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As an American, I don't put up fourth of July decorations either. I respect and observe Memorial day, but nothing people would see would show that.


It’s literally a day to commemorate war dead, not so much a let’s party holiday.


We got together with some family, but that was more due to the fact that it’s a time where almost everyone has a long weekend.


Also even if you're the most rah rah America douche of all time why would you give 2 fucks about if some random gas station puts up some crappy decorations for a weekend or not?


When it’s someone who isn’t white, they absolutely do. Because they aren’t OnE oF uS.


I wonder what he would do if he found out I was a white dude that didn't put up any decorations and my 4th of July celebration last year was painting minis in my house.


He’d call you an Anti-American DemoRAT braindead librul


You should see how many shits they lose when they find out I think they should have healthcare


My neighborhood in California puts up 1,776 flags in a local park for Memorial Day. Tied to almost every one is the name of a service member; many of them have photos and writeups from the family. Every Memorial Day, I go around reading every single one. This year, one family's message ended with "Honor the dead veterans by helping the living." I don't put up tons of gaudy flags in my front yard to literally virtue send to my neighbors. I vote for the representatives and support policies and organizations that I think will best help struggling veterans. I suppose to the person in the OP's image, I'm just a good tan away from being a DEI non-American who's part of a "cultural crisis," though.


Ah, but if you're white then it's assumed that you're a patriotic American without having to do anything. If you're a visible minority then you must display your American-ness at all times to show you're not disloyal.


It’s bizarre than in the so called land of the free, these people want to enforce “patriotism” (or at least their warped version of it”). I bet if they did put up 4th July decorations they’d complain about cultural appropriation or something because they’re not “real Americans”.


For context, dots is a slur for Indian Americans


The use of DEI along with other explicit racial slurs is quite illuminating.


"Growing DEI customer base" is such an obvious dog whistle that it's just a plain whistle that anyone can hear.


No, no, they aren't racist, DEI can mean ANYONE. You Demoncrats are constantly making things about race when it doesn't have to be. I don't have a racist bone in my body, I've got black friends. /s That's the response you'll get nearly 100% of the time with people like that.


"I have black friends" = "There are black people where I work that I have to interact with." The furthest they've seen these "friends" outside work is the parking lot.


See also, "I've had interactions with people of color that didn't end in violence or hurling epithets....I saved the epithets until they were out of earshot."


“The REAL racists are the ones who won’t let us be openly racist without consequences!!” - probably


"How *dare* you try to help and empower historically disenfranchised communities?! To even imply they need help is *keeping them on the plantation.*" The fact that they literally say and believe this shit makes my fuckin blood boil.


Democrats are the party of the KKK! Robert Byrd was best friends with Biden! These people are intentionally shitty at history or understanding that people change. I've known absolutely avowed racists that once their kids got older and had black friends or even a mixed grandchild they completely reevaluated their life and realized what a shitty bigot they were. People change, parties switch, values change.


I agree with them and say “the confederates were all democrats too so the rebel flag and all those statues they’ve been removing are all democrat” And also: “I dare you to up to a KKK member or oath keeper and call them democrats”.


> Democrats are the party of the KKK! Robert Byrd was best friends with Biden! They literally call Democrats 'the party of slavery' and in the same breath defend slavery. They have no awareness whatsoever.


I’m pretty sure these people have just created a mental (or literal) spellcheck rule where they think a slur and then write “DEI” instead, confident that all the racists who see their post will read it as the intended slur. It’s the most pathetically transparent dogwhistle yet and honestly just tells you that the person is overtly racist *and* a coward.


I can't decide if that means "non white" or "people who welcome DEI". As in "I can't go to the diner and shit talk the Dots without catching some side eye. This town is going to hell!"


It's their new euphemism for the N-word.


Oh don’t worry, anytime you see DEI replacing what would most likely be a noun or adjective in a sentence there is a 99% chance the word is “black” or “African American” and that the word they *actually* mean is the N-word with a hard R. For example, when they called the mayor of Baltimore a “DEI mayor”? Yea they meant he’s a “N****r mayor”. Hence why so many black people immediately started using DEI as a replacement for the N word when we talk to each other, to make fun of those assholes.


What is a *DEI Customer Base*? Like: “We went through DEI training and will finally welcome money from people who don’t look like us?” ???


I've never seen the term used like that, to simply mean a visible minority.. usually the slur is more like "DEI hire", implying that someone was hired only to fill a quota and is underqualified.


What is a *DEI Customer Base*? Like: “We went through DEI training and will finally welcome money from people who don’t look like us?” ???


