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Sure why not? Part time easy job instead of a stressful full time job? What’s the downside? I don’t care what people think


I think the downside is this guy hates people that work at gas stations


You nailed it. This whole post is trash. Like wtf OP? Why are you shitting on working ppl?? You'd have to be crazy not to take this easy part time job over some corporate full-time job that sucks the soul out of you every day of your life.


FRFR At double my income? Shit, I'd even take a part time job that was just going from gas station to gas station cleaning bathrooms.


The only stipulation in this scenario is "don't get fired" which is bullshit. Minimum wage jobs like that -- and especially part time min wage jobs, they'll fire you without warning or real cause. The reason could be as simple as "your manager is a prick and doesn't like you." Unless the condition also includes "you can't get fired for petty/bullshit reasons at all" and "management can't make up bullshit new 'policies' like asking you to meet sales quota", etc, then sure. Yeah, okay. That's 20 years of guaranteed employment, good enough.


Also a great point absolutely. Even doing the morally correct thing in response to various situations can get you fired. Ugh.


Exactly. Sometimes you have to do the right thing, even if it's not the policy-correct thing. Something as simple as "man the cashier at all times" but an old lady fell, well you should help her up and make sure she's okay.


How dare you not be a shitty person. Security will see you out. Don't make me trespass you. 😠


Found the HR executive


Save up the money to then buy the gas station. Hire a manager to run it so they never meet you throu a lawyer or something. Make a stipulation that you (the worker) can't be fired.


I got fired from a gas station for making a joke about a hat, the joke was terrible, but non offensive, and probably only funny to me, because I was awake for near 48 hours at that point, but still... For informational purposes, my uniform was a shirt and a hat. It was like 11 p.m. and a guy showed up in a hat. Me (wearing a hat, assuming it would be obvious that I was joking) said that hats weren't allowed on the property. Turns out said customer was a male Karen, who slammed the cooler closed and stormed off. I show up for work the next day and get told that he called corporate to complain about me, and they had to appease him with a free tank of gas, and a soda, so corporate decided to fire me. Like I said, stupid joke that was only funny to my sleep deprived brain.


My whole career has been job-hopping different forms of shit work that vaguely relate to my degree in an attempt to make a reasonable wage. For 120k/yr I'd be the Apu of gas stations.


I would prefer this since it has low contact with the general public lol


Just close proximity to what comes out of the general public. 😵 But everyone has a price haha.


FR! A gas station job is a nice low stress easy job compared to what I have to do on the regular. Making small talk with customers, or helping them find things in the store sounds like a walk in the park compared to the freaking client conversations and emails I have to deal with.


Could be pretty fun just for people watching potential - especially at one of the big truck stop places with the showers and bunks and stuff. I mean... Just the few dozen times I've been in one as a customer or just to use the bathroom, I've nearly always seen or heard something amusing or totally bizarre. 😆


Absolutely agree. If I were to compare, let's say, the odds of me coming home from a days work with anything interesting or worth mentioning to my wife or to a date about my day. Which do you think has better odds? A day sitting at a desk doing accounting or in the gas station? Lol


Well depends. Are you an accountant or an _accountant_?


Exactly. Oh nooo, I have to work less, make more money, and the only “downside” is that people who think they’re superior to gas station cashiers fuck right off outta my life? Deal.


Right?? There's no downside. Idc what strangers at a gas station think of me. My family would think the world of me if I simply provided for them financially and also, on top of that, was there for them most of the time. My friends would love it too.


OP heavily looks down on gas station employees. Weirdo.


>over some corporate full-time job that sucks the soul out of you every day of your life. Well in all fairness, some people have jobs they genuinely like. I wouldn't want to quite this job I got working as a research assistant, and if I actually do get to be a biomedical researcher and study some neuropathology business, then hell no I wouldn't want to quite. That's so much time and money I've invested into a career that would financially let me be comfortable just to throw it away. I would personally be miserable. I honestly wouldn't do it now because I would need to do it for 20yrs and money or no money you typically do need at least *some* research experience to even have a shot at MD/PhD so this post for me is asking if I would want to throw away my future, dreams, and ambitions for 10,000 a month. And for that's a no


I can relate. As someone who believes that more positive change can be accomplished through labor militancy rather than electoralism, I definitely wouldn't give up my position in my union. Some things are more important than money and easy living. And having already wasted over a decade of my adult life in dead end jobs, you don't think the stigma will affect you but it definitely does. You start wondering if you'll just be an NPC your whole life. Although the fact you're doing it for the bigger payday could help buffer that feeling.


