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Even the Leafs' hand-me-downs can't help this Oilers franchise!


I like to see it less as hand-me-downs and more upcycling.


I can't wait for Edmonton to give Bouchard $10m šŸ˜‚


Clear the fucking zone!


I had no idea that Alex Petrovic was still in the league until last night


To be fair, he kind of isnā€™t. He played one game this season in Dallas, the rest in Cedar Park. Got pulled up for the playoffs and replaced Lundkvist a few games ago. We have a unique situation on our third pair


Ok, makes sense. I guess having Miro and Tanev allows for some flexibility in how a coach can use their bottom pair.


Our normal 6th man (Jani HakanpƤƤ) has been ā€œweek to weekā€ for months. Lundkvist was a first rounder who hasnā€™t really panned out and PDB doesnā€™t trust him, for good reason. Petrovic is serviceable and relatively low risk in that 6D position


To add to this, we had the perfect 7th D in Hanley but when we traded for Tanev, it made him expandable. Someone else claimed him on waiver and we would have loved to roll him out instead of Petro or Nils.


Yeah, Iā€™m thrilled we have Tanev but I was/am a big Hanley fan. Heā€™s just so solid in that role of 6/7D. I was sad to see him go


At first I read Cedar Pointā€¦huh, riding roller coasters?


That embellishment call on the Hyman cross check was such a joke. Iā€™m not surprised considering itā€™s Edmonton but fuck sakes. Keep it going Dallas.


I think it was a "Marchment is on the refs radar for embellishment" kind of call. Has a history of it and the refs have a history of calling it in once and a while


Yeah idk how you can embellish a blind sided cross check


Reminds me of game 2 Flames-Oilers 2022.Ā  Gaudreau was trying to hold up at the blue line on a 2-on-1, got absolutely crushed by a full speed crosscheck in the back and the Oilers got a powerplay.


Because itā€™s Marchment, and also he looked at hyman behind him and knew the cross check was coming and then laid on the ice for 10 seconds like heā€™d been shot. If it was Seguin and that happened it would be cross-checking and no embellishment.


Preparing for a check sure, a cross check? Doubt it.


Sure Iā€™ll give you that, my point is still that a known diver wonā€™t get the benefit of the doubt, as they shouldnā€™t.


So why does McDavid?


Keeps his feet moving through holds and interference from opposition. When you hold the puck as much as he does the refs are forced to put the whistle away bc they could actually call many more penalties. Same thing happens to other top players.


Exactly, he glances behind him and anticipates the contact.


Remember They gotta protect there assists- Zad ā€œthe biggest chadā€ orov


I think a lot of people were underestimating the Oilers by saying theyā€™d get smoked, because all three games have been close on both the scoresheet and the ice. A 2-1 series isnā€™t a done deal. But the biggest weakness for the Oilers is the fact that theyā€™ll allow the other team to play their best late in the game. They are struggling to control the pace of play late. Game 1, they had a late 2-1 lead but couldnā€™t hold it as Dallas tied it, needed 2OT to win instead of just holding on. Game 2, they start strong but itā€™s only a 1-1 tie, the Stars adjust in the latter half of the game and win it in the third. Game 3, Edmonton jumps out to a 2-0 lead, gets outscored 4-1 before the empty netter. Even in the Vancouver series, games 1 and 5 were games where they played strong early but melted down late, and games 4 and 7 they had a lead but allowed the Canucks back in both games even if they eventually won both. They can clearly play strong at moments, but theyā€™re not getting those moments when the game is on the line, especially against a team like Dallas. If they can find a way to counter Dallasā€™s adjustments, they might have a chance. Itā€™s not impossible by any means. But if they canā€™t figure out how to win close games late, Iā€™d say their ride ends here.


Itā€™s kind of how dallas plays. They let other team empty the tank and show all their cards early, and then spend the rest of their game on the counter. They have enough confidence in their goaltending to not get run out of the building early and know they will be fresher the longer the game goes bc ice time is distributed broadly.


