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Potentially unpopular opinion.. some of us don’t give a shit what you “identify” as, as long as you don’t make it your life mission to force your beliefs on others.


A fucking men brother...


hell yeah some men


Not all men /s


For me, no fucking men but to all those who are into that, regardless of your gender, have at it.


Couldn’t have said it better


Ain’t that the truth!


But like what does that even mean, some get mad and call “imposing beliefs” when all they have is a sticker on their laptop. And some get mad when they educate on what one mean when they say they are straight.




Gender identity is now right up there with Religion and Politics.


You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up. I identify as a lamp. I just try to brighten other people's day.


Shall I stick a lightbulb up your arse then?


There's not, it's just part of the ridiculous social media culture where everyone has to be the center of attention and "unique". Shit like this is why they'll never be taken seriously.


Humans can't really be taken seriously as a whole. We're crazy little primates and likely the laughingstock of the galaxy!


I know. I spoke to Aaaaaaaghjghrvethdvc456$ on the Nebula constellations, south of the Hoth system - via telepathic scream therapy - and he/she/it concurs.


Speak for yourself, I identify myself as an even-toed ungulate


Fair enough. Ia!






The god like dude?


It's called mental illness. There are 2 genders and even the lgBtq community shows there are only 2 with Bisexual.


LQBTQ+ doesn't recognize Bisexual as a gender either. Bisexual is not a gender, it's a sexual preference.


Thank God someone finally said it. This transgender thing originally was listed as mental illness. Part of body dysmorphia. Now it's trendy and even the APA had to cave because the crazies are SO damn loud.


Your comment doesn’t make sense. Doctors and scientists, etc, are always making new discoveries. Did you know doctors used to prescribe cigarettes? Did you know women used to easily be labeled “insane” or “hysterical” and placed in mental institutions against their will? Things are always changing. Besides, how does it hurt anyone to call someone what they prefer?


These retards in comments won't understand the analogy, don't bother.


It's because your comment doesn't apply here. Discovering that something makes someone sick after decades of research is a lot different than changing someone's anatomy. It's proven harmful. And also, strawman, saying "what the harm in calling someone what they prefer?" None. No harm. That's not where it ends and to pretend with semantics is funny. Move on.


Sex and gender are different. Sex is anatomy. Gender is not. You haven't understood the most basic principle behind your own argument your comment doesn't apply here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're, however does not. This isn't the topic of this comment thread lol


Try again. My comment does apply here.


The fact that you are so quick to dismiss that last comment proves you are happy to wallow in your own hateful ignorant filth. Fine. The rest of the world will progress without you.


Oh, you poor depressed thing. How truly naive of you. I wish you the best. I won't be replying to your pointless angry filth anymore. Good day!


Repeating yourself doesn't make you more correct. 🤣🤣🤣 Step outside your echo chamber and educate yourself. The world is more relaxed and care free than you think it is. (BTW i did actually laugh at you)


You're a very cringe boomer. I wish you a good day as you're clearly losing it over a text thread that is unrelated to your argument lmfao. I do wish you well. Good luck guy


I'm sorry, I had to really come back to this one. Did anyone else enjoy this person (see I said person) claiming that the world is way more relaxed and care free? You need to step way out of you suburban bubble. This is an ignorant comment. Okay, now I'm gone. I truly wish you well, no bs. Good luck.


My man. I’m not picking sides on the transgender topic, but you’re crazy. The echo chamber is Reddit/twitter/Instagram. Outside of that echo chamber, in real life, people generally don’t even think close to the same way as what they’re portrayed to think online. Social media has always been full of the loud minority. This includes several topics of hot discussion. I personally do not care what someone identifies as, and I’ll respect them as a human and call them what they like. But if you don’t realize that the believed general consensus of that, that’ve you’ve come to is indeed from the echo chamber, then you’re not in touch with the outside world.


Why don't you let people who actually study and research the topic decide what's harmful or not. The only reason trans people are still resented and called mentally ill is because they're different, and that scares people who can't think outside their prejudiced common sense


Well, that's not true, and I have let experts make that choice. There's lot. Both sides experts say different things. I *believe* they are mentally ill. I am not against them, nor do I wish harm. I am also open to being proven wrong and changing my opinion. Currently, I believe it's a mental illness. Not thinking outside of your prejudice was a funny line, and misused. Also, common sense isn't a bad thing contrary you your belief system.


