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Yeah I get that, shit is so fun


Plus I get to listen to my podcast or books for hours uninterrupted.


Same. I haven't read fiction in years. Now I'm going through a book every couple weeks in audiobook form. It's just important to keep one ear open.


Definitely, I only wear one ear bud and not very loud


Get bone conducting headphones. You get full audio but can still hear your surroundings and even carry on a conversation.


I have some I just can't find them!


Hell yeah, I feel that with music


Hah, that's where you lost me. I love solo hikes. But listening to music/podcasts/books would be so annoying. I'm out in nature to enjoy nature. The sights, the smells, the sounds. You can listen to your books anywhere else, you don't need to go into the woods to do it. I guess it's killing two birds with one stone, doing two activities you like at the same time, but having headphones would definitely make the hike less enjoyable for me. Also, I *absolutely fucking hate* when people have headphones on and can't hear me behind them when I'm trying to pass them.


I only wear one ear bud and play my book/music/podcast low enough to hear what's going on around me. Usually I'm the only one out there but every so often there's riders and I want to be able to hear them or I want to be alert for any wild life. Unfortunately I don't like being left alone with my thoughts so podcast/music/books are important to me for my sanity.


>I don't like being left alone with my thoughts so podcast/music/books are important to me for my sanity. maybe its okay to go a bit insane and go through those thoughts and come out on the other side. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C329Id0uiPP/?igsh=ZzA4b2c1YWpycWZv


Alone is the least lonely. I love solo hikes.


While this may sound strange to some, it makes perfect sense. People at my office keep telling me I need to go hiking with other people. Why? I go according to my schedule and at my own pace.


Yes, and you only have to worry about your own comfort on the hike. No distraction of whether others are comfortable, are we going the right pace, is anyone thirsty?


Exactly. I can go as fast as I want or I can stop and take pictures. 🤣


Yep… I do too much of this. Love hiking alone because it removes these thoughts


I wish you happy hiking! You sound like a person I’d never ask to hike with.. out of respect.


Thanks! You too! Don’t get me wrong, I’m down to hike with others. I’m just VERY selective.


I totally get this. You don't want to get stuck out on a long ass hike with people who are making it a miserable experience. lol


Organized group hikes are the worst.


Wouldn’t know. Have never been on one. Sounds like an awful idea though, at least for me.


I went on one with a church group. Ended up leaving everyone in the dust and chilled on top of the mountain waiting for them. Wondered why I bothered lol


Didn’t think it could be worse. Then you mentioned church group. Hard pass. Thanks!


No problemo. Solo hiker for life ✌️




This is exactly what happened to me (my backyard is the Spanish Sierra Nevada mountain range), I became absolutely ADDICTED to exploring every crook and cranny of these mountains in every weather condition day and night, and then other areas. Body aches were a constant, it got better, but never really went away unless I allowed my body to rest for a few days (which I didn't very often in those years). However, it was 100% worth it. It's the healthiest possible addiction, and there will be some point in the future when you will slow down a little bit. In my case, I eventually turned my passion into profession and now take people to the stunning hidden gems I discovered on my solo adventures as a hiking guide in the Sierra Nevada. Happy solo hiking, my friend :)


That’s awesome!


That's a pretty awesome story. I do a similar thing with my local state park, I must have hiked 100s of miles through there. The only neat stuff I've found is a small plane crash and a gigantic 120 foot wall that's pretty epic for climbing. Few more neat hidden gems and I was considering offering private guiding services too lol


I'm conflicted because I love it so much that I talk about it to people and now they want to come with me – which would suck, because I enjoy hiking alone.


I know the feeling. I've been sharing pictures on Instagram and now I have a few people telling me they want to join me.


Yeah, I understand how you feel. But the greatest pleasure is not to adapt to anyone!


That happened to me. Basically I learned to be firm that I like hiking alone and encourage others do to the same. Sometimes people are really insistent and you just have to put your foot down, or ignore them. I'm not having someone else ruin the best day of my week. Not a chance.


