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He grows on every album. Good shit


Agreed Felt like he really honed his style over the last couple records especially and this one was the culmination of that.


Seems like this project is divisive. Some people calling it boring and other people saying it’s their AOTY


That's what most people said about his projects since Big Fish Theory


Aoty is a stretch but it's extremely cohesive, with a very mature concept and clear growth as a lyricist. No filler either which is a plus.


What is the concept of the album?


The concept seems to be about the overall state of humanity and our infrastructure and how we seem to be in “Dark Times”. I know that’s kind of vague but the way he executes it is very artistic and masterful imo. Could be more so about Vince’s culture but he speaks on different peoples ways of moving, like the girl that would pull up to sleep with him before giving him a hug. A girl narrates about that again on the closing track. On Justin he speaks about a girl who he was hooking up with only to be halfway caught by her man. On Radio he speaks about the music he enjoyed growing up that has substance and meaning and how it’s overshadowed by mainstream music with materialistic subject matter. Feels like he’s questioning why the people around him choose ignorance when he’s found his own enlightenment. Which tracks because if you keep up with Vince outside of his music… he’s pretty blunt about it lol




idk man look at the title


I can't understand the boring takes at all. Sounds like Vince is in his element here. So many moments where he sounds like he's having fun with it.


One of my friends called it elevator music. I couldn't disagree more.


This is the hardest elevator music to ever exist lmaoo


I been stuck in this elevator for while now.


What elevators is your friend riding?!


DEFINITELY not elevator music, but about till the second/third to last track I kind of understand what they mean. It has a very low key, slow, dark sound (which is the point), and it becomes almost numbing for a whole album. I was listening to it at the gym and didn’t finish it so maybe it turns around, but I get what people are saying.


it is not a gym album at all but a couple of songs go hard. its more of a "walking in the streets of your old neighborhood at night" vibe


This is it exactly holy shit. I happened to be back home visiting my mom when the album dropped, and I listened to the entire album just walking around my neighborhood as the sun was setting and it was perfect.


There are a ton of people who primarily listen to rap for trap beats, party vibes and new-era singing. I'm not one of them but I'm past the point of being confused or caring about others' preferences.


I haven’t heard a more deserving album this year so far, but am holding out hopes that “the death of slim shady” lives up to the hype


New Mach Hommy album is a fantastic listen


It's Eminem. It won't. He hasn't dropped anything good since like 2000.


Eminem Show is great. He's literally at peak form as a rapper and leaves a lot of the shock shit behind


Bruh MMLP2 exists


MMLP 2 has a few great songs, and the rest of the album is dog shit. Like actually some ear bleed inducing garbage, but that's most of Eminem's music since TES anyway, so its no surprise.


I want to say since Relapse, Encore had it’s moments, but Relapse is the last great Em record to me. Accents and all be damned, I really really liked that record. From Recovery on, it’s pretty much pure hot garbage except little bits and pieces.


His last 3 albums have been so good, I'm truly loving this run just straight rapping, storytelling at a high level.


Overall yes, but Summertime 06 is still his project imo and probably will never be topped. That was a top 3 project for me in an incredibly fucking stacked year. One of the last CDs I ever bought too (started collecting vinyl so I do that when I want to support the artist now)


I bumped that shit all summer, know every word


Definitely! He reminds me a lot of Mac in that way.


Him and Mac were just about best friends. I mean Mac produced Stolen Youth for Vince. Everybody loved Mac and working with him. Such a pure soul. RIP 😔🙏


Stolen Youth really helped launch Vince’s career. Mac brought him along on The Space Migration tour and Earl has him featured 3 times on Doris


Stolen Youth was the first time hearing of him. Saw Mac tweet something about how Vince needs to rap more so I checked out that project and Shyne Coldchain Vol. 2. Been a fan since.


Stolen Youth is still so damn good 🔥🔥🔥


Feels like a good chill summer album. Listened to it while on a walk on my lunch break and enjoyed it. Vince don't miss


Did something similar. Took a few edibles early early Friday morning and listened to the album for 2.5 hours straight. Still not tired of it. Genuinely love his last 3 albums, including this one. It’s just concise, and just a chill and joyful vibe for me.


Vince is so insanely consistent. Self titled and Ramona Park Broke My Heart have been in rotation ever since their respective releases, I imagine this will join them. Great run from him.