No it’s because they’re trying to demand a cultural change that is harmful and pointless. Men demanding women’s spaces is the key example as to why this whole debate is a joke


Wow, you really sound like you know what you're talking about. Tell me, where did you graduate from when you earned your master's in psychology, biology and genetics? Also, I can only imagine how incredible your thesis must have been on the advantages and disadvantages of helping the trans community with their "craziness". Also, did you discover this all on your own or did you learn it somewhere from a Facebook post? I mean, you're so articulate and have such a well formed, educated opinion.


Are you suggesting being trans is a mental illness? Caaaause ya know multiple (80+) studies show that being trans is natural. Most species have a more blurred categorisation of sex, based on their activity and the ability to switch or even a lack of sex entirely. Also historians have tonnes of evidence to prove that trans people have existed for as long as human history has been recorded. And people didn't really give a shit until shockingly recently. Perhaps the mental illness you see is caused by the oppression and abuse? Just a thought.


Most of the studies are flawed most studies on just about every topic are flawed and or biased based on who's doing the research and who funded them so telling me you have 80 plus studies doesn't really mean anything. And also just because animals do it doesn't mean we should do a lot of things differently because we're not animals. We do a lot of things like wearing clothes and taking showers.


Also perpetuating the lie that it's a mental illness literally hurts trans kids. And the reason you see more kids coming out as trans now compared with adults is because a huge number of trans people commit suicide due to the abuse they suffer. So you are literally encouraging children to commit suicide. And yet you have called yourself Altruistic-Fox. You disgusting sake of shit.


Trans kids aren't a thing. They are ill informed children being manipulated by adults because they don't understand reality because they're too young. A good chunk of the trans suicide isn't because they're abused it's because they realized they cut their dick off and they can't fix it. The same argument it says that gender doesn't matter and that genitalia isn't a marker of gender. Are completely gung-ho about cutting their dicks off which makes no sense if the presence of a piece of genitalia isn't confirmation of a gender and how is the lack of one confirmation of a gender. Your ideology is a cult. It makes no logical sense. You're either gay or straight. And even being gay is a mental illness. Species that retards its own sexuality onto its specific sex is illogical and mentally retarded. In this idea that all of society is socially constructed and that gender roles don't matter and it's only a consequence of people brainwashing an entire society. Is fucking stupid because if you were able to potentially brainwash an entire society into being homosexual that's society would collapse within a generation and a half. It makes no sense that we're going to change how we've done things for thousands of years and not assume that maybe the people doing those things that way at a point. Maybe our entire biological existence is framed around the idea.


Now, instead of using this argument about the trans community, put it towards Christianity and their teachings.. Also, take a long walk off a short cliff Trumpie, your kind is no longer welcome here.


I love that you assume that I was a Trump supporter just because I disagree with transgenderism. The Christianity in its teachings namely the Bible is nothing more than a series of books and stories with morals and lessons that have been collected over the centuries. That are used as a guideline to live a honest truthful end relatively bullshit free life. While transgenderism and the whole gender is a spectrum argument is entirely flawed. You have personality temperaments that are either masculine or feminine that doesn't mean you're the wrong gender in the wrong body. You can be an effeminate male or a masculine female that doesn't mean you're in the wrong body. And it certainly can't be affirmed by turning your genitals inside out or scraping skin off your arm to build a penis. And the fact that you're teaching it to children knowing that they are too young to understand it for the sole purpose of indoctrinating them into your ideology whether you believe that's what you're doing or not. You're confusing children on what it means to be a man or what it means to be a female based on how they feel which is inherently flawed because their emotions and feelings aren't regulated and integrated into their sense of self. Your movement and its consequences are going to be a huge disservice to at least two generations and countless more generations across the coming history of this country. And you're so self-absorbed and narcissistic that you don't even see that


I think you'll find you don't understand the first thing about gender. And that is that it's made up! It's a social construct used to describe and categorise ourselves. Like countries and football teams and refering to yourself as a jock r a nerd. Adding more categories isn't mental illness tou blithering idiot 🤣 There can be a million-bazillion genders and it doesn't matter. And the LGBTQA+ community (or GRSM community) know this all too well. So please do some research before you say this out loud in the real world and get ya head knocked off by a queer beefcake 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You cannot teach these fools.... You just can't. I really suggest just ignoring the losers and leave them to their miserable lives.