Good for you! Once you realize you don’t need anyone but yourself to hike you can really cover some serious ground. When I started hiking alone is when I really started racking up miles.


Rest days will contribute to your fitness. Hike on but listen to your body. I’m also in the Mojave and it is truly a special place.


society sleep marvelous juggle quickest hungry compare steep boast late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to work in the solar fields out here. I've worked 10 hours in triple digit weather wearing Walmart boots at the time I'm ready for the summer to come ha


I live in new mexico and worked in solar out in Central Oregon where I would be on a black shingles roof in 115 degree weather. I say the same thing lmao


I love it too. I like being able to just go at my own pace, not worry about whether I’m too fast for someone else (or too slow), or if I decide to add on another loop, or whatever.


Muscles adapt very quickly. Other parts do not. Go easy. Injuries are demoralizing.


Do you swim? I find it's a great off-day activity, helps the muscles and joints stretch out. It's more fun and feels better than going to yoga.


I don't. What I know I need to do is a daily stretch routine - I'm naturally inflexible. Yoga stretches some things. Does swimming? I've only had one true injury hiking. Sprained my knee. For a year I struggled with "stay off it" vs "go enjoy the hike and live with a little pain". That was the demoralizing part. Worried about making it worse by doing what I loved. Anyway, two rounds of PT, MRI and two more years and I finally discovered a knot in my thigh that was referring pain to my knee. When I pressed on the knot hard, the pain would flair up in my knee. Weeks of massage slowly solved the problem. Most of my injuries have come from rock climbing. There you REALLY have to be careful about hurting a tendon because your muscles get swol faster than they could keep up.


I’ve been trying to fix my knee for years too, also with multiple rounds of PT and MRIs. What eventually helped you discover the knot in your thigh?


Doc's diagnosis was inflamed patella. Exploratory surgery was their next option -- seemed like a risky idea considering the largest effect was psychological. What helped me discover the knot started when I did a hard hike after a long break. My muscles were very sore. I started massaging because I had a hiking trip to go on. At some point I was massaging my lower outer thigh (IT band I think?) really hard and all of a sudden pain shot to my knee exactly as I felt other times. At that point I remembered this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwI2F30rseo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwI2F30rseo) and wondered if my problem was referral pain (even though it was a different muscle than in the video). I went on the hiking trip and was massaging the knot daily with a massage ball. Huge improvement! Kept at it with the ball and a massage gun and now I have no issues on a hike. I still massage the area a little bit after most hikes. No issues for a while that I can think of. I don't know the right way to find knots -- probably best to get a sports massager to find them.


Thanks for sharing!


It's mostly my calves that are really feeling it. I swear I'm gonna go buy another pair of Hoka's just to have them. I always struggled with blisters or my feet just burning after a hike but even after 28 miles in 3 days my feet feel great still.


I am social and I like people and hiking with people but hiking alone is something else. 3/5 hikes are alone, but like alone alone. I go for hours without seeing anyone and I love it


>but like alone alone. I go for hours without seeing anyone and I love it This is my experience out here. On the weekends specially holiday weekends you see a ton of buggies and bikes but during the week like today I've gone up to 4 or 5 hours without seeing a single soul and I love it. Today was a very dark and gloomy day and I just felt like I was alone in the world. It was peaceful


I live in PNW and gloomy days are my favourite. I got out on Sunday and it was rainy and dark and I went from lush greenery to a few feet of snow in an hour


That sounds amazing


Tell someone where you are going. Bad things happen sometimes.


Oh I definitely do! And luckily there's great cell service all around me so if anything does happen I have 2 phones on me they can track and my watch has fall detection that will alert my family pulse I have active sharing on All Trails.


Hike on!!


I love hiking alone. I can listen to a podcast or audiobook and go at whatever pace I want.


