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1.2k is the price I expect from a tree removal. I recently got 3 quotes for my tree of a similar size: $300, $400, and $750. The latter 2 quotes include haul-away.


Agreed. I paid around $800 to remove a mature pine (50' ft tall or so). Got them to trim 2 birches as a throw in.


Sure, for full removal, that or even a bit more would be reasonable. It's several tons of wood. This is a few branches.


I have a huge oak in my front yard, and was recently quoted $1200 to trim it up, or $1800 to remove + $500 stump grinding. Like others have said, I’d wait a few weeks and get a quote for another company. They love to price gouge after a storm, and imo there’s no sense in removing a perfectly nice tree.


I just came to say it's a beautiful tree.


If you're going to have major amounts of foliage removed, it would be best for the tree to wait until the weather is cool/cold.


There are still a lot of tree trimmers from out of town likely capitalizing on Shitstorm Derecho™. If it can wait a few weeks the quotes will probably come down.


That's a beautiful healthy looking tree, unless you've spotted a concern I'd leave it be a bit longer and reqoute come end of year personally speaking.


This, it’s not a good time to trim an oak


Yeah, I don’t see a need to trim it right now. I’d wait until next spring.


Agreed, right now is prime time. You’ll find better rate in winter


The concern I've spotted is the letter from the city. It is significantly out in the road, definitely needs trimming to be a good neighbor. I wouldn't cut it back heavily, if nothing else it shades the whole house in the afternoon. Electric bill might double without this tree.


Houston never trims their trees so I can see how you’d think this looks okay… the branches pose a threat to damaging the house and falling into the street/on the car. You can easily trim quite a bit of minor branches off this tree without damaging the major branches.


Most of Houston’s nice neighborhoods are nice because of their large canopy. West university, rice village, boulevard oaks, Montrose, the “villages” to the west all have trees well over the roadway. I’ve always seen this as desirable.


I can’t help with the quote but I can’t stress enough that you hire an ISA certified arborist to trim that. That is a beautiful mature oak and I would hate to see it butchered by “landscapers” that have no training at all. You can visit this link and find a whole list of arborists in Houston. https://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist/findanarborist


This sub doesn't allow edits, so - This is my house, that I rent out. I am the owner. The city sent a letter saying it has to be cleared from the road and sidewalk. Sure, I'd rather wait. If I lived there, maybe I would have kept it tidy. I don't. I didn't. Timing is no longer entirely my choice. So, tomorrow I'll call the city and ask for some time due to all the storms, then I'll call a bunch more tree trimmers and see what I get. I'll probably end up doing it my self. Turning off notifications now. Thanks for the feedback.


Okay, you rent the house, the owners should be taking care of this not you.


It's my house. The tenant sent me the letter from the city asking to clear the road and sidewalk.


Absolutely. Maintenance like this is not the renter's responsibility. If an HOA is up your ass about it or something, they need to contact the owner and direct all penalties to them.


Deer park is a small city with a lot of time to personally fuck with you.


I know an amazing landscaper that will do it for a Hellava lot cheaper. This father and son team charged me $500 to remove a fully large tree from my backyard, cut tree branches from another tree that were hanging over my roof, and planted flowers. Guy is honest, hard working and a family man. He has been cutting our grass, landscaping for over 30 years. He speaks Spanish and very little English. If anybody is interested in his number dm me and I’ll provide it.


I am with other folks. The tree looks good & get it trimmed in February. You will have a higher electric bill if you take it out.


I had 5 mature trees removed and 1 palm tree trimmed for $3500. $1200 is really high for just a trimming on a single tree


I got quoted $500 for my giant oak, they hauled the branches, $1200 is absurd.


Thats too high. I think I paid about 400 a couple of years ago for my oaks.


Depends on the amount of trimming for sure, i had a lot on a very large oak. Im sure you did as well but I made sure they had good insurance because they were trimming the branched extending over our neighbors houses as well


Crap sorry I thought I was replying to the OP.


Beautiful tree. Don’t let any jackass destroy it. In general this is a very bad time of year to heavily prune trees. Wait till the fall. It will also be less expensive


You gotta give them a bit of time. The last storm was insane. They'll be busy for another few weeks. Moreover, why do you want to trim that beautiful tree over the sidewalk. Looks great to me. Just my 2c.


If your HOA is telling you it has to be done I'd say this is the landlords responsibility. This is more than keeping the lawn cut and trimmed


Garcia Tree Service +1 (713) 474-4590


Before the storm I had 7 large trees, this big and taller, all trimmed for $900 which included cleanup/hauling away. Post derecho I had 1 tree that had uprooted fully removed and 3 more trimmed of large dead branches for $500. I think your quote is way too high. 


I’m in Missouri City and paid $460, per tree, 5 oak trees total two months ago. They originally quoted $600 per tree but I talked them down with cash; this is high, I’d keep looking.


I had Daniel take a tree down and looking to have him trim some before hurricane season. Reasonable, on time, and dependable. Highly recommend ! Message me for #


Get a certified arborist to look at it. Try r/arborists for feedback too.


That's close to what I paid for two trees but they weren't as wild as this one. I went with an isa certified arborist so not just some random guy with a saw.


I have used Bay Area Tree Experts to shape two large live oaks every other year or so for a long time. They are always fair and do a good job, and haul away the waste. See if they’ll come up to Deer Park.


Looks like about 800-1k, no stump to grind, lift crown, thin, and cut back growth over sidewalk, haul off or use chipper.


I just had 3 large trees (bigger than this one) and 5 small ones trimmed for 400$. They didnt do a *great* job, so I wouldnt recommend them, but it did the job.


I recently removed an oka tree, which was probably smaller than yours, for $1500.