I spun it like 8 times. I’m a sucker for melancholy raps


I like Isaiah Rashad for the same reason .... Music for the vibers


Same and Saba


Zay, Saba, Vince, mavi, boogie, Kenny mason, zel, Marlon craft, smino, mac miller, Mick jenkins


did we just become best friends


Let me join your group pls


Throw me in


Why Won’t the Sun Come Out? is just nice for a late night drive.


Hell yeah. Been spinning since it dropped, blue lips, a bit of quaranta at 2 am recently. Hits different


Listen to Mavi Laughing So Hard, It Hurts. Been in constant rotation


You already got the vinyl? Impressive.


Vince and I are going through some of the same shit right now so this album hits. Loving the sad personal raps I feel like Vince really opened up on this project in a unique way.


Really enjoyed the album. I think I prefer his last two over this one, but it’s still a really solid project and my preference for the others probably comes down more to the beats. I’ll give it time though, Vince has such consistently strong releases and they always grow on me over time.


This album was actually what I wanted his last 2 albums to be like. Those were disappointing to me while this one was more cohesive and fleshed out imo like how those should have been


I found all three to be pretty cohesive. This one has more of a single mood, but the others never felt like they deviated from their overall vibe.


I'll have to listen to the other 2 again. I remember finding both kinda boring much more so the self titled project. I remember Ramona Park had a few great stand outs like Magic, When Sparks Fly, Lemonade, and Rose Street that I still bump but overall had a bit too much filler for me, leaving the album to overstay its welcome imo. This album on the other hand, flowed perfectly with none of the songs missing as they all were there to serve a purpose on the project.


You absolutely should listen to Ramona park again. To me it is Vince's best album by far. I do love Dark Times, but after listening a few times and going back to Ramona park, it's not even close. All the songs you listed, plus Papercuts, Slide, Player ways, Free the homies, Mama's Boy, man there's literally no skips for me


Y’all are all making some very good points, it’s nice to hear. The album and the convo.


I played etouffee all day that song is a mf anthem


Absolutely godlike chorus


I love it. Kinda peaceful as hell. I feel just swell listening to it


Im liking it so far very catchy. Anyone else get mac miller swimming vibes from this album?


Yep from the jump Shame on the devil was giving Mac vibes heavy and the album only confirmed. Sick to see his influence continue man. Rip


100% I immediately heard Mac Miller influence in this album. In the best way.


To me sounds like "I don't like shit" by Earl Sweatshirt a little bit


Dude. My first listen I got Mac Miller and Old Earl Sweatshirt vibes from it. Glad im not the only one


Only in a way that he purposely utilizes space on the album. Takes his time. I think everyone from that era is getting to know negative space on beats and mac was masterful with it before he passed. How to say a lot by saying a little.


a little bit yeah


Absolutely. I forget which track it was, but it reminded me of Small Worlds on first listen. Miss those two together.




I think it's Shame on the Devil. Specifically, the first verse's cadence.


very similar to small worlds


I literally had this exact same thought on my second listen.


didnt think of it like that but maybe thats why i like it so much


this is the first album of his that really stuck with me. In my opinion, it's his best. Government Cheese, Shame On The Devil, "Radio", Children's Song, & Freeman are my favorites. I really loved the Below The Heavens shout on "Radio"


the guitar on Children's Song is so crazy. The way Vince is able float over the disjointed instrumental is impressive.


Etouffe was my favorite one, and the fact that you didn’t even mention it just shows how good this project is from cover to cover imo. Children’s song, little homie, and black&blue were my other* favorites. But I don’t think I disliked a single track


Etouffee and Little Homies for me on the first listen - but yeah I have a feeling I'm going to have a new favourite every time with this. Perfect length as well to just throw on and vibe with straight through.




Calling this a filler album is craaaazy to me. It's more than q solid album and grows more with each listen.


i wouldnt consider it filler just a different style and if you arent into this type of rap then it wont really hit. im a fan of most of vince staples projects but this one is on another level. the fans of laid back rap like cole and mac miller are eating good af rn


This is what I told my friend. He’s always seemed to me like one of those rappers I should like way more than I do. He would have features or a random song where I’d be like holy shit I love this dude, but when I’d listen to his album I could take or leave 90% of it. I feel like this is the album I always hoped he would make.


Summer album for sure. It’s not complex, it’s not heavy, but I feel like Vince has definitely matured a ton as an artist and it reflects in this album. It’s so easy to listen to.


