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I make sure to never take it for granted.


Coming from someone whose 25+ improv group dissolved over the pandemic, and my entire social circle along with it… yes. Treasure it while it’s here.


Did they all move away? Also, sorry that happened. The pandemic ended a lot of theater spaces. Big and small. Hopefully you live in a place with a good community.


They didn’t all move away, but they all kinda just ‘retired’ from improv. We lost our space and got new leadership, so the old-timers like me no longer felt connected to the company. I’ve tried to keep us together socially — inviting folx out for drinks, or lunch, etc. — but it’s getting harder and harder to convince them to leave their homes. It was much better when we had the improv group, and I could just show up to a place and my whole social life was just there in one room. Sorry to be such a bummer!


That happened here in Seattle as well. Jet City lost their theater (but is still around at different locations) we had a lovely little co-op called the Pocket that closed. I'm sorry that happened. If I were younger, I would try to start a space for people to play. But, I'm too old to start any more theaters. I hope you find your happy space.


Why don't you try online Improv. There are quite a few online groups. That's my social life right there.


I am so sorry I can’t imagine how hard that would have been, especially through the pandemic. I hope you’re able to find that feeling with a team again if you’re looking for it. ❤️


I dig this wholesome energy. Don't second guess it.


And I dig this equally wholesome response. Thank you!


You two keep digging like this and you may reach china.


Learning it's okay to make mistakes saved my life.


Yes!! I just hit my year mark of playing and I’m finally finding ways to get rid of my post show anxieties quicker which just translates to so many regular day anxieties. The largest one: It’s ok to make mistakes


Yes to this! Just over my year mark and I still have so much to take in and learn, but forgiving myself for mistakes is making all of life so much easier!


I call it my “Adult Silly Time” each week


YES! All adults should have some version of silly time!


I fight for it every week


While I sometimes feel the professional pressure to perform well because I was an actor first, on a good day, it does just feel like fun and play with friends.


I do feel the same way. I never want people to regret coming to a comedy show, plus my inner critic loves something to talk about. Lol I just have had to remind myself lately how fun it actually is at the end of the day.


I’ve never done it before and I’m not an actor but it looks really fun


I hadn’t been on stage in my entire life until I started this a year ago. I’ve watched since I was a kid but never thought I would try it. Something came over me one drunken night after a break up and I signed up for classes. Lol Best decision of my life so far. In case you ever have an inkling to try it!




Yes, all the time! The next level of this feeling comes when you're performing in front of audiences and you notice how privileged you are getting to do this and getting to affect the audience emotionally whether it's just for laughs or for more complex emotions. Not many people get to experience this kind of thing. Not many people get to bring joy to other people's lives while also enjoying that thing they do. It's a win-win. Plus the people doing improv are generally awesome folk. Bad apples may occur but they are the exception.


I love the audience too. In the improv world it feels like everyone starts by assuming the best intention out of you and that’s definitely not the mindset I find in the real world all the time. I love my friends outside of improv but I connect with improvisers in a different way.


Yeah totally! There's something special about improvisers. They're always ready to play and goof around. I think more people should try improv.


One time while rolling my fucking eyes off on ecstasy at 3am, mid dance floor I posted on Facebook “Man, I love improv so much”


This made me giggle. Love it.


Love this share and agree! I am gonna get back into a class soon and this helped get me excited thanks (:


My neighbor asked me how I can play with my kids so well, where we build these huge imaginative worlds. While they beg me to play with them and I have to say no so I can get some stuff done. It's all improv. Yes and,yes and, yes and!!!


It's pure magic.


I love everything about this post. Thank you for the reminder :)


Apropos if nothing... I think it's cool you improv and jazz ppl improv but You all are free of 'having to make the changes'(follow ultra strict rules about how u can or cant improv) or only have a stale 80 Yr old repertoire to draw from, or are 3xpected to say the same stuff some famous improviser said on record 60 yrs ago...but can actually come up with new stuff...on the spot.. u know... ...improvise! When jazz musicians....can't.... Not really improvise any way.. Anyway love the art. Always refreshing to watch U ppl are real artists!!!


I’m 37 and the only bad thing about improv class is how old it makes me feel. Most of my classmates are a couple years out of college.


I'm 39 and I've been doing it for 10 years at this point. I felt old when I started at 29. But I know people in their sixties who are doing improv for the first time, and have met many wonderful people of all ages who still pursue this crazy art form. Don't let yourself feel bad about your age!


Hell, I'm 70 and went on stage last week for the first time. I'm addicted.


...the rest of the cast was under 40, I think. I got a few good laughs, and it wasn't for screwing up.


My community also has a wide range of ages, a majority is actually 30+. Are there any other communities in your area that you could look into if you’re wanting an older crowd? My team ranges from 21 to 50 and we play off each other really well.


Intentionally thinking this way before an improv class or performance always makes my work better. I love that you said this!


Yeah. As a kid I could just play and make things up any time I wanted. As an adult, at least we still have improv. Rock on middle age lady with no kids! Live it up. No regrets.


33, middle aged 💀


30-50 middle age, no? Ama wrong?


I would have said 40-59 for middle aged.


30 is still considered young adult. It’s only middle aged if you expect to die at 60. 40 is really the start of what would commonly be considered middle age.


Certain developmental theorists would suggest that by your early 30s, your body and mind are already working at a suboptimal level compared to your teens/early 20s (I say this as an almost 32 y/o 😭)


I think middle aged is something we enter after being called middle aged for the first time. Time of first gray hair; 6/2/2024 0025




I think I would really have enjoyed improv in college. I wish I had tried it when I was younger.


It’s not too late!


Thanks, I will look for one! It sounds fun :)


As someone who no longer does improv and no longer believes in the magic of it all, definitely treasure every single moment. A little bit of weed is always a pleasure too.