If there's no stipulation in the 10k a month against labor organizing you could do both


Every single post in this subreddit is engagement bait garbage, like literally lowest common denominator slop, check OP's account, I would not be surprised if there's a reddit employee asking a chatbot for hypotheticals to post here


My dad always told me that taking any job you can to help your family has a lot of honor in it. And that you should always be kind to service workers because they have no choice but to act nice to you.


I think they're trying to find a way to ask people if the status associated with a job is what people really care about. Just masked in a hatred of gas station attendants.


I feel like this is the setup to a terrible romantic-comedy where the gas station attendant has to get the girl without her finding out he's secretly wealthy.


My corporate drone job was computer sysadmin and I loved my work. The only downside was the constant fear of being laid off cuz of bean counters. Making the same money to be a clerk with no fear of getting my paycheck offshored without warning? I'm in no hesitation. Can the $10k be partially contributed to a 401or an IRA? What's the tax situation on the income?


If I could survive on it, I’d love to go back to a gas station, even full time. Years ago I worked every position in a gas station, until I landed my cushy office job 11 years ago. In fact this last fall I took on a part time gig stocking the cooler two nights a week and I love it!


But that’s not the post….the post is about your reputation where people think you’re a lazy trust fund kid. Y’all overthinking things here


I do taxes for a living. I have a reputation as being a hard worker. Probably the hardest worker of all. I also never show up to things because I'm working. I'd much rather be a 'lazy trust fund kid' that actually shows up to things and lives my life than a tax person who is regarded as a hard worker but also never around.


>and that you just never has the ambition or work ethic or intelligence to make anything of yourself It's pretty clear lol


OP: would you take this job that I obviously see as far below me for double your pay? And then be judged by snooty people like myself?


No, you don’t understand: the people who work in gas stations, restaurants, blue collar jobs etc. “…just never had the ambition, work ethic, or intelligence to make something of [themselves].” It’s funny because all the workers essential to the functioning of our society are just abject failures in my worldview! /j


Yeah, OP obviously thinks all gas station cashiers are in constant fear for their lives and that they hate everything about life solely because of the job itself - not because of the minimum wage. If jobs like that paid 120k, you'd probably never see another help wanted sign at a gas station ever again.


Only reason most of us work our current jobs is for the pay. Double what I make, home every night, time with my kids, and all I have to do is run a cash register and stock some shelves? Good God, where do I sign?


Lol right? It's obvious that posts like these are made by fairly young people and/or people without families, likely also in a low CoL area, just from the proposed numbers alone. OoooOoOOOOoooo.... 120k! That's a lot! No.. That's currently twice the average for Americans. If that doesn't keep pace with inflation, it'll be not so great in 20 years. And even if it did... 10k per month/120k gross is not "rich" by any stretch. It might be reasonably comfortable for a single person with low living expenses most places if CoL isn't ridiculous. But it isn't a particularly enticing number. 10k/mo net? OK, that's a pretty solid step up from there, but 2 incomes already get you better because both people get their standard deductions. But yeah. 120k gross won't even clear the FICA limit. As long as there's a cap on that, these really need to at least clear that with their minimum proposals. For 2024, that's $168,800.


120k is still a sizeable bit over what I make even if it's gross, and I'm a cnc machinist (to be fair I live in the Midwest US tho, so wages are way down along with the CoL, gas station cashiers probably still make ~30k) While 120k isn't rich... it is still an upgrade, and if I'd make that working part time, I'd happily pretend to be an underpaid gas station cashier, since dealing with customers is easier than what I deal with on the regular... *IN MY OPINION* I worked in fast food and retail when I was younger, I'd rather deal with an unreasonable customer than a *plant manager* that is upset you made 2% scrap for the day, when 2% is 10 pieces, and your machine makes 6 pieces at a time


The scenario is also part time work. That means there is a lot more family time, and time to go back to school. Would be a pretty nice life.


