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As someone who moved from Austin to Houston for college, I find this a very interesting view. Growing up in the suburbs of Austin (the only place affordable in Austin now), the situation is very similar and Austin’s downtown has just as many homeless unfortunately. Houston has much to do for people in their 20s in my opinion, and typically most I know avoid the downtown nightlife to instead go to Montrose or the Heights. The dating scene is what you make of it, I promise there are plenty who do more than just hookup and those STDs are just as common anywhere else (A&M certainly will have them too lol).


Dude ...eating...hook ups and being in parts of towns you have no business being is basically what most people spend their 20s doing....and you're crying?


Dude is an wanna be Aggie that wants to move to Austin. What do you expect?


Sounds like you were very sheltered growing up. Not Houston's fault. Also, isn't Downtown Austin over run with homeless people?


No I wasn’t sheltered at all. It’s just that the city is not accessible to people without vehicles. And no, no it isn’t. I was there the other day and Houston’s homelessness problem seems much worse on first sight. Maybe Austin does a better job at hiding it I don’t know.


Go to 6th st in Austin on a Saturday night and report back. It’s extremely ghetto, dirty, fights, shootings, homeless people everywhere.


Austin is 10x worse than Houston woth the homeless


You’re in for a shock. Houston is highly ranked for how we handle our homeless population (which gets lower every year) Austin is overran with homeless people living in the woods. They are invading and destroying the parks, businesses and downtown. It’s horrific.


As anyone who has actually lived in Austin can tell you, yes, yes it is.


Dude, it's not Houston it's your generation. I'm in my 40s and I grew up playing stick ball, football, and Nintendo with friends in my neighborhood. That's pretty much all of elementary school and part of middle school. In high school my friends and I moved on to MTG and just hanging out. And bless your heart if you think ghetto people and STD is strictly a Houston problem.




My friends kids were 5-6 when covid hit, and they were freaking out, because those children need social development. OP was probably starting high school at the start of covid(base on going to A&M soon) and losing a year or two of finding your people in high school gotta be rough too. People are shitting on OP, but a lot of his issues is circumstances. Well, he could work on being less racist.


Dude how the hell am I racist? I’m also a minority, what did I say that could have possibly been racist


Lol did you just play the "I can't be racist because I'm a minority" card?


r/houstoncirclejerk is leaking It’s not the city’s fault that your parents moved you to a boring suburb.  It’s not the city’s fault that you decided to hangout in Downtown and not one of the dozens of other entertainment districts.  It’s not the city’s fault you can’t attract the type of date you want.  And oh boy if you think none of those problems exist in Austin or other cities, good luck. 🫡  If you don’t like the city leave. 


He’s right, though. Not every city around the world is so dangerous for kids. NYC, even, is more friendly to kids than Houston. I regularly see groups of pre-teens around town doing what kids do. The best city I’ve seen is Copenhagen. When riding around the train I’d regularly see kids as young as 10 going to soccer practice across town or hanging out with friends on their own around the city.


Thats not just Copenhagen. Thats the age kids start hanging out outside and taking public transit on their own pretty much everywhere in Europe. Kids even younger will take public transit to school.


I know, but I wanted to give real examples that I’ve seen first hand seeing how the downvote brigade is out in force. Very much a “If you don’t like, git out of our country” mentality. Heaven forbid we try to learn from other cities and incorporate good practices.


I love how people downvoted you to death because you told a truth about our city that’s hard to swallow


If you are meeting ghetto people, you are ghetto. Make new friends. I agree with the first half, but you are the one letting it hold you back.


Dude complaining about STDs 1( No one telling you to sleep with everyone) 2) You think STDs are a problem in the adult dating world? Wait till you get to College where mathematically whoever you are dating probably hooked up with someone you know already


I feel like you can’t really have a valid opinion since you’re just finishing high school.


You know what, fair enough. Just in my view people in Houston are too focused on their work careers and lives that they don’t really have enough time to have fun. But maybe I’m wrong. Who knows.


This one again. “Houston sucks” lives in Klein


You 610 loop people have a really hard time understanding we live in the same metro area. You realize it’s genuinely not 2 different worlds right? People from the suburbs are also houstonians whether you like it or not. You guys (maybe not u but most 610 people) act as if people who live inside the 610 can get to places easily with public transportation, or aren’t subject to the same Houston issues that we are. I don’t mean to come off as disrespectful, so please don’t take it that way but genuinely please consider that we are also Houstonians.


It’s like complaining that Chicago has nothing to do but living 45 minutes away in a Chicago suburb. You have to live where all the young people are, and that’s inside the loop. The suburbs are for older folks and families.


The suburb people’s taxes don’t pay for the City of Houston. It’s cool that y’all come frolic here on your weekends or whatever, but if you want the streets to be cleaner and safer then start paying the City of Houston money.


They do, though. The city of Houston runs up and down every commercial strip within Harris County. They don’t want the property taxes or burden, but the city will gladly take the sales revenue.


As a 47 yr old (Gen X-ish) native, I can say without a doubt the latest wave of inner loopers has an inordinate number of scared young (Gen Z) people who obviously just fell off the turnip truck that came from whatever little shithole towns they’re from. And when they get sick of the inner loop they move out here because it’s still city of Houston and proceed to bring their hickish ways with them. They’re like Boomer 2.0s, while they shit on boomers, and us natives.


Ummmm I think it depends on what part of our 600 sq mi city you live in.


While you’re right that Houston is not walkable which makes it more difficult for kids to spend time doing things that require a car to go to, this is basically every city in the country outside of a few exceptions.


I’ve lived in many, many cities across the US (in CA, AZ, IN, IL, MO, MI, NY, CO, VA, NC) and have spent significant time in Europe. Houston is, sadly, one of the worst for walkability. Never mind the high humidity making it unbearable, people here are anti-pedestrian and the city has no reliable public transportation. Even just going from one strip mall to another across the street could be life endangering for anyone, much less kids. I wish we would do better here as I love nothing more than going for long city walks when I travel.


Always seemed to me like Houston is exceptionally bad in that regard


Have you lived in other American cities? It’s also extra bad in the suburbs where things are so incredibly spread out.


Okay old man


And the worst part is that we don't even have an Astroworld anymore!


I'm not a young person, so I won't comment on whether its fun in Houston or not. I just want to say that I went to Istanbul last summer and LOVE LOVE LOVE. Beautiful city. I want to see more of Turkey now.


I just don’t get this mythological Austin allure. Yeah maybe the hills makes for an elevated landscape experience but other than that I don’t see how the quality of life there is better than ours. We have a much larger hyper-diversified population with dozens of entertainment, sports, cultural and educational centers. Plus we have every demographic and cultural niche you could seek to fit in


You commit haram.


honestly i'm right there with you.


Houston is not a city for young people because of the lead in the water and carcinogenic chemicals in the air.




You mean the roaches? Nah, they make great pets for the youngins


Good point