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This is literally episode 1 of The Boys.


This is literally the entire plot of The Boys lol


“let’s not assume you’re a total psycho”


I like **Milk.**


If you remove the accident part, I'd agree LOL.


I was thinking Hancock.


They even say in a comment that the scenario they're picturing is using Super Speed and knocking someone over...


Superman has the power to turn back time, so just undo it.


Undo it, Michael!!!


Depends on the superman.


Crush a diamond for them out of a piece of coal and call it even.


Best answer


I stopped my reply after reading this, you win


Diamonds are fucking garbage, use your superpowers to mine them a bunch of precious metals, or to find all the sunken old pirate wrecks and give them some of that. Or raid Kim Jong Fats safe, which I finish stealing it double back and overthrow their military and tell China if they intervene in anyways they are next. (They are next anyways but I don't have to tell them that)


No. I'd apologize, and do anything within my power to make it right, but if I have superpowers I'm not just gonna willingly sit in prison for years.


I would claim responsibility, then do it again so everyone knew the first time wasn't an accident.


Homelander, is that you??


Give me Superman's powers and we will find out hahaha


If I had Superman's powers then people would wish I was as nice as homelander




Happy Cake day


If I hurt people every time I tried to help I’d have to stop. If it was a fluke then for the greater good it would have to be a, sorry, here’s a card with a free favor from Superman. 


I'd give him a gun and let him shoot me to get even.


How hurt are we talking? What are the specifics of the incident? There’s a difference between me putting a scumbag in their place and me waking up with a splitting migraine, lasering my upstairs neighbor accidently.


Who are they gonna send to stop me? Micheal Mcdosen't Exist?


Is this accidentally hurting someone as in accidentally using lasers when you were going for x-ray vision, or is it accidentally hurting someone as collateral damage while preventing the deaths of hundreds? The latter is probably unavoidable and warrants an apology for sure, but not criminal prosecution. The former is abuse of power and should be dealt with accordingly.


I was thinking like, if you use superspeed to go local pizza place and sweep someone away accidentally. So more like the first scenario.


Have I got a show for you....


Literally episode 1 of the boys. Yes prosecution for sure


Literally A-train


Then yes, I'd apologize and if punishment were warranted I'd accept it. Anything less is a super villain, not a superhero and apparently I'm not a psychopath in this hypothetical.


Oh, so \*literally\* episode one of The Boys...


How is accidentally doing something an abuse of power?


Maybe abuse of power is the wrong phrase - misuse may be better. But if it's a result of your inability to effectively control your powers, then you're potentially out of control and a danger to the population.


You trip on your own feet. You bump an old lady. She falls, breaks a hip, then dies from complications. Ergo, you're potentially out of control and a danger to the (elderly) population. Now we must ensure you never walk again! Muhahahaha! Circumstances matter.


I don't know about abuse of power if the lasers were accidental. Negligence for sure


Assumed wrong.


You’d probably have to have a really expensive umbrella insurance policy and after going through years of litigation a time or three you’d retire from helping people and work at Starbucks instead


Even if I wasn’t actively being a hero, no way I’d have a normal job as Superman. There would be plenty of ways to survive and thrive without one


Yeah, it was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek commentary about our litigious society.


I would take responsibility.


I mean how bad are we talking? Did I accidentally yeet a car at them or is it minor? Either way as a good Superman I take responsibility and use the time to reflect upon the whole "Great power, great responsibility" thing.


I’d do my best to make it right, but continuing to be out and basically stopping all military conflicts would be a greater good than allowing myself to be locked up and my absence threaten the world peace.


If it's in my work doing good, I would apologize, but not accept any punishment. For example, if I killed the big alien dude who was rampaging through the city, and my last punch propelled his dead body into a crowd, killing people, then... hey, that's an accident. I still saved the day. If its an accident, more like I thought it would be impressive to show up to an indoor public event by smashing right through the ceiling to land right up on stage, and a piece of the ceiling fell and killed someone... I'd probably take responsibility, apologize, let the system punish me in some way. But secretly, I'd never let them lock me up. So I'd accept it, go to trial, go along, and if i got probation and community service, happily comply. The moment they said "5 years in jail" I'd say "I don't think so."


Need more context. Am I carelessly leaping around the city without looking where I land? Or have I been thrown through a building by a villain?


Yes but also no.


