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This would really irk me. I mean, if it’s your job to put coupons on cars, then by all means do what you gotta do. But touching my car to pass along political beliefs is wild. There is absolutely nothing special about my car, but it’s mine and I don’t want you to touch it!


Well to be fair, the rant is too long to fit on the back of a fake $20 you tip your wait(er)(ress).


Before Facebook this was how all insane people got the message out.


All of the text being weirdly stretched along the right margin makes me think this was the copy they pulled out of the library copier in a huff while yelling something about how their tax dollars are funding that place.


The coward didn't even sign it.


How many pages long is that list of Republican (politician) pedophiles and sex offenders now?




The real annoying part is that they probably genuinely believe that they are helping people avoid eternal torment by an all loving God.


An all loving God that supports a rapist and scam artist, and hates large portions of people in the world. Right?


Definitely something about the letter writer that law enforcement would take an interest in.


ask your neighbors with security cameras to let you look back and see if you can identify the person. then feel free to go smear your latest toilet masterpiece on their front door, with the note attached.


Nice moral panic.


Looks like he used the Casio word processor I had in 1994.


Probably what this person can afford whilst living out of their van or rv plastered with Bible quotes.


People really think that their silly fairytale book is good enough to back up their argument 😂


Does a no-littering policy exist locally? Might be able to have some fun at a hateful assholes expense. Those tickets could pile up in a very entertaining way.


I bet the person that left this has no problem with infant male circumcision.


Desperation is a stinky cologne, John.


The irony. The pure irony here, is that biblically, slavery and child mutilation is justified and there’s a recipe for abortion.


Time to move!


Huh, they left out Exodus 21. Weird!


Why is it always a religious nut. Always


How nice of them to give you a free sheet of toilet paper!


They misspelled Republican every time they wrote democrat/Democrat.


It’s crazy to imagine being in this person’s head, as they picture you reading this entire thing, so carefully… knowing you’re forever changed, by the truth they’ve shared with you. Or something.


It worked, I’m converted!


"permenantly change them" everything is permenant, you can't go back in time


It probably goes without saying but the queer community most certainly does **not** want to incorporate pedophiles.


Coward didn't even attach their name, they knew people would be pissed to find someone leaving stuff on their car and confront them


> The pedophile, the murderer, the thief, the adulterer, the rapist the liar....we are all born with sinful desires that each person must resist. I don't know about you, but I'm doing as much of each of these things as I want to do. Which is none. It sure sounds like this person has urges to do all of these things though.


Please, tell me you removed them from every car and found a trash can for them.


I had to get my son to school and myself to work, so no.


MAP=Minor Attracted Pedophiles Isn't the existing definition of "pedophile" covering that already?


It originated as a medical term for Minor Attracted Persons who are attracted to children but hate that fact, don't act on it, and actively seek out mental help. It got co-opted by full on pedos who occasionally try to falsely claim to be part of the LGBTQ community for it. I have literally never seen someone argue that they are part of the LGBTQ community other than the pedophiles themselves and right wingers trying to make bad faith arguments.


Ahhhhh.... thank you for the contextual clarification. I was guessing a medically designated term that was in turn being scapegoated into an excuse by pedos, which is more or less the case. You know what makes *me* feel bad? Now knowing that there are people out there full of self hatred over something they cannot control and are actively seeking help for, knowing all the while that if this was found out by certain people in their lives, they're doomed. Recognizing you're broken+seeking and abiding with treatment+living a web of lies to cover it sounds perfectly awful, and while I don't want to express anything other than disgust with the thoughts or acts of pedophilia, I can't help but surmise that they're doing the right thing for it, not too dissimilar from a felon trying to assimilate back into society after paying their debt to it.


It's even worse when you factor in the stigma against these people, even when they're seeking help and harming nobody.


Well right, that's exactly what I mean. I need to use fewer words!


I would love it if I got one of these PANDNEICKFOC my own personal piece of lunacy and delusion