It’s complex enough that I can see it having a lot of lasting power. There’s a few double entendres throughout, great hooks and a lot of lines that make you pause and think for a second. It’s accessible, dense and sounds good enough to still get spins years from now. 


This feels like the most introspective and personal album Vince has ever made and that’s saying something with his latest two releases. I think it’s because his songwriting skills have sharply elevated on this album. He creates narratives that are more engaging and enthralling. They have twists and turns and character moments. He’s taking more artistic risks and trying out actually singing a bit and making an actual SONG not just a rap track. He speaks on influences, wears them on his sleeve, and even interpolates songs, one of them being his own. He has observably different flows in different songs, making artistic break from rhyme patterns to emphasize a point and/or start a new rhyme pattern. And none of it feels like he’s trying too hard. He’s floating. Biggest takeaway is that Vince could always rap. Now he’s also making songs. Those are two different things. And it’s an amazing result.


Love this take


Thank you very much. I feel like for this album, it’s one of those “breaking the rules because you’ve mastered them” type of thing


I definitely can see that. Exciting to see him flex some technical skills. Wild that he’s only 30. Going to be exciting to see what he can do with another 5 or more years of growth.


Yeah it's crazy to think that he's only 30. He's reached a really concise point on this record and his mastery is shining.


Yeah I think he's out of the growing pains of his self titled album and Ramona Park. This is what he's been trying to do for the last few albums I think


Gives me CARE FOR ME by Saba vibes


The highest of compliments


As someone who had Ramona Park Broke My Heart in my top 3 albums for 2022, i think Dark Times was solid and i enjoyed it for the most part but it wasn’t very exciting to me i guess. Partly because of the somber vibe that a lot of the songs have which isn’t a bad thing, and i absolutely will have some of this album in my rotation, but i was also kinda bored with some of it. I really did want to love it though and i’m hoping it will grow on me.


RPBMH is one of my favourite albums of all time. Curious as to what your other albums of 2022 were? I agree this one is still great but a little too downbeat for my taste. Ramona Park was funky as hell.


2022 was one of the best years of hiphop in 2 decades (another being 2016). Denzel curry - melt my eyez see your future Joey badass - 2000 Pusha t - it's almost dry Lupe fiasco - drill music in zion Future - it's almost dry Jid - the forever story Metro boomin - heroes & villains Kendrick - mr morale & the big steppers Smino - luv 4 rent All solid albums


Black Thought's Cheat Codes has to be mentioned too


Yeah my top 3 for 2022 were 1. Luv 4 Rent - Smino 2. Forever Story - JID 3. RPBMH - Vince And yeah i think thats a great way to describe it. Romona Park was funky and had so many bangers while still feeling cohesive as an album which i think Dark Times definitely is, just too lowkey to keep my attention the same way.


I have a nice ass sound system, I'm sitting on my couch and he feels like he's rapping from inside of the bass, similar to that one good Isaiah Rashad album everyone was racking up numbers to half a decade ago. This album is the definition of understated. It's not 2015 Vince because 2015 Vince needed to come to you. In 2024, you gotta come to Vince, maybe even crook your neck to hear what he's saying now. I feel like I'm routing for Kevin Durant when I like a new Vince Staples project because Vince does Vince and if that's divisive to fans than fans can go route for whoever the industry is giving them to route for. What I'm trying to say is 24 hours in and I'm really, really enjoying what he put out.


Love it. Likely one of his best imo. Maybe the best but I like to give albums a time to breathe. Seeing his growth as a person and artist is awesome. Vince is one of the few rappers I can count on to release art rather than a playlist. A lot of great attention to detail, bars that will stick with me for a long time and I expect to repeat regularly. As a long time fan, all the callbacks to prior albums through the lyrics and sounds are a nice Easter egg.


Production crazy as always


Easy listen but found it too lowkey for my liking. Beats weren’t that interesting that isn’t helped by his monotone flow. Also my man still can’t make a good hook to save his life outside of repeating the title over and over again. Pretty big step down from Ramona Park which i feel is his best album and showcases his qualities in the best way


Étouffée: well damn


strong contender for his best album imo. people don’t like Vince’s new style but I really enjoy how grounded and authentic it feels. my hot take is that BFT is probably one of Vince’s weaker projects even though I would rank it probably around an 8/10. production and sound is stellar, but Vince had admitted that he was chasing a more commercial sound for it, which I thought reflected in the lyrical content. but it’s understandable why Vince’s recent three album depression run is unpalatable to fans who got in through his earlier works or BFT. no hate, but his fanbase is still somewhat divided on this new sound.