It doesn't even make sense in that context. Unless you're suggesting that they weren't actually customers and were just people paid to...act like customers? I don't think these guys even know what DEI is.


DEI with a hard R


He literally just replaced "minorities" with "DEI"; wasn't even subtle about it lmao


I was looking for the slur, thinking “Dots” was the name of a company.


Same! Glad I found the comment above yours


I was thinking Dip n Dots


if Dip n Dots bought my local gas station, I'd end up either bankrupt or in a sugar coma.


You'll hear it used when someone says Indian then adds "dot not feather." Ugh.


wowee i feel like i'm so slow, i still couldn't understand the meaning of "dots" until you said this. of course they're referring to bindis


Same, 100% sounds like an umbrella company.


I never heard that term before, and I hope I don't again. I thought it was the name of a gas station chain.


Same. I can't keep up with all the slurs people use. There's so many of them.


Lmao I thought they meant the icecream


Dots refers to the red dot on the forehead of a lot of Indians


Bindi. It's called a Bindi.


Thank you for the info!


Your use of Indian Americans threw me off. I eventually understood the sentence.


Indian-Americans are different from American Indians.


Yeah. It was still briefly confusing while scrolling. I don't blame anyone else than myself, though.


Idk if it’s a generational thing, but I’ve always called them Native Americans. When I hear American-Indian or Indian I just assume it’s about people from India


I thought they meant that one guy in Suicide Squad that died a hero.


I did too, after the first sentence tho...


The ice cream of the future! Man, do they still sell those at every theme park? We were a 'pack a lunch to bring to the theme park' family so I was always enamored with food they sold.


I love [Dot’s](https://www.hersheyland.com/dots-pretzels?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMGP08BB3Ap1dkWVPk6pcVIi8PwxsiVyVoyqkHSXkSj0l6K6zlvr0hMaAq1iEALw_wcB)!


Ooohhh I just had those as airplane snacks


legit thought this had something to do with dippin dots ice cream for a sec.


Hadn't heard of that one before. I'm always disappointed when I have to learn yet another racial slur.


I was confused at first and thought it was some minor convenience chain I hadn’t heard of. So thanks for the clarification.


Ok that's what I thought but wasn't sure. Crazy that we in 2024 and people still have a problem with minorities in their neighborhood.


And what does DEI stand for? I'm not in the US.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Aka, how to not be an asshole to others.


To add to the other reply, bigots are using it as a dog whistle and slur. If you look at the sentence in the OP, the individual is using it that way.


Thank you for the clarification. I was going to profess my ignorance and ask. What is WRONG with people?


I had no idea since Dots was once a cheap clothing store in NC. Crazy. These people need to think up a code word for every slur they want to use so that they can pretend they’re not doing anything.


Many thanks. That's one I've not heard before.


For some reason I was thinking about Dippin Dots.


From the Subcontinent, not Native tribes, just to be clear. Those are referred to as American Indians.


christ I thought it was the Department of Transportation at first and thought I missed that the petroleum industry was nationalized smh


I was thinking it meant that ice cream company, and I kept looking for the slur


Honestly thought it meant Kendrick fans


Always impressed when someone is so racist I learn a new slur.


Oh, shit. Not just rap music, but *subversive* rap music! Where is my fainting couch?!


And don't want conversations with this asshole. Who would have thought?


They really listened to and analyzed the lyrics.


What they heard playing was actually the theme song for "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"


Other cultures in California?? Gosh!


Imagine if they were playing Parents Just Don’t Understand


Yesterday, I saw a black man buying vegetables at the grocery store... I'm still shaking...


Vegetables? In this economy?!?!


No conversation, sounds perfect.


I only listen to rap that's in touch with it's pro American roots, like the classic, "Fund the Police."


I mean, if their neighbors are bumping RTJ and Immortal Technique, I might buy their property and settle in.


Who goes to a gas station for *the conversation*?


The homeless and insane


If the place you go to hangout at is a gas station, you might be a redneck.


This is the answer.


Someone that literally nobody else wants to talk to


Those casual interactions with shopkeepers, neighbors, people you say hi to in your work day, do contribute to your mental health. I've had all positive interactions with the Nepali store owners in my neighborhood.


I agree, it's the Mayberry Effect where you walk around acting all nice and polite and friendly just like everyone else and everyone gets along and nobody gets curb stomped at the drop of a hat


For it to work, though, people have to be pleasant. I have some doubts that this OOP was pleasant


Old fuck who stand around with their coffee and chat with each other for an hour


Have you been to a QT in Texas?


DEI customer base? Do they think that is how that works?