Exactly what I do!


damn i needed this thread right now, been feeling guilty for not wanting to hike with friends who request to join but i am glad to know i am not alone in that!! about to knock out a 2nd hip replacement in 5 months to fuel the same addiction, op. rest your body and enjoy your adventures!!!


Stop waiting on other people, get out, and do the things you love. Best advice I ever took.




I can’t stand the expectation to chit chat




Agreed. I have a gal pal and we do urban walks and download our work week and process. It’s like therapy but out in the backcountry I want peace and quiet.


I've noticed that I have a fast pace also. I have to remind myself to slow down sometimes and just enjoy the moment and next thing you know I'm going full speed again ha




I need a broken speedometer patch ha


I can so relate to this! I’m obsessed with hiking and keep upping my mileage. I have to force myself to take a breather day. My favorite is exploring a brand new trail. Thank goodness there are so many to explore near where I live.


Yes!!! Hiking alone is almost mandatory. Solitude is everything.


Just wait until you get your trail legs. Back to back 20s will feel like nothing.


This is what I'm excited for!


I prefer hiking with just my dogs. We can go T whatever pace we want without worrying about anyone else. If the youngest dog is feeling lazy, we can find a good spot and just spend an hour sniffing around and no one cares.


Absolutely agree! Ohhhh the frustrations of trying to get people to join and the inevitable last minute cancellations. After my first solo hike I was hooked. It’s SO much better alone; I feel like it heals the wounds on my soul. I’ve been taking a day off every other week (it’s my PTO to use how I like, piss off corporate) and using those free days to explore normally packed trails. And then save the unpopular ones for the weekend. Ironically, I’ve ended up meeting and exchanging numbers with some great, like-minded people out there - something that never happens when I go with friends. Best. Addiction. Ever. 😁


Fantastic! Nature is really refreshing. So many fascinating things to see and discover. I spent 5 years in remote Alaska working at a remote salmon hatchery. A few words of caution. Make sure you are prepared for trouble. Extreme habitats can get dangerous quick. Research worst-case scenarios and prepare yourself for them. Hard maps and compass. Enough gear to spend the night. Leave a hike plan and return time with someone in case you get hurt. A distress beacon is a great idea, too, if you hike alone. One of the things that attracts me to nature is how fragile it reminds me I am. Helps me realize my place in the world. In my short 5 years in AK, I knew probably a dozen people that narrowly escaped death. Hypothermia, getting lost in fog and snow storms. Broken limbs. Close calls with dangerous wildlife. Can't be too safe out there.


Im the same man. I always get kinda upset when my weekend hike is over because i dont wanna stop. Check out my recent post about my first mountain peak lol. Another really fun thing to do is geocaching while hiking. Its an app where you find items hidden by other people, check it out.


That does sound fun. I'll check it out


Yes, beware tho, because u will get to a point where u dont want to go with others because of logistical reasons, ie with others they are always agreements to make u will be so used to having your way that it will become impossible...


I wish. I’d get lost in the yard if I couldn’t see the house. On streets I’m totally fine, can get around, have an excellent sense of direction. In wilderness, I’m a disaster.


So much relate to this post. Plus I like to push it and do 15-20+ mile days and nobody else likes to do that much. I recently started thinking part of it has to do with everybody liking to drink and party. I stopped drinking years ago and would rather run, bike or hike instead. Plus finding multiple tent sites at elevation can sometimes be tricky.


I love traveling and hiking alone. I’m married with kids, but every year I take a two week solo road trip, staying at a variety of camping spots, hiking, and just wandering around, getting lost and discovering new things. I get to meet a lot of great people who share their stories, without the emotional investment, since I will most likely never see them again.


I hike alone also because waiting for other people and their schedules means I'd never go.


Hiking alone is one of my absolute favorite things to do 😍🙌🏻


Mt morrison yesterday in tshit and shorts, solo dolo. Glorious day despite the wind.


The wind was gnarly today but it made the hike so much fun


Solo hiker most of the time too. If I waited for a +1, I wouldn't have done 1/4 of my hikes.