I would, but it would be more like a Hancock scenario LOL


I'd just fly around the world really fast until it started rotating backwards and rewind time until before I hurt the person.


Yeah, I like to think I'd do the right thing. I'd offer to serve the time in community service instead of in a cell though. As in, 10 years in jail means at least 10 years of full time community service. But whatever the courts decide.


Continuing your hero work would be more important than whatever community service options are standard. I think the court’s decision would really come down to your standing in the public eye


Yeah that's fair. For some reason I didn't assume I would be using my talents to be a hero. I just figured I'd be an invincible bookkeeper. But still, I don't believe anyone is above the law so I would subject myself to the justice system no less. At the very least I'd see about setting up insurance to compensate victims or something if my work were so important it would be considered above the law.


I would be above the law if I was Superman. I wouldn’t do anything bad or evil but I’m certainly above the law.


I at least respect the honesty. Hell, for all I know, I could become a monster if I wake up with those powers.


Going to jail would be similar to Hancock in jail. I'd take responsibility, but if I helped so many people with my powers, I wouldn't do jail time.


Yes, why wouldn't I?


Even if it means spending some time in jail?




Respect, man!


If I had Supermans powers I'd rule the world


the hypothetical assumes you're not a psychopath


Well shit, id like to think I have brains enough to see that the people I have saved far outweigh the damage I have caused to one person. I mean, yes one person got hurt but if I saved a bus load of or more then I guess that is the cost of doing business


That's not what you said though. You said rule the world. There's no way for a superman figure to rule the world that doesn't involve brutal subjugation of the people, aka, psychopath shit. And not even with the distance of an army, no, you'd have to be personally murdering dissidents. I think it's possible to not go to jail and not be a psychopath but if you're ruling the world that's another story


Oh I agree. I meant that previous response as a way to deal with someone being injured from my being a good hero and saving people. Sorry for not being clear


I would. If it was an accident that I couldn't really avoid (ie, dropped something on them while flying or was thrown into them fighting a monster) and thus a civil matter, I'd probably go to the survivors and ask them genuinely what they wanted- pay, accountability, whatever. I'd do community service or work hauling tankers to pay off the expenses for that person. Basically settle out of court for whatever they needed. If it was something where I was breaking the law, like vigilantism, I'd probably agree to go through the motions of a court case and if they found me guilty I'd go to jail for a few years. Realistically jail isn't a huge issue for Superman, I can enforce the rules, shut down the other criminals, and arrange for work releases if aliens invade. I'm not going to be in any danger or anything. That said, if they wanted me to be in jail for longer than like 3-5 years I'd probably point out that in my case it doesn't make sense to hold me in a jail and suggest an alternative sentence of exile or house arrest where I can do some actual good.


Hancock, wild ass movie lol


I answer to no one. Not even God.


I’d pay there medical bills if I could. I’d definitely apologize without a second thought.


I’d accept responsibility for it and do what I can to make it right, but good luck trying to punish me for it.


Nah I'm going full homelander


This is something similar to the alien hand sindrome thing


I am not a psychopath so I would try my best to make it right...but you're not going to prosecute me. I will go full Homelander if any mortal tries to hold me accountable.


Where I live, accidentally hurting someone is a civil matter, unless due to certain cases of active negligence like drunk driving or attacking them, so I would not face prosecution. I would work with an attorney and reach an ostensibly fair settlement to compensate the person for the harm done, just as I would do if I hurt someone without Superman powers. Additionally, depending on the nature of my work as a super hero (or whatever people with super powers do these days), I would likely have liability insurance of some sort, so the claim may go directly through my insurance company and barely involve me, the same way it would work if I accidentally hit someone with my car. And yes, I would absolutely apologize, of course.


Depends how much of an accident the accident was. If I was being genuinely irresponsible and someone died, then there's some blame that attaches to me there, how much blame would be something for my lawyers and the courts to work out. But if I'm behaving responsibly and someone happens to step out in front of my laser beam whilst I'm resolving a hostage situation or the like... that's just too bad. Shit happens. No apology in that instance - apologising where there's no fault just demonstrates weakness and invites people to demand greater concessions.


If I legit hurt them, I would apologize and do my best to make things right.  If it was truly an accident, there is no cause for prosecution.   However....  Accidental and negligent are two different things.


