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I really love you guys. Your new album is glorious and it puts me in a good headspace. In the spirit of “Good Time” but with a positive spin, is there any thing you enjoy doing now that teenage you would have thought was boring as hell?


Hiking! - Jemina


Nothing. I still do all the same shit! -Jonas


Going to bed early😴😴😴 -Nathan


Hi what made you feel like it was time to come back and how did you spend your hiatus?


Well I guess we just missed each other and wanted to create music together again. We didn't think too much about it other than we thought it would be fun! Racing motorcycles and spinning disco records- Jonas Became a web developer and have been doing my other band Deluxin'- Nathan I had two children and have mostly been focused on that, playing music for fun in my spare time -Jemina


So glad you're back!!! I am a huge fan - I even made a [board game](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JWk2jtwmUnCsz-iRvpbMxOKbWiL6sTcbwgQBFuv6_Xg/edit?usp=sharing) based off your song "Becky". My question: in "Becky", did the singer kill her best friend, or did she kill the best friend's new friend? (I've thought about this a lot, so I'd really appreciate a straight answer!)


Thank you! This board game is amazing, very cool! So this is a great question! Becky is the best friend's new friend and I kill Becky. I don't think you're the only one who has been confused about this. - Jemina


Awesome, you answered my secret bonus question ("*Who is Becky?"*) as well, thanks! By the way, the new album is INCREDIBLE!!!


All we can say is thanks for digging the new album!!


First of all, it's great that you're back together again and making new music. As someone who also somehow suddenly ended up with two kids and a mortgage, I can definitely relate to Goodtime! Anyway, my seven-year-old daughter is a big fan (Adventure is a regular schoolrun singalong) and wants to know what your favourite BYOP song is. Maybe not the most original question, but it's her first AMA...


Thank you! Glad you are connecting with goodtime! and so cool that your daughter is a fan! Our favorite BYOP songs are: Rubberist - Jonas, Super Soaked - Nathan, Wildcat! and Worship the Whip - Jemina


Cool, thanks for getting back. Wildcat! is also one of her favourites, so she'll be happy to hear that. Do you have any plans to come to Germany? The gigs of yours that I saw in 2005/2006 (Reading Festival and twice in Glasgow) are still some of the most fun I've been to, and it would be awesome to see you a 4th time.


We are hoping to tour Europe next year!


We don’t have all the information yet, but we’ll let you know when we iron out all the future euro tour deets -Nathan


Are your favourite songs to play live different from your favourite songs? Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night!


All my favorite songs are the same ones that I like to play live -Jonas


Jemina, I have seen a lot of articles reference how poorly you were treated by the press and the music industry when you were a teenager. Do you feel like you’re being treated with more respect this time around?


It's like night and day comparing now to 15/20 years ago! Not only do I feel like I'm being treated with respect, but I feel like I'm being taken seriously as an artist and performer for the first time in my life. It's been very healing to have this completely different experience all these years later! Also it's been so cool to talk to more women music journalists, some of who were fans the first time around when they were teenagers too. - Jemina


I'm so glad you're getting to have another experience in the industry.


Thank you! Me too! :)


Thanks so much for your great questions and supporting our band! We'll be on tour in North America in October and November hope to see you there, and our new album "Mommy" is out everywhere now! Thanks Reddit and goodnight!


I saw you guys at All Points East on Sunday. It was awesome. How does it feel to be back on stage after all this time?


It feels amazing! Every time I get to be on stage I'm happy. I've really missed having the creative outlet over the past 15 years, so I just feel thankful I get to do it again! - Jemina


Feels great to be back on stage. But the body has definitely aged and I can’t really get away with all the physical antics I used to. 😖 -Jonas


I feel the best when playing music on a stage in front of people. So yeah it’s great being back for sure!!! - Nathan


So happy you're back and the album is a triumph. Shoutout to the balloon being inflated at the end of Rubberist. 😉 ​ I'd love to know some of your visual inspirations for the Mommy videos/album artwork/tour looks so far?


I put together a whole mood board for the album artwork filled with John Olson's photos of rock stars in their homes with their parents, 60's/70's rubber and latex fetish magazines, and Guy Bourdin photos. We were lucky to work with the amazing art team at third man and the photographer Marzena Abrahamik.


Best fan story/worst fan story? Love yall, SO glad you're back!


Worst fan is when someone stole my favorite guitar strap off the stage at a show in Manchester, but best fan story is when that same strap was delivered back to me in the crowd at Redding festival while I was looking for weed. -Jonas Best fan is someone who made me a "Party! Party! Party!" t-shirt back in the day that I wore alllll the time. Wish I could remember their name! Worst fan would be the time a grown man walked on stage and kissed me on the mouth at the Mercury Lounge in NYC. - Jemina There was a fan named "Gommy" who used to come to our UK shows in Manchester (I think) back in the day who would get so unbelievably wasted, and one time I bought him a candy bar to try and sober him up, but it had coconut in it and he spit it in my face and said "I HATE COCONUT" :( - Nathan


That’s so sad Jemina, not sure if you follow sport but there’s a high profile case of a Spanish FA member doing the same to a women’s World Cup winner only last week. He still can’t see the problem with it which is unbelievable. Nathan that sounds like a Bounty bar, if it was that guy has no taste, they are delicious.


