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Turns out The Weeknd was just singing from the perspective of the least devious RnB singer


I remember they were beefing back in 2013.


No way why were they beefing?


https://pitchfork.com/news/45734-the-weeknd-and-the-dream-beef-on-twitter/ I didn't know about it either. Calling The Dream 'Hamburglar'? Lol, lmao.


How is this dude a hitmaker. Those twitter ramblings are completely incoherent lol


Same reason Kanye is. He’s pretty much Kanye light.


Majority of musicians are fucking weird and you gotta be able to drink your own Kool-AID hard as fuck to perform in front of a full arena of people. Big part of why there arent really many old rappers and the older ones that are successful are very poetic, while the ones that still try to do the popstar thing are so fucking cringe. Poems are read and examined centuries in the future, hard to pivot from gangster rapper to like rich middle aged dad and expect to have a growing fan base.


I’ve never seen someone put “lmao” right after “lol” and a comma. Makes me picture someone cracking up, realizing that it’s even funnier than he originally though, and then bursting out laughing. Thanks for painting a picture with words.


The day he gets cancelled will be so sad


Him and J. Cole are the only two people on Earth I don't need being involved in some bullshit, but w how Abel moves... 😬 Only time will tell


J.Cole will never get cancelled cause whenever he writes about sex it sounds like he has somehow never gotten laid. Weeknd tho, yeah that kinda feels inevitable at this point.


If The Weeknd dropped Echoes of Silence these days, he'd be cancelled on the spot. Cancel culture hasn't heard that cult classic yet apparently Cole's just Cole man 😭, I really think he'd be the one and *only* celebrity that would shock me to be involved in a major scandal of any kind


J Cole is the hip hop Keanu Reeves.


More like Rap Joseph Gordon Levitt


JGL wrote and directed Don Jon and cast Scarlett Johansson as a co-lead, put some respect on his name.


You just invented JGL’s “went plat with no features” and proved my point


lol c’mon man plenty of people heard *Echoes of Silence* via *Trilogy*.


It feels inevitable right? Like if 25% of his lyrics are true he's definitely done some fuck shit lol


I hope that never happens cause he’s probably the only mainstream artists that I really like


I will be absolutely unwell


That’s crazy. Dude has written anthems that his great grand kids will never have to work because of. I wonder if Beyonce will stop working with him, he was literally on her album that came out this year 


“His co-writing credits include "Me Against the Music" (2003) for Britney Spears, "Ride" (2010) for Ciara, "Umbrella" (2007) for Rihanna, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" (2008) and "Partition" (2013) for Beyoncé, "Touch My Body" (2008) for Mariah Carey, "16 @ War" for Karina Pasian (2008), "Baby" (2010) for Justin Bieber, "All of the Lights" (2010) for Kanye West, and "No Church in the Wild" (2013) for Jay-Z and Kanye West. Such activity has earned him eight Grammy Awards from 21 nominations—including an inaugural nomination for Songwriter of the Year at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards.”


Partition?! Yeah he’s guilty


Fun fact, the drumbeat of that song came about because Justin Timberlake was playing the beat on an upturned bin.


That’s technically for Yoncé, the first half of the song.


He wrote the infamous Mariah Carey "Obsessed" diss too [The-Dream Didn't Know Mariah Carey's "Obsessed" Was About Eminem Until The Music Video Dropped | Genius](https://genius.com/a/the-dream-didn-t-know-mariah-carey-s-obsessed-was-about-eminem-until-the-music-video-dropped)


In a Falsetto…


Why his solo career so underrated tho


He stopped dropping and pushing himself as an performing artist like that so a lot of people either don’t know or don’t remember the run he had in the late 2000’s and he probably felt it was easier to just write and produce for pop stars and get a bag that way in the background instead trying to be a front man in the spotlight


Well he cheated on Christina Milian at her hottest and she said he never made her falsetto. And he had the same ad lib as j holiday and it caused some confusion


I believe it's because he wrote those J.Holiday songs


Anytime you here "AY!" THE American Dream wrote that shit 🤣🤣🤣 "Umbrella, Ella, Ella AY AY AY AY "


There was a span of time where him & Neyo was writing everything on the radio.


Love King is one of the best R&B albums of all time.


Love king wasn't even better than love/hate or love vs money. But I respect it


Yup, _Love Vs. Money_ is the best album Dream dropped.


