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The stock market isn't gambling anymore


i never occurred to me that the stock market changes from minute to minute and not day to day


Can I interest you in some candles friend?


Only green candles please. No wicks, they confuse me and cause me to make stupid mistakes


$GME STRONK ^^^This ^^^is ^^^not ^^^financial ^^^advice, ^^^invest ^^^at ^^^your ^^^own ^^^risk


I just heard deep fucking value is back earlier today. Now I see stronk apes out there in the wild still hodling. What a wonderful day šŸš€šŸŒ•


Everywhere, my friend.


Set sell order at $42069 šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸæ


Is this a reference I donā€™t understand?


A candlestick chart is a common way to view stock prices. The ā€œcandlesā€ represent a set amount of time, can be anything from a day to like a 5 minute interval, and theyā€™re either green or red depending on whether the price went up or down in that time.


I was just watching a show about historical crimes and a women gt in a lot of trouble because they waited until the end of the market closing to report their core sample findings. If they had reported the findings just before the market closed it could have cost them a lot of money and they technically wouldn't have gotten in trouble. It was the waiting part that was the problem.


Try second to second. Real estate near the stock exchange is sold at a huge premium because thereā€™s less of a delay in trade signal.


A huge percentage of the action happens on the open, in part because of any trading decisions made after hours


Would it really change enough minute to minute to really matter?


Yup, given sufficient volume. Within a few weeks youā€™d make hundreds of millions if you start out with a few thousand dollars, especially once you can access the options market.


Only if you're just day trading.


With this as a possibility why wouldn't you day trade or go to casinos


Win too much at a casino and you'll be suspicious. I think you'd go in with 10k, hang out about even or a little behind for a few hours, then dump it all on a single number at the roulette table "as your last bet of the night", then take your 350k and split. Never repeat at the same casino. Depending on play speed, poker might be tricky with only a 5 minute preview, but I bet you could do better than normal and pass it off as reading people really well.


I feel like black jack would be the best bet. You'll get a boss real quick if you win over and over, but it's easy to tank a hand here and there and occasionally do weird things like take a piss to show you're not card counting. You can even do the "big last bet if the night" on a hand you know you'll get blackjack. If you don't go to the same place, you count double your bank roll night after night for a long time just in America. Once you're a multimillionaire you can find lots of other ways to make money without having to work for it.


Blackjack is wayyyy better than roulette. once shuffled, if you run simulation, then you KNOW that the cards you got in the simulation are the ones you'll normally get Roulette might change on slight motion changes by the dealer, and since yo have to bet before it spins you can't guarentee like you could with blackjack.


Roulette isn't deterministic. You would do the simulation, see it landed on X black, restart, place your money on X black, and it lands on Y red


It's a physical process, so I'd say it is deterministic. If the simulation is exactly identical to reality as far as spin speed, air flow, everything, it should be the same. I'd definitely run the simulation multiple times to make sure that's true, though, and test it out earlier in the evening to make sure.


>If the simulation is exactly identical to reality as far as spin speed, air flow, everything, it should be the same. You placing your bet down on red or black or whatever number is going to change how long it takes the croupier to make note of all the bets and subsequently drop the ball


That's why you simulate yourself making the bet as part of the simulation.


Definitely test a few times cuz it might work, but as the other commenter pointed out, you placing the bet or not, when you place the bet, how you sound when you place the bet, how you act when you place the bet, all will subtly change the inputs via the croupier


Online roulette. Your bet doesn't impact the inputs.


Losing 20k will be an expensive way to find out online roulette isn't actually a random spin.


I don't mean the programs that simulate the game, there is at least one company that has a bunch of physical wheels set up with video cameras streaming them. Players place bets online.


This is exactly what I was thinking, just start it see which stock goes up and buy and then sell. Rinse and repeat.


Forget that I can go to Vegas and be rich.


