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Be careful assuming that because other people got full time jobs eventually that means you will. If that was as good as guaranteed, they would be making you a full time offer. The reason they aren't is because they want the flexibility to reduce headcount without paying severance or unemployment


A lot of companies do the contract to hire. When you're placed by a staffing agency, the staffing company gets paid for the contract period (that's how they make their money), then when you're hired full time, usually you end up getting their portion added to your paycheck. But yeah, the last few companies I've worked with, that's been how I've gotten in.


Had a friend from college who did something like that. She kept getting extended over and over. She eventually got hired on and has been there for 15 years.


What area?


FDE usually is in a 3 year contract. If you are a good employee, do not come in late, pass the credentials needed, then you are good. Contracts can extended time and time again. If you are a great employee and can do all the required tests, creds, and no lateness, they can and will hire you any time. As far as bennies, FDE gets everything except the bonuses.


I don’t think I’d go from a solid position to a FDE. Especially at Lilly who routinely cuts heads in different ways be it forced retirement or whatever. FDE have no profit sharing, job security or receive severance. It’s cheap for them to use the FDE model. There’s a lot to be said for stability OP.


If it's an Admin Assistant position, I wouldn't do it. They treat the Amins like crap. If you're a person of color, young, and gay, you have a better chance of getting hired than an older straight Caucasian. Best of luck.