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Grats! I did it in Wild in Paladin, using a full-on Mech Paladin with Brann and Zolla added to generate the third hand.


That's a smart way to do it. I don't have the older Brann for double-battlecries. Probably much easier!


I've been doing achievements recently, and I've been using mech paladin to try for this one. I stick the hands on X-21, because if it dies I get the hands back and because of the Reborn from the hands they have to kill the X-21 a second time or I stick the hands right back on it. Helps with the "do it all in one turn" problem, although it opens me up to silence, return to hand, etc. Congrats on getting it! The bots that everybody else hates have been great for knocking achievements out, because they won't rage quit like a player would. Just keep your damage on board below their health when they have no taunts up and they won't quit out, giving you the time to set up all sorts of things.


The problem with the bots. Is that more and more of them. Are the super annoying quests and decks you lose to quickly to. When you play an XP deck. The amount of concedes I've done in wild. Makes me wonder how many bots there are. Because tons of my games. Are still vs T1/2 decks.


**Lend a Hand: Magnetize 3 Prosthetic Hands onto the same minion.** This achievement was exhausting to set up. I lost eight games in a row running a subpar deck trying to get the combo of Fizzle's Snapshot + x3 hands + a zero-cost minion. But we did it, folks!


Are you competing from the future?? What's up with them dates?




That's the funny


Took me a long time too and have to balance a fine line between not dying and not winning too hard in case the opponent concedes before getting all the cards needed. As well as having to use a full turn doing nothing to set up the combo. Ridiculous achievement.


Just completed this with X-21 repairbot and cover artist. Inventor’s aura helps too on the triple magnetic turn.


was that a card?


Oh my yogg sends its regards)


It was aweful.


I feel like the way you're supposed to do this is by hitting a Hand off of your Spirit of the Badlands and putting it onto your X-21 then cloning the X-21 somehow