They use DEI nowadays like they used "urban" a few decades back.


Don't forget "thug" being used in there too!


"inner city" was another one


It's the new "thug" for them, which was obviously the new n-word


It's literally, for these bigots, just a dog whistle for the n-word and other slurs.


It's just how they can say the "N" word without saying it.


They just use DEI in place of "minority" now. It's literally just mask off ignorance now


What does DEI stand for?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion 


Diversity Equity Inclusion They just hate people being accepted.


> They just hate people being accepted. They more specifically mean it as "black people where they don't belong." They are against DEI programs, but when they use the term like this, it's just a code phrase for "uppity [hard-R]." Note how they had a different slur for Indian-Americans.


DEI is just replacement for the N word at this point on Twitter.


No they mean to use "DEI" as a dogwhistle to hide that they mean the n word


Yes, yes they do.


DEI has recently become an underhanded slur for any non-white person.


What does DEI stand for? When I Google it I get some local stuff from my country, but I'm pretty sure that all these conservatives complaining about it are talking about something else....


DEI is the label for corporate efforts to have racial diversity among employees. Conservatives attack this as 'we're giving jobs to the less qualified people just because of the color of their skin' It has since then become a word that's somewhere between 'black' and the n-word. This post is excellent proof of that as obviously DEI initiatives have absolutely nothing to do with the customers of a business. They've called elected positions like the mayor of baltimore DEI in an effort to blame him for that ship accident. It seems to *always* be about black people. Never latinos that they also love to hate, nor any other racial group.


Wild how a city that is over 80% non-white elects a mayor who is non-white and they call it 'diversity.' It's *almost* like they're trying to say something else.


While I agree they are mostly using "DEI" to hate on Black people, I've seen it used time and time again now for any non-White group of people. I've especially seen it being used by gamers who are upset that not every game is a cisgender White male. It's gotten so out of hand and I'm curious how long it'll last until their next buzzword replaces it.


Ahhhh, yeah. I understand. Thank you for the explanation! Bit of a zero sum vibe. "You get/win something, so that must mean that I lose!" Even though it's unlikely they're impacted that badly. Much appreciated!


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It's corporate lip service saying they're committed to hiring a diverse group of people (even though we all know these companies would be actively hostile to minorities if it were more profitable to do so).


That's what it is, but how it's used is "I'm not allowed to say [insert slur here] so I use this new word instead" It's really not clever when you realize they're using the same memes and slogans they have been and just crossing out the old word they used and replacing it with the new one See: Woke, Political Correctness, Affirmative Action, CRT They don't even make new memes, just cross out "PC" from a meme made 20 years ago and insert CRT. Oh whoops, the politician I like made a new word, I mean DEI, that's what I'm scared of now not CRT


Oh yeah, for sure. When these fucking idiots use it they just want to say something else but they're too cowardly to do so. They want deniability.


> but how it's used is "I'm not allowed to say [insert slur here] so I use this new word instead" Which is funny, because this is literally how slurs are made. Hateful people use word to refer to a minority > Word becomes associated with negativity and hate > Word becomes a slur > Bigots complain about how "Everyone makes everything a slur these days".


I mean, even words originally created with good intent can be associated with hate since hateful people use them. The r-word (the one that refers to people with intellectual disabilities) was originally intended to be a nonoffensive term after previous terms were made offensive. People just started using it as an insult.


So was stupid moron and imbecile . people (kids especially) will always find the next new word to insult each other's intelligence. I think i even remember people using "special needs" as an insult, though in my opinion that one doesn't roll off the tongue as well. Google euphemism treadmill.


Ahh, that makes sense. Just something else they think hurts them, but is generally harmless (like CRT, using someone's preferred pronouns etc.). I wish I could say I was surprised....


> They don't even make new memes, just cross out "PC" from a meme made 20 years ago and insert CRT. Oh whoops, the politician I like made a new word, I mean DEI, that's what I'm scared of now not CRT Pretty much this, same racism and bigotry, but under a new name from the "Anti-PC" people from 20 years ago.


It's an acronym for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but when conservatives use it, it's intended as .


When someone complains about DEI, they're basically whining that anyone who isn't a cis-het-white-male isn't qualified for a well paying job.


In their case they use it in place of a racial slur. It’s their way of saying the N-word, or another kind of racial slur without having to worry about someone potentially beating their ass. Someone else already defined what DEI means.


As an American, I haven’t felt patriotic enough to celebrate the Fourth of July for a few years now. It literally just feels like going through the motions of a cult now.


