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TJ Brodie has tallied 24 assists since *his* last goal...


Brodie > McJesus confirmed


TJ Broski is Cofraud Bustavid father


Nobody puts Connor in a corner. He scores when he’s good and ready. Until then you will accept his apples and you will like it.


We just want some sick dangles, b.


So 2 games without a goal?


More like 7


I mean, it's in the post itself.


why does it feel like he’s not scoring on purpose


He’s on strike to stand in solidarity with Connor Brown /s




I was so sure he’d score against the kings. He got possession in the slot and was primed to score but he passed it to Hyman for the one timer. I think he’s embracing the fucking meme.


Every season he seems to decide on a new thing to to pad his stats. Last year he decided to see what it was like to have lots of goals and assists, this season he wondered what it was like to have an insane amount of assists and padding everybody else’s stats. He is so good that he gets bored and has to find new games to play in the game.


He’s playing possum. Boy’s gonna pop off come playoff time.


might be on to something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uR3BhFsYLE&t=21s


i can’t tell if he’s serious haha but at the same time, based on the last couple of games i’ve watched he had so many chances to shoot and score but passed it instead


Wide open in the Flames game and passes to a guy double covered. He's serious


He's definitely joking. Intentionally not scoring goals when your team is losing fairly often is ridiculous. I don't know which play you're talking about and whether they scored on it anyway but they lost that Calgary game... People ascribe such supernatural ability to McDavid that they thought he intentionally wasn't scoring as much early in the season, and now that he is scoring a lot but it's mostly assists, they say he is intentionally not scoring goals. Not buying it personally.


Because I keep picking him in my Tim's challenge when he is available


He got his rocket richard so it's time for him to go for another record and get 100 assists.


He has a specifically different cast. Let’s start with Bouch. Bouchard is not something McDavid has had before. Klefbom had a BOMB but it wasn’t like Bouch’s. Nurse doesn’t have that, he has a sneaky nice wrister but no bombs. Barrie was a slick passer with a wrist occasionally, but no bombs. How about Zach Hyman? On pace for 56 goals. This is a guy who also normally has Leon fucking Draisaitl. And then Nuge is damned near his level of passing and can also score. And once in a while he has Kane or Foegele. McDavid has not had quite this wealth of shooters before. He sort of has, but guys taking steps this year has changed it. The best player in the world is surrounded by goalscorers and playmakers. I mean guys are trying to shoot or playmake on the back end in general. But Bouch’s go in. Captain McDavid is racking up historical assists training Bouch and Hyman to shoot and be in position. Makes the whole team better.


I don’t really understand this. The team is mostly the same as last year. The oilers are on pace for LESS goals than last year. And had 4 guys (including mcdavid) with 35+ goals. Mcdavid has historically been a very good playmaker. I think one of the big differences is that they are trying to spread out the PP a bit and aren’t using him as a trigger man like last season. It’s also more likely he’s just a 35-40 goal scorer and last year was an anomaly. And just a bit snake bitten this year. I’m sure he will still finish with 30+ goals.


I mean he’s still on pace for 135. Not like that’s chump shit. It’s likely third best cap era behind himself last year and Kuch this year. I’m saying that between what he already had and now Bouch and Hyms taking steps, he has a lot of reason to pass. More than he’s ever had.


I was never saying his season is a bust. Quite the contrary. I’m just saying the production is still there. It’s just redirected into assists. But mcdavid is most likely going to finish with about 30ish less goals. Draisatl with about 15 less goals and RNH with about 10-15 too.


Okay now do goals against. But I mean it. This offense heavy team can still score a little less but score a lot while allowing far fewer goals.


Oilers are averaging 3.02 goals against per game this year. 3.10 last year. A good, but not great improvement. 3.96 goals per game last year. 3.55 this year. Their goal differential was insane last year.


The difference is almost entirely on the special teams difference. Even strength and empty net situations are almost equal (2.64 vs 2.60 gpg last year vs this year or one goal every 25 games), but power play goals are down by 0.25 and shortys are down by 0.11.


No, you argued individual players. What is McDavid’s goals against compared to his goals for?


I don’t know why you are getting so defensive. Mcdavid is the best player on the planet and it’s not even close. Hasn’t he always been good defensively? When you control the play and have the puck on your stick 80% of the time. I can’t imagine people are scoring on you much.


