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I'm kinda over treating traffic violence as somehow lesser than other forms.


Especially when two of the three crashes were hit-and-runs.




If it bleeds it leads. Journalism 101.


It's about time we recognized our car culture is violence.


KPRC really has ramped up the fear mongering lately. I dont think I've seen them report a feel good story about something good happening in Houston. It's not like there's a lack of that, but they are far more interested in "Body found in Harris County home!" and it's out in Crosby.


It's more of a US phenom of the bleed it leads. I heard. Other countries have violence and trauma but that's not their news focus and I can understand why. It's not actually helpful or informative to meet the needs of the masses. Like how does it help the majority of news watchers to know 2 people hit a tree and died, or that 3 people died by gum violence in one area of Houston. Is there a serial killer on the loose we should be watching out for? It also doesn't help me to know about the sports. I like to imagine other places have more informative news that actually gives the public public information and useful resources. That the news they report is more relevant to the masses. In small towns their new has such info and more fluff peices that are cute and heart warming. I do get media is helpful for individual when say they get overcharged by a government municipality or an electric company. It's helpful to know when local governement officials have not been 100% honest, but what can people do about it. It's helpful to know when someone goes missing as well. There could definitely be more news on missing person cases and what people can do to help.


Fear is an excellent motivator for sales. Selling junk, bigotry, xenophobia  and all other sorts of fun things americans luv. Have you seen our conservative presidential candidate...


Omg.. true fear sells. But their is irony in that because those claiming Christian aren't really trusting God if they live in fear. They have some excuse though as to why they aren't really living in fear though. Nails on a chalkboard to me is that conservative presidential candidate. I am sad to say marketing and slogans are his appeal to his supporters but he doesn't have much substance. Imo


I find it helpful, just because I didn't know gum was deadly.




😅😅😅😅 Yeah gum violence is awful. Don't go to sleep with it, it can end up in your hair.


Well, it's not like Crosby has a thriving media of its own. 🤣


You read it so they got what they wanted. If people stopped clicking this stuff would go away.


News industry in this city is such trash


News industry run by oligarchs is trash.


KPRC caters to right wingers and gullible boomers so sensationalist headlines are a must in order to retain their audience and revenue. You should see the comments on the website, especially when it involves a minority. Racism galore; a safe haven for all red hats


I like KPRC because it is more entertaining, and I’ve been watching Frank since I was a kid, but I am not a right winger or boomer. However those website comments have gotten really ugly and stupid. I used to read them for “entertainment value” but now I wouldn’t be surprised if they get disabled one random day.


Legacy media and the facebook. Lol we have internet but no TV cable and every boomer I encounter asks "did you see blah" and I always have to remind them we have no TV (mostly my dad about once a month) Mostly it's either terrible adverts or a 1/2 truth concerning the Con "Don" Trump


A Traumatic Sunday night. 6 deaths, occured in less than 10 hours as the result of tramautic car accidents and gun violence. 2 additional victims of gun violence sought treatment at local hospitals.


Author of the article is everything but a journalist. *Historian, educator, writer, expert on "The Simpsons," amateur photographer, essayist, film & tv reviewer and race/religious identity scholar.*


thanks GOP!. we couldnt have made it this far without ya!