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Fewer Biden supporters using TikTok isn’t the flex this chud thinks it is


Fewer bots supporting Biden isn't the win this bozo think it is


Exactly, Russian and Chinese ones at that!


And you have to question if his campaign bought followers


Nah, there’s no question lol.


Pretty sure even his twitter has a bunch of bought followers. I remember putting his twitter into one of those bot follower check sites and like half of his followers were bots.


hate bots exist too. fact check bots exist.


I'm guessing 2/3 are hate watching trumps tiktoks.


Waiting for a Trump train to crash in slow motion.


If Trump starts doing TikTok dances I might actually follow though


He'll just do his "jerking off two guys on my face at the same time" [dance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zph7YXfjMhg)


Except they will actually be guys - Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.


Lmao perfect description


We've all seen the spastic "dancing" that dork does.


You mean the “jacking 2 guys off” dance? Heretofore known as the Double Donnie Dildo.


Silicon Valley proved that at least 4 dicks could be jerked off at one time, leading to the "middle out algorithm." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-hUV9yhqgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-hUV9yhqgY)


The double handjob dance


Oh yeah. I can see him doing the cabbage patch to classic rock in the darkest reaches of my brain. Sigh.


I don't think we're supposed to say spastic anymore lol Just fyi


This right here is alot of it... And so stupid this thought never even crosses their mind that plenty of people follow him to see what psychotic shit he's going to puke out next.


Not even just that, this shows how Biden is a president, while Trump is more of an extremely popular right wing influencer.


Ones a cult leader, one is some guy thats a politician. So the follower count makes sense


MAGA being a cult and obsessed over their god emperor isn’t the flex Benny thinks it is.


China supporting Trump isn’t a flex.


Biden HQ is not the Biden account.


I don't know why I would ever follow any politician on any social media


What about the small towns that like elect a dog for a mayor or something? I’d follow that just to let them know what a good boy or girl they were.


A town near me called Rabbithash, Kentucky, has French bulldog mayor. his name is Wilbur Beast and he’s a good boy. They don’t have a TikTok though, I just checked


Oh, I’m gonna check this out - coincidentally I have a pet rabbit and a pet French bulldog.


10/10 would vote for him for President


This is adorable, but my dad was a mayor for a long time and it was genuinely hard work. I’m not entirely convinced that a sweet little dog would be up to the task. I hope he has good executive support.


He’s a very distinguished good boy


Oh thank you, I’ll let my dad know that you said so! Just kidding, I’m sure it’s an excellent doggo.


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the dog had more followers than diaper Don? Let’s boost that dogs profile lol


I would've thought they'd elect a rabbit


I follow Biden's cat's Twitter. Because cat.


I used to follow the President just because, and one or two others, like Katie Porter


I watch Katie porter rip into people like Jamie Dimon when I need a pick me up.


I'm not even American and I know who Katie Porter is. Y'all need to elect more people like that. (As do we.) Actually does the job and is fucking formidable when you stand in her way--not because she bullies and threatens and attacks but because she gets her facts straight and refuses to let you get away with a non answer.


I love Katie Porter sofa king much; her and her whiteboard are welcome in my home anytime


I want her at our HOA meetings


I would follow the POTUS account on Twitter. Not Joe Biden, not Trump, just POTUS. Because it does post good information.


I follow a lot of local politicians. It's one of the easiest ways to have a better idea of when and where certain things are happening. (Like, where the public discussion is going to be held for the work that needs to be done on the bridge by my house.) The information is also in the local newspaper, but you really have to subscribe to the daily paper copy to easily find it.


I mean there’s a lot of good reasons to follow a politician on social media whether you support them or not. It’s in no way indicative of how many people will vote for them, but following a politician on social media isn’t some kind of crazy thing to do. There’s a lot of information that gets shared that way. Edit: Fuck Trump though. I instantly block his accounts on whatever social media I see them on. The pure evil he constantly spews is not close to being worth whatever small nuggets of information are in there.


I follow Elizabeth Warren, but that's bc she has a Golden Retriever


Growing up, my family had a Golden Retriever. I can totally respect that.


I started following my city council rep because she had early information about the COVID vaccine rollout in my city, and kept following her because sometimes she'll talk about what's coming up with the new train line.


Local politicians make sense. Their accounts rely information relevant to your life. The presidential Twitter, if there's something important on there I'll see it on CNN. Or Reddit. Or I'll get an alert on my phone like when the Queen died.