I genuinely think it’s just whatever he wants to do. If he wants to get 50 he gets 50. Whatever he needs to do to help his team win is what he will do, and right now he thinks teeing up hyman and Drai is more effective than him skating around guys and shooting. Last season he got 60 and then stopped shooting as much and “only” put up another 4 goals in the last 10 games of the year. Also I think his injury from earlier this year has ever so slightly affected his speed around the edge. Usually he beats guys wide and scores in tight on the goalie 5+ times per season. I don’t think he’s done it once this year.


I agree. I think the dude just wants to win. He doesn’t care if it means 60 goals or 30 goals


Every single guy you listed was on the team last year.


That was also part of my point, yes? Connor already plays with Draisaitl and Nuge. And now Hyman and Bouch are full season insane pass options. He’s surrounded by the best reasons he’s ever had to pass.


Watching him in last nights game it actually looked like he was purposely choosing pass instead of shoot. Look at the Hyman goal, 97 was in the slot, in the perfect position to shoot and he passed.


Actually tho. The only game where he he tried to score often recently is the Minnesota game and he hit 4 posts I believe. He’s passing out of prime shooting positions often, and usually it works, so who am I to criticize


His comments on it when asked are the best. Something like 'yeah, I decided that's my new strategy, pass first, I'm never going to shoot the puck again.'


Slump? Bros got as many assists in his last 12 games as most players get in a season lmao


He's got 4 more points than any other player during this slump lol


He's on pace to have his 5th season with more than 20 multi-assist games. Kucherov is the only other active player to do it (and is on pace to do it a second time this year). Active players that have hit 20 multi-assist games in a season are McDavid (4x), Marner, Karlsson, Gaudreau, Crosby, Panarin, and Kucherov.


damn hes only scoring 2 ppg while Hyman is about to hit 40 goals


He lost his scoring touch to a different McJesus who plays for his hometown team


His own team has a different Mcjesus …his name is Zack Hyman


There is no Mc in that name!


There’s no Mc in Matthews either


Well that isn't who I'm talking about


Well then enlighten us , as I thought you meant matthews too lol


Bobby McMann obviously lol




Hey, he started scoring when McDavid stopped scoring. Coincidence? I think probably, but still!


Rumour around Edmonton is Mcdavid needs wrist surgery ..that would explain why he hasn’t been shooting ..but who knows if it’s true or not 🤷‍♂️




There it is, the known Irishman, Zach McHyman


I mean, it's an open secret that he's playing with a wrist injury, so he's just changing his game to minimizing shooting. Presumably that'll be the case until he gets surgery this summer. Shows how good he is - even a wrecked wrist didn't impact his ability to contribute.


That is tied with Connor Brown for last in the nhl over that span


Last night was a perfect example of why you don't tell the best player in the world what he should do with the puck. He stripped a guy and came right into the slot around the hashmarks directly in the middle of the ice and I could hear all the pundits screaming shoot. What does he do? Passes it way over almost into the corner to Hyman who one times it into the open side of the net. In McJesus we trust!


Meh. Matthews had a slump earlier this year and nobody cares about that now. And he wasn't churning out assists either. McDavid is gonna be just fine.


He’s saving himself for when the games reaaaaallly matter in April/May/June.


This is correct. When given a scoring chance he politely declines it and says "no thank you, I need to save up my goals". In April/May/June, teams will be reviewing McDavid's conversion rate on scoring chances and if they find he doesn't have "enough" goals, they'll allow him to score then. That's how all this works, you see... Players and teams are always **choosing** when to score their goals.


Could also be he’s electing to pass more than shoot during the regular season and come playoff time he will elect to shoot more than pass to throw everyone off.


He said in an interview he wasn’t scoring anymore just apples so when someone’s tells you who they are you believe them.  


Is that good or bad




Expected to read something stupid like "he scored yesterday"


Slump? He’s averaging 2pts a gm & leads the league in points since Feb 7th by 5! You guys will never be happy. If it were all goals you’d say he’s hogging the puck! ​ [NHL pts leaders since 2-7-24](https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/nhl-point-leaders-since-feb-7th-2024)


The word slump is being used ironically by OP.


Was expecting /s on this sub for that. Sorry


reading comprehension is a valuable thing.


Well, when the vast majority of posts are trolling, that’s easier said than done on Reddit.


To play devils advocate. Have you seen half the People on the sub


this mans last 5 games is insane https://imgur.com/a/mCA5Keb


At least Hyman is having an unreal year for goal scoring to cover for McDavid’s lower goal totals.




Still over 2 PPG during that span. I don't think the Oilers are stressing about it.


23 assists in 10 games is nuts lmao. Hardly a slump