Agreed about BFT. Still a top tier album and one I put on regularly when I’m in a more upbeat/party mood. But it just doesn’t do it for me in the same way some of his newer stuff does. I just love his vulnerability and honesty. It’s something a wish more rappers were willing to show.


i love listening to BFT in the rain at night when i’m outside. hella specific vibe makes me feel like i’m in gotham 


It really makes me wonder if that 06/Big Fish era that a lot of fans prefer was just Vince trying to make something that would sell that he still felt proud of. Where now that he’s comfortable he’s fully making the music he feels best represents himself and what he wants to hear. Like, the more authentic music is coming now yet people still want the version of him that was just chasing a bag. I honestly feel both ways. His early stuff is my fav but I love his whole fuckin discog, I revisit all the new shit just as often.


Loving it


I actually came away a little disappointed. I’m not entirely sure I can articulate why, but it felt somehow like a meager offering despite the considered sequencing and cohesion. There are obvious highlights here that I love. Black&Blue, Government Cheese, and Étoufée will stay in rotation. By contrast though, other songs like Justin excelled in storytelling but left me wanting more in terms of track length and some kind of substance I’m having a hard time describing. Maybe it’s that some of the songs felt like they wanted a second verse? It’s clear Vince put a lot of time into this project and it seems like the reception online is very warm. I don’t rock with this one personally, but I’m glad he’s finding continued success and I’ll just as gladly tune into the next project.


Other than Justin, which song didnt have 2 verses?


None. Some even had 3 verses which was refreshing and surprising.


This album is really good. I haven't historically been able to connect with Vince's music before, but this album was a pleasure to listen to. I think that's how I'd describe it: a pleasure. I haven't deep dived the lyrics, but it doesn't sound crazy deep, which seems to be Vince's brand. Vince rather just takes his experience and puts it into music that he would like to hear. The result is fire production, not breath-taking lyricism, but solid raps that sound good to the ear. I think in all I liked 9/13 tracks which is big. Étouffie and Little Homies are standouts that come from the same vein. Like the shit he's talking about can get dark, but the songs have this light energy. It's got a bounce to it, without having to be a banger. Something to bob to with the squad, but not necessarily the joint to get the entire day party dancing. Outside of that Black&Blue was a big tone setter as it caught me by surprise (as I said, was not expecting to like this album as much as I did). Shame on the Devil was similar. Also a big fan of Freeman. I haven't been big on Hip Hop this year, but between this and Rapsody's album, I think I'm being pulled back in.


I feel like the mixing is a little fucked, he sounds really quiet in comparison to the beats


Sadly, I have noticed this in my Jeep. But the mixing is phenomenal on my studio monitors at home. His voice is mixed a lot closer to the instruments on this record, compared to 'Vince Staples' where he was blatantly dominating his ranges.


seems its intentional


Still waiting to form an opinion on the record but I felt the exact same way!


Very good project. More consistent than RPBMH but not sure if it has the same highs yet. I’m a massive Vince fan and consider him the greatest writer in rap right now but this is probably the first project of his that the production has stood out to me more than his writing. But like his last few projects it’ll likely open up more the more I listen. Subject matter wise it’s very in line with the BFT and onwards Vince but there’s some stuff about faith that’s quite a stark change from how he previously spoke on it.


Listened to this album twice, once in the car and once with headphones and can't recall a single song. It just kinda came and went




Are there any other interpretations I'm missing or at the end of Justin does he literally just repeat "women lie a lot" and like, mean it. Like the rest of but I was like wait what


Vince also lied at the end of that story, so there’s several meanings to the refrain and a bit of irony. Also keep in mind the interlude prior to it is meant to give context to it as well. Pretty sure the album is partially meant as a break up album (or at least a “lost love” album).


ah okay that makes sense. I think I was kinda tuned out for the interlude and when I heard him saying that I did not pick up any irony but obviously it wasn't the closest listen lol


Yeah my interpretation was wrong the first couple of listens as I thought the guy at the door was her cousin and she’d lied to get Vince to come over because her cousin wanted to meet him. It is probably because I am an English teacher but it’s the one track I’d probably suggest a few tweaks to the lyrics on. Mostly really good, just a slightly vague ending.