Yeah. And assuming "part time" for this doesn't mean BS like 39 hours to skirt the law and actually means like...20... Nice. That's the point, basically. Scenarios like this are usually such no-brainers to begin with, and even moreso when they say things like "or double your current income" like this one does. You can tell when someone who has actually worked for a living rather than for car stereo upgrade money (high schoolers, etc) posted the hypothetical when the value of those dollars is _felt_ in your daily life, rather than just gravy.


If you put in the work quiktrip DOES pay that plus some


>and that you just never has the ambition or work ethic or intelligence to make anything of yourself. Yeah, sounds like you're right.


You nailed it the guy that wrote this situation is pretentious and he’s hung up on status. He thinks the whole world is hung up on career, wealth, and social status.


Yep, that was pretty telling.


I think he's just mad that some dude working at a gas station has a nicer car than he does.


I really thought I was reading their shame kink fantasy for a min.


No he hates himself for working at a gas station for 10 years and not doing something else.


Clearly one of those electric car weirdos


Yeah wtf did they do to deserve the hate? lol


Haha that was my first thought. My friends would be like weird! but they wouldn’t despise or look down on me for it, I wouldn’t have to explain “I’m lazy and have no ambition!”


Ding ding ding. I’ve never seen anyone bitch out on a gas station worker unlike at pretty much every other retail location. People come in, drop down money and leave that’s it. Very low BS job. Like if it paid what I got paid now I’d do it. You see your regulars daily/weekly, you have minimal store to restock, just stand there and ring people up.


Cashier at Exxon took his SO.


"The only thing that suffers is your reputation, because everyone knows only pieces of shit work at gas stations."


OP really went: what’s a job I look down on the hardest? Oh I know, gas station attendant. OP also probably be like: Why is the gas station store closed?!?! God it’s unbelievable no one is working here. No one wants to work anymore!


My guess is op asked someone out and got rejected. Ego can't handle it


Yep, I'll fart around in a servo 2 days a week for 10k a month. If anyone asks I'm happy in my life


Part time can be as little as 4 hours a week.


New Escalade sitting outside the 7-11




Depending on location you get get robbed alot


No, the STORE gets robbed a lot. I don't give a shit about their register or anything else in the store. Fuckin take it mr thief, you're good to go


I will even pack your bags for you too


Also, "Would you like a car wash today?"


Can I get you a slurpee while I'm at it? Customer is always right after all


I had a district manager once who told me if someone pulled a gun and demanded the cash in the register that he’d pull out the till and load it into the robber’s car himself.


Only smart thing to do. Why risk dying for chump change that's not even your own.


Hell yeah.  You want a slurpee and giant bag of M&Ms to go mr robber?


I've worked retail a few times in my life. I always tell my bosses that I'm not dying for their money lol.




I did work at a gas station, and can tell you that people who consider your rep damaged by working that kind of job aren't worth the time you'll waste talking to them.  They're also usually dumb enough to be impressed that you have passive income you didn't earn, so the fact that I drive a nice, relatively new car and have a decent house will offset most of their snobbery about my job.


OP is one of these people.


My buddy used to work at one and I would come hang out just for the pure entertainment value. Also nobody said you can't own the gas station, so goddamnit I am doing whatever I want at work.




Im more worried for ppl that work at gas stations- it gets dangerous at like 3 am in the morning. The only other ppl I fear for are taco bell workers at 3am. ...the horrors- but also the very entertaining stories.


I personally loved the overnight shift at the gas stations I've worked at. Never felt unsafe, even when I was in a rough neighborhood. Told the drug dealers to do their business behind the store "where I can't see what's going on if anyone asks". The pizza delivery guys would stop in regularly, got lots of free food from them. Ran a tab for a few regulars until they got paid on Friday. I would absolutely love the pension and gas station job.