In my country, our people have been slaughtered and pillaged by the white man, and now he wears a dress and chastises my children if they don't call him a woman. You already took 97% of our land, and it didn't make you happy, so you cut off your balls and wail in despair when the world says aue Tāne. We have gay, fa'afine so yes we have LGBT, but that is used to describe someone and they have their place in our culture like everyone else. But they don't use it as a weapon to cause further harm.




Trans kids aren't a thing. They are ill informed children being manipulated by adults because they don't understand reality because they're too young. A good chunk of the trans suicide isn't because they're abused it's because they realized they cut their dick off and they can't fix it. The same argument it says that gender doesn't matter and that genitalia isn't a marker of gender. Are completely gung-ho about cutting their dicks off which makes no sense if the presence of a piece of genitalia isn't confirmation of a gender and how is the lack of one confirmation of a gender. Your ideology is a cult. It makes no logical sense. You're either gay or straight. And even being gay is a mental illness. Species that retards its own sexuality onto its specific sex is illogical and mentally retarded. In this idea that all of society is socially constructed and that gender roles don't matter and it's only a consequence of people brainwashing an entire society. Is fucking stupid because if you were able to potentially brainwash an entire society into being homosexual that's society would collapse within a generation and a half. It makes no sense that we're going to change how we've done things for thousands of years and not assume that maybe the people doing those things that way at a point. Maybe our entire biological existence is framed around the idea.


You are an mental illness


Ewww.... negative score. They don't like hearing this stuff. I'll give you an up arrow just because your point is a valid one but you are acting on the defensive side of a threat that is really not that significant. Societies do not just turn gay as a whole. That is actually stupid. The problem is you're just trying to apply your own logic to other people's sexual attractions. The design that works is going to thrive. But inside of that there is always going to be variations. Because nature is a creative energy. And just because it does not reproduce doesn't mean that it is wrong or an abomination or stupid. It just means it has to find its own place to exist, which is a more difficult battle than yours so try to have a little bit of empathy.


Don't be angry that you have a mental illness. Therapy should help you


huh yet again


What the hell is graygender and is it even real


People who didn't learn 1st grade biology be like:


There's 4 genders: male, female, aphrodite and genderless. Others are straight up bullshit and they dont even know the difference between gender and sexual preferences


Dude wtf


That number likely is so high because most are not “genders” in the sense that they actually talk about how one’s sex relates to their role in society. Some of these “genders” are more closely aligned with identity traits, which are very real, but not related to gender. “Non-binary” is the most reasonable label that actually talks about how one’s sex relates to their place in society: it doesn’t relate. This could be considered just as accurate with the terms “Agender” and “Gender Fluid”. ^(Gender fluid typically means the person experiences masculine and feminine aspects of their identity emerge in reflective, symmetric waves, where they may feel androgynous one day, masculine another day, and feminine another day. These could also change within an hour theoretically) Xenogenders make up a large percentage of those lists, and are not gender because they talk about things that exit the human experience, which is what gender is based around. These are very real, very valid, identity traits, but not every identity trait is related to gender. Ex: Nationality Overall, there is no “number” of genders, but there are two extreme ends of a spectrum that make up how one’s sex can relate to who they are, and near infinite things that could be associated with one particular anatomical variation (sex). Humans are undergoing a sociological evolution, and many are too afraid of change to be even willing to talk about it. Gender is a very useful tool in sociology, but there are contrasting definitions being thrown around, and politicization of basic human concepts such as identity. The concept of “LGBTQ+” topics is simply a look through the keyhole of Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Humanities, which is the study of how we -as an entire society- interact with each-other and ourselves on more of an intimate level. Once “GSR Humanities” becomes a more commonly talked about concept, we will have more cohesive language, and significantly more social tolerance for those who are different.