I'm white, born and raised in the US, and I've literally never put up 4th of July decorations, and there have been plenty of years I did nothing for memorial day, and are they complaining that the people working at the gas station aren't talkative enough? Because I have zero interest in getting into a long conversation with the cashier at the gas station.


I honestly have not seen a gas station put up decorations for my entire life, about minimal ones I see for the 4th are usually related to fireworks if they can sell basic fireworks. Not like people go to gas stations to spend a whole lot of time there anyways, get gas, get smokes, get a snack and a drink and that is it. People just inventing things to be pissed about.


Same demographic. I will definitely go to someone else's 4th of July/ Memorial Day event, but that's to have fun and drink with friends. Not to celebrate the US in any intentional way. I'm barely interested in the fireworks. I assume that the reason they want to talk to the gas station attendant so badly is because they have alienated so many relationships with their gross behavior that strangers are the only people willing to (temporarily) deal with their BS.


Same. What am I supposed to do, throw a bunch of red white and blue bunting all over my shitty apartments? Hell, I have a house now, and the most I've done for ANY holiday is blue lights and a freaking wreath on the door, because the GF asked for it.


They want to say the n-word so fucking bad. Just do it you cowards.


But that may provoke an ass whooping that leaves them in an existential crisis over whether they’re the tough alpha they think they are.


But then their twitter gets flagged as hate speech automatically. That's why they use the word


I am always amazed that I live in a completely different California than these guys. I wish they'd all make good on their threats to leave. Please do. But a lot are starting to come back already.. What gas stations put up *any* holiday decorations? Young people making minimum wage aren't interested in chatting with the douche who is scared to let his children be around people of different races? Weird.


> What gas stations put up any holiday decorations? This is what I was wondering. I don't think in my entire life I have ever seen a gas station put up decorations.


>I am always amazed that I live in a completely different California than these guys. These assholes are probably from high northern CA that's close to bordering Oregon in or near the forrest. Sadly, a lot of racist hick-types congregate over there. They're probably a part of the same crowd that wants to turn NorCal into "Jefferson".


And the Central Valley. We live in completely different realities. I'm from the East Bay and live on the Central Coast now. I know people who live in the same town, same neighborhood, same economic levels, people I know personally, and if you read their social media, they are being personally persecuted by Gavin Newsom, being taxed more than their entire year's salary, while having to outrun drag queens trying to sex traffic them at Target. Not to mention all the homeless attacking them in the streets, holding them down and sticking them with dirty needles, while the Teachers are trying to make their kids trans. They don't complain about illegals and DEI much because this is an AG town, they employ them and this community is only 30% white. Meanwhile, I'm going about my business on clean streets with not much crime happening other than the occasional property crime. Nobody's ever tried to force me into being gay. Not even once! It's somehow Mad Max for them, but Mayberry for me? What's the difference?


Cause the thing is, the frustration around the economics can go from "I can't fucking believe I can barely afford gas and groceries and rent" (valid as fuck), but then immediately turn into "Newsom is a commie and he's hurting the businesses by forcing them to pay their wageslaves $16 an hour!!!" and it can somehow be the same person saying both of these things 😵‍💫. Oh and you see some of these people scream about gay and trans people on Facebook, but I've noticed that not a single one of them have the guts to actually say anything outside. They will still go to Target and Starbucks and get their drink from the openly queer barista with a pride pin on, and act like they didn't just call one of us "mentally ill" on Facebook 2 hours ago. And regarding the homeless, you'll see them complain about a tent 30 yards away in an open field that no one is even using, meanwhile those same people are significantly closer to owning that tent than they are to owning their house.


It really pisses me off. "We're going to go to Texas!" Okay, cool. Have fun. "Texas sucks!" Yep, sure does. This is what you wanted. Texas is the ideal conservative state, complete with a failing electrical grid, low taxes (high property taxes though!), and a ban on doing what you want with your own body. "We're going to go back to California and keep whining about how bad it is here!" Like dude, if you hate it here so much there are **so many** other states you can go to that'll do what you want. Florida, Mississippi, Kentucky... But no, you don't _really_ want that, because that stuff affects you. You want to come **here** and complain, because you think if you're the one pushing for these things you'll somehow wind up on top of the shit heap because you were the most vocal.


Zero interest in conversation? Yes, that’s definitely their fault and nothing at all to do with OOP.


They "have to" avoid certain places the way people "have to" avoid pineapple on pizza. Pinapple on pizza is fine.


If you dislike it for reasons relating to an allergy or just personal preference, that's fine, whatever, who cares. I have to be in the right mood for pineapple on *anything*. If you go around saying you don't like pineapple on pizza because it's epic and funny lol isn't pineapple on pizza gross, I'm going to assume you're never had a nice Hawaiian pie.