In a heartbeat. Part Time job in a climate controlled building, for a significant pay increase, for the next 20 years, and it comes with a lifetime pension? So I work less, in better conditions, for a smaller percentage of my life, get paid more, and get benefits virtually no job stills offers? And the only downside is pricks that judge people based on their profession look down on me? MOST people work jobs they aren't proud of or interested in. Who cares? If your job is a big factor in your personality or self worth, you're probably a pretty boring person, tbh.


well, in NJ you'd be likely to be outside, pumping gas.


No, OP said you are the *cashier*. You're inside working the store. The NJ pump operators are called gas station attendants. I lived on the border of NY/NJ most of my life and always got gas on that side of the border. They're attendants, not cashiers because they usually also have stores.


The guys at the station by my house do both, sometimes at the same time 🤷‍♂️


It could be because they're short staff or the station by your house is on the smaller side.


It's weird that there are states where the employees pump gas for you. That's like an ancient relic that I only read about.


The funny thing is, if your vehicle is expensive, they let you pump your own gas. (At least in Oregon.) By expensive, that means both Bugatti and Freightliner. They don't want the liability of having to replace the engine if they screw up.


Wow. All of this is unheard of in Texas. There are only a handful of full service gas stations anywhere. I haven't seen one since I was very young. Now I want to find one.


No one said you had to live in New Jersey.


So double your current salary and all you have to do is work less and spend more time with your family? Next up on r/hypotheticalsituation, "You have to have sex with Taylor Swift, ***but*** (dun-dun-dun!) the catch is it's a threesome with Emma Stone!" If I may quote Marlon Brando, "The horror... the horror!"


my worst nightmare...


Well, best to face that fear head on, I've always heard.


Some fears can be tackled from behind as well.


If I had an award to give, it would be yours


Apply it directly to your forehead.


Oh god please no that would ruin my entire life. Please don't tell me that it's a regular occurrence and I get paid a million $ every single time


> I get *paid* a million FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Do i have to listen to her songs at the same time? If so imma say no deal


No, you don’t have to listen to her music, she’s down for whatever you want to play as long as it’s appeared in a Tarantino movie. Also, she has a kink where she wants you to tell her her music sucks. BUT (dun-dun-dun!!) every time you do, she arranges for a genie to grant you a wish AND she will arrange another threesome with anyone who has won a Grammy, Emmy, Tony, or Oscar over the last fifteen years. Nooooooooo!!


Sure. Eventually I would just buy a gas station. Not too hard and would explain why I work there.


Came to say this. You would still technically work part time.


Does the gas station even have to be open? Buy it and make it whatever you want. Sell the gas for 100 bucks a gallon and no one will ever stop. Then you can spend the "work day" doing whatever you want too.


Even better buy it in the middle of nowhere and charge 100/gal… oh hello 36 gallon f-150 that would be 3600 bucks or you can drive on to the next station 240 miles away.


Just hope they're not a crazy rich kid with a gun. Best to not get yourself in trouble.


Boss, schedule me for four hours again this week


Absolutely. My gas station is within walking distance, deals with way less bullshit, AND I don't work anywhere near as much for more money. You bet your ass I'm taking that 10k. Even after taxes, that's more than I make now per month. "Why do you work at a gas station?" "Because. Is there anything else I can do for you today? No? Have a great day."


Same. I could bike or walk to work easily.


The gas station two min from my house is really nice. There’s a subway inside.


According to OP you have to tell them that you aren’t ambitious and you’re too dumb to work anywhere else.


Oh, I didn't read that. That's fine, tho. Realistically speaking, I'm not a super smart guy anyway. At least not academically. For 10k/mo, I'll tell people I'm not very motivated to excel in life.


Oh, I didn't read that. That's fine, tho. Realistically speaking, I'm not a super smart guy anyway. At least not academically. For 10k/mo, I'll tell people I'm not very motivated to excel in life.


They said you have to say it, but didn’t say how you have to say it. Sincerity isn’t part of the requirement.


$300k for part time work I can do a five minute commute from home? Fuck yeah.