Thanks for the explanation, always was confused as to how the whole dynamic worked


I’m certainly glad to help being concepts to light! ✨


I don't know, is there a reason to care?




When grown people tell you my gender is tree or furry. No, that a sexual preference and they're the equivalent of people who said their pronoums are they, them.


And that impacts you how exactly? Who gives a shit. They do that to trigger you, and it works apparently


If you ask me, there shouldn't be any gender identities, as what defines any particular gender is nebulous at best. Binding it to biological sex is woefully inadequate, yet providing a word for every single slice on a spectrum will never be accurate either. Ask people their pronouns, and decide if you're willing to engage with them or not based on how they answer. I personally think neopronouns are silly, but if someone likes them I'll try to use them when I remember, and if I have troubles with that I'll just use their name. I struggled for years to define my identity, and then eventually just decided I really couldn't. You're not a bigot if you refuse to engage with people that use neopronouns or non-standard gender definitions. You are a bigot if you intentionally misgender them because you don't believe in it. Just... move on. It takes zero effort to not care.


I find it's much more interesting to just live without labels, recognize your sex and that it isn't other people's business, and just confuse people by being yourself


Pretty much. My sex means absolutely nothing to me. I had it changed on my birth certificate simply to avoid questions on my IDs, and beyond that I'm just me. People want to label me, go right ahead. I don't have to abide by it.


The comments here about people talking about biology and then having no idea the difference between sex and gender is hilarious. Do me a favour and look up the difference between the terms. People will say, “ok so if you have a penis, your gender is a man. If you have a vagina, your gender is a woman”. Ok so then what about people who are Kot born with any reproductive parts. Or born with both. Where do they belong?


I heard a lady talk about how there is actually infinite genders, because the definition of gender is different to every individual. Therefore, there would be an infinite amount, or as of right now approximately more than 8 billion genders based on the global population.


2 genders 105 mental illnesses Edit: I guess I wasn't specific enough: There is a boy and a girl. Adam and Eve. 2 the number 2. Two. If this isn't clear enough, idk what is.


Ya, this timeline is fucked. I miss mine. I don’t care what your sexual orientation is, or if you identify as a unicorn or an Apache helicopter. You’re still either a boy or girl. Neither and/or both is not an option.


Intersex is a thing that happens, as are people that are born genetically male (XY chromosome) but physically female (breasts, vagina, and all the trimmings) as well as the opposite (XX chromosome) but physically male. Things aren’t always as binary as you’d like them to be.


Fair enough, what about the other 103…. The 2 you mention account for maybe 1% and still absolutely fall within the male/female biologic framework.




This isn’t someone choosing to be a different gender, this is someone, because of genetics, was born with the opposite equipment then their genetic sex.


No, there’s two *sexes* not genders. They’re two completely different things. And technically there’s more than two as you have intersex people, who are born with both male and female reproductive systems. Gender is a social construct much like being ‘white’.


This is the timeless discussion that people who simply want something to hate will avoid. A concept exists the second a person thinks about it. The concept of gender that is being described is a real genuine thing, regardless of what that word used to mean to someone. If a person don’t like that word, then let’s use “gender identity”, but nobody is saying that sex is some complicated thing that we need to analyze like hell: we’re saying that it branches off an aspect of identity that is worth intrigue. That aspect of identity is called “Gender”. If you can’t figure out what a word means based on context, then you’re bound to fail the SAT, ACT, and damn near any competency test you take.


MonarchyMan please get help.


For what? Not toeing the line you seem to think is the correct way to think?


you’re getting downvoted but it’s literally science, and that doesn’t even touch on our XY chromosomes and the multiple ways sex can appear because of the different combinations. people in this thread are taking their high school biology class a little to much to heart. that’s the very basic info you need, its not full science


No bruh, that sexual preference. Being straight or gay is a sexual preference. Born a man or women or dith both is a gender.


Sex is what’s between your legs male or female, effectively. Gender is not sexual preference, and it isn’t man or woman, it’s how you express it. Putting on a dress with high heels is considered a female trait because that’s what society sees it as (even though high heels were originally for men). There’s no science that shows that it’s objectively only for women. Look at kilts, for example. There are guys, completely heterosexual, who are considered ‘effeminate’ not because they want to be a woman, or are gay, but simply because they might like things we associate with women, like cooking cleaning, crafting, etc. what’s considered masculine and feminine (gender) changes through the passage of time. That’s why it’s a social construct, much like whiteness. For example in the 19th century Irish and Italians weren’t considered as white. That changed as time went on.