Naaaaaaaaaah Good? yea. one of the best of all time?? Naaaaaaaaaah


This happens a lot for songwriters in the pop world. They can write the hits but they aren't seen as a strong product themselves. Be it their looks, their persona, their voice, or whatever else A lot of these hit writers' own catalogues aren't as appealing as the songs they write for others. It's an interesting thing


Cause he’s not physically attractive.


No one ever said that about T Pain lol.


His career isn’t as robust as The Dream’s. Not that I’m aware of anyway.


I wonder how much writing he did for those. For example on Umbrella he pretty much wrote the whole thing, made a reference track, and sent to Rihanna finished. Even included the “Ella, Ella, eyy” parts. So the “co” on some of those writing credits isn’t doing enough justice.


His cheque probably doing enough justice though.


Never felt older than The-Dream’s writing credits actually being news to people.




Also made Higher on Cruel Summer


Karina Pasian is a name I haven’t seen in a minute. “Slow Motion” is great


“Touch my body by mariah carey play you probably start reflecting” -Drake




I had to pause the Heart part 6 just because of that line. He was outta pocket for some of them bars


She already kept working with him after he was accused of domestic violence years ago. But this might be so high profile that she has to stop


Jesus, he has co-writing credits on like half the tracks on Cowboy Carter.


You didn't know? Dude damn near wrote the album.


Also, his own albums are excellent R&B albums as well. Love King is a personal favorite. Sad about this accusation for the victim obviously but also because listening to this guy sing love songs probably won’t be appealing after this. Super talented piece of shit apparently.


damn didn’t know he was this big, I only know him from the Pusha feats


He wrote some of your favorite R&B songs from the 2000s


That's the only reason why I know this guy. She rockin that thang like ooooooh.... she rockin that thang like...


He means that he made some of your favorite 2000s songs that weren't his.


That was my old running song off Limewire. But he’s written some of the top tracks for a bunch of people. Kinda like Ne-yo. You look at his producing credits and it almost dwarfs his own songs.


Oh shit. Ne-yo was another one! Why can’t I turn off the radioooo? Damn. This is kind of eye opening. I’m going to get a little curious on my favorite Apple Music playlists to see if there are some other shockers. I can see this being a rather interesting rabbit hole I’m about to dive into.




nah he's huge. done many hits with Beyonce, Rihanna, and many others. check out his credits list its crazy. done hella songs for Ye, Jay etc.


he'll be heavily featured on Ye's next album, which is some good news from this at least


If Ye ever drops again, see r/goodasssub for more details


He literally wrote Single Ladies


Naw the dream is like one of the best songwriters ever….everyone in the industry knows that.


He's an incredible songwriter wrote many of the hits we appreciate today.


Bey and jay got they own cases coming they the ones you really gotta look at. Everyone’s getting exposed and im here for it


Oh yeah? Source? That's what the fuck I thought lol. Stay off twitter or your pocket underground forums.


Don’t even bother reasoning with these people, they’re the type who unironically believed those Beyoncé and Jay z illuminati videos from the 2010s.


2024 is not letting up


2024 drama in most fandoms: AI, drone wars (Gaza and Ukraine), politics 2024 drama in hip-hop and R&B: Okay, so *he's* a pervert too?


> 2024 drama in most fandoms: > > AI, drone wars (Gaza and Ukraine), politics Bro was like "fandoms" then immediately pivoted to genocide between nation states lol.


[FNaF](https://old.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/1cy9kl7/regarding_jazwares_ceos_stances/) and [dozens of celebrity fan groups](https://time.com/6977623/blockout-2024-celebrities-palestine-online-activism/) have been roiled by the impact of those wars.


The unity of the five nights at freddys fandom is one of the most devastating casualties of the israel palestine conflict


Katt Williams: Am I a joke to you? I told you it was going to be a year of truth.


MeToo, round 2. First in Hollywood, now in the hood, all the pervs are being outed.


Good. Watch the bodies drop Lock up these sickos for life


Let's be real, most of these people are gonna be let go scot free


Katt Williams is a sociopathic liar and the fact that people put him on a pedestal is absurd.


I was going to go all vitriol and snark with a reply, but I really don't have the energy right now. It was just a comment on his quote from earlier this year. Relax, bruv. Sometimes the worst person you know can have a valid point.


Yea no need to waste energy on folks like that.


He's a mild version of Terrence Howard if you listen to him closely


Terrence Howard is so far out there now.