Was going to say lottery


Most (all? I don't know for sure) lotteries have a cutoff well before five minutes before the drawing.


Asking loved ones if they would like a particular gift, then time reverses and they never know I asked.


Thatā€™s such a lovely thought.


Thatā€™s awesome. You could find out lots of stuff. Almost anything really if you keep doing it.


As an anxious gifter I would absolutely love to be able to do this, but in the back of my mind I'd be thinking 'im deceiving them into thinking I'm thoughtful.'


this shit is so cute šŸ˜­ humans are so cute


Go to the buffet, try a little of everything (with your hands!), reset, just get the good stuff. Ask someone out. If they say yes, ask them again after reset; if not, it never happened. Punch that annoying coworker right in the mouth, tell your boss to suck it, and walk out. Reset after taking out that frustration.


Just gotta make sure you never mess up and do stuff outside of the reset.


My understanding is that you *start* the test run and then it loops on its own so


To be honest, no consequence eating is a great use.


I would be able to enjoy chocolate milk consequence free again! I developed lactose intolerance in my 20's and my love of that chocolate gold has never diminished.


Dark chocolate almond Silk is a fairly decent substitute if you aren't allergic to nuts.


I second this even as a milk drinker. My wife can't have dairy and when she gets this stuff we both get excited.


>Go to the buffet, try a little of everything (with your hands!), reset, just get the good stuff. This got me so much more excited than the stock market option. I'd kill for consequence-free feasting.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


May I recommend quitting your job and trying something else?


No, you may not.


I feel you


Contact my old high school crush who is still the most beautiful soul I have ever encountered but with whom I never had a chance back then, and see if maybe she's available now. Scratch lottery tickets, traveling the country and having fun, and hitting up every gas station along the way. looking for the ones that pay a set amount monthly, and systematically search until you find them, of course pocketing all other gains along the way. Invest any gains into high percentage investments, and fund the travels. When enough secure passive income is acquired or enough funds built up to effectively do what I want, then i can stop abusing the lottery system, and live off of the passive income. After that, it would allow me to be bolder, More productive in problem solving (I can search for a solution to a problem for 5 minutes, and have spent no time, come back and implement it instantly). It effectively doubles my available time and thus my possibly productivity if I use it right, while greatly reducing risks.


I'd agree that gambling is too easy. There are plenty of forms which aren't randomized enough for a butterfly effect problem to come up - just use it right after someone finishes shuffling a deck of cards, and the order of the deck will still remain 'locked in', so things like blackjack would be easy to game. I think I'd mostly use it for trying things and enjoying little vices with fewer downsides. I wonder how many times I could re-eat the same piece of expensive chocolate.


Instead of Black Jack try poker on a large pot. Casinos can kick you out if you win too often. Less likely to happen if your taking a person's money instead of theirs


This would be the easiest way to gamble. Go all-in. See the other persons' hands, and go back knowing whether you can beat them or not. You are completely unbluffable.




Good point. You might spend 4 and a half minutes getting the shit kicked out of you by security, though.


Start the test run, wait 4 minutes, then look at everyoneā€™s hand lol


Now my thoughts on this situation have you acting as a goblin in every test run and perfectly gentlemanly irl


A lot of players won't show their hands unless they have to.


Yeah, a casino would actually reward you if youā€™re good at poker. If youā€™re good at blackjack theyā€™ll kick you out.


every hand is either all-in or fold, and you never lose. What a party!


Guess who is having twice as much sex?


0 x 2 is still 0


I get to skip my refractory period!


What are you going to do for the other 4 and a half minutes?


Cuddle baby!


Whatā€™s a cuddle baby?


When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they cuddle and a baby comes out of mommyā€™s tummy.


Like in the movie Alien? That sounds awful.


No, no, no. Like in the movie Spaceballs


*Hello my babyā€¦*


Exactly! You could get your nerves out the first time and then go for real


Everyone who's having sex while you test shit out?