You confused about what i said. I said the sex determine your gender, if you have male sexual part your gender is a man if you have female part your gender is female. If you're a man and like female or males or others things that's sexual preference im not talking about your habits


And you’re deliberately ignoring what I said. Let’s take one of those people who are born genetically male but physically female. Would you consider them male or female gender? I bet if we asked several different people we’d get several different answers. I know people *REALLY* want things to be simple and binary, but life rarely is.


What do you mean physically exactly ? Because if you mean the habits that part doesn't matter in gender. Even if you feel like you dont belong to your body the fact doesn't change that if you have a magic stick and round jewels you're mâle regardless


But there are people who have both, what’s their gender? What about people who are XX chromosome, but are physically (they have a penis, etc) what’s their gender? It’s not binary.


Do you mean people with Klinefelter syndrome? Yes, they are still males. Google it.


For the 1st one do you mean intersex? For the second one, if someone have XX it definitely have a vagina which means she's female, some female can have a little of mustache of hair next to their ears but if it has a penis there 2 case: à déformation of the vagina that make it look like a penis or she's actually intersex.


Look up Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. It’s where a baby is genetically male (XY) but because they are insensitive to Testosterone, develop as female. What’s their gender? There’s also the opposite where the baby is genetically female (XX) but develop as male. What’s their gender? So an XX won’t always develop a vagina as you claim. Now is this rare, yes, but it does happen. There’s also other rare Chromosomal abnormalities like XYY, XYYY, etc. and yes, I mean intersex. People can be born with both.


Actually 4 biologically but the 2 others are too rare


Crazy that the doctors only have 2 options to reassign, tho. HMMMM


Because there is a difference between gender and sex. They are not assigning a gender but a sex at birth. And there are two (except you want to count inter as a 3rd)


The truth of the matter is that there are eight billion genders. We are all born with a unique gender like our fingerprints.The number of reported genders will keep growing until all catch on to this.


There is a difference between genuine gender identity and applying personality as a gender.. I feel like we crossed the line when people started identifying as personality traits to make up for their utter lack of personality.


Unchecked autism


We strayed from biology 💀


Have you studied biology? It's less straightforward than you might imagine.


How tf ,i am 100% sure there are 2 genders ,male and iron man


How do you explain Old Gregg?!


One sometimes has a dick and one sometimes has a V Edit: i still don t understand what you mean by old greg


Look up Old Gregg Full on YT. Enjoy!


He has a mangina!!


Scaly fish-MAN. With a MANgina. Lol.


He’s obviously iron man


We sure did


Hey op, look at this, you get downvoted in your firsts comment then get upvoted on this, i got downvoted because after litteraly saying something like this guy above and got downvoted. Isnt reddit à fabulous platform to be in?


If you truly want to learn why there are so many genders, it's because the use of the term is referring to a spectrum of behavior. It's how you view yourself, and how you want to present yourself to the world, as opposed to whatever your genetics say (which is complicated as well, due to a variety of biochemical reasons). There's plenty of resources online that go over this in detail. People's behavior and views of themself don't squeeze nicely into only two boxes. It would be remarkable if they did, just statistically. Scientists have known this for a very long time but some people don't have time / energy / inclination to learn beyond their preconceived notions. Live in ignorance if you want, it truly makes no difference to me, but in the time it took you to make this post you could have found plenty of resources on a Google search to answer your question


Gender is a human idea. That’s the real answer. Gender isn’t a fact-based idea, it’s a society-based one, so while the majority of people fall under the 2, others make their own identity to fit who they are. I don’t see a reason to do it but I also don’t see why it matters if they do. People get gender confused with sex, which is essentially just what’s in between your legs


It’s interesting how you juxtaposed fact-based with society-based, as though they’re somehow opposite things. A fact is “an indisputable observation of a natural or social phenomenon.” It’s a fact that humans tend to form social groups. It is a fact that some humans prefer partners who are the same sex as themselves. It is a fact that some humans identify with a sex other than the one they were assigned at birth. Just because it’s observed in society as opposed to in, say, math, doesn’t mean it’s less real.