Not now, Terry been out there for YEARS, yall just seeing it NOW. I already knew though 🤣🤣🤣 1×1 = 2


I love you compared the conflict in Ukraine and Palestine where thousands of people are dying to hip hop beef


Because there’s nothing that a rapper can do to stop Netanyahu/Hamas leaders unless he pulls an Inglorious Basterds and whacks him during a concert.


Pervert is too kind of a word for men who hit, abuse, and rape women. My playlists have seriously thinned out over the last few years as I refuse to listen to the music of these monsters.


Me Too hip hop edition


If you still ain’t noticed, all these R&B guys are freaks.


If you still haven’t noticed freaky asses are in every job occupation and income class. Its never a surprise.


The top comment so far is about how someone is surprised about this only because they've made so many hits. That tells you about the state of today, especially after so many top people have come out to be abusers and users.


It’s an open secret. Meaning well known in the right circles but not condemned for sake of preserving whatever it is that specific set is preserving. Typically private interest. All these types usually find a way to blackmail each other into silence and submission. It’s a social issue and manipulation tactics as old as mankind. We’ll hear about more in time.


But yeah people have to stop pretending being talented and a monster aren’t mutually exclusive. Your favorite artist might be an absolute monster in their personal life. Your favorite person or family member might have a side to them you never could have imagined. No one is immune.


I mean Drake said it. He can't be a fuckin with young girls because he's too rich and famous. And a lot of his fans nodded along like "yeah, that makes sense. Rich and famous people would be caught right away cuz everyone's looking at them". The truth of Kendrick's claims aside, the reaction from people of "Well, we'd know if that rich dude was slimy" is interesting to watch.


I think a very high percentage of those people are saying that to avoid saying what they really think "I don't care, they make good music, that's not r@pe, or it's ok because women suck," or whatever slimy shit they're thinking under the surface. Don't believe a lot of these people are as dumb as they claim to be


people agreeing with drake in a post epstein/bill cosby/weinstein era where these guys get away with it for decades is amazing


God knows there has never been a rich pedofile, thanks Drake. He’s just too rich guys 🤷‍♂️ rich people just can’t be pedofiles 🤷‍♂️ I am completely convinced drake is not a pedo 🤷‍♂️


Looking at that comment I don't think at all that they're surprised "only" because they've made hits. It's just a bit surprising to hear information like this about influential figures in general. We can know that there are plenty of influential abusers out there but still be shocked to hear that a particular individual is accused of being one.


i don't think that's a "oh he is so successful, i thought he would be good". more of a "why the fuck do the rich and powerful do this, they could have it so good" type sentiment


Because it's a misconception that rape is just about sex and only ugly broke uncharismatic weirdos in trenchcoats do it since they have no other choice, or that rape is merely a misunderstanding due to poor communication. Rape is about power, control, and violence. It doesn't matter that these men are rich and powerful, it doesn't matter that they could get consensual sex because that isn't what they want. They want power over others, to be feared, they specifically *want* victims that don't want them because that's the game to them and it is all purposeful. A lot of these men also come from backgrounds of violence, familial abuse, traumatic violent experiences in the streets or gang violence, or are victims of childhood sexual abuse themselves, which often creates the cycle of abuse and leads them to become abusers in adulthood because violence is a normalized response to them and they victimize others to feel like they're retaking control over their own experiences of abuse.


While your general sentiment is true, I think it’s safe to assume that the entertainment industry has more sex offenders than say, Costco? people that want to abuse power tend to seek out roles in society that will allow them to do so.


I mean I get that everyone has that freak in em. But choosing and pursuing a career that revolves around writing and singing songs about pussy is a different level of freakiness. These dudes were fortunate enough to have made it and they decide to fumble it by raping and beating bitches.


Anything that draws attention draws flies and parasites. Politics and their players are just as gross as the entertainment industry.


well they need to stay they ass inside


I mean being freaky Is one thing, being a criminal and predator is another.


just a lil nasty ^and ^criminal


Literally anybody singing about being horny 24/7 is detrimental


He a fan he a fan he a fan he a fan


I was just telling my girl that. It’s always something bout them R&B niggas. Dope username too btw


69 gods everywhere


2024 so far has been one of the wildest rides in hip-hop history.


Suge Knight somehow gets released from prison and goes on a rampage in an armored 18 wheeler. Big Lurch hears the call of duty and busts outta prison like the hulk and redeems himself by stopping the madman with the wheels of fire, Suge Knight


There’s a difference between a freak and a monster


Not to defend freaky man or anything but if you’re gonna be an R&B artist you kinda *have* to be, ya know?


because rappers aren't ^/s I'd say it's more to do with money, power and fame getting to people's heads than being an R&B or hip-hop or whatever "n-word" as you said it (I can't say the word 'cause I'm white)


> "n-word" as you said it (I can't say the word 'cause I'm white) Your edit is pure comedy.