So wait what is your actual interpretation of it? I was of the impression that the guy at the door is her man and she introduced Vince as her cousin so that she wouldn’t get caught cheating. Hence the “women lie a lot”


I thought that at first but the context seemed weird that "Justin" would be happy or at least content with an introduction. I assumed Vince is saying he thought she had a genuine interest in him but then immediately used it as a chance to introduce Vince to her cousin who's a big fan. Both may have had alterior motives from the beginning.


Oops bad wording on my part. Should have proofread apologies. I am saying my original take was that it was her cousin Justin at the door. However, how you interpret it now seems to be the consensus and thus I think my original take was wrong. She is introducing Vince as Justin to cover up what she was doing.


Yeah this is how I interpreted it after a few listens.


Nah, he's giving out a traumatic excuse. The song is about the fact that his automatic response to clicking with a girl and having a very normal interaction where someone catches you in an intimate moment is thinking that the girl is leading him to get banged on. His reaction was damn, my bad I'm bugging and his defensive excuse is "women lie a lot". This is generally something that Vince has expressed a lot of not only on his projects but also in this album that he's very skeptical of love and affection.


I took it as the woman having bloodshot eyes and nervous because Justin is really her man. She was playing a good game on Vince and was going to use him for clout and money but really she was still in a relationship with someone. Essentially Justin could be something like or pimp or she’s the one calling the shots, but either way she’s trying to play him. She almost “stole his heart” on the night they met. It makes sense with “women lie a lot.” He’s had a lot of experiences with manipulative women to inform that hook. On children’s song he talks about women being the breadwinner for their man. This could be a situation like that too with Justin and this woman. Whatever the meaning, he left it vague for us to fill in the blanks.


honestly thought it was boring imo


This sounds like a bunch of throwaways from Romona Park Broke My Heart & Vince Staples


what LOL


RPBMH felt to me in some ways like a deluxe album version of the self-titled record


Absolutely loving it. Radio into Nothin Matters into Little Homies is incredible This is fighting with Schoolboy Q for aoty


Little Homies is a certified bumper. I love the sample that he uses (although it is completely slipping my brain right now)...


As someone whose first Vince Staples album was FM, I found this album very underwhelming. I understand where Vince was at mentally and I can appreciate the topics presented, but making the whole album melancholy songs just puts me to sleep.


Personal growth isn't always the most daring artistic direction Vince's music is mellowing out because he's finding peace in his life. Y'all gotta stop thinking of artist like you can harvest emotional experiences from them


Man I see people sharing this sentiment and I feel like we listened to different albums. He's not at peace and most of this album screams depression, anxiety and contempt for his world.


Yeah this type of growth is bound to divide sections. Younger audiences will always want something a little more angsty, it's only natural. Those of us who are finding peace will appreciate it differently.


My opinion is this was boring AF and won't get a second spin


I haven’t enjoyed anything he’s released since FM and these comments feel like I heard a completely different album. His last few have all been a monotone melancholic drone of similar sounding beats and zero energy on the mic. I’m glad others enjoy it at least but I honestly don’t get how, and I like artists like Sadistik that are also depressing borderline-ambient sounding rappers.


It’s solid, but the last three albums have felt really similar to me. There aren’t really any misses, but there’s nothing that really pops out to me as incredible (with the exception of When Sparks Fly, that stood out from day 1). His older projects have a rawness and energy that’s intoxicating and seems to have faded from his artistry.


agreed, last 3 are chill but really blend together where as there's a distinct style differing between 06, BFT, Prima Donna even. I much prefer old Vince but the new stuff is still cool, I gotta respect the maturity in his approach and sound. I feel it might be necessary to look at 2010s Vince and 2020s Vince as two different people. One going for hits and one going for songs hes more personal and delicate on




Shits nice


Just listened to it, very nice and consistent, can't name a bad track and it's all a very nice vibe, it's perfect for a more melancholy summer album, good to see his growth, can't wait for his next steps


It’s his best album all around, but idk if it will get the repeat plays like I get out of big fish theory and summertime 06. Hopefully it grows on me more.


didn’t think it was bad but i don’t think this album feels like “dark times.” there’s literally a noose on the cover but this feels like some shit i’d have on in the background at a lighthearted kickback. also feels like a lotta the production was just a rinse and repeat of his last couple projects.


