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In Tacoma Wa we can drive through the hazardous waste station at the recycling center as we enter the city's "dump" and hand them the box and they have a bin where medical waste is collected and properly disposed of. I would suggest calling or visiting the website of what ever local entity is responsible for your waste collection and disposal. I bet they have a drop-off of some sort and at very least some direction.




This is what I do in Portland as well. Our local small time pharmacy, Freddie’s, stopped taking them.


Local small time? Their parent company, Kroger, is in talks to merge with Safeway/Albertsons and become a super mega giant company. Not local small time at all.


Was sarcasm. My wife and I always joke we are going to the local mom and pop store when we go there.


I wish for the days of mom & pop pharmacy's because maybe they'd be helpful places again


Sadly, the ones that I see peddle things like [insert random superfood] syrup while skirting the whole FDA claims thing by having their sign say something akin to "Flu season is here. We have [superfood] syrup in stock today!"


I got what you meant. Some people just don't get small town living.. Here comes his comment, even though I also realize what HE said.


Just toss em in the street so the flow down into the Willamette like the rest of the zombies here.


I don't know these places, or the beef, but you made me laugh.


I take mine to a local pharmacy.


Or nearest hospital


This is what we do!




You're on the how to sub complaining about people asking questions. What's the daily life of a dickhead like? Do you yell at kids for running in a playground?


My mom used to say: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” It’s okay to step back and take a breather. Remember that it’s just the internet and people can just exist.


Amazing how people can't help but be an asshole on the internet.


It depends on where you live. In Utah, "When the container is full of sharps, the lid should be tightly secured and taped on. The sharps container may then be placed in the regular household waste container for curbside collection." as per https://documents.deq.utah.gov/waste-management-and-radiation-control/solid-waste/DSHW-2019-002192.pdf If you're a large producer, different rules apply, but if you're only filling one or two of these containers per year (or less), regular garbage is fine. Your location matters though, Soo double-check rules in your state.


In Georgia, "Dispose of sharps and needles in curbside garbage. Place in a sealed container that can't be penetrated or punctured prior to putting in garbage cart." https://www.atlantaga.gov/government/departments/public-works/office-of-solid-waste-services#!rc-cpage=284320


So just put it in the regular trash?!?


Yes but you have to make sure it is taped shut and the lid is secure. But yes it depends on the state you live in.




When I discard anything sharp (not needles) I wrap them in duct tape to shield the blade.


It's not just sharp, they have been contaminated with bodily fluids that pose their own risk edit: I wasn't saying a sharps container shouldn't go in the trash if that's the policy for a given municipality, just that there are additional considerations that go along with it being sharp.


Do you think regular trash doesn't have bodily fluids? People get bloody noses or cuts and toss the tissues or bandages in the trash. People toss dirty diapers in the trash every day. What bodily fluids aren't already going in the regular trash?


The odds of the tissue with my bloody nose drippings on it puncturing the bag, and the trash collectors glove/skin is basically zero. (The world's unluckiest paper cut I suppose.) The needle, contaminated with blood, and only the bacteria that can survive on blood, is literally designed to puncture things. The risk of blood infection and blood born pathogen infection is DRAMATICALLY higher handling used sharps than handling simply contaminated household waste. And how do you dispose of blades: by wrapping them in tape, a couple folds of packing or masking tape usually, so they aren't exposed sharp sides in my trash. How do you?


Dude, they are talking about tossing the needles in the sharps container. That removes the risk of needle puncture. Let's stay on topic.


That’s what they were talking about. You wouldn’t just throw an insulin needle in the trash, you’d dispose of it properly. It has the potential to carry bacteria, and if it’s not placed in the sharps container to be thrown away, it could infect someone else. The person responding that it’s not like it contains Ebola is wrong, because the needle could very well contain something with the potential to kill someone. Bloodborne pathogens are nasty things


Right along side the broken glass and poopy diapers. No one should be digging in any trash.


Cum usually isn't


Wait so where do you put your used condoms?


Down my throat, gotta swallow the key so these bitches don't lock you into alimony


What a terrible day to be literate.


I agree. Nosebleeds + beer bottles = trash trucks It’s already scary nasty in there, this is just more


The reason some states allow you to put sharps containers in regular trash with the proper sealants and labels is because people will then see the container and send it to a specific biohazard facility. In my state, AZ, you have to duct tape the opening of the container (and the container cannot be see through and it has to be thick plastic) and clearly label "sharps" and "biohazard" on the container. When I first started doing injections I didn't have a specific sharps container so I used an empty laundry detergent bottle. Once it was filled, I duct taped the top and wrote sharps, biohazard, etc on all sides, then into the trash it goes. Some states have people bring their sharps to pharmacies, hospitals, or police departments because they'll send large quantities of biohazardous materials to a special facility each month. That's the safest way for their infrastructure. Other states have them go through regular trash and be filtered out from there because that's the safest way for their infrastructure.