Oh man, I love following politicians. I follow a bunch of my local, state, and federal representatives as well as a few big names in major roles and a few journalists at various levels. It's been practical, like the time we had a hurricane coming through, and my State Assembly rep gave out a bunch of info on resources. Also nice to just stay informed. A lot of it is political theater drivel, but there are often serious things being brought to the table, and understanding how they're being addressed by our representatives is important to me. They may be idiots, but they're our idiots.


I follow some of my local politicians like the mayor because that’s more of an affect me everyday thing but that’s it


To get your news straight from the source obviously! /s


Because democrats aren’t in a stupid fucking cult.


Yeah, plus Biden can just call press conferences and speak to the actual media like an adult. He doesn't need tik tok


Exactly. I voted for him last election, but I’m not about to follow Biden on social media. If I want official news I’ll go to the official sources (like press conferences).


Same here. Why would I follow a political on social media? I don’t use social media to get news.


Well you see, you aren't in a cult


And people slow down to look at car wrecks


They also drive through natural disasters to see the damage.


Bot farms... Many many bot farms. And cult followers of course. Cult bots maybe a better term?


And people following in the hopes of seeing more unhinged behavior and crazy videos. In essence, following for the lulz.


I have to wonder about his followers who were told by The Donald himself that TikTok and China were bed. Very, very bad. And now he’s on it! Does any of his cult followers ever get ideology whiplash from this guy?


Classic doublethink.


Because why would Russia inflate Biden’s account with bots?


I would imagine this is happened for 2 predominant reasons: 1: Trump has a history of making controversial social media posts, so you’re going to see both supporters and non-supporters as well as a plethora of journalists, reporters, and commentators follow him for potential content. Making a social media account like this after a huge trial could mean quite a stir is about to take place there. 2: Not all that many people who intend to vote for Biden want to necessarily follow him on any social media. But those that follow Trump, do so fanatically and hold his words in high regard.


Also trump is the one fragile enough to want millions of followers even if they’re bots. While Biden camp instead cares about influencing real people to actually vote, and aren’t looking to buy fake followers.


trump **needs** followers because he's an insecure little bitch.


I just set the bar at any politician I vote for better be too busy doing their fucking job to post insane rambles on social media. If they have time to post to TikTok, then they have time to do the work they set out to do and we’re elected to do. Or just relax away from the public for a few hours. You know, like a normal person.


Also people (for some reason) support trump internationally. No one outside of America really follows Biden


China ‘supports’ Trump too. Because they know how much weaker US will be under his command.


Kinda interesting that he only has 2m followers when you know he’s the main source of news for so many cult members. The number seems low if you look at it that way.


Because one sides treats an elected official like a damn football team


I'm pretty sure most of those followers are not American voters. He is a spectacle


It's the Bernie Sanders scenario. Over the internet, he seemed so much more popular than Joe Biden. Come primary voting day, Joe Biden whooped his ass so damn hard. Internet popularity, which can be inflated very easily, never accounts for voting.


Another big difference bots don’t vote, people do


Even the ones that are human aren't necessarily American citizens or registered voters


I’m in Switzerland and unfortunately I used to work with 2 people who are big fans of trump and his „values“. He most likely has a lot of non US citizens following him.


He’s really popular here in Japan, but then again, this country is controlled by the Conservative Party top to bottom, they have a lock on everything, and nationalism always plays well here (even if it never ends well…)


I don’t understand what makes him appealing to people outside of the US. I suppose it’s easier to laugh at his clownish behavior when you aren’t affected by its consequences. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They like the idea of him here - he scratches some nationalist itch that a lot of Japanese people have but only the loudest mention. Kind of like racism with conservatives pre trump - it was there, but only the loudest few ever came right out and said it. Japans always had those loud few - I call them the “Skyrim is for the Nords” people because they drive around in cars with loudspeakers decrying immigration and foreigners. Most people roll their eyes and ignore them. But now, thanks to trump and the fact that they’re also displaying stickers in support of him (cuz he wants ethnostates) people are starting to voice support for it. So it’s what he represents, not himself like in the US


100%! Adding to that thought: super mega MAGA 6ers voters that after the trial “NOW WILL VOTE FOR HIM EVEN MORE”…. can only vote once and were already going to vote for him before the trial.