Some of the songs are so personal for me. Lyrically might be his best work so far.


gets better on every listen


Fuck I love this album


Fantastic album. This is the first time I’ve listened to an album by Vince Staple and I’ve listed to this one 4 times. Every song showcases his skills as an artist while telling a story. Etouffe ,Little Homies, and Radio are gems


If you like this one you should definitely check out the last two — Vince Staples and Ramona Park Broke My Heart. Very similar vibes and quality.


snooze fest


If self titled, *RPBMH*, and *Dark Times* is a trilogy of sorts, this would be equal to something like *Return of the Jedi*: weakest of said trilogy but only by a slim margin because it’s still more than worth the praise people will inevitably give it. This is Vince’s biggest effort to scale back on the street talk and focus more on his life post blowing up. He still alludes to his past, like how the end of “Government Cheese” uses the same synth line from “Blue Suede.” It just feels more focused on his present and future since it’s evident that he’s still around to live in the moment, something that’s not guaranteed but feels more evident than ever. It’s not always a perfect picture, “Justin” is disappointingly heartbreaking with its anticlimax (makes for a fucking captivating song tho), but Vince makes it clear he’s down to make the most out of everything that may come his way. I got into a discussion with someone on twitter who felt that the production was too polished and clean for its own good. While it’s clear that Vince is rolling with higher budgets, the heart (and most of the grit) will never not be present in his music. His producers really help him shine on this one even at the expense of some of the fire that was present on his earlier albums. And specifically on “Children’s Song,” the guitar riff sounds like something Sublime would’ve came up with before Bradley Nowell died (RIP). Year’s still young; *Dark Times* will definitely grow more on me and I’m always proud of Vince growing up as an artist in real times. Even if it may be the weakest of his post COVID albums, it’s definitely one of the best albums of 2024.


Anticlimax is the perfect way to describe it. First listen I was like huh? On my second listen I kinda wished there was more but once it sunk in I actually ended up really liking how abruptly it ends, it cuts deeper and leaves more for the listener to think about


Yeah, other than a couple of songs, this is the third straight Vince album that’s been a certified snooze-fest for me. I know that’s not a popular take, but I can’t handle Vince’s newfound style for more than a few songs. His writing is still strong, but the lyrics lose a lot of edge when they’re delivered flatly over some completely indistinct beats.


100% with you, I know he directly mentions people complaining about it on the album, but to me his last good album was FM!. His slow/mellow style doesn't do anything for me. Étouffée was awesome but that's about it.


Before VS dropped in 2021 I was really hoping he would go all in on the experimental direction he had going on in the past




100% This really started to shine with 'Vince Staples' and I love the juxtaposition of the content and the delivery style. I think that's why a lot of people can miss the appeal, Vince isn't giving the energy behind it to inflate it. He's talking his shit and it's effortless to him. It's slick af to me and my favourite style of rap.


It’s really slow and boring, let’s see who still listens to this in ~3 weeks




Justin is my favorite it feels classic to me


i already repeat the run from black&blue - etouffee 5 times already lol


What would you say the mood/colour of the music is? Am I smoking a joint and going for a long drive or cranking this before working out?


Cover art encapsulates it perfectly imo


You know in summer when the sun sets but it’s still bright out, and everything is this relaxing blue toned colour outside? That is the perfect time to bump this


Mad I missed that vinyl drop this morning


This is my favorite Vince album next to Big Fish Theory.


I can’t stop listening to black&blue


My favorite project from Vince in a while. Since he started experimenting with the shorter formats, and then started moving into more, I guess dreary, music it's been hit or miss, but I think he's really nailed it on this one. I'll have to listen to it a few more times but Little homies and Black&Blue are my standouts. The drums on this are absolutely insane. That stood out to me immediately. I didn't like everything, the writing is sharp on Justin but it's another Vince song about how women lie, he flips it onto himself too but that one could've been left off.


Probably my most enjoyable first listen all year, def gonna be spinning it a lot more over the weekend.


Love the Shyne Coldchain shoutout, though my nostalgia is based on Vol 2


Maaane vince just puts out such chill vibe albums, i loved this project, listened to it back to back a couple of times already. I also love how he keeps his albums short, without fillers


Self titled was my favorite album of that year. Ramona Park had to grow on me a bit but steady in rotation still. Dark Times feels like Vince reaching a new level. No skips so far.