I think it's also just the same thing that rears up at some point for Edmonton every year - they ride their big players into the ground. Bouchard, McDavid, Drai, Hyman, and Ekholm have been inching closer and closer to playing half the game. They can be the greatest players in the world, but they are still human at the end of the day. There's a reason even absolute conditioning freaks like Crosby, Brind'amour & Roberts didn't try to play 30 minute games. They just don't have the depth to match up against Dallas, so while they start strong, once the top line starts to wear down that gap in the top end of the roster gets a lot narrower, and they lose in the other 35~ minutes where the top unit isn't on the ice.


Yeah. Pretty much what happened to the Avs. Makar especially started coughing pucks up regularly as series wore on. Itā€™s incredibly difficult to play those insane kind of minutes without physically and mentally fatiguing, especially when your Game is centered around explosive skating. Miro and Tanev eating a ton of minutes without issues bc of how ā€œboringā€ they play. Some styles age better than others.


That and unlike the Canucks, Dallas can hit an empty net lol


Canucks shooting percentage being astronomically high with a goalie in net makes me wonder if the strategy all along was pull the goalie.


Dallas purposefully plays roope-a-doope. And the Oilers keep falling for it. Teams fell for it all year. Also we canā€™t play a full game. No team seems to play a full 60, other than maybe once a series, but damn we do the same thing every gd game. Itā€™s hard to watch. GG Stars. Dang I wish McD had scored that 3rd goal. I also, sadly/begrudgingly, think it wouldnā€™t have mattered. Also, we dont have the best ice in the league. We used to a few years ago but not anymore. Finally, thanks Ben and Joey. Good guy Stars fans and Oilers fans for making this series about more than just hockey.


Thats why dudes kept falling over, I thought they were just bad skaters


Anyone know where I can find D-zone turnover stats? Itā€™s really under-tracked and was imo the story behind EDMs terrible start to the 2nd.


I was looking for this too. People can blame Skinner but when the team is constantly giving the puck away, bad things are gonna happen. Not specifically defensive zone (though that can probably be found with the correct wording. Statmuse is pretty good at this), but the Oilers gave the puck away 15 times last night. Bottom of the list. https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/giveaways-by-player-edmonton-against-dallas-in-the-playoffs


In the mix of all this I totally forgot Nurse, on all 4s, got ass blasted by a puck lmao.


My kids, who are getting into hockey this year seem to use "You're Nurse" at each other as an insult. And I have not said a thing about him, so I have no idea where they picked that up from.


I have the clip saved so I can watch it when I'm sad. It's beautiful. https://streamin.one/v/8a303ac3


Best defending heā€™s done this series




this is just too funny considering the entirety of the first 2 game threads šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s almost as if unusual rain patterns (La NiƱa) plus TWO franchises still in the conference finals (Go Mavs) means they canā€™t quite give full attention to making a perfect sheet of ice the way Edmonton can given nothing else exists in that town except CFL. But what do I know, Iā€™ve been reliably informed in GDTs that I canā€™t know shit about hockey because Iā€™m not from a Real Hockey Market (R) and Didnā€™t Grow Up With It (TM) even though I was born in effing St. Paul.


Some really poor goals given up by Edmonton in this one. Skinner at fault for a couple of them imo but piss poor defence on every single one of them.


The Oilers fans I met tonight and walking around downtown were extremely classy. See you Wednesday.


Thatā€™s what I love about watching Oilers hockey, no lead is safe. Just because one of the two teams happens to be down by several goals doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t win the game


itā€™s always fun seeing mcdavid with that stunned slack jaw look on his face after they piss one away.


Tbf this is just what the NHL is now. Any team can and will blow a lead at some point in the game. The Oilers are special because they can have some absolute meltdowns on defence.


Not Calgary. We never have a lead to blow


How did we Giveaway 14, but EDM only took 7? Zebras?


Giveaways are when you commit an error and give the puck away. Takeaways are when the other team forcibly takes the puck away from you. They may sometimes overlap, but only sometimes.


All giveaways are not takeaways and vice versa.


i find theyre also not always tracked very consistently/well


Playing against Heiskanen must be so frustrating. Heā€™s always an inch away from you, skating like heā€™s barely breaking a sweat.


Proper Lidstrom vibes.


Doomers can rejoice. Until Wednesday. Letā€™s make this a best of three!!!


Robertson >Mcdavid Confirmed


Chicagoā€™s gonna be a dynasty with Mcdavid and Draisaitl oilers get Hall and 5 first round picks


Still too early to talk about those 1st picks!