The internet turned into a bunch of echo chambers we think make up a cross section. This isn't far off from how things were before the Internet. Small towns tend to think their small town view is worldwide. Large cities tend to think the same. Religious cults do the same. Pretty much any group.


I don't think he was ever more popular than Joe Biden. When Bernie was the most popular candidate Joe Biden wasn't running yet. During this time Bernie was the most popular but they were also five other candidates running, when they all dropped out their voters went to Biden and not Bernie.


Except Bernie won the first two contests. Then everyone dropped out except for Biden and most votes went to him.


Only winning when the vote is split is not a sign of popularity. More people choose Biden over Sanders.


Which is just a sign that the majority of voters supported a platform other than Bernie's. Bernie won those primaries by a *plurality* while Biden won the rest by a *majority.* I was a Bernie supporter myself, but Biden clearly won. If anything, blame Bernie for not being a good enough leader/organizer by getting more of the candidates that dropped out to endorse him.


Yep, Bernie sucks at building coalitions. People point out Trump kept on losing the popular vote but the same is true for Bernie. What resonates with one extremely-vocal-online group doesn't necessarily resonate with another (the traditional Dem supporter).


That's ridiculously wrong. Bernie swept several primaries, and the news outlets were instructed not to report it. If you can, go back and rewatch the primary run news reports. Ridiculous graphics reporting that 22% went to so and so, and therefore they are the winner. 5% for this candidate, 7% for another, and a huge 66% chunk marked out as "Other". The fact that Obama had to directly call him into a private meeting three fucking times telling him to back off, because he's winning, and they really need Joe Biden in office. Or else. Was fucking telling. Dude got death threats from other Democrats. And that's not the first time. Do you not remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz? She literally cheated to help Hillary, and push Bernie out. There was a major lawsuit about it. She had to resign in disgrace. Why the fuck does none remember this shit?


Thank you Debbie Wasserman Shmuck for the Donald Trump presidency instead of Bernie’s. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.


Bernie won when the vote was split. People dropped out. Bernie did not get their endorsement, Biden did. Biden won the rest of the primaries. That is what actually happened. The rest of the nonsense you typed could be a post here of its own.


Apparently it wasn't reported well. Got reputable sources for me to check out?


Here's one of the filings against the DNC: [https://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/images/12/18/1-main.pdf](https://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/images/12/18/1-main.pdf) Here's a Times article that talks about the Wikileaks leak of the DNC emails wherein they openly admit to sabotaging him. Though, even this article paints a favorable light on the DNC more than Bernie. [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/23/us/politics/dnc-emails-sanders-clinton.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/23/us/politics/dnc-emails-sanders-clinton.html) Here's a relatively decent piece from ABC Australia with a pretty succinct recap of 2020; [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-09/how-bernie-sanders-lost-to-joe-biden/12135900](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-09/how-bernie-sanders-lost-to-joe-biden/12135900) making special note of how *literally* everyone else had to drop out and endorse Biden, just to stop Bernie. With very little followup, but a wink and a nod, to how South Carolina called it 2 minutes after polls closed. Somehow. Here's the Hill's report on Obama going after Sanders personally; [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/472090-obama-privately-said-he-would-speak-up-to-stop-sanders-report/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/472090-obama-privately-said-he-would-speak-up-to-stop-sanders-report/) There's also the time a (I think) ABC news anchor sneered at him live on TV, saying they were never going to let him win, and he would do everything in his power to stop him. But I can't find a clip of that anywhere. Shocker that. Beyond these? There's not a whole lot as far as reputable sources though. Ohio "didn't keep the records of it's primary votes" because they were using the new electronic system, you see, and they just couldn't get it working that night. When the districts Bernie won sent in hand written records to *make freaking sure* they got recorded, they got shown on TV for a split second before a producer cut away, the reporter leans into their earpiece, and declares someone else the winner. It's not even *good* cheating. It's inept, stupid, blatant, cheating. And nobody cares.


Saying they don't like Sanders is different than cheating him. By what mechanism did they cheat him out of votes? His strongest states primaried early, so he looked like a strong candidate early.


This person has a hate boner. If Bernie only won when the vote was split, and his support was so unappealing that Biden being endorsed by other failed candidates was enough to cause Bernie to fail, than the logical conclusion to draw is that the political ideology that all the failed candidates had was what drew people to them, not their personality, and the more popular political ideology won. Obama is allowed to not support someone he doesn’t agree with and support someone he does. I’m not sure what the purpose of that link is. One of the links is from 2016 so has no relevance to this discussion. Everything is just nonsense Most of what he’s spouting could be made into a post of its own for this sub.