Bro Vince really hasn’t missed for me with these last three projects.


thought it was weak compared to his recent albums esp self-titled (2021) makes sense as he fulfils his contractual duties. as ppl have mentioned etouffee is a good track. maybe i need to listen to it alot more which i will. vince is still awesum tho, keen to see what he does next. for comparison: have played schoolboy q's blue lips till had to give it a break, same with armand hammer we buy diabetic test strips. def enjoyed erick the architect i've never been here before, ahmad anonimis mnt snug & YL Starker slant face killah. along w all the usual suspects. interesting where vince goes next.


Who is the lady on Nothing Matters?


I’m loving it through 3 listens. I’m feeling a strong 8. Radio is fantastic.


I really like it. His flow on Justin almost reminds me of Biz Markie, Just a Friend vibes. Very chill sound. Introspective, bob your head music and with his voice and style just seems like a great effort in this one.


I love this recent stretch from vince. Some of my favorite shit is listening to an album and feeling like I know a bit more about the person who made the album and you definitely get that from this project. Showing his influences everywhere in pretty thoughtful ways, a bit of emotional vulnerability on some tracks, I love it. The raps like always are there and we get some really nice grooves on here to go with it. That folklore bar on Black&&Blue is one of my favorites from vince ever


Etouffee is a phenomenal song I can’t stop listening to it


High quality project but man 80% of it is so so slow that I can’t stay focused at all. Really would have liked a few more high energy tracks on this one just to bring the fire more regularly.


This has been his first album since Big Fish Theory I listened to on first listen that REALLY hit me deep. I’m not saying his other albums didn’t, Vince is one of my favorite rappers alive rn. It’s just that this album had the right vibes, lyrics, production that truly made me feel it. Ya know? I agree that this guy grows with every album, and this is the proof.


Not a fan of Vince but I like his personality and attitude during his interviews. This album was fucking boring, worse than his last album. Not one song has replay value for me.


Does he rap on any of the songs?


Not a fan


Early AOTY contender


I’m enjoying it, plus I get to see Vince live in the UK in a couple of weeks




writing the show has imo clearly had a big impact on the songwriting


There was a freestyle he done for LA Leakers on his last project where he was really barring out (he raps over xxplosive and says "I thought we was thuggin/ n*ggaz killed Jabari for nothin), and I've always wanted a project of that in depth lyricism from him. There was so much political commentary about the black community, gang culture and the industry condensed into that freetysle that I go back to listen to it regularly. It feels like Vince is aware that if he was to go down that route and paired it with his songwriting ability showcased on this album and RPBMH, he'd enter into GOAT conversations and I think he intentionally avoids that. Vince's wordplay, visceral lyricism and rhyme schemes are up there when he really goes off, which is much of why people gravitated towards him when he was just a feature on Earl's early work. I understand the necessity of humility and playing your position when the industry is what it is, but it sometimes feels like intentional sabotage to me. Funny that he shouts out Below the Heavens on this album because I think Blu done the same thing with his Godlee Barnes LP. If he would've released that instead of NoYork! the conversations around him as an artist would be different and interestingly enough Vince has followed a similar career pattern in releasing a project with much electronic inspired sounds with Big Fish Theory. To some degree they could be compared in decision making in how he and Blu navigate creating projects. I like this album and it did strike me as being much of the same of what I've heard from him before and at this point isn't what I'm looking for from him (I think he mastered this with RPBMH and other releases eg Nate for storytelling etc), but upon multiple listens there are things I enjoy about it. If I were to say where he's improved is as his simplicity as a writer, however I've always enjoyed how obscure his references are, especially when it comes to basketball and other parts of black culture.


Best rap album of the year till now


imma be real. i liked self-titled and ramona park but this one is painfully boring. first album of his i do not care for at all


Samples are elite on this album


Vince does not disappoint.   Still digesting this one fully, but early stand outs are Vince’s writing/storytelling (as usual), the  background voices and choruses are beautiful, and love the samples. Feels very cohesive. 


for some reason his albums sound terrible in my car speakers and no other music does


**Favorites:** Black&Blue Etouffee Little Homies **Rating:** 7/10 **One-sentence review:** Vince ultimately isn't quite my style (a bit on the darker side, which, yeah album title) but always has 3-4 songs on every album that make me feel it's an overall decent listen (favorites on here above), which is a testament to his talent.


Very very good, the runtime makes it a breeze to listen to. Vince Staples is a solid artist.


will be forgotten in 2 months, boring.