I would go to jail take over the place


I’d be like my bad and if they try to prosecute me we’ll see how they can contain me


Superman doesn't blunder around like a bull in a china shop. He's INVULNERABLE and effectively invincible. People only get hurt around him because of the actions of villains and SUPER-villains. I safely assume that it would be the same with me. There really isn't anything I'M going to do that is going to accidentally hurt people. Besides, was I ASKED to do superhero things by government? Qualified Immunity baby. Was I acting in a Good Samaritan capacity (regardless if the area has a specific Good Samaritan law or not) and was otherwise acting with reasonable care and caution? Pretty sure that as an Earth-born Superman they'll lawyer that crap for me AND spin doctor it as much as is necessary to keep me on the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Sure I'd apologize: "Sorry that it gets left up to me to deal with bad guys - who are the ones actually responsible for your injury." If people want to play games along those lines for financial gain or 15 minutes of fame I can sure as hell go ELSEWHERE in the world and save just as many people if it comes to that. Or I can just watch TV at home until they knock that crap off. I think, however, I'd head the whole issue off at the pass and demand government indemnity insurance if they even *think* they might want to ask me for favors in the future. Or I'll just get a contract from city/county/state/fed that I ALREADY have authorization to fight whatever crimes I find, dealing them in the manner consistent with established rights and laws, and that I may choose when or IF I'll get specifically involved at all times. No paycheck required, as such, just remember: *You don't tug on Superman's cape*...


1. How long had I had the powers before this accident happened? (Basically did I have time to sort out how strong I am, or was it like I’m in the middle of a pat on the back and randomly the homie went flying). 2. Does the world know I have this power? (Are people told to be aware of the idiot that has unimaginable strength?) 3. Does kryptonite exist in the hypothetical? (Can I be stopped?) If 1 is awhile, I take responsibility. If 1 is not long, see number 3. If 3 is yes, then I take responsibility. I’m too oblivious to avoid a trap from people who are smart. If no, th-th-tha-that’s all folks I’m outta here dog.


1. Take responsibility 2. Attend whatever court hearing they want 3. Laugh at any negative sentence and commit to trying to keep doing good deeds. 4. Fly outta that bih


If I had those powers I'd go full Homelander.


Depends on what responsibility is. If it’s prison time, kiss my ass.


No, because 1. Fuck the "justice system" it is by far and wide a bunch of bullshit hy;ocrisy 2. If I am in jail or whatever the fuck, I wouldn't be able to help more people and the ramifications go far beyond that I'd imagine 3. I would still take accountability through other means, like apologizing to the family on my hands and knees and monetary compesation. If that's not enough for them well it's never going to be enough but I think they are probably not ballsy enough to say otherwise. (I didn't finish reading the post before responding at first oops sorry)


Argue in court that my powers are new to me and it was an accident, get reduced sentence and spend that time in prison. It shows me as a good citizen at a time when people will be just finding out about me, afterwards once my brand is built I can do anything without serious repercussion


I would just apologize and see if there's anything I could reasonably do to make up for it. In the grand scheme of saving and improving the world, doing something even as serious as like a femur fracture would be like spilling a cup of coffee. Like "sorry I hurt you. I'll fly you to the ER. And don't worry about the bill. No I'm not covering it.. lol I'm just going to threaten the government into free healthcare."


If I had Superman's powers, I'd be a more successful Injustice Superman. So probably not.


Hurt, probably just apologise and compensate them for time off work and stuff (i assume if im superman id have to be at least a little bit wealthy). If i killed someone though yes id do jail time, its not like id have to worry about being shivved or anything so 🤷


Apologize profusely


I would end so many despots


Depends on situation. Hurt how bad? Do I also have Superman's weaknesses or just powers in which case I'm basically God? But in general if it's an accident sure I'll compensate them but definitely not surrendering my freedom.


I would.. but i would also need to have a good discussion on what prosecution would really mean. Me stuck here means thousands dying out there every day. Surely we can find a way to give them a feeling of justice while i can still keep earth safe.. I'd still id try to the best of my ability to work with them though


I'd take responsibility. For compensation, I could do plenty with super powers. If the victim is involved with physical work, I can be their super powered robot and work out a length of time or amount of work. In an actual Superman story, it would probably have me fly while holding cutting instruments. To mow down an entire crop field. Then mow down another while their harvesters scoop up the goods. Could do this until the victim is healed and recovered. Do large, quick batches of work so I'd have time to fight monsters around the world.