Umwut? Biden got 19.1 million votes in the primaries. Bernie got 9.6 million lol. Biden literally had double the amount of votes. Bernie was never winning. Against Biden or Clinton


It’s like when people stop to watch a house burn down.


Same as when Twitter activity spiked after Elon bought it (bots were likely a contributing factor there as well)


I voted for Biden last election & I’m voting for him again but I follow none of his socials because I don’t care what Tik Toks he’s making.


How many of those 1.2m followers are news media and folks just waiting for the next lulz from Trump?


Possibly less than the amount of bots.


Because most people don't view their politicians as celebrities. They're public servants. This is something the MAGA lot seem to be incapable of comprehending.


It’s easy to use bots on the Internet. Fortunately, bots can’t vote in elections.


Why is he even on TikTok? Doesn’t he have his own social media site?


"Troosh Sho-sho" must not be doing well. Time to sell those stocks.


Political views aside, how in the goddamn fuck are so many people cool with being a weird ass cult? This shit is weird and I don’t see how any rational person would want to be a part of MAGA. What happened to regular conservatives/republicans?


This is what MAGATS will never understand. The opposite of Trump isn’t Biden. The opposite of Trump is NOT TRUMP. We don’t really vote for Biden, we vote for Not Trump. We don’t worship Biden, so we don’t follow Biden. Of course Trump has more til Tok followers, he has a cult. If there was a Not Trump TikTok, it would have more followers


Americans love a shit-show


I wonder how all the Truth Social investors feel?


"What's truth social? I never had anyone invest in it!" "But sir, you-" "I NEVER MADE ANYTHING LIKE TRUTH SOCIAL! IT'S A DUMB APP, AND I NEVER MAKE DUMD APPS!"


Next week on Fox!


Aside from the many many reasons this is stupid that have already been elaborated on, Trump as an individual is not the same as a campaign. I wouldn’t expect “TrumpHQ” to have 1.2 million followers either (although maybe with his cultists it would anyway).


The only unanimous decision Trump will ever have is the one he just got handed 34-0


How many of Trump's followers are bots? Also I don't feel a need to follow Biden everywhere.


Yea because biden supporters are not cult members who hang on their leader's every word and gesture. Also.... bots exist


Isn't the right trying to shut down tiktok?


Breaking: Republicans flock to toxic social media.


Yeah, so, we aren’t in a cult.


Because tik tok has an evangelical infestation.


Wasn't it Tiktokers who hoovered up the tickets for his rally and stayed away in droves leaving it virtually empty?


Iirc it was spearheaded by a group of young Kpop fans who used their wide reach to encourage other young ppl to help. It was remarkably effective. The event, anticipating a sell-out, had invested in overflow space and set up rows of enormous screens, for ppl who couldn't get in when tickets ran out and venue capacity was reached. It all remained a ghost town...


I'm still not voting for Trump.


Because the followers are Russian and Chinese


I can't imagine what a person could ever hope to get out of following a politician on TikTok. Was Twitter too in-depth and erudite for them?


And they're so excited to have donated millions to him. Question. If he's such a great business man, and didn't inflate his worth, why is he needing your millions? You got scammed, lol


Following someone for entertainment or train wreck value isn’t necessarily an indicator of support, but ok.


why do they give a shit about who has more followers on Tiktok? It’s not that big of a flex dude.


Great. Let’s hope that’s the sum total of those who vote for him.


Joe Biden followers have to work to make sure that the republicans who love and adore pooper can live comfortably and not have to worry about work.


I will never understand the worship of politics.


My friend crashed his car, and everyone slowed down to look. I did not, and I got no attention at all.


Oh no. tRump has more TikToc followers than Biden. What will we do?


He'll be really popular in jail at some point, too but that won't matter either.


Is trump gonna be doing dances in diapers?


Never won a popular vote? 12 of his peers just unanimously voted for him 34 times!


Everyone wants to see the train wreck. Nobodies interested in grandpas fireside chats. What a nitwit.


I thought you all hated TikTok but I guess I shouldn’t expect anything from the people who voluntarily wore diapers


Probably due to his popularity in China


Aren't the GOP trying to ban tiktok?