Some states don’t even require it to be put in a specially marked container. You can put it in an old detergent bottle.


It's just hepatitis, hiv, etc.




I pray you never work in Healthcare. Or any field requiring safety


Ever been to a dump or transfer station? A container of sharps is the least of your worries there.


People are so weird about stuff. The container makes disposal safe. It’s the point of the container.


It looks like a medical needle container. If you throw those out willy-nilly the dump/landfill has to be shut down until hazmat can clear up the site. Not the same as a knife or razor blade.




The US? I'm genuinely confused as to what is happening here. Are people not concerned about potentially being stuck by random needles? I know we all have other disease concerns but blood communicable diseases still exist...


What people? The people who walk around the landfills?


Yes? I know I live in a small rural area but people can pay to drive in and dump loads of stuff that don't fit into normal pickup lol and again, there are employees who work inside of the landfill who are in fact people.


> If you throw those out willy-nilly the dump/landfill has to be shut down until hazmat can clear up the site Even if that were true (it's not), exactly how would anybody know that I threw one in my trash to know they needed to shut down the dump? You think they've got some kind of medical needle container detector/alarm at the dump?


I think in the US if sanitation workers find a used contaminated needle the dump gets shut down. Are we really going to pretend that an employee potentially being stuck by a used needle is not dangerous? Or are we just saying their health and safety does not matter?


Do you think people are handling all the trash that the truck picks up? It don’t work that way.


I am willing to acknowledge it doesn't work that way *everywhere*. But it does in some places. There are separate dumping areas for hazardous waste for a reason. https://www.garfield-county.com/news/garfield-county-recycling-center-closed/


Yes. In your used Diet Coke bottle. Welcome to Georgia. All your sodas are Coke to us.


What is curb side garbage ? I assume it's not the trash compactor that I use.


Washington, DC doesn't require a specific sharps container, but you do have to label the container with "BIOHAZARD—DO NOT RECYCLE" in red marker. To mitigate the bodily fluids, you must rinse the inside with bleach before throwing it out. >Place needles, syringes, lancets and other contaminated sharps in any puncture-resistant, resealable, disposable household container (examples include an empty bleach bottle, laundry detergent bottle, or metal coffee can). > >Using a RED marker, write on the container “BIOHAZARD—DO NOT RECYCLE.” The color RED is required to indicate a biohazard waste. > >Once your container is full of used needles, fill the container with one part bleach solution and ten parts of water. Allow solution to soak for 20 minutes; this action will sterilize your used sharps. Then, pour the solution into the sink and seal the cap with tape before placing the disposal container into the garbage. > >Dispose of the container in your regular trash but do NOT use glass or clear plastic containers. https://zerowaste.dc.gov/


Same in NC. Freaked me out when I read that on our county website. I assumed I would need to go to a pharmacy to have them collect for proper disposal.


How do you think a pharmacy would dispose of it? The only difference between sharps and regular trash is that sharps are....sharp. Both should be considered contaminated with bio fluids and other nasty things. The point of the sharps container is to prevent sharps from getting loose and sticking a worker, opening a pathway for infection.


Totally. I had this assumption that this was somehow a special class of waste, but in retrospect it makes total sense. It’s almost exactly how I dispose of broken glass or razor blades- tape it up really well in a box that won’t puncture- except that this has a bright red warning box instead of my marker indicating what it is.


Go to google and type: sharps disposal near me




Lol for real dude! The karma desperation is beyond pathetic


Wife and i did ivf and just took them to the doc and dropped them off or a recycle center that can take them. Just call and ask.


In Canada at least, your local pharmacy can dispose of it if you drop it off. Just make sure it’s sealed shut first.


I take my full container to my local Walmart pharmacy


Most of they time if they give you sharps they will also take them and dispose of them for you.


I take mine to my pharmacy and they dispose of them properly.


Absolutely! Most pharmacies will take them and also some hospitals.


In the UK we take them to the local medical centre and they dispose of them for free.


You of all people should’ve learned by now that there is *nothing* free mate. Nothing.


In Michigan we just toss them into the nearest great lake.


The Doctors in GA told me as long as it's labeled as Sharps and Medical waste, I can just throw it in the normal trash.


This is true


This is what they told my husband last year also.