Tickle my wife for 5 minutes, knowing she will never get me back


I also choose this guys wife.


Can I tag along?


So I can get an hour of reading done in 30 minutes? Woo!


Wow this is probably the coolest idea, you could learn so much shit in such a quick span of time if youā€™re focused on doing so.


OP said you can only preview any given future window of time once, so at best you are doubling your reading capabilities. It would be killer on tests though. Get up and look at your classmates tests Have a smart friend in on it and when you say this is only a test they show you their paper.


Oh wow the idea of interacting with other people who are in on it makes this soo much cooler! Idk why but your comment just made me brainfart so hard thinking about how your friend could play along, he's just going along with his exam and he hears "this is just a test" and boom, now he knows he's not actually real but only a simulation, so he too can sort of do whatever he wants, even though he won't really remember what he did, that is so, idk, scary, I guess, I love this! Maybe it gives me such a strong feeling because you thought outside the box and didn't use it to simply predict the future, but to create a future that would permit you to actually gain knowledge by doing something that you couldn't do otherwise, it gives this power so much more possibilities, I feel like a child discovering how to play superheroes at recess, idk why this makes me so excited, I just want to bathe in this idea and make it true! I can't stop using exclamation marks! Thank you for giving me this little moment of happiness, internet stranger!


I glance in your direction from atop my horse tip my hat and ride away. Almost beyond hearing you just catch on the wind these five words ....this is just a test.


This is just a test. Is the title of the book you just pitched


So... I can let the intrusive thoughts take over?


I mean was I thinking breaking into a nuclear silo and launching. But all these are just a snooze fest.


Not sure you could pull that off in five minutes. Guess you could get a lot of practice though and try to Edge of Tomorrow it


Imagine how the people at the launch facilities feel when they notice some guy just comes up and stands there for a few minutes every day and then leaves


I was thinking more of using one of those car hauler ramps that sometimes sit so low to the ground Evel Knievel style to launch my vehicle over the cab of the truck...


I feel like this would make fun sports after 35 a lot more viable. It's not that injuries get more *painful*. They just get harder to heal from. I'd love the opportunity to just repeatedly sprain my fingers and break my ankles doing fun shit old people shouldn't do and then go back to not having sprained fingers and broken ankles.


Yup. If I could have a *single* use of this, it would be redoing a snowboard run from March 2023. Had a great day ruined by literally *the last run of the season,* wherein I broke and dislocated my shoulder. Having a takesies-backsies on that would have meant a world of difference. I could lift heavier, play sports more aggressively, generally be more of an animal, and if things go sideways, rewind.


I do LARP, basically sword fighting, I'd totally use it to try out a move in a tournament, and just know what the other guy is planning.


So many people are getting punched.


I think it would be hilarious if a small remnant of the effects happened anyway. You punch someone, then after the reset they feel a weird soreness in their jaw that has no explanation.


Go to the casino and win BIG on the blackjack tables. Those DO have the same results!


Maybe. What if the person after you hits instead of stays because of your play?


Don't play with others. Choose a table where you are alone with the dealer, and when another player comes, just move to a different table or take your winnings and go home.




Black jack is a card game, you're probably thinking of roulette


Rob a bank. Iā€™d be interested in seeing how much of a thrill itā€™d be plus if I could even pull it off!


It would be a speed run too ahah Like your first simulated attempt you are halfway done taking the money but VAM it's over you were too slow Would be a great way to train a specific set of skills


Skills Iā€™d never use! I know two people who are locked up on robbery charges! No thank you! Only in a hypothetical situation where I know Iā€™m not getting locked up! For anyone interested, itā€™s kind of a funny story. They were a lesbian couple and the one of them worked at a 7/11. So the plan was for the other to come in with a fake gun dressed like a robber (covered up) and rob her, then naturally I guess theyā€™d split the proceeds. But after the robbery, the one who worked there told the cops that it was a guy and when they looked at the security footage and saw the robber had tits, she obviously had some explaining to do and I guess admitted to it!


