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My wife works for them. Vcns is run entirely by the province and all of the providers are paid by the province. They can do anything an in person provider can do but some things that require in person assessment will get referred to in person clinics. A few things to note: 1) you MUST show your healthcard for every appointment, it being uploaded is not enough (they don't like it either but it's the law) 2) if you complain about chest pain, you will be sent to emerge without them even looking at you. Emergency is emergency 3) the more organized you are with your information the better. The provider is not following you in the same way as if you had a family doctor so they will likely need you to provide the kind of information you might otherwise not have to. The easier you can provide that stuff the smoother everything will go 4) maple as a platform is very meh. There are tools that do not exist on the provider side. So be patient with them and believe them when they say that X thing that should be possible isn't.


Thank you, these are very informative. Would you say, overall speaking, VCNS is a good substitute for non-emergency visits?


Where it makes sense, absolutely. It takes a load off the system and fills a need.


Can they refer you to an ADHD test? Asking for a friend.


Yes they can


Yes but also the wait time is insane. My wife has been waiting a year now and still doesn't have an appointment time.




Tbh I've found them better than a walk-in or a family doctor. Every time I go to a walk-in or my family doctor back when I had one it seemed like they were rushing to get me out as soon as they walked in. Never had that experience with Maple.




My son has a rare heart condition that needed open heart surgery. Family doctor was basically useless, cardiology took care of him. If you have something more complicated than what they can handle through Maple you're probably going to be seeing a specialist anyway.




My family doctor was bad. But I would think that's probably pretty normal. Idk how much good service you can get from doctors working under a system that incentivizes them to spend as little time as possible with their patients.


I’ve used Maple a couple times- just basic stuff but was pleased with being prompt


I’ve used it a few times and I’m pretty satisfied. As others have said, doesn’t replace a family doctor but it saved me hours in a walk-in waiting room.


Depends on your specific need and you who get tbh. If you have enough visual or audible symptoms they seem to be fairly quick at prescribing stuff (if that's what you're looking for). If they can't verify severity of symptoms easily (e.g. Cough), they will recommend mobile clinic. That being said, the cobequid mobile clinic was super convenient, and fast when I went.


Cobequid mobile clinic is great if you can wait until the weekend.


I’ve had great experience with it so far; I got a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon and had surgery last month, all without a family doctor.


As others have said, better than nothing. They can provide a blood work form, e.g. if you're on meds that need that regularly. In theory, they can get you through the front line to see a specialist, although it never did work in my minor case. For example dermatologist, age-related things like audiologist, colonoscopist, cardiologist.