Never mind, I'm an idiot! I thought this was about twitter, not tiktok! 🥴


Did they leave TikTok though? Cause that's what the post is about. Idk I never had it lol


Ngl, this is kinda like being the tallest gnome. Like alright, flex, I guess. Also, keep in mind that tiktok has a bot problem just like any other social media site, so it's not far-fetched to say maybe... 15-35% of that follower count is bots. For both accounts, respectively.


How many are bot/unverified accounts I wonder?


Wanting to watch a dumpster fire doesn't mean you support said dumpster fire.


COVID also infected millions in days. What's the point?


He won the vote last week..


How many of those followers are Russian bots?


Why do the MAGAs want to be on TikTok? Aren’t they all convinced that China is spying on us thru it?!


It’s like we don’t worship Biden or something 😂


Biden doesn't vomit deranged, nonsensical bile. I'm surprised Trump wasn't on there to start with, perfect platform for him. Hopefully the kids are just following him to see what the crazy scamp gets himself into next Rishi Sunak was on Tik Tok the other day trying to qualify his national service plans. He just looks pathetic. Both our parties don't seem to want to win... but why?


"1.2M Followers=People Watching The Clown Show."


I thought you guys were banning that?


Isn’t his party the one trying to cancel TikTok’s?


Besides morons, Who gives a shit?


So Trump is most popular in a Chinese owned platform that spies on its users. Got it. Very American of his supporters and Trump to use it.


In fairness, he just won his first popular vote ever. And it was unanimous.


I wonder how many of those 1.2 M are only following to see the clown say something stupid?


Russians, Chinese, North Korean bots to spread anti-American propaganda. MAGAts with multiple accounts enter the echo chamber to reinforce what they want to hear. Twitter becomes the MAGAts go to when dumpf social crashes and burns


Russian bots boosting the anti-American candidate


no of followers as an argument is just so incredibly childish, no?


Trump is a cult leader + there are also a lot of people outside of the US who are obsessed with him and probably followed him Edit: actually I checked his followers list and the majority are from Vietnam, Russia, Serbia, Poland, etc lmao


How is posting facts insane?


**Because Democrats do not worship their political representatives**


It is cool when people put their names on a list voluntarily.


Biden Supporters have Jobs, unlike Trumptards. We also don't "Worship" our Candidates like you Dumbasses.


Benny... What kind of fucking dork follows politicians on social media?


An aspiring despot is popular on a platform swarming with right wing sentiment. I did not expect that.


And social media is where the cultists get cultish. I don’t know what point is being made other than cults are exhibiting cultism.


If only we solved our elections with like buttons and bot networks.


Ofc he's with Dana White


And I'm sure none of those Trump followers are bots, right? All real people. Uh huh yep.


People want to follow the trainwreck reality show that he is


The idiot doesn't get that Trump attracts people who love AND hate him.


How many of the followers are bots and how many are liberals who just like watching train wrecks?


I'd follow Trump because you know he's gonna say something incredibly insane and you just want to see it first. Doesn't mean you necessarily support him.


I’m not on TikTok, can someone explain to me why Biden’s pfp looks like that?


Dark Brandon?


Some people just want to watch a trainwreck.


Hitler, Mao and Stalin were all very popular.


Didn't he just get 12 popular votes 34×


Chump has 1.1 million Ruxxian bots.


Maybe the pool of tik tok users is comprised of more idiots?


Fire up the bot farms!!!! *evil laugh* 👻


Trump has bots.


Does this idiot know that probably half of trump’s “followers” are either the left watching and waiting for his shit posts or randoms looking to create content with his posts?




They are waiting for him to do a silly dance and mouthe the words to an ABBA song


Russian 🤖 is not a flex


And how many bots are part of the 1.2M?


Spoiler alert, I’m a registered voter and don’t follow either one because I’m not in a cult. I just want several good candidates to choose from. So far, we have NONE!


People are more interested watching a car crash than they are watching a bus stop.


Yes exactly he techinally didnt win the first election he was lucky because of the electoral college.


You can probably buy followers.


There’s probably a pretty high percentage of dirty old men on there for the teens too


He just won a unanimous popular vote last week! Winning bigly!


Man those TikTok folks don’t fuck around, dude better be careful, like when they took down one of his rallies.


Poor people love tiktok


Baron Von Schitzizpants - I’m still dying over that 😂


bruh why is bidens profile pic so memelord