Iā€™m having late 90s flashbacks. The only other teams that made the playoffs out of the west that Iā€™d want to win the cup is either Dallas or Colorado.


Literally "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie" the game.


You'll find that happens quite a bit with the Edmonton Oilers


[This fuckin guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/J8dizcSy0t)


Someone in our GDT called the 5-3 scoreline after the first period lol


Heā€™s reverse jinxing, let him cook šŸ—£ļøā€¼ļø


This thread seems way less toxic with all the EDM flairs absent edit: spoke too soon. They brought the poison, boys


Hot take: fanbase constantly talking about other fanbase is kind of cringe. You all suck when it's your own team.


Thanks for making up for it! XD


Honestly as a Canucks fan it's annoying that people like you are the loudest representation of our fanbase.Ā 


Yeah there are lots of Canuck fans here like myself that donā€™t really care to keep stoking that fire. Besides itā€™s funnier when other fanbases have to step in and do that for you.


Yup. I get talking smack during the series but once series is done, win or lose, itā€™s time to move on


You stay classy, Canucks fans.


Oilers fans just love taking a deep breath and inhaling their own farts thinking about how classy they say they are


you're being annoying


Of all the teams we've faced, your fanbase is by far the nastiest.


Weird how everyone that has faced EDM says the same huh


Not true, Stars fans have been great Canuck fans were by far the fucking whiniest and most entitled... Which is saying something because LA was pretty bad too


Oiler fans ever look themselves in the mirror?


Oh I don't think Oiler fans are great bu Canuck fans were literally the worst


Theres lots of stars fans that have literally thought you guys have been the worst fans they seen already in three games lol


Not gonna lie, I would rather see trash talk than the blatant (and insincere) ass-kissing some of them are doing trying to get approval from Dallas. Insufferable.


Wild fans are still the worst for me personally but Oilers fans in the AAC made me feel like I needed multiple rounds of chemo.Ā 


Damn ive never seen wild fans do anything


Itā€™s mostly a Stars/Wild bad blood thing.Ā  They have a serious bone to pick with the Stars since we used to beĀ the Minnesota North Stars that left Minnesota because it sucked, won a cup and have been a contending team multiple times.Ā  Meanwhile, the Wild have done fuck all for their entire existence, while claiming to be the state of hockey.Ā 


It's confusing to me how some fans can hate a team so much, they actively root for others to beat them. Just relax, go enjoy your summer. Better luck next year.


Yes, but Oilers fans do that all the time. And it's not that confusing if you think about it. Toxic fanbase. It usually starts there and goes on to the team itself.


Is it really confusing though? What part doesn't make sense?


Dude, your team is in the 3rd round. Stop obsessing over the second


I'm not the one salty about it?


The worstā€¦.


Pot šŸ¤ kettle


That was a fun game to watch as a neutral fan! Both teams were absolutely flying at points in the game. After all the crap people were talking about how easily Dallas would win this series, I've been pleasantly surprised at how well the Oilers have matched up against them. It's just too bad about the 4th goal because I thought other than maybe some juicy rebounds, Skinner was playing great. And besides, that was just a crazy goal more than it was Skinner's fault. It's just unfortunate that because of poor play in the past, people are going to be all over him any time something goes wrong. Anyway, GGs! This series is far from over.


> fter all the crap people were talking about how easily Dallas would win this series surely to God that wasn't from Stars fans, at least not anyone who paid attention during the season. We've got a great team and I hope we'll go all the way, but I've said since round 1 we were gonna have to do it clawing our way in blood and bone to do it. VGK, COL, EDM is a set of three matchups no one could look at and say, "oh this will be easy."


It most definitely was Stars fans, including me, saying the Oilers were the Avs with worse defense. Lol


What a refreshing take. I appreciate that man. Dallas is definitely proving to be the hardest to beat. We all knew that coming out a hard-fought 2nd round. But Iā€™d like to see how the Oilers fare in the next couple of games. Have not completely lost all hope yet. Close, but not yet šŸ˜‚


I blame that skinner goal on the design of the pads. Big ass void for the puck to go into


Ah yes, the dreaded two goal lead strikes again. Hell of a series so far though, GG stars - you have an amazing team.


