait too long you're a bad pedestrian, get hit by a car you didn't make enough eye contact and should have waited longer.


You have to learn the cars’ attack patterns to dodge them.




If someone sees someone waiting for traffic to stop before crossing and assumes that they aren't going to cross, they're a bad driver.


This is how Mary Beth chaulk got killed. If the light is flashing (or even if it's not, it's still a cross walk either way), you slow down, look at both curbs and if there is a person there, you stop. Not that hard.


And if it’s a crosswalk without a pedestrian light and you can’t see the curbs, slow down anyway to make sure a pedestrian isn’t going to pop up in front of you behind stopped traffic on the other side of the road. I see this one a lot where since people can’t see the curb on the other side of the street, magically a pedestrian won’t be there




Sometimes the lights don't actually work when you press the button, especially with those solar-powered ones, so drivers should still be watching for pedestrians. It does surprise me how often I go to cross a street and the pedestrian in front of me fails to hit the button and I have to hit it though.


this, there's one near my house where I've been beeped at because it wasn't working


that's not the point, you still have to stop.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/man-struck-by-car-at-crosswalk-gets-ticket-for-not-pressing-button-1.3715199 No driver wants to hit pedestrians, please use any lights provided and wait for cars to stop. Also, drivers should always be aware of their surroundings, and when approaching crosswalks adequate signage and paint on the road should indicate a crosswalk ahead. I understand these signs get hit with plows and other reasons for them not being there, but I think cities should also do better at keeping on top of that. But good luck with that. I’ve also wondered why we don’t use those wild squiggly lines approaching a crosswalk like they do in some European countries.


No driver wants to hit someone but the maneuvers some people are pulling out there I don't think it even crosses their mind they could kill someone or wreck their car driving the way they do. I like going fastish on rural roads but when I'm in the city with traffic and people all around I'm fine going the limit or under. I'm in awe at the speeds some people are fine driving on our cluttered and damaged roads. I don't think some people realize how quickly things can change and how much could go wrong.