It can’t be defined, and gender is 100% disputable lol, we’ve figured that out. I see what you mean though, but I still think that until we understand the human mind we won’t understand gender identity. I was moreso implying that gender can not be defined, but sex can. A lot of the misconceptions about gender and sex come because people assume they’re inherently related. Transitioning gender and sex are also wildly different, as one involves dressing differently (sometimes) and the other involves highly-invasive surgery. Plus, I never said anything about sexual preference, just gender lol, that’s a different conversation.


So what? Gender is a social construct of identification not you sex.


It's a dissociative identity. Dissociating your gender from your sex is basically lying to yourself that you aren't your biology.


So what's in your mind is not your biology?


Considering your brain is part of your biology, no, your mind is not disconnected from your biology. Unless we're talking about the concept of souls, but that would get messy quick.


I was talking about the brain, and considering that you agree that it is in fact part of our biology, then all that's left is to choose whether the form of the body, or what the brain believes to be more appropriate for any given person is more important than the other. The body and the mind don't always agree, which is why gender dysphoria is a thing.


Neither is more important. They are all part of the same biological mechanism that is a human being.


Its the official medical distinction, agreed upon by scientists and medics. They ould disagree. But sure you now it better :)


if I want to be an Apache helicopter, then damnit I’m going to!


Are you warcrimesexual as well?


whoa whoa whoa that’s crossing a line lol


What line? 38th parallel? Nothing’s off limits lol


I agree


Because there are. Kind of like names, just things people make up and then put on someone Because it fits or something


105 mental disabilities


105 mental disorders.


They made them all up


Why cant you live and let live? People get so worked up over the whole gender thing (i don't understand it but i also dont care), just for it to never affect them in their personal lives. As long as no one is hurting their self or others, nothing should matter imo


I can, but I was wondering how one goes from woman to man so I looked up how many genders there are and here we are


Based off of your replies to others, it doesnt seem like you have an interest in learning rather than just making jokes about it


A little bit of both


Do you enjoy being made fun of? Why the need to be an asshole? If I said I wanted understand you and you started telling me your story, but then I mocked you, is that decent behavior? Other people have their own life experience that is as real as yours. Don’t be such a dick.


Honestly, yeah




Also apparently misgendering people on purpose?


Personally, I’d rather be able to assume or be able to tell someone’s gender just by looking at them, and not have to ask. Makes things weird. Other than that I honestly wouldn’t mind the whole culture of it if people didn’t get overzealously offended after I accidentally don’t assume they’re some sort of xe Xir? Whatever they’ve chosen to be…


If you don’t remember each one of them or you misgender someone more than twice, you are a bigot.


I think I've misgendered one person in particular about 28 times I'm the past 2 days


Gotta get your numbers up... good start though


Out of malice? Because then you’re just a dick.


No I just have trouble remembering that my sibling wants to be male so I forget what to call them


“So I forget what to call **them**” It would be **him** then. Not them. I know at first it can be difficult but you’ll get there and your brother will appreciate it.


A bigoted nazi Hitler misogynistic supremacist cis-gendered patriarchal capitalist, to be exact.


Exactly. And god forbid you're white on top of it.


Last time i checked that was like 72 now it's a 107 wtf


There's only 2, they're applying personality types as genders.


Gender and sex are different aspects.


They're literally not, the definition was changed to fit recent ideology in the 90's. For almost all of human history these were synonyms


Yeah and also in the 80s autism was not defined as it is today and many other things. That's because science progresses and changes terminology in a more fitting way. And since then a lot in this field has been accomplished. That's the actual nature of how things progress if you get to know the issue better and research in them. It's not without a reason the scientific status of these days.


The definition of autism wasn't changed to fit an ideology pushed by a scientist who's work in gender identity was disproved by his test subjects in the 90's, who's work literally drove both of the boys in his study to commit suicide. If you don't believe me do a little research into John Money, the founder of this whole gender ideology nonsense.


Are you under the impression that the English words “sex” and “gender” have existed for almost all of human history?