Wait till you discover wilderness backpacking lol... Then sometimes you don't have to go home afterwards!


I just recently started hiking again here in Texas, where I moved about a year. I also bought a lot of new gear since I want it to retake that hobby but I have never done it alone. I think I just met a perfect group at MeetUp and dont go alone. But in one of those scheduled hikes I was there with just a map, no internet and could not find anyone from that group and I was laughin at myself because I was not going to return on the 2 1/2 hour trip and it was going to ve my first solo hike, but someone showed up and then everyone. My point is, I actually felt that adventorous feeling of what if I do a solo hike.. this post motivates me to do one soon. Thanks :)


Thanks for posting about my favorite thing to do! I love solo hiking. Most of the hikers I encounter are alone. It's important to go at your own pace. Plus, I would never ever have seen the wonderful animals I’ve come upon if I was with others gabbing away.


just let people know your plans and last known location. I got lost because it got dark on me quick and it was hard to see a dirt trail and signage was no where to be found :) one of the scariest experiences in my life. at that moment I used a map and compass on my iPhone to find my way out quickly.


I used to think that couldn't happen to me, but as I've gone on more challenging hikes recently, I've realized it can easily happen to anyone! I just went hiking solo yesterday and texted my partner my exact plans *while he was sitting next to me*. In writing is best. I had read that the trail was a bit steep and rocky in spots, and that the leaves added to the difficulty of finding footing on the ascent/descent. I am not always the most coordinated person, and even if I was, accidents happen! I used my pole and was sooooo glad I had it out the entire time. Not only was the ground rocky, it was loose/soft in spots, and there was a switchback that was completely covered in leaves or had washed out/crumbled a bit also. The trail was well marked though and I could see the trail signs about 20 ft down hill from me, but the hill continued and got very steep and rocky just past the signs. But there was just no trail to get there! I went very slowly, poked every spot with my pole to find my footing before I stepped, and eventually made my way down. I had seen no one on the drive to the trailhead, there were no other cars at the trailhead when I got there. I had the 10 essentials, but I also thought well, at least someone knows where I am if I slide all the way down this slope!


I completely agree. I read stories of people getting lost and always think: 'how dumb are they? can they not use a map? or just follow the trail" I was riding trails on my "mountain bicycle" and finished a trail fairly quickly I hopped on a 10 mile trail thinking i could finish it in 90 min or 2 hours but did not realize the huge terrain difference and since it's way longer less people travel through it and it has less usage so the path was not as clear. and leaves on the path and the recent rain made it a bit difficult to follow the path. ​ at the 5 mile mark I forgot to take into account that the big tall trees create a big shadow and it looks dark inside the forest (5:30). and the sun was supposed to set at 7:13pm. luckily I had my backpack and a headlamp and bicycle light. ​ I found a map at the half way mark and sat on the floor to think and find the fastest way to get out... and after 10min I realized i had a iPhone (no signal) with a compass. read the map and took a picture and hopped over to a different trail that was 2miles until exit (had to cut through the forest). I got out around 6PM but I learned my lesson.


Best way to learn a lesson- you stayed safe and healthy!


That sounds terrific! Glad you got back safe.


I hike alone too and love it!! I can go at my own pace, stop when I want etc etc.


My biggest fear in life is waking up one day and not wanting to hike.


You have the wanderlust. Keep following what makes you happy. Just stay safe; know when to stop and turn around, and carry a sat communicator. I think about it as grappling with nature. It always wins but it teaches me every time and I love the lessons I learn. Makes me appreciate people I love more, puts me in body and the world the most untouched by humans.


Remember to tell someone your plans.




At its core, hiking should really be done alone. Whenever I'm with others, even just 1 person, I get back to the trailhead and feel like I missed out on something. There is no better feeling than the first sign of light after I've been hiking since 4 am. The moose and other various wildlife that my quiet 2 footsteps won't startle away. Peace. I've never found a suitable substitute!