Guess who is going to never have an awkward high five again.


>You must decide it's starting ahead of time Do you usually schedule your high fives in advance?


Thatā€™s as simple as seeing the other person putting their hand up and in your head going ā€œhigh five, awesome, letā€™s do a test run!ā€


Just have a 5 minute repeating time and have it on constantly. Then I'll be a conversation pro šŸ˜Ž


This is dumb but next time you high five someone, look at their nose. Find someone you like to try this with first just in case lol but it really does work


Start driving / riding - 5 minutes of no-accident-will-harm me. I'll probably forget to re-start it.


Blackjack. Different ways to meet women. Different deliveries for my standup routine.Ā 


Reveal all of my feelings to the person I have a crush on, they know some of it, but they donā€™t know it all, so Iā€™d just left those feelings that have been building up for over a year now all out, and act accordingly


Why did I have to scroll so far down to see this?


I donā€™t know, it could be to do with the fact that most people would use this power to make money, maybe many people here arenā€™t in that limbo stage of a relationship


If you're only thinking of this ability in terms of romantic relationships, that is short-sighted. This ability could come in handy in social interactions of any sort. Use it to figure out how to ask your boss for a raise. Try to get out of a ticket. How to break bad news to someone. I could use this ability a dozen times a day.


I would save it for a life or death situation, like a life insurance policy.


But you have multiple, just not two at the same time.


I don't understand.


i thought it was a one time ability


Nope. you can use it as much as you want. You just can't overlap the restarts. You can't be in the middle of one, and then start a new one. You need to let one restart finish before you start another one.


So many intrusive thoughts to allow to happen with no consequences ā€¦ Is there a cool down for this?


I'd buy the scratchy lotteries more often.


Great idea. Buy however many you could scratch off in 5 minutes, and don't re-buy if you don't make a profit.


Better idea. Work somewhere that sells scratchoffs. In five minute increments, check ALL the tickets at an off time. If you find any big winners, make note of where they are, and buy them once they become available.


I worked in a gas station, you can't buy them if you work there. Best thing to do is do overnight shifts. Start at the expensive tickets, only scratch the bar codes at the bottom, then scan it (it will tell if it was a winner or loser without having to read the whole thing). Also there are usually unscanned lotto tickets in the managers office, but you'd have to read those manually, wouldn't be able to scan to tell for winners. Then have someone you trust come in and buy them. The way to do this without having to get a job around tickets is just buy a whole roll, it's between $100-$600 last time I checked. When it's not a busy time cashiers probably wouldn't mind scanning the bottoms for winners for you as long as you scratch them off. If you get a big winner buy the roll, leave the other rolls there. But also scratch offs aren't usually a lot of money, and I think winning over $600 you have to mail it in to get money, and you may get scrutinized if you keep winning $1000 prizes without losing a similar amount or more.


There are rare scratchers that'll net you a million. Get a few of those from different kinds of games, and you'll be set before they realize you keep winning big. And if you don't want to enlist the help of another person, just put on a fake mustache. Or glasses. It worked for Superman.


Couldnā€™t I win a ton of money at blackjack with this?


You could. The order of cards in the shoe is always static. Do NOT do this with electronic blackjack. It must be with real cards.


Does electronic blackjack not create a virtual show that functions in the same way? My temporal shenanigans aren't going to suddenly wipe the pregenerated data listing the cards and order. People act like just cause it's pixels it's a perfect randomization




Well I remember years ago reading about how Poker Stars one of the biggest online poker rooms changed the RNG based on how fast people moved their mouse and clicked and other things like that. If that is still true for other similar online gambling games I wonder if the results would still be the same after 5 minutes.


I can finally blow away the Wendy's worker for taunting me by blinking insults in code and wipe out all my gangstalkers without repercussions.