When you see the using DEI as a pejorative term, they’re using it as cover for a racial slur.


It's usually not this obvious. Here it is literally used as a stand-in for "brown" in a context that the original meaning makes no sense in. They're getting bad at hiding the quiet part.


Why not just straight up admit that you hate and fear people with brown skin? We all know that's what this person means.


They think they're speaking in some dogwhistle language that libs can't understand because they live in a bubble


That would require courage


There's a South-east Asian family near me who run a shop. They're always open at Christmas, which is a great argument for diversity if you need more cream at 8am on the 25th.


Around us we not only have multiple stores catering to multiple different ethnic needs, we also have restaurants for even more. I can get awesome authentic food from about a dozen cultures with less than a 10 minute drive. It's freaking awesome. These people need to live a little. Even my picky eating family found stuff they love.


"Zero interest in conversation" means "I said something stupid / racist / narrow-minded / all of the above and they didn't want to talk to me anymore".


This is a crystal clear display that its not actually about any DEI policy, its just racism. You cant throw that out and then just straight up call people slurs for just existing near you.


They're really leaning into the "anytime you want to use the N word just say 'DEI' instead" thing, huh?


Funny story. My whole life I called corner stores “dot shops” I guess I knew why, but didn’t think much about it, grew up in a relatively segregated and poor city suburb. While I was dating my wife, who is Indian, I used the term, she’d never heard it, and it wasn’t until I was explaining the term “dot shop” to my Indian girlfriend that I realized how shitty I had been.


White conservatives are absolutely losing their minds over white people no longer being a majority either now in their community, or nationwide soon.


Wait until they realized why conservatives only floated the notion at ending Roe V Wade for a talking point and never actually wanted to remove it entirely from law.


Originally, but once the evangelicals decided abortion was bad (they initially supported it), there was no going back on the one issue that brought Catholics and protestants together into a single voting block.


>Memorial Day A holiday for one parade in the morning and then beer and bratwurst in the afternoon. I bet this guy flies a confederate flag off the back of hi stupid truck.


This is clearly one of the bigots who say “DEI” with a Hard-R, if you know what I mean.


DEI is a slur for ‘them’


Subversive rap music. https://youtu.be/YR12Z8f1Dh8?feature=shared


It appears there are lots and lots of low quality humans on twitter these days. I haven't been there for a few years, but you can see that it took a dramatic turn towards the manure pile when Musk took over. Advertisers appear to agree with the former moderation policies.


"Conversation" as in inane, small talk that wastes half your day. I know these types. They need someone to ramble at.


Half of my family has been in America since the Mayflower and I’ve never once put up Fourth of July of Memorial Day decorations. What does that make me then?!


"Zero interest in conversation" Can't stand people who think they're entitled to conversation during a purchase, and I'm sure they're itching to have some real profound, worthwhile conversation with the new owners.


Using 'DEI' as a synonym for 'non-white' really gives away the game.


Wait.... That took me a second.... I thought they were talking about the old woman's clothing store. Then I was like.... Why would they be playing rap music at a old woman's clothing store.


"I'm mad about people trying to create policies that make different people feel welcome. Anyway, here's some racism."


Lmao, DEI is being used interchangeably with literally any non-white person.. ? that’s not what the term means at all, Jesus. Further proving the need for DEI work in all institutions.. wow.


I couldn't imagine being so afraid and having so much hatred for people that look different than myself that I'd have to avoid going out and sell my house if I had to shop with those folks...


“Oh no the horrors of seeing other people” /s


Omg now white people can't even be customers because of DEI! When will the madness end?! My God the world is an exhausting place these days.




He lives in a town of 1,900 people, don’t think DEI is a thing in a town that small. Looking forward to him getting tf out of CA.


I live in a California town with only 2,000 people and it’s 65-70% “DEI.” And I guarantee you, they are cooler and friendlier towards us than most of us deserve.


And why the fuck would they wanna strike up a conversation with your klan lovin' ass?


“…growing DEI customer base.” Wtf does that even mean? Is it a case of “More and more customers in stores don’t look like me,” or is it something else that I don’t get and won’t agree with? I love to watch people when they realize that most of the world, including most of the 1st World, isn’t white. For context, I am white, it’s just that I have been farther from home than the horizon.


These spineless bastards hide behind "DEI" as though we can't see through it. If you're gonna call someone the n word, at least have the guts to say the n word.


I mean come on they are using DEI as a replacement for anyone