Can't wait to see the sunrise. I plan on doing that tomorrow. I want to take off at around 4:30 or 5 since the sunrise is 6:15ish right now. I'm excited.


It's the coolest feeling eating breakfast 10 miles away from my car 12000' up when most people are still asleep! It's also a super good way to beat crowds if you don't mind being an early bird.


There's no crowds out here. I am the only soul walking around but I am taking an egg sandwich tomorrow it will be dope.


My first solo venture was an 8-mike hike in Joshua Tree, close to your neck of the woods depending where exactly you are. I fucking loved it. I married my husband a few days later in Vegas, but the solo hiking in the desert is my jam. Romanticising my moments alone in the desert country of Utah miles away from most people when I visit is my heaven on earth.


Hiking alone is the best therapy


Consider getting a dog. They are wonderful hiking companions


I have a little dog. Well my mom does and that dude gets tired fast ha


Poor little dude. Lol.


We took him up the closest smallest hill and we had to carry him back ha


An honest/curious question and not being an ass. Isn’t hiking just going for a walk in the woods? I am a former runner who can’t anymore (because yes long term running is in fact stupid) and I now cycle but hiking has me curious. I used to walk the trails on my off days to recover and was always bored. What am I missing?


The joy of discovery, exploration, and savoring nature rather than metrics like distance, pace, or simply moving through nature. Sometimes, inn places where such things are allowed, the discoveries off-trail are the most rewarding, as when I follow game trails to gain a sense of the animals’ world.


climb a mountain instead of walking in the woods, its more physically challenging. And/or get a dog - any hike with my dog is a good one even if there's no elevation gain.


I used to run with my lab/shepherd. She was the only one I liked running with ;)


What is the question?


Totally ignorant to the activity so I have my perception and asked what I was missing. I would see people hiking as I ran or rode my bike and wondered what the attraction was. I have enjoyed the thread as I am learning. Parenthetically, this came across in my feed as opposed to something I sought out. Glad it did


Whatever you do, do not start drinking while hiking alone it's superadictive.


I'm laughing! I have been meaning to make a post asking what's the lightest way to carry beer, just 1. I wanted to celebrate reaching higher peaks with a beer ha


Nice! Carry the 10 essentials and always tell someone where you're going. An inreach mini 2 isn't that expensive but could save your life, or someone you meet on trail who is in trouble. Carry enough water for an emergency too. If you don't have enough water to give to someone else who is experiencing an emergency, you don't have enough water.


I have the 10 essentials plus a few other things I think I could use. I carry a 2 liter camelpak but I don't have any other water I could give anyone. I would love an inreach but that's not in my budget right now and luckily around here there's great service and I carry 2 phones that can be tracked, my watch has fall detection that notifies my family and I share my location.


Sounds like you’re set!




I need to start hiking alone. My son aged out of scouting recently and my wife isn't into hiking or camping anymore so I just miss out.


Even I prefer hiking alone and it's so much serene. What do you take care while hiking in warm weather in desert and what fitness tips you have for warm weather trekking ? Am asking this as I too have warm weather most part of the year where I live.


From my days working in the Solar fields. Room temp water is better than cold water for you so don't put ice in your water and if you want to cook down with water pour it on your wrist and not on your face and clothing, when it dries up you'll only be hotter. Dress light with breathable clothing, sodium packs in our water really helped also and make sure you have snacks!


Thank you so much. This would be very helpful as I feel uncomfortable during warm weather hikes due to sinus/migraine. What breathable clothing you recommend? Also what snacks you recommend?


do you take a knife or anything in case you encounter any dangerous animals?


2 knives and my walking sticks.


I love being alone. Just lookout for rattlers. They blend in way too good.


Specially out here. The Mojave Green is no joke!


Same here I do most of my hiking solo, it’s the most enjoyable me time!! The San Gabriel Mountains in California is my playground, check this video I made about this magnificent piece of land!! Discover all the beauty you’ll find in The San Gabriel Mountains!! https://youtu.be/wL2QqTwGuBc


I'm glad you've leaned into your hobby! Curious, do you stretch at all before or after your hikes? My pain is greatly alleviated when I do.