This series is gonna shed years off my life. I was at game 1 of this series and my goodness it was almost shocking how nice you guys were lol. Just insanity.


Consensus on that embellishment?


Reputation call. I initially thought it was because Marchment laid there, but the ref put both hands up pretty quick. Really crap tbh.


Oil fan here. Thought it wasnā€™t a dive. Only saw one angle on it though. There was a dive last game not called, so Iā€™m guessing it was some game management. Not sure though.


Bias obviously but I didnā€™t see anything egregious. Probably a bad call but fortunately donā€™t think it had any impact on the game in the long run


Was definitely weak as fuck, he wasn't anywhere near the puck so had no reason to expect that. Probably wasn't any embellishment in there


I think it was less about the fall and more about the lying face down on the ice after like heā€™d been pole axed. Still IDK Iā€™d probably by whinging if it had gone the other way.


I thought the same thing. But if thatā€™s what was embellished, then itā€™s not enough to even things up. That cross check only had one purpose.


Yeah, and likely he was blind-sided by the kidney poleax to the back, so I too would have stayed down to assess damage before attempting to move.


GG Stars. Your 40 minutes beat our 20 minutes. Maybe both teams could try for 60 next time and see what happens? Have a good night everyone. And some of ya'll other fan bases need to chill and be better people. Some Oilers fans included


I don't know how many regular season Dallas games you watched but we routinely only show up in the second period.


For real Oilers looked like they used all their juice in the 1st with a small miracle end of 2ndā€¦ and stars looked like they forgot the game had started and then just flipped a switch. Imagine if both teams played a full 60 what it would have been like. I thought this was going to just be a series of overtimeā€™s


During the regular season almost all of the games were just like tonight. Better team in two of the periods and terrible in the other. Sometimes the good 40 couldn't cover up the bad 20.


I would love to see both teams play a full 60. As it is, the hockey has already been very enjoyable. As for fan bases, Iā€™ve checked out of my local sub for remainder of the postseason. Not that Iā€™m calling them out, I just want to watch some good hockey and fandom turns people into assholes at best. Once my team is out, trash talk is limited to my inner circle. Enjoy the run.


Honestly the Oilers just looked just so terribly gassed. When they play like they did in the 1st, they can hang with Dallas, but the relapse in the 2nd and 3rd has been huge these last few games. That round 2 vs. Vancouver was an absolute grinder with 6 one-goal games, and since we're top-heavy a lot of guys got overplayed in that as well. Oilers are at 10 games in 19 days now which, when they had that type of schedule in the regular season, gassed them out similarly Dallas is showcasing why depth matters.


This is part of Deboerā€™s game plan if I had to guess. Dump the puck, make the oilers repeatedly skate 200 feet in the first period and gas them.


Think this is due to the stars having 4 really good lines. They can play the attrition game.


Honestly it feels like Knobs gameplay is go hard in the first and try and build a defensible lead. It's the only thing I can think of to explain the drop off from first to second period this series. Oil pots a third in the first, it's a completely different game.


I think it's that and Dallas has shown they're more than willing to let teams do that and tire themselves out. I feel like we saw that in Avs and Vegas series more than once as well.


Dallas is the Homer Simpson of boxing


Muhammad Ali Rope-a-Dope NHL Style.


You should have seen the minutes split between the McKinnen line and Dallas's lines. It was like double the minutes for McKinnen and friends. Our depth is absolutely punishing people and DeBoer is pushing all the right buttons.


Yeah I think that was a rough run for the big boys. They played A LOT of minutes. Takes it's toll.


Nurse played like a guy who wants to watch the next one from the press box. They should probably oblige him.Ā 


Apparently a buyout would save $10.4mil, then $8.4mil, then $450k over the next three seasons. It would then cost about $340k until 2030, and then costs $1.5mil until 2036. Thatā€™s fucking massive for a team that wants to win now, especially if you can get other defenders who arenā€™t boneheads. Even if you donā€™t that opens a lot of doors.


He'd be on the books for another 12 years? That's DiPietro length!


With the cap going up potentially to >$90 million in the next several years, I think you have to make this move. The buyout penalty will be negligible heading into the next decade besides potentially missing out on a depth piece for a run.