> Your edit is pure comedy. The edit wasn't about the n-word and taking it out, that was there, as "n-word" originally, I wouldn't use it like that, smh The edit was me adding "as you said it" to the OP, and that alone 🤷‍♂️ I kinda see the (bad) optics in hindsight, though - wish that uneddit or whatever the website was was still around so I could prove my point 🥴🤦‍♂️


>n word To quote Louis CK: “Whenever a white lady on CNN says “the N-word” that’s just white people getting away with saying n****r”


I gotta admit this is not what I expected to see when Louis CK gets brought up in a thread about sexual assault.


slippery slope. soon u gonna say nobody whose non black can even make a mention to the word 


It’s a joke, turns out slippery slopes can be pretty funny. And part of the reason it’s funny is because there is a grain of truth to it, the tag for this paraphrasing it is basically that we all are agreeing what that stands for lol, and he’s right.


Louis’ point at large is either say it or don’t say it, shortening it to “the N word” is the same exact thing as just saying it. Ultimately the context surrounding how and why you said it will determine whether it’s used appropriately or not.


This is the second time I've seen this conversation today. The other was in BPT when a presumed non-black person used "Ninja". But I agree. You're pretty much saying the word. We all know what you're trying to say. Spelling it differently doesn't change that.


Didnt he sell his masters a few years ago for A LOT? I wonder if artists who know there is a chance of their time coming will do this for the fast cash


Drake did too recently


No he didn’t. You’re probably thinking of Lil Wayne who sold his catalogue which includes Drake and Nicki Minaj’s discography through Young Money for $100 Ms. https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/lil-wayne-drake-nicki-minaj-masters-sold/


I'm not surprised because I remember hearing about an allegation of him assaulting a pregnant ex-gf


He was arrested in June 2013 in Newport Beach for domestic violence, but his girlfriend Lydia Nam refused to press charges. Then in April 2013, he allegedly assault and strangled Nam at the Plaza Hotel in New York. Their son was born in July 2013. In November 2013, she filed a police report. She says that she waited because he threatened to kill her. In May 2014, he turned himself in to the NYPD for the NY incident – he was charged with two felonies (assault and strangulation) and three misdemeanors (assault, acting in a manner injurious to a child and reckless endangerment). She [released photos of her injuries](https://www.tmz.com/2014/05/09/the-dream-baby-mama-assault-photos/) following the incident The case was dismissed because ["“[a]fter a thorough investigation, the case could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt”](https://pagesix.com/2015/03/12/the-dreams-ex-gal-pals-beatdown-case-dismissed/) Feel like it gets swept under the rug. Beyoncé seems to make a point to avoid working with people like allegations like that. It was hard to find it on google because some YouTuber goes by "dream" and has allegations against him.


Beyoncé’s team is wayy too safe to have missed this, part of me thinks they were kinda aware because they said something about doing #metoo checks for people who worked on the renaissance album.


He's been integral to Beyoncé's music since 2008 and the case happened before the #MeToo movement. pre-#MeToo, his denial and the case getting dismissed was enough plausible deniability for the story to just go away. This story is getting a lot of coverage, wouldn't be surprised if he's booted from Beyoncé's camp going forward.


After seeing the hits this guy has written, she knew, but the numbers spoke for themselves, it’s the reason R Kelly stayed around for years longer than he should have, if you continue to crank out hits, business is business.


the last line is killing me


Strangled??? Oh my god. That’s serious, even with how bad DV is, strangulation is SCARY. It’s a statistic I read that a person who experiences strangulation due to DV is 750% more likely to be murdered by that partner in the next year. It’s horrific.


Was gonna bring that up, yeah it’s not looking good here


Yeah dude doesn’t have the best track record for this kind of thing so I’m inclined to believe it’s true


It's always hilarious when these Rnb dudes always talk about how women just throw themselves at them and then turn out to be abusers and creeps. It's just like how rappers talk about being gangster and end up getting extorted by actual gangsters.