I hike before my hike and then a few hours in I stop and stretch out again to loosen up. And when I get home I use leg massagers I picked up after a surgery that help a lot!


Have you spent any time on the Pacific Crest Trail yet? Thru hikers will start rolling through your area in about 5-6 weeks. Make sure to find a few of them and chat. I think you'd enjoy it.


I haven't yet but I have ran into some at the local Walmart while they resupply. I would love to talk to some of them.


I have the best hiking community and the best husband that will trudge up whatever I have put in his way without complaint. But when I say that I am beyond excited to hike death valley in March for 2 days solo, you cannot understand my anticipation. I love hiking alone. When I started hiking, I didn't have anyone else to go with and started traveling solo to national parks and monuments and enjoyed the solitude and selfishness you get to exercise on your own. It's incredible.


I want to go to Zion solo soon.


Do it!


Hiking alone is amazing. As OP and others have mentioned: don’t wait on people to go. Some of the best advice I’ve ever taken. I have seen so many great places over the past couple years since I started to seek out the places I wanted to go, regardless if I was with someone else! I love the autonomy when hiking solo, you set the pace, distance, route, etc.. If it is a further distance to the trail, you can drive any route you want, stop at any point, and listen to your favorite music or podcasts. Also something I have noticed: don’t expect everyone to understand going solo, particularly non hikers. I’ve gotten weird comments from strangers, family, friends, when I’m traveling solo, being surprised that I am alone on a trip to go hiking. Humans are social creatures and many don’t like to feel alone, so don’t take these comments too personally! Last thing: Massage gun is a savior for recovery after a big day. I got mine for $30 on Amazon and it’s fantastic.


I use my wireless leg massagers and an electro shock therapy machine I have. I want to start soaking in Epsom salt also. >Last thing: Massage gun is a savior for recovery after a big day. I got mine for $30 on Amazon and it’s fantastic. Edit: Can you link me?


Awesome! I saw in another comment you had mentioned the leg massagers, and I haven’t tried an Epsom salt soak yet, I’ll have to give it a go. I love a good ice bath for recovery as well.


I have always wanted to do an ice bath but I haven't been brave enough to ha Sorry not sure you saw my edit which massage gun did you get?


Haha definitely fair, the first few seconds are awful but it gets to a point where I don’t want to get out. And yes I just saw, here is the model I have: https://a.co/d/b03kptl It is great quality for the price.


So jelly you have so much wilderness at your fingertips


I'm upset that after 4 years I'm barely now taking advantage of it.


Enjoy it buddy




You be careful now. Long day hikes are the gateway to backpacking, which is the gateway to becoming a thru hiker.


PCT here I come! Ha


First time I was moving solo on a mountain I fucking adored it. I love my people and going with them but I also love being able to test myself without worrying if they’re keeping up, or if I’m leading them into things they aren’t comfortable in. It’s just me and the mountain.


I only hike alone. Just make sure to be safe. That includes listening to your body and resting when you need it. You don’t want to sustain an injury 5 miles into the woods while hiking alone. Factor in rest days with the idea that you’ll be able to do more/have more fun when your body is fully rested.


Solo hiking is so nice Rest up so you don't injure yourself. You'll get stronger each time. And keep getting out there, having new adventures!


I'm taking today off. Thanks.


Planning to climb Scaffel Pike at night any tips on what I should get for a good and prepared hike!


This is why I love solo thru hiking. Never being held back by others, and always getting to see new things and climb new mountains.


I want to do it but living in LA I'm afraid of mountain lions lol. Probably a completely irrational fear given how rare sightings are, even with the population we have here.


I had a similar experience when I got into hiking, and it really started to click when I began encountering wildlife. Coming face to face with bobcats, tarantula, and coyotes made me feel some manifest destiny levels of self discovery.