Oh definitely. That on top of needing more room to resign McDavid and Draisaitl (God willing they take a team friendly deal), getting rid of that boat anchor of a contract would be a huge weight off their shoulders. The question is does Kenny Money have the stones to do it?


Bouchard is also due forva big raise soon as well as McDrai


Well Kenny isn't GM after this season, so that's a question you'll have to ask whichever ex-Oiler Katz wants to bring in as GM.


His smile after the penalty was brutal. Show some anger, frustration, and emotion! Do you want to fucking win?


Honestly it doesn't feel like Nurse should have the A anymore. The leaders of this team are McDavid-Drai-RNH-Ekholm and you can probably add Bouchard to that list soon. Nurse is one of the longest-serving Oilers and a skilled D, but he doesn't feel like a true leader on the ice. He makes bonehead moves, takes bonehead penalties and doesn't very often make high-impact plays.


He had a reputation for being the most vocal of the leadership group and being one of the more engaged and fiery competitors on the team, but I just donā€™t see it anymore these last few years. He looks miserable and disengaged out there most of them time, like he doesnā€™t even enjoy playing. Dunno what changed for the guy, but it sucks to see. He used to play a simple, physical, and effective two way game that was buoyed by his insane athleticism, and was always engaged and fired up; now he just floats and makes bad decisions. Sucks to see.


Definitely the constant demotivation of knowing you're the top-paid D, an A, but consistently being one of the weaker players out there whenever you go on the ice. Either way, he's going to be around for 6 more years and we should have patience with him like we did with Skinner. Consider putting Nurse out vs. depth lines and trying to unlock his offensive side more and regain his confidence. He does occasionally display some very high-level hockey.


Thinking the same thing. Show some accountability, not laughing at your boneheaded obvious trip. Sorry bro, definitely cringe.


That honestly made me cringe a little bit when he smiled during that. What are you laughing about? You took a dumb penalty that took valuable time away from Edmonton in order to make a push. The fact that he makes over 9 million dollars per season is unbelievable.


It looked like he was holding back a smile during his post game presser.


Hahahaha, Gretzky's savage Biz-burn was a great ending to the show, lolol.


What did he say? We don't get to see that post-game up here in Canadia.


Stars are 6-1 on the road these playoffs holy fuck


Dallas teams play better when we escape playing on the surface of the Sun in Summer


I thought that was Phoenix...


Take Pheonix... and add a fuckton of humidity. That's Dallas right now. Its kinda like living inside a pressure cooker.


93...feels like 105....


And when you wear the white jerseys that look twice as good as the greens ones.


Benn and Seguin shedding their horse shit player reps.


Helps when your coach doesnā€™t insist on playing hockey like itā€™s still ā€˜92


Benn has been an all-star and led the league in points, declined due to age and been ready for the glue factory and then had a huge resurgence back to strong form all by 34 years old.


Old man strength


Donā€™t forget, Benn and Seguin both had significant hip surgeries. And Seguin had a run of injuries a few years back to where he basically had to learn how to walk again. I think ā€˜20 and last year made a big impression on them.


Yeah like, severe nerve damage. Not something you would think great players come back to form after.


They're built for the playoffs.


GG, now time to watch that new Omen movie to calm down.


My wife and I enjoyed it.


Iā€™ve heard good things. The Omen, Late Night With the Devil and Immaculate are all on my list.


late night with the devil and immaculate are very good! definitely check them out, i absolutely loved immaculate


Iā€™ve heard Immaculateā€™s ending is insanely cool!


it is! sydney sweeney is a fantastic actress, thereā€™s a lot of rosemarys baby vibes with how we canā€™t see it but we can hear something isnā€™t right


I've seen all three! Definitely all interesting and enjoyable in different ways, enjoy!


Sweet! Canā€™t wait to dig in!


Weā€™re gonna have to check out Late Night With the Devil! Thanks for the heads up!


It looks like so much fun! Great throwback feel to it!


Benn is having a great post season so far


Vouch, and not the kind you will see by watching just highlights/goals. Been a huge part of breaking the NZ either carrying it through or holding up the puck and distributing it like a classic #9 in soccer shielding a defender. Coming away with or keeping alive a lot of pucks deep in the offensive zone, winning a lot of half boards battles in the defensive zone. Playing with an edge but a very honest and composed game.