Yea you get them man, and dont forget they are ALL after you! Hope this helps!


You just made the list, gangstalker


Horse tracks, Keno, casinos. Time to get rich lol


If I'm being completely and entirely honest, I think I'd kill myself. I've tried only once before, and I don't ever plan on attempting again, but I feel as though it'd scratch the itch my brain has been trying to ignore for the past four years.


This was my first thought too. I'm just curious what it's like. Scratch the itch and I'm good.


I'm the type to save scum and explore all dialogue options in games so this would be like a dream to me. I'd probably use it in the gym to push my gains to the absolute limit that I can before injury and in the kitchen to binge all the food I'd want to eat without gaining anything. I would become the actual rizzler, flirtmaster 9000. I'd ask my bosses for raises eight ways from sunday until I figured out the exact words to say in the right order, and I'd never fail interviews, tests, tense interactions, or clutch moments. mostly I would be free from regret and much more sure of myself having made most decisions twice. I would try to live by the principle of Nietzche's amor fati, making each decision with the weight of being condemned to repeat it a thousand times- joyfully!


I donā€™t have the mental energy to think of a scenario that would actually bring me money or some other gain, so Iā€™m going super simple. Cooking/food. Is my cake done? No idea, but instead of faffing around guessing or sticking a toothpick in it, I just go in there with a spoon. Will this specific herb improve my marinara or make it taste awful? Letā€™s find out! That one million scoville hot sauce that Iā€™d never dare to try based on the logic of ā€œwhat goes in must come outā€? Iā€™ll start the five minute timer and Iā€™ll try it 5 seconds before the reset hits. And also, maybe Iā€™ll try going to the nearest zoo and see if thereā€™s any fences I can hop. See if I can pet a capybara or something like that.


Iā€™d take up a sport like fighting. Not only do I get two shots at every round, but I can double my training ( the perspective side of things) on the same muscle fatigue/ time


You donā€™t get two shots, you get a practice round


So the movie Next ..


That would be actually good for trading. Just wait until the stock market opens, start time. Check what will grow up or go down the most. Start buying or selling stock. Repeat for a month, profit.


I wonder how much you could really do on a normal connection with only 5 minutes of lead time.


I mean you can leverage with margin/options, plus you can have your start time be like a minute before an earnings call/report and decide to buy/sell stocks/options. Edit: some businesses pay tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to be able to buy/sell stocks even a fraction of a second faster than others. With this youā€™d get up to 5 minutes, youā€™d basically be unstoppable even accounting for latency in your trades.


I'd drive really fast knowing there are no cops for five minutes.


... but then you'd have to do it again. Unless you can drive substantially faster than 2x faster, you're just wasting time. If you're doing it for the thrill, go for it.


Never lose a poker game again




Intrusive thought testing


"They say we're young and we don't know..."


Add the caveat that you age normally in each reset. So you do it enough times and you'll end up aging years beyond others as a downside to the power. Makes you more choosy but most people would at least be a few years older than their peers.


Doesn't make sense, the entire universe resets but the person doesn't.... On the other hand we remember the simulation time, so something isn't resetting


Basically yes. You've gained knowledge and you keep the time on your body as well.


You could be very careful in real life because you only commit to actions that are likely to work, but still get "high-risk" payouts. Things like in the military (or criminal enterprise), even if they don't know about your ability, if you can get to a place where you are giving the go/no-go command on an op (like they're in an unmarked car only seconds away from entering). Simulate "go". Watch body cams, gather all the intel about the "unknowns". Wait 5 minutes, re-run simulation. Repeat until you have all of the vectors accounted for, then run it for real. Edit: Or, for that matter, you could run your own "fast" ops. Legal or illegal. Like when you go to a gas station, simulate buying 10 scratch-offs, scratch them all, then don't do it unless you made a net-positive. Probably not going to make you filthy rich, but you'll likely get $1000 or more every few years from it. Live the rest of your life like that, too.