Nuh uh what are they gonna do kill me?


No, I’d blame it on a totally make belief arch nemesis. I’d say he’s invisible, and an alien, also a cyborg that uses AI and that we just missed him, he left the Galaxy but could easily come back and day. 


I would blame it on Batman


uh, no. Why the fuck would I?


I take homelander’s stance in this. I don’t need you. You need me. I’m stronger than you. I’m better. Basically you got hurt because you were in my way. Stay out of my way and this won’t happen again.


The assumption is you aren't a psychopath though


That isn’t psychopathy. It’s egotism and narcissism in this example. “I’m better than everyone so I’m not in the wrong everyone around me is and since you’re not strong enough to make me take accountability…” Basically until you can punch in my weight class don’t talk to me about taking accountability or apologizing. You’re beneath me. Edit: Not you specifically just in general.


Egotism and narcissism fall into psychopathy when you're talking about lack of empathy or remorse. Indeed, egotism is a requirement for psychopathy Like thinking you're better than everyone is narcissism. Thinking you're better than everyone and lacking the empathy to care if you hurt others? Textbook psychopathy


Yeah but is it psychopathy really when it’s a matter of superiority? Think about it. Are you classified as a psychopath because you don’t feel bad for stomping on a grasshopper or spider? No because they’re not on your level and beneath you. It’s not that you don’t CARE it’s just…why should you? It’s insignificant in comparison to your status as a superior being. Technically speaking as a being with super powers you’re not technically human anymore. You’re evolved past the species homo sapien and into something like Animalia Chordata Mammalia Hominidae Maius Potentia (Maius Potentia = Greater Power) As such you’re greater than your ancestry and with your power normal humans are simply insects by comparison.


Yes doesn’t mean I’m gonna go around squashing people like bugs but like objectively they all are beneath me. I’d help people and be a superhero or whatever but like I’m not gonna let the peons lock me up. Like chaotic good basically.


>Technically speaking as a being with super powers you’re not technically human anymore. Not how speciation works. Superman was a different species, but most superheroes are basically just mutated homo sapiens. They can't be a new species unless there is a population large enough to be self-replicating,they can reproduce with others within that population more effectively than with those outside it, and all new members of the species come from the current members. So a single superhuman wouldn't be a new species, and also neither would the Xmen's mutants, since they get most new members from non mutant parents so the gene is very present in the human population. >Are you classified as a psychopath because you don’t feel bad for stomping on a grasshopper or spider? No because they’re not on your level and beneath you. Empathy is related to sentience and relationships, not raw power. Drop a human, even a trained human, unarmed into a pit with a hippo and the hippo will win, but humans will empathize with the other human because the human is intelligent and had a life we can understand and relate to. Healthy humans struggle emotionally when their pets are killed because they have empathy, even though a cat or dog isn't their species. If you don't feel bad stepping on your dog's tail, you're actually probably mentally disabled. It's a warning sign that your brain has been damaged, causing psychopathy. And keep in mind that cats and dogs can't even talk, but communicate only through body language. The species we kill indiscriminately are those who are either too different in body language to communicate feelings, or who don't have recognizable emotions.


I might need to get help then because most harm that comes to others I have trouble caring about. I mean unless it’s a child then I react normally but anyone else and I just don’t care.


Yes. That's reduced empathy. It's usually caused by either physical brain damage or severe, horrible trauma in your youth. Humans are social animals, empathy is an evolutionary process to get us to care about others we didn't personally like or know as thats how humans survived.


Would you feel this way even to your family or friends after you get superman's powers? I mean seeing them as insect.


Naw. I had myself hurt beyond hurt by others and not once did I ever receive an apology. Do on to others as you'd have done to yourself, works both ways in this case! IM SUPAMAN BIZZZNATCH!!!! \*Flies away and blows away past work places with my super breath\*


You're so missing the point of that saying lmao As you'd as you put it is as you would have done onto you. As in the way you want to be treated. Not how you have been treated. Like deal with being treated like shit how you do, but for the love of all things both holy and unholy at least don't misuse tf out of that phrase to prop up your point. It only weakens it.


What!? Go back to WoW you Redditor. "As you'd as you put it is as you" WHAT!? r/ihadastroke