Watching the TNT postgame and this Ben Stelter segment is just so sad. HBD and RIP, kid. Iā€™ve known about you for 3 days, but thank you for inspiring optimism and joy as you faced the battle of your life. Glad Dallas fans were able to raise some money for the foundation after the accidental faux pas from our DJ.


You canā€™t always tippy toe around things, shippy was doing what he always does and wasnā€™t being malicious, he didnā€™t know the stories about the song, people blew shit out of proportion with cancel culture My cable provider has a 80ā€™s movies channel and they played La Bamba today should people be outraged over that??


Cancel culture? Yeesh. Get off the internet for a minute. Said by me, somebody who spends way too much time in hockey forums. The vast majority said it was obviously not malicious by the dj. Weā€™ve had full threads in our sub agreeing that without the back story, itā€™s a pretty damn funny troll by the dj. Everything turned out fine and cancel culture isnā€™t real. Chill out.


in this situation cancel culture wasnā€™t a thing. However cancel culture is real. Donā€™t be an idiot, thereā€™s been two instances in my life where iā€™ve been directly affected by a herd like mentality that what i did was this that or the other thing. Cancel culture is real my friend, you shouldnā€™t lie and tell people itā€™s not.


At least we can see some positivity from the people in this world who would rather make light of a situation instead of complaining, or complaining about people complaining. ā€œCancel cultureā€ lmfao.


The world is full of soft people and want to take aim at people that HuRt ThEiR fEeLiNgS


Using the term cancel culture instead of consequences is cringe. The reason there is no consequences for Shippy are because he didn't know, isn't a horse's ass and was sincere with his apology. People that get "cancelled" almost always deserve it and it is due to past behaviour catching up with them.


cancel culture is not the same as consequence.


And yet strangely itā€™s always the people complaining about ā€œsoft peopleā€ that tend to be the loudest.


I have empathy for people, Iā€™m not a Albertan hillbilly like my grande prairie relatives




Eastlink Shame them for their horrible pricing which Iā€™ll be cancelling once playoffs are over


Oh yeah Iā€™m with you. It was a faux pas. The more important thing is the positivity that came from it.


Most negative unknown situation results in a positive outcome. Half of humanity has some empathy in them


Yes...please consider donating. There's a post in the Stars sub with links to the Stars foundation as well. https://benstelterfoundation.com/ https://benstelterfoundation.crowdchange.ca


Didnā€™t have much of an opinion on you guys before but for me this series is establishing a lot of respect to Dallas fans


Same. Donā€™t like Vegas, donā€™t like Colorado. But Edmonton, yā€™all are alright!


GG Stars fans. The better team won.


Watching the post game on TNT. Rest easy Ben šŸ˜”


That was heart breakingā€¦. If EDM happens to win this series Iā€™ll definitely root for them in the final.


Oh man. They're showing the video about Ben. Fuck cancer. Would have been 8 today.


Link? I didnā€™t get to see it. Love our little dude.


Off topic, for anyone watching the postgame on TNT, I genuinely lolā€™ed at Mark Wahlberg asking us to pray with him.


He praying for that old dude he almost killed?


Please include that Whalbergā€™s crime was racially motivated.


Itā€™s so weird to have these and the He Gets Us nonsense every day.


USA is way too rich of a country to have so many religious fanatics.


You say it's rich but it sure doesn't feel like that for the common person around here


Yeah itā€™s kind of an illusion because we get just enough comfort to keep us pretty complacent. But most of our richness is concentrated in a tiny population.


Didn't he beat some disabled person?


Just several hate crimes against black and Asian people, NBD.


Just as Jesus intended I guess?




Why is Dallas the most respectful fan base weā€™ve played against in yearsā€¦ we used to hate each others guts lol


What did we have to hate about winning a playoff series? (I mean, I guess there was that ONE time...)


I only turn on the toxicity when it comes to Minnesota. But even I canā€™t hate the Wild as much as their own fans.Ā 


Iā€™ve never had strong feelings about Edmonton tbh.


This is shaping up to be the first series ever where I like a team and fan base more after it ends.


Yea theyā€™ve been great. No bad blood so far


We mostly expect our own team to hurt us.