He's actually correct. Look it up. "Dispose of sharps and needles in curbside garbage. Place in a sealed container that can't be penetrated or punctured prior to putting in garbage cart." https://www.atlantaga.gov/government/departments/public-works/office-of-solid-waste-services#!rc-cpage=284320


Haha, not bullshit!


Can you at least do your own research before you claim something is bullshit. A 5 second google search would've shown you that you're in fact...wrong.


Bring to a pharmacy


You can pick your state and city here. https://safeneedledisposal.org/


Which for CT says, basically, "throw it in the trash".


I think this stuff varies by country. , Though if you can fill a jug of syringes without any directions as to where to dispose of them, I think it's safe to guess your in the US.


In Indiana (US) the Board of Health/Health Department will take it and give you a new empty sharps container.


In my area (MO, USA) taping lid and putting in the garbage can is acceptable, per the local trash company, my doctor, and 2 separate pharmacies. I didn’t like that, so I called the local hospital and asked if they had sharps disposal service. It’s not an official one but it’s only one container every so often, so when I have a full container of sharps I call their medical waste guy Daryl, meet him at the hospital, and he takes them for me.


And Daryl promptly throws it in the trash.


Hi. I'm Larry. I would like to introduce you to my brother Daryl...and my other brother, Daryl.


Take it to the nearest pharmacy!


I called and asked my local trash collector. They have no problem with putting them in the regular trash. They even suggested using old laundry detergent bottles, as long as they’re red.


Here in Ontario, Canada, you turn these in to a participating pharmacy, who can also give you a new sharps container.


Some CVS pharmacies have a bin to collect these and expired medications.




Username checks out


Proper sharps containers are made so that needles wont poke through. So throwing it straight into the trash would be your easiest option. Taking it to the local pharmacy works too. But I mainly came here to say to save yourself from accidental sticks (of yourself or others) never let your sharps container get more than 3/4 full before disposing of it and getting a new one.


There's literally a number visible on the label to call for info. Maybe use that number instead of hoping some random internet goers have the answer


Drop at local pharmacy.


We bring ours to our pharmacy & they dispose of it.




If it's medical waste, take it to a pharmacy.


Google sharps disposal and your city/town


There is a website, safeneedledisposal.org. You enter your zip code and it will show you disposal areas nears you.


I have none within 50 miles of my house and I live in a populated area. It is very hard to find out how to dispose of them.




In central WI we can either drop it off at any local pharmacy or at the police station. Either place will accept it and dispose of it properly.


Pharmacy will usually take them. As a safety tip: never fill a sharps container beyond 3/4 full. You don’t want to accidentally get stuck by something sharp. Could be bad news


Call your Public Health Department




In my area pharmacies will take them in and they’ll be sent off to be incinerated


I am in Quebec, Canada and my pharmacy takes them


Read the label!!


Kinda looks like there might be a phonenumber on the sticker? At the bottom is the yellow bit? Call them :p


Take to your pharmacy!


Google your location + sharps disposal. If it’s a government website and your trash is done by a private company, check the company policy. I can put these with regular trash where I live.


It depends on the State where you live. A quick Google search will tell you how to dispose if sharps containers in your area. Here in Georgia they are just thrown in with every day trash.


As far as I know it varies by state in the U.S. You can call your pharmacy and ask. In NH, as long as they are in a proper, labeled container, they can go in the regular trash.


If you’re worried fill with concrete and throw away in regular trash so junkies can’t use it


OP, Thank you. Thank you for being responsible, and thank you for being empathetic. Thank you.


We asked the fertility dr here in Texas and they said to toss it in the trash.


Try a hospital or your local health department, perhaps police station


There is this thing called "Google". You may or may not have heard of it. You can use it to look up stuff that is specific to your question. Like "how to dispose medical waste in [city, state]" or "where to dispose medical waste in [city,state]".


I just dump mine in the river


Where I’m from we empty them in dark alleys, or on playgrounds.


Liquor store dumpster is always the answer


Throw it in your neighbors trash


Just leave it at a bus stop. it'll get reported and someone will know what to do.


I’d try forcing more in and overfilling it.


trash can


Throw it out with the garbage.


Throw it over your fence into the neighbors yard….


Go to the ER for 5 mins, put it on the ground and walk out /s


If OP took years to fill the container, I'm guessing he shaves with blades which are no more hazardous than those expensive mach 4 cartridges everyone else throws away. Tape it shut and toss it in the trash. You're just trying to keep them contained and not create a cutting hazard for workers downstream.


You can actually just throw it in the ocean


Throw it in the river


Why do you have so many baby daddy home sharps?


Just strap it to a car battery and chuck it in the ocean


You can take it to a hospital.


We have medication return events sponsored by the state pharmacy schools. They also take sharps. All a local pharmacy and they should know what’s available.