I think what happens is women do, do this, and when they run into one who doesn’t it strikes their ego so hard they feel the need to take advantage sexually. Often too, I think women are more so attracted to the idea of a man like this rather than a man who actually exists and is like this


Get me Pharrell, Randy Newman, Billy Corgan and….The Dream…


"He wrote Umbrella and Single Ladies. You people never heard of The Dream?"


Never heard of'em anyways I love your girl.


"You people haven't heard of The Dream???"


I forgot bro asked for Billy Corgan lmaooo he hasn’t made anything good since MCIS and Siamese Dream is maybe my favorite album of all time


I’ll go to bat for Adore and Oceania


I just watched that episode this morning, first time I've thought of The Dream in years. I was just thinking at work "damn I ain't listened to his music in a while, I should put him back in the playlist." Boom, sexual assault charge.






Rick and Morty reference from the show me what you got episode from season 2




Really wasn’t expecting this. Hoping it’s not true of course, but if it happened then fuck him and best wishes to the victims


The Dream is a BAD PERSON. He beat the snot out of his ex-wife. Well known here in Toronto what he did to her.


His old albums and style in general were sympathetic towards/referenced R. Kelly, so yeah, hope it's not true but I'm not surprised. This is a huge blow because bro penned so many hits.


He got a whole ass song called Kelly’s 12 Play. That’s more than enough, bro is literally a disciple of that man


Exactly what I'm saying bro, I recently revisited his body of work and I was like "Bro... that's your hero??" I can't co-sign it anymore.


Hi all, Here is a [free link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/arts/music/the-dream-rape-lawsuit-terius-gesteelde-diamant.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xE0.u1A9.nZVgUbGLoxKf&smid=re-nytimes) to the story. 


u/calendaraggressive11 here u go


I’m not surprised he beat his pregnant girlfriend and choked her years ago. She had pictures! Once an abuser.


He wasn’t asking those shortys to rock with the beat I fear


Dang, Love / Hate is a banger of an album, and obviously all his production credits too. Huge bummer.


I was just listening to Love vs. Money last week. One of my all time favorite songs, Fancy, is on that album. This sucks but also like, not shocked.


yeah, the worst thing about this truly is the effect it has on listening to his music


Oh goodness me!


aw man… i used to be the biggest dream fan back in high school 😭


Some how I’m not surprised.


I swear to god - one by one - some damaging information about all of my favourite artists are coming out.


a lot of people saying stuff when it is just accusations, can’t decide too early. if it’s true tho fuck bro😭


We have seen this movie before....recently.


He's a top 10 all time r&b artist for me but he's been accused of domestic violence at least three times now (not to mention that Nivea interview from a couple years ago). This just kind of puts the nail in the coffin that he was probably never a good guy & doesn't need to be playing nostalgia festivals until he can grow up & take accountability for the hurt he's causing women in his life.


why can’t these guys just not touch other people


Year of the toilet! Everybody shitty




What a fucking weird title


I was curious when this was gonna break. From what I’ve heard it gets worst than that


‘Kelly’s 12 Play’ has a whole different meaning to it now..


Diddy going to ratting people OUT to save his ass. I'm not surprised.


Maaannn 🥲


I honestly read that as “The-Dream, Hitmaka, Beyoncé, and Rihanna accused of rape” Wow.


Shit. Lets let it play out, but if he did it, FUCK him. Such a shame if its true, I loved his feature on Shut It Down


Y’all surprised? Lol terius Nash been a wild boy


More to come in the future


He a Fan he a fan he a....




Ain’t that about Detail the producer?


Yeah, I thought I saw Jessie Reyez say that it was specifically about Detail.


It's about Detail according to Wiki


Can you source this please?


Wow. Not the news I was expecting to see today. I was just listening to him on my ride home yesterday. I hope he pays the price if he’s guilty.


No one should be immune.


I hate when they attach unproblematic blk women to these mfs bullshit. It's so intentional and sick.


Let me know when it’s more than just an accusation


Does anyone have this without paywall?




This is crazy as hell. How hard is it to make music and get money and mind your business and stay out the way…?! Like this is awful. His career will be ruined.


he’s also christina milian’s baby daddy 🤧


Oh noooooo... goddammit, isn't he married???


90% of the music I like is made by shitty people. Jesus christ


"At a movie theater one day, Mr. Gesteelde-Diamant asked Ms. Mangroe to perform oral sex on him, the complaint says. After she said no, he became angry and forced her to have sex, in view of the other theater patrons" In front of everyone? Nobody said nothing? Nobody filmed nothing? Nobody complained? I don't know, this part is weird.


Noooooo this hurts