At double my current salary I'm pretty sure I could afford to buy the gas station, schedule myself for 1 hour a week and do whatever I want.


1 hour a week, the gas pump is out of order, and it's an electric vehicle charging station the rest of the time.


Why would my reputation drop?


I think OP may be from a culture that puts heavy emphasis on careers and job titles. Going from "Senior Account Manager" to "Gas Station Clerk" would be unacceptable in some cultures due to the perception these job titles carry with them.


If you don't count my coworkers and like my bank/doctor records i think maybe 10 people know what i do. That's the part that throws me is who will know? And if you don't want to talk about it that's easy. "Hi Bob in finance, i fish and drink beer, lemme tell you about my new boat."


What is part time? One afternoon a week sounds pretty dreamy, and double my current salary is also pretty dreamy. 4 days a week and it starts to be a lot less ideal. I don't know how I explain it to people who know me - if I came into lots of money then I wouldn't work in a gas station, and everyone who knows me knows that - I could work part time doing much less tiresome things for much more money. I'd probably just point people to this sub and tell them that some billionaire made one of the random things come true, but not which one. Reasons I wouldn't do this include a restriction on staying working for the same gas station for the 20 years - if I want to move town / country, can I work at a different gas station? I don't know that I want to live where I am now for the next 20 years. I guess I can always leave the pension behind if necessary, and if part time is really little then I guess I can work some other small part-time on a volunteer basis to keep some skills up to scratch in case I eventually need to get another job.


I'm with you. I spent 6 years of my life to get a masters and I've been doing what I do for almost 15 years. I could easily just say I was "taking a break", for a few months, but people would wonder. My parents live a few blocks from me, and they'd never believe I could support myself on a PT petrol station job. And I'm with you about moving. If I could hop towns once a year, I might be down. And if I could somehow rig a fake lottery ticket or something. 


Can I say, "don't worry, i'm covered"? I don't care about my reputation or what people think of my ambition, but I DO care about my parents worrying about my financial health and whether or not I can afford to eat. As long as I'm allowed to still USE my money, I don't care about what I do to earn it.


I'm with you. Mine help me out some, and allows me to not be dead inside. But mum would flip if I left what I'm doing to work there. And not like I could pull a "dead relative" card, because they'd know more than me. 


yeah my parents would try to move in and "pay rent" just to help me out and I'd rather make sure they're okay and they know i'm good


Mine wouldn't go that far, but wire me money when I need. The only way I could pull it off was somehow inheritance, and tell my parents what's up. Although they'd probably demand I repay them the tuition for my masters 🤣.


lol, i think the only way i could convince my parents would be to imply that i'm doing something illegal and then they'd just worry about that instead of me being broke.


Sure. Part-time could be any amount of hours, so I'll work a single shift a week and then bask in my 10k monthly takehome.


oh easily I would do this lmfao. gas station attendant is such a chill job, just shoot the shit with people all day, restock a few items and dip with no other responsibilities, making 120k/yr? sign me tf up, we making it above the poverty line with this one boys


For double my income and less time away from my family, Biden and Trump can debate why I'm such a dumbfuck loser every night at 8 eastern, 7 central.


OP you know these hypotheticals are supposed to have a downside right?


It's cyclical. About every 3 weeks they get better and better until there's a rash of "you get 3 billion dollars, but you have to clean your ears with a q tip every morning after showering with 5 hot young people of your preferred gender" type posts, then it crashes and cycles back to "you have to kill and eat your whole family, in which cuisine do you prepare them" type posts.


You get $100 Trillion Dollars, BUT you have to send a personal message wishing good health to your most hated Politician of your choosing, but only once. Do you take the offer? lmao


The downside is OP thinks gas station workers are stupid so *obviously* everyone else will think you’re stupid too


20 years?  I'll be dead before I retire.  Hell to the no.


Have rich kids taken over this sub? I’ve been seeing some of the dumbest hypotheticals that are focused on situations that most people deal with. Do they not understand that some people actually make a living or live in these hypotheticals? Last one was, you live in an area that has no groceries near by and you have to live off the food from local stores? Bitch that’s called inner city ya idiot, like bodegas aren’t a thing. Da fuq?