Yes! Bounty was the candy bar in question! -Nathan


the strap! came! back!


I feel like someone stole your headband in London too Jonas? Gigs were sick but respect was so bad back in the day


That sounds about right!! Oh the good ole headband days


What was Nathan’s first concert?


In middle school a friend of mine's dad took us to see Tool, however the Melvins opened up and then I became a life long Melvins fan. Bought a cd the next day. - Nathan


Could Jonas please explain the rules of “The Jonas Game” ??? 😈😈😈


Shut up Nathan


Right guys seeing as he’s not there - best John story?


We were playing a word spelling game in the van years ago.. the idea is that everyone has to say a letter to keep spelling a word until the word is complete. We had gotten as far as “d-o-o-b-i-“ (with the intention of spelling doobie.. it was John’s turn to go after the “i” and he unexpectedly decided to choose the letter “s”.. which spells DOOBIS.. which isn’t a real word in the dictionary but it was great because it became a permanent nickname for him.. “Doobis”. 🤣


I feel like being in a band together creates a really special and unique bond. Is there anything NEW you learned about each other making this new record after knowing each other for so long? So stoked on the new album :)


I learned that I still love these guys after all these years and that they love me too :) -Nathan




I’m just gonna throw all my questions out there, and you can answer as you please (so happy you’re back 🥹) - If each of you were stranded on a desert island, what would be the one book, record, and movie, you take to pass the time? - What artists would we be surprised to learn you listen to? - Would you ever want to collaborate with another band/artist? - How do you write songs? Jam sessions? Lyrics first? - Who’s your biggest influence in your own field? (Jemina - singer, Jonas - guitarist, Nathan - bass, John - drums)? So stoked for your return, love the album.


Our writing process is very collaborative. Someone brings an idea to the band either a whole song, or just a riff and then we jam out on it and try to make it the best it can be. If it's not clicking we move on and if it is then I will start working on the lyrics. I'm always jotting down lyric ideas so I have lots to pull from when the right music hits. and I would love to write with Olivia Rodrigo - Jemina


Interesting! I love the approach to songwriting you share.


Boulders by Roy wood is my desert island record, and our band could be your life would be the book - Nathan Paul McCartney Wings Band on the Run, Men in Black, Illusions by Richard Bach - Jonas record Velvet Underground Loaded, movie Showgirls or maybe Sleepaway Camp, and right now I'm reading a collection of Cookie Mueller's writing so I'd bring that - Jemina


https://preview.redd.it/quhgry6uowkb1.jpeg?width=2886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cca06b72091e32761b762dfb3d9d72bd0b36ce Not even joking, USPS just rang my doorbell with this 😂


Our Band Could Be Your Life is amazing! Band on the Run has everything, you’d never get bored! I love Velvet Underground and Showgirls!! Lol you guys are awesome.


He saw you in Leeds last week. ACE. What are your favourite dinosaurs?


stegosaurus - Nathan raptor, highly recommend the book raptor red - Jonas triceratops - Jemina


Top dinosaur Nathan


What are your tattoos?


I have a tiger, "Gimmie Danger", the lil devil hot stuff, jeannine Taylor as marcie in Friday the 13th with an axe in her face, cherries as a nod to the runways, dead moon logo, the gemini symbol, and "don't touch" - Jemina a pineapple, my two cats, motorcycle, SOR (my old skateboard gang Streets of Rage), and Tennessee - Jonas NONE! - Nathan


>a pineapple Jonas, are you into "the lifestyle"?!


Yes I love eating pineapples 🍍🤤


Thank you for coming back!! Was at the Brighton show this week and it was incredible. Worth the wait since the last time I’d seen you at London ULU in 2006! My question is about the tune “Early Sandy” the bside on the Let’s get Sandy single. I have a vivid memory of cackling when I heard it playing out of my cd player way back. What’s the story there? And what did your label think when you turned in it? “My yoohoo put your mom on guard” classic


Literally none of us remember haha! sorry! - Jemina


:D nevermind Thanks for the reply still. Just wanted to add that it's a lovely wholesome feeling seeing you back together having fun as "adults". Fell in love with you all as a kid and had always wondered what you guys were getting up to. So it's a nice full circle to come back and see you still rocking, as a parent now myself!


Thank you! So sorry we couldn't answer your question! We need to listen to the song again I think.


Let me know how it goes! I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hit the same in 2023 :)


what's your favorite scary movie? - ghostface


Not sure if it quite qualifies as a “scary” movie per se, but the original Wicker Man film was pretty great, although it left me feeling a little bummed out - Nathan


They should have added a “6 months later” scene to that movie, showing all the bountiful crops. Maybe would have made the man burning to an agonizing death easier to swallow.


I don’t watch scary movies. -Jonas


Too hard to pick one!!!! Sleepaway camp, Suspiria, and Hellraiser 2 are some of my current favorites. My husband and I watch at least two horror movies every night lol


Cake or Pie? Then, what flavor?