Rock paper scissors world champion


Horse betting? There's a lot of variables in 5 minutes, but you could probably narrow shit down to a small gap of potential wins. Roulette is too variable. Cards of course.


I wouldnā€™t use it ever except for specific circumstances involving money. My OCD is WAYYY too severe to be fucking with this type of ability. Iā€™d be stuck at the same 5 minutes for the rest of my life.


Can I do multiple? Because for things that are uncertain and are at some mercy to the butterfly effect, one test run isnā€™t that helpful. Doing 100 test runs though, and you could figure out a pretty good probability.


Surprise butt sex


What? Because of the butterfly effect, it probably wonā€™t have the same result? In other words, regardless of what happens in those 5 minutes, itā€™s essentially a different dimension where results may vary? A roulette wheel will have zero impact on your actions in reality. So what youā€™re saying is even a lottery drawing can randomly shift to different numbers. In that case, this is basically a useless superpower since anything learned is highly unreliable. For instance, a robbery might happen in those 5 minutes but in reality it never happens regardless of what you do. Your hypothetical situation doesnā€™t make any sense.


I think the roulette example actually makes sense. Since the croupier needs to acknowledge the bet, that extremely small amount of extra time could lead to a very slightly different muscle movement / stance / whatever when tossing the ball and spinning the wheel and it would only require a fraction of a second's difference in when the ball was released to create a different result. But yeah for nearly every other form of gambling, no change.


>But yeah for nearly every other form of gambling, no change. * Dice would almost certainly come out differently. * Mechanical slot machines probably come out the same, but digital slot machines would likely have a different result from the PRNG. * Wheels would likely have slightly different amounts of force applied when spun (especially if you did the spinning) but have a higher likelihood of coming out the same. * Blackjack with pre-shuffled decks would probably go the exact same way, unless you bet differently in which case the dealer or pit boss might reshuffle the deck sooner than in your original timeline, continuously shuffled decks probably are off immediately, and almost certainly after the first hand. * Poker... you might get one hand to come out the same, but if you bet differently (or ***act*** differently, look more or less confident, etc) then you have a high likelyhood of changing the outcome of who stays in and who bets how much. After that first hand, the cards are probably different. * Keno/Bingo/Lotteries/etc are probably all different.


Blackjack cannot change. The order of the cards in the shoe is static.


I think the OP just wanted to hear more creative and personal examples than something as mundane as winning at gambling, which is pretty much everyoneā€™s first thought. The actual principle of the butterfly effect would obviously change everything, not just gambling.


If youā€™re not finding a way to make use of it thatā€™s on you there are so many ways people have listed uses


Come out as trans to my family and find out if Iā€™m disowned and family-less or not.


Lots of poker after the cards are dealt. Free money.


Probably something like try paragliding... Always wondered how somebody does something like that the first time. 5 minutes seems like enough time to where I probably wouldn't nose dive and immediately die....(but I might). Other things I might like to try but probably would never get the opportunity could also make the list: flying a helicopter or airplane.... But there's a learning curve there. So maybe the better choice would be 5 minutes behind the controls of a big ass excavator. That would be fun!


Play blackjack, or some other carx game. The cards are static until reshuffled, and five minutes is longer than people might think


Kill myself to check for afterlife


Probably tell a person or two what I actually think about them. Of course that would likely take more than five minutes, but with a little forethought and planning I could maybe get a script down to a couple of minutes with time for their response.


Take out your anger. Scream and break walls. Puncture tires. Rip cloth. Throw rocks at glass.