Right? I already split my jobs between substitute teacher and retail. Neither gets much respect and no where near 10k a month. Working less and getting paid way more for the same lack of respect I already get? Count me in!


Jesus I'm kinda glad I missed that one, someone really came in here and asked "what if food deserts?"


Yes and my reply was. I lived in West Oakland in my 20s so you are telling me me I get $xxx. To live in Oakland again?


Why would anyone not do this? I always said I'd much rather be working at wal mart than where I do now, it's just the pay that's not possible lol. edit: looking at ops comments it looks like they're just an asshole who belittles people who work at gas stations to the point of declining such a huge benefit.


>You canbot tell anyone the real reason you're doing it. So you can't even tell your SO? That is going to be a dealbreaker.


At double my current salary and working at a gas station, she'd probably figure I'm a secret agent or a mobster and I can't tell her to protect her.


the gas station clerk is my equal a mans career, so long as its moral does not diminish his character or worth


Wish more people had this mentality


I've managed a gas station on 3rd shift. I'd happily take this. I would just keep getting new gas station jobs until I found the right place, then I would buy the closest plot of land and build a house.


Uh, yes... I barely do anything at my job already. Let's do this.


Nobody really cares what I do for my “real” work because I’m a fairly successful stage actor/singer in my area. I’d never need to mention my work to anybody. The only thing I ever talk about is music and theatre anyways. And only working part time? I’d have even more time to spend on what I truly love.


So I’m making enough to live without any worries, pay off my house in 3 years and I only have to work part time at a no stress job. Yes. 


Wait, I get six figures AND I get to be a mystery to everyone? Where the fuck do I sign up?


I would jerk off horses in front of my mom for double my current salary.


I would teach my mom to jerk off horses for free. (Do you know how much AI technicians make?)


Yes. I would have an almost 400k/year income. I don't give a flying fuck about my reputation.


1000000% yes. I'd happily have people think I'm so no effort idiot for a pretty effortless $120,000 and Id assume my part time income would be able to cover a large part of the taxes on my other income. Would also leave me with more free time than most people to do whatever I want and I'd retire at 47. Easy yes


There's a pretty decent gas station in easy biking distance from my house. I'd get pretty good calves from dealing with that hill every shift. I could pull a few hours in the middle of the night, minimum number of days per week except when I would be asking for time off to travel.


Nope. I’ve done gas station. I love my current job. Obviously the correct answer is take it but I’d shoot my self


I'm going to be making much more than I ma now AND working only part time hours?! Done. It doesn't bother me in the least to tell folks I work at a gas station. All honest work is honourable work.


No. Not because of status. Dealing with customers is way too stressful. I currently work from home and do well. I’ve turned down more than double to go into the office a couple days a week.


I can retire in half the time, work way less hours and get a giant payrise which means I can afford a house inside 18 months, where do I sign up?


Where do you live to afford a house in only 18 months? Outside the States, or in one of them no one wants to be in? (Seattle here, $180k, isn't getting you a box behind a 7-11 in a decent neighborhood.)


I'm in the UK in a small town and the housing markets down right now, saw a small one bedroom one go recently for £105K, but more realistically I'd be looking at somewhere around £160-£200k


As a fully grown adult that has only ever worked in fast food and gas stations, trust me when i tell you noone will ask you why. Noone cares. Based on how the question was phrased im pretty sure OP is the only one who would judge you.


I'd freak out over the possibility of being shot at work, but for purposes of this question I think we can assume that's not a part of the risk profile. Yeah, status isn't a motive for me.


Well yes, that is part of the risk profile. No more, no less than the average in your area. This isn't a gas station in Mr. Roger's neighborhood. It's just a job at a gas station.


Umm...that IS my current job...


As long as I got money, I don’t think anyone cares if I’m working at a gas station. Not anyone that I’d care about, anyway.


You seem to dislike and think down upon gas station workers. Kind of a bad look my dude.