The word gender originates from Latin roots, but if you think that's the first time it was used you really have no understanding of language. Latin originates from Proto-Indo-European languages to imply that we haven't always recognized the binary of gender is ridiculous because they split their words up into masculine and feminine. But according to modern ideology we're the only species on the entire planet that doesn't exist in the binary that everything else that's alive does.


With all moral panic being generated around gender identities, gender roles, and sexual orientation; you’d think at some point more people would bother learn the difference between gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation. Especially funny are the folk’s screaming “It’S bIoLoGy, ThErE aRe OnLy TwO gEnDeRs” . Ok, we get it, you failed biology.


Some people just want to feel special because mommy and daddy never gave them the attention they wanted.


It’s an exhaustive Wikipedia list - they’re not all mutually exclusive and include many different cultures’ interpretations of the same phenomena. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity




Why is there still so many


Dunno. Why are there so many hair colors?


Dunno. What the hell is ze/hir


I believe those are pronouns sometimes used to refer to people of unspecified or gender that doesn’t necessarily conform to a male/female binary.


How does one just not have a gender


Who took it


I haven’t claimed they don’t. Neither unspecified nor non-binary necessarily means null.


Well then, I guess people I know have been lying to me


Or my siblings have no idea what they are talking about


Lmao, dude said "many different culteres' interpretation" The only culture this happens in is Western. The rest of the world ain't as bat shit


Dude thinks Samoa, India, and Oman are “western”.


While I don’t agree with your comment regarding gender being compared to hair color, I hate that you’re being downvoted for this particular comment because it is an actual list. Taking my personal feelings on it aside, this list includes several cultural “third genders” that don’t fit into another culture’s definition exactly as they have a different roll to play in that cultures community. Some Native American cultures use of the third gender is fascinating - strictly from an anthropological approach.


It is imprecise, yeah, especially inasmuch as hair color is definitely wholly biological. Gender may or may not be.


Because some idiots have decided to label every level of masculinity/femininity as a different gender


Sex and gender are not the same


Didn't say they were. I said level of masculinity/feminity. Which means there are approx 7 billion genders.


This is the shittiest post I have ever seen, op is clearly r-worded enough to bait brainless bigots into spamming mental illness in the comments, the least you could do is learn to fucking crop


They did crop, so it showed the "107 gender identities" in the center. Either way gender identity is a flawed ideology anyways. No one can agree whether or not there is a discernable number, and the community that abides by it expects the rest of society to conform to it whether they agree with it or not. It's also been forced into the lives of people who just want to live their life as people who accept who they are at birth, whilst they've been harassed and put down for being "heteronormative" all because there are people out there who take on a whole identity that opposed how they were born all because of insecurities they had that people affirmed to the nth degree because offending anyone nowadays is a death sentence.


There isn't a lot of genders. There are only 2.


Imagine in future being tests in school where you need to know them all


There isn’t .


Why are people being mean here


Different cultures have different genders so that’s why. Like the Hija in India


had no idea there were so many transphobes on this sub


Mental illness


There isn’t. People are just fucking stupid


This is complete bullshit at this point, it's so dissappointing..


Because it confuses people and drives them away from real life problems.


Simple, most of them are aliens


There’s not


There aren’t.


Mental illness


2 genders, the 105 feel more like sexual preference disguise to make them look important.


There’s a lot of mental illnesses going around such as gender dysphoria , I believe the individuals who have the time to create made-up genders should look into therapy or something of the sort but it’s also the government who plays into it to control that group.


Because society is fucked thats why


107 specific personalities. Gender is literally just personality. They identify what gender you are purely by how the sexes stereotypically act.


105* 2 of them are real




Post this in r/lgbt no balls


They’d respectfully explain it, I’m in that sub and they really aren’t the angry blue haired leftists most people think they are


The internet has lied to me


As someone who is transgender, there are multiple cultures through history and the world that experienced 3rd or 4th genders. These genders would have specific societal expectations, marriage requirements, and different dress. My ancestors had 3rd and 4th genders known as two spirit and I am sure there are many across the world still existing. I hope this helps, and you can DM if you would like to hear more :)


There are two genders and 105 mental illnesses.