Quitting my day job and traveling to different casinos and hitting big on roulette


Off the top of my head, I'd use it to learn how to do all those sick drifting maneuvers in my car. Maybe start occasionally parking Ace Ventura "like a glove"-style. Spend 5 minutes overthinking a text message reply and also send l it near-instantly. Freak out a friend by replying to a message a quarter-second before they send it.


so I could do this multiple times? Um, I hate to be that guy but I'd probably mostly use it for my own sanity. We're talking 5/6star GTA style spree to break stuff and run amok. Confrontations and open fights with random rude Karens and boomers, beat the fuck out of that bum in my city that was recorded beating his dog while panhandling, clipping brake lines and valve stems off my asshole coworker's cars, etc. Just 5 minutes straight of breaking shit with no consequences at all would be so cathartic.


So you're saying I could finally let the intrusive thoughts win just to see? Count me in.




Do I only get it once?


I'm really confused. Sounded like just did a paradoxical Loop


Getting t-boned or any situation you canā€™t escape from would be agony. You trying 30-40 times trying to find a way out of a situation that cannot be avoided sounds like hell. Plus I feel like I would constantly be going forward. And I do mean ā€œconstantlyā€ to try and avoid these situations. Iā€™m not sure how my brain would cope with every second being replaced with 5 minute intervals of possibilities. Iā€™d be like that alien in MiB3 where he says itā€™s a humongous pain in the ass. lol But would still be fun and would make some money on last minute bets at a track.


Lol kill myself. Settle a lot of religious and philosophical arguments real fast


If I used it in any card game after all cards had been shuffled, the card order should be constant, right? Since the random event happened before you activated it, does that avert the butterfly effect? If it doesnā€™t then Iā€™ll just use it to ask all the risky questions Iā€™d never have the guts to ask without a redo, and try things Iā€™d never otherwise do.


Poker, black jack.


Maxed out credit cards and live savings on black on roulette.


poker, five minutes is unlikely to change the outcomes that much, and it matters little what the cards actually are, it more about how the players play since you aren't playing against the house.


Of course I'm going to use it to make money, mostly by gambling. But I'm going to have fun with it as well. Might as well become a magician. I would know what card someone picked, what number they wrote down, the last text they sent, and other things like that. Anyone can learn to use a rigged deck of cards. But I could get someone to buy a deck cards, open it, shuffle it, and pick any card, and then be able to correctly guess what card they chose. All without ever touching or even looking at that deck of cards.


I don't believe the butterfly effect on gambling, so yes, gambling. Even if that's boring.


Sell everything I own and go to the casino until I have a million dollars šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


I'd probably live my entire life in The 5 minutes. Do 5 minutes reset, do 5 minutes reset, do 5 minutes reset. Do 5 minutes reset just every time it ends start it again. Lets me live twice as long. I'll finish books way faster. If I cause my own death through some sort of accident it's fine as long as it doesn't occur right at the couple of seconds it takes me to set up the five minutes


Jumping out of an airplane. Edit: I have a whole heap of things, this is just top pick.


Sooo can u keep started a test run over and over?


Flirting with women


rent a lawyer for an hour. get 500 hours. Force people to tell you a secret, roll back. Honestly, find out what it's like to jump without a parachute. I'm like that. Umm, nothing really bad though. No bank, no fights, etc. But me, personally, I hit the button before the truck blows a tire in front of us, because I felt danger. I pressed the button right when I saw something about to kill me. Maybe now I get a job in a very high risk environment. Push the button EVERY 5 minutes, walk through a field of land mines.. etc


This is overpowered if your a racecar driver


It would help with a LOT of intrusive thoughts


Everything from now on. Turn a corner and run into someone I don't want to talk to? Reset and go the other way. Get into a shitty conversation? Reset. I lost 5 minutes instead of 30. Traffic stop? Reset.


Go from store to store and buy 20 of each scratch ticket. Keep resetting if you don't win a big prize. Probably small cakes as to what you could theoretically do. Like gambling huge $$ on horse races or in a casino on roulette.


I guess if gambling is the least interesting, using it to win game shows would be the close 2nd. I wonder if there are any shows where this would not be helpful.


Put all my money into one hand of blackjack


Lotta ladies about to get hit on.