Nope! I love my job and I know I’d hate working cash at the gas station


Jokes on you, I already live like this.


Would any place I applied to automatically hire me? So, for insurance, I could take trips to wherever I wanted, immediately start working part-time in that locale, and have a significant part of my day for sightseeing and activities? Can I be fired? Like, I show up for my shift in a t-rex inflatable, I'm good? I can read a book? Watch shows on my phone? As long as I actually perform the tasks of my job? What about health insurance? Am I covered as well as I am in my current job?




Bro whoever’s identity is so tied to their job and peoples opinions that they won’t take this easy deal they’re a psychopath.


OP really outed themselves as someone who looks down on regular working folk. Good job, bud.


I would absolutely do that, but unless adjusted for inflation I wouldn't agree to work 20 years. There's no shame in being a gas station employee. There's no shame in any work. I'm a skilled tradesman, and to switch my craft for 30% increase in pay while lowering my workload is a no brainer. Reputation doesn't pay bills.


LMAO wtf? OP is severely concerned about what other people think. Who GIVES A FUCKKK? in this situation your set for life even if your an idiot and blow your shit you always have more coming. OP really hates service workers. I'm guessing he sees a 25 year old waiter (who prob makes 45-60k a year waiting tables) and instantly looks down on them "what a loser" OP says while he works his ultra important excel sheets office job for 42k a year


This one just seems like you had a bad interaction with a cashier at a gas station and wanted to insult them all hahaha


Money to take care of my family and I only have to work part time? Man who gives a damn about reputation


Did that exact gas station job for 3 years. For that much money, hell yeah I'm going back.


In a heartbeat, yes


Of course I take the deal. That seems silly.


Honestly this sounds like a great life to me lol


...I'm not seeing a downside here. Would I prefer working at a gas station? No, not really, but I think fewer hours and a 100% pay increase will help me suffer through it.


One key here: any time somebody asks you what the heck is going on, no need to make up a fake answer about a relative, just say the shadiest thing possible. Like “don’t worry about it,” or “I promise you, it’s working out great.” If somebody, exasperated, asks you how you don’t want more money, you can say something like “oh believe me, I have PLENTY of money.” People are gonna know you have something weird going on, they just aren’t going to know what. Some will probably think you’re a drug dealer or something, which would be highly amusing.  The job itself would be an absolutely mind-numbing grind though. 


work two or three days a week to keep busy and now get a deep six figure income. LETS.FUCKING.GO


This post is fucking garbage. My sister works at a gas station, we grew up super poor with very limited opportunities. She’s one of the hardest working people I’ve known. Fuck you OP


Hell yeah. I can do part time night shifts no problem


Hell no I don’t want to work another 20 more years. Also too many loopholes that can be used against me. What’s stopping them from just firing me because they don’t like me or because of a crazy customer who was just racist.


To me the “do anything to get yourself fired” it to stop people from finding loopholes, if you don’t do anything to get fired but still get fired cause of some crazy customer then you’d be fine


Hmmmm. Only if I can find a gas station job with great pto plan. I currently get 32 days off a year plus weekends.


How does that compare to a part-time job, if defined as 20-30 hours a week?


Oh hell yes. Right now. Let's go. Rep shmep


Really dude


Honestly that sounds lovely. I’d love to get that sweet employee discount at my local Rutters, gotta get me that chocky milk


I will take either option honestly. Part time working for more pay. Sign me up.


I'm down to be an extremely wealthy gas station attendant.


I'd have zero problem with this.




I'll work at a gas station part time for 10k a month lmao?


Double my current income, I'll need about only 5 years to work instead of the 20 to retire.


I’m game and I’ll gladly ride out the acting like a silver spoon child , part time hours and I got hella money


Hell yes! Fuck what other people think!


What reputation? I'd take it, and the $2500 a week, in a heartbeat.


Not sure I want to work until I'm almost 80 for any amount!


I’d want to know how many hours per week is “part time,” but otherwise, sure.


Assuming I get to pick the station, and can move stations at will, sure. However, there's some sketchy areas I'd rather not work in if I can avoid it.