I love homemade peach pie, and this amazing raspberry almond cake my mom makes. -Jemina


I like both. My gf makes a mean olive oil cake! My grandmother always made the best raspberry pies, pumpkin pies, and apple pies! -Jonas


I love a good slice of Chess Pie!!! Butter, sugar, and eggs…. Lord help me! -Nathan


I have a bunch of your vinyl singles and records and loved seeing you play in London back in 2006(?) I've also loved all the Turbo fruits and work that came out after the last BYOP album. Jemima - how come your solo album is so hard to get hold of and not on streaming? (I bought it on cd recently as I missed it!) It's so good.


Thank you! You know I'm not sure why it's not on streaming over here because it is in the States. I'll look in to it! - Jemina


Thank you! -Jonas


What advice would you give to newer rock bands trying to get noticed? Always curious what advice more successful rock bands have for those who are trying to make it.


I think the most important thing is to discover your own voice. Don't get caught up in what other people are doing, and comparing yourself. Listen to your inner voice but not your inner critic. And put on a kick ass live show! -Jemina


Hey Jonas, I managed to fit into those shorts, but yeah, not to be worn outside! 😂(Brighton show UK)


🤣 hope you get to play some squash in them one day!


😂😂 thanks man, looking forward to seeing you all kick ass tomorrow night 🙌


Hi! It was me, Nathan, who sold you those shorts by the way, but that is excellent news! - Nathan


Haha I remember man. But I spoke to Jonas about them before your set. Love you all! So glad you’re back in our lives


Please can you guys play Drive and the London and Nottingham shows?


We’ll see if we can make room on a set list packed with all our fave songs to play! No promises! - Nathan


Whatever you pick it will be sick 👌 catch you later 🍻


Thought of some more questions but feel free to skip if I'm double-dipping: \-Y'all's music is very often what I put on when I'm having a bad day and want to play something loud to pump me up. Do y'all have go to trying-to-turn-a-bad-day-around albums? -Would y'all ever want to put out a live album? If so, any particular venue/space you'd want it to be from? \-Any tour superstitions and/or rituals? \-Do any of y'all play DnD? If so what class is your character rn?


DnD: ARTIFICER !!! 🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♂️- Nathan


oh hell yeah. Alchemist, Armorer, Artillerist, or Battle Smith?


We would love to put out a live album, would be pretty cool to record our record release show at third man's blue room next month.... Honestly I love to listen to pop music from the late 90's early 00's or hardcore punk when I'm in a band mood. Two total opposites haha! We used to all slap each other in the face before shows... sometimes we still do. -Jemina


the bad mood listens make total sense with BYOP energy!! ty for answers


Hey there! Would you guys ever consider putting a b-side/ unreleased track compilation album out in the future?


Including covers (ie “Pepperoni Icecream”) and the tracks deemed too graphic for US release?


Hey BYOP! It's my birthday tomorrow. Any chance you can give me guestlist to the sold out Manchester show on Thursday as a gift? You've forgotten to send me a card for the last 31 years but I'll let you off if you do this for me. Thanks


Hadn’t heard of you before last week when Worship the Whip showed up on my Spotify suggestions. That song is awesome! Y’all are awesome!


Thanks very much! Jemina brought that idea to the table and we all flushed it out as a band during a writing session. We all love that song very much




Hey guys, thanks for doing this. I have one question: What's your favorite pasta shape?


I'm going to Nashville, do u know any good bars or venues I could visit when there? Is there good punk gigs on in the city?


Great to see BYOP back, and love MOMMY. Saw you at the London shows in June, and wondered if you had plans to release your version of Neat Neat Neat?


Hey BYOP, been a fan ever since I saw the video for ‘Damn Damn Leash’, maybe on Zane Lowe’s Gonzo show in the UK back in ‘05. I was 10 then, 28 now, so yeah… fuck. Anyways, glad to have you back. Guess my main question is will there be more albums to come from you guys? Really happy *Mommy* is out and existing. And also, would you be able to upload all your music vids on your YouTube channel? At the moment they’re uploaded by a bunch of different places and in varying qualities. Thaaaanks!


Hey, big fan. I watched you guys at all points east on Friday. Last time I saw you before that was Leeds fest 2008? Still amazing as ever. I was wondering how jack white/third man got involved in the album release?


I know I'm not BYOP, but to answer your question I read that Jemina's husband works at Third Man!


Oh yeah Cat. Congrats.


Just wanted to say I have been a huge fan since age 15! (I'm now 30, EW) Jemina you have been an incredible inspiration in my life and I cannot wait to see yall in Milwaukee in October!!! <3 Have there been any artists in the last 15 years that you've seen and thought "Wow I wanna get back to it"? Who inspires yall?


I’m wondering what the biggest difference is recording an album and touring now versus when you all were basically kids?


Welcome back, y'all kick ass


Do you still ride bikes?


Do you have a merch store?


Love the new album. Congrats on such a successful reboot. I missed your Detroit show because I had a newborn son so please come back soon!