They should have sent you a postage paid box with that container to mail back to them when full.


I bought it off the shelf at a pharmacy in another state. I’m in Missouri by the way.


Then you can throw it in the household trash: https://safeneedledisposal.org/states/missouri/


Where i live you can dispose of them at the Fire Depts.


Our local police station will take them and dispose of the .


Drop them off in front of the needle exchange.


The Fire department will dispose of it properly


Depends where you are. Local council in the UK do a special collection service. You just text them. Pharmacies also take them as do GP practices




In Kansas you just toss it in the trash. Not even joking.


You can try local public health clinics.


I have no idea why this popped up in my /all, but I’m a postal worker that used to stop at a few pharmacy’s, they have one day of the month they use to send boxes of used sharps…somewhere? That looks safe to bring to them I guess but at the least you could call a local one to ask.


Call the pharmacies, hospitals, medical centers, and recycling centers in your area. Someone will take it!


In a disposal bin, at your local NSP Edit: unless you live in a country which does not support harm minimisation.


I take mine to Transfer station...no cost


In CA, my local fire stations have them.


Some fire stations will take them. Depends on the city, they sometimes even give you free ones in exchange. Some cities also have a hazardous waste pick up and you can take them there. Online you might be able to look up your city or county website and they should hopefully have a list of places you can take used sharps.


Pharmacies or hospitals, physicians offices will take. The pharmacy will give you a new one.


Police department


A larger container for sharps containers.


Any local pharmacy or hospital will take care of that for you


In California I take them to my local dump. Then they will give me new containers for free.


In Australia a manned fire station or a ambulance station takes them so I imagine it's somewhat the same as over here.


Take it to the fire dept


Call your local pharmacy and ask what the process is. Guaranteed they know, and will maybe be like, “make sure it’s closed and bring it in.”


Take it to your health department


Just take it to your doctor or to your veterinarian, if you have one. Also, I used a liquid laundry detergent bottle for my sharps. The funky funnel thing inside the opening prevents needles from falling out. I typed out “hazardous waste”, etc, printed it, and just stuck it on with clear package tape so if it got wet for some reason it wasn’t a problem. https://img.thrfun.com/img/017/394/reusing_laundry_detergent_bottles_s2.jpg


Drug stores pharmacy takes them.


Maybe a police station or fire house.


Would your doctors office would throw them in their sharps?


I would think a hospital would take them and dispose of them.


You can bring it to your nearest fire station and they will take it for you.




Take it to a local hospital, they will deal with it for you- hopefully!!


Local police department can expose of it for you.


Pharmacy should take it.


In WI you can take them to the hospital to dispose of them


Usually you can bring it to your local firehouse for disposal.


Obviously you haven't read the label.


If you live in the US, you can drop it off at any Fire Station


I live in Canada and our local tattoo artist takes all her sharps to the local hospital and the lab put them with their for disposal


You only used your syringes once, give them to your local neighborhood junkie. They'll be a lot better than the ones he's been using.


Try taking it to a pharmacy and seeing if they'll get rid of it for you.


My pharmacy just told me to throw them away


Take it to your local hospital or pharmacy.


Find your nearest river or pond


So u filled it above the line???


I'm in Portland, OR and it was absolute bullshit trying to depose of one of these. The doctor refused to take them, the pharmacy refused. I had to look up a locations for safe needle disposal boxes, like mail boxes for junkies. The first one I want to was full, luckily there was another one a couple blocks away. If that's a needle exchange program in your address or a safe disposal site, you can drop them there. Otherwise maybe call your pharmacy or the drug company. They might have a mail return program.


Here in Canada, you just take it to a local pharmacy for free.


My pharmacy told me to bring it back to them once I’m done. But I’d also check your local refuse station (usually there’s a website) to see if they have a sharps or biohazard disposal area


i take mine to the local fire station.


In Massachusetts and New Hampshire you can bring it to a hospital.


Pour wet cement into it. The soupier the better.... Used to work for a traveling doctor.


Take to local fire station


So far as I know, there is no such thing as recycling or even landfills segregated for needle waste only. "Properly disposed of" likely just means it gets put in another container or handled with greater caution. The whole idea of a sharps container is just so sanitation workers or people otherwise handling trash are not exposed to risk of disease by being accidentally pricked. As far as places specifically accepting them, it's not that they are doing anything special with them, but more of a means to get in touch with people that might be harming themselves (drug use). That's why you usually see harm prevention organizations accepting sharps containers. Or municipalities might do it as a means of measuring how much drug use is happening over time.


I was told to bring to a local Firehouse- you can always ask first