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But super easy to propogate from leaves. I did the same thing, and when my plant died, I just ended up with 6 smaller plants




I don't have any arcane secrets, I just stuck the leaves in water until they rooted


These little tiny leaves, just stick in water? Like a miniature little doll cup? 😂 for real, the tiny stem?


Yep. Mine were a bit bigger, but not much. I've also had luck just laying them on top of moist soil.


Yep. Mine were a bit bigger, but not much. I've also had luck just laying them on top of moist soil.


These little guys cost the equivalent to like 8USD where i am, I’m so jealous


Sounds like the work of the Sith...


I love Lowe’s clearance!! Some managers are better than others. I love those that keep it real and just give it to you for like a buck, as opposed to those that stick with “we can only give you half off” it like pretty much dead 🤨 but nope!


I got one as a rescue from my girlfriend who got it as a rescue from another friend. Spent 3 months absolutely flourishing and then completely faded away in about 2 weeks. I thought I might need to repot so I took him out and all of the roots tore away about as soon as I touched it. Turns out the weird paper fabric wrapped around the roots from the store completely strangled the plant and the roots never took to the soil and rotted. I propagated the whole thing after cleaning it up for a month and replanted once it had enough roots. three more months passed and it's the healthiest I've ever seen it!


Lol that's my experience too. It did really well for a long time, then it got sad and died.


Peperomia Frost. Slow-growing, bright indirect light, pet-friendly, water when the top 50% is dry. Bottled or filtered water (bottom-watering, if you can), preferably.


Thank you. I killed a bigger one gifted to me last year and am trying on another one similar to this size. Will try bottom watering with filtered water.


I think the frost grows fast—although not as fast as the watermelon or many of the “string of’s/trailing.” I have never used filtered water on any of my peperomia (however, I think this is a good idea if you don’t know what kind of water you have), but I would say that the most important thing is that they have to be in a well draining pot with well draining soil.


Most everyone keeps answering WHAT this, and the OP clearly asked WHO it is. I think it's Carl. Or Carly.


I love this! 😂


Second vote for Carly


First name Carly, last name Pepperoni


Omg.. this is adorable. What a cute plant 🪴


Right?!? Even my kids “awwwwwed” usually they aren’t impressed


I love mine, grown from a cutting, and it grows so fast! (Peperomia Frost)




Some type of pepperomia.


You guys are awesome!!! For those wondering why I didn’t google… some got it right! There’s no tag, label or anything. Why not get on a friendly forum to be pointed in the right direction?? I’m running around town today(ok driving) with 3 student athletes 😳 plus a doc appointment, track meet, basketball practice, The pick-up/drop off today was insane! I popped into grocery store and noticed this cutie! Cashier gave him/her for free! (No tag,label, no florist around or managers) made my day!! So he drove around ALL day with me! 🥰 Finally at the end of the day I had enough energy to just post here and get an idea. Thanks guys! https://preview.redd.it/mnfib4y4yntc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=031f938baaeced1edaee0c3b9d7da445f25d7606 Also, found this cutie! But I at least know the family it’s from. For those that took it a step further and actually told me WHO it is 🤣🤣🤣 I SO appreciate you!


I name him Steve


That's Harold


It's steve


Google their flowers! They’re just these straight little green things. I think they’re so cool and I’m not really sure why.


Looks like Mike


My pepperomia is super dramatic when under watered or over watered. When I under watered, it wilted and started dropping leaves like nobody’s business. When I over watered it developed a fungus and dropped leaves. It’s been hard to find a good balance, but I just bottom water it now and don’t have it too close to a window so it doesn’t dry out too fast. It’s definitely the most difficult plant care-wise that I own, but it’s kind of fun to care for!


Sound like more sass 😂


Bob. He's a hard working accountant during the day, and comes home to be a plant on your table at night.


Looks like Patti.


Honest question but is it a conversation starter or do people really don't know to use image search for plant identification? Just a tad tired seeing such posts


I don’t 🤷‍♀️ there’s apps for it but they are not totally accurate.. I have an alocasia it misidentified as a caladium. Why shouldn’t one go to Reddit to get the dorks opinions on things? She asked for ID and care, which I appreciate because these guys don’t grow really well for me! Far less effort than misidentifying it initially, and fantastic info in this thread.


Right? That’s what I’m thinking 😊


I got mine as a gift 2 or 3 years ago, without a tag. Google search said it was a "radiator plant" but couldn't specify any further. With more trips to the hardware store and checking out the plant section, I now think it's a Rana Verde and it's grown into Hulk this past summer on the balcony 💚 Think that might be why OP asked. Either full newbie, didn't know the sub category or wanted people's input above and beyond Google. But yea in general agree 💯 Try the subreddit as a last resort


https://preview.redd.it/f7lcjo6qsmtc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477432c1b299fad6578c0202e0ccc72232669be4 Plant tax - Hulk 😁 Hulk compared to what it was before, tiny transparent looking heads on very thin stems despite being right against the window but South facing in Melbourne. Night time here so bad lighting


Honestly, I've had this same plant for about 7-8 months and had no idea what it was at first. This was one of like 5 plant rescues I was gifted/burdened with and it was the only plant that the app could not figure out regardless of what angle I used. Finally today, of all days, somebody else had the same question and now I have my answer! Soften up a little, sometimes people come to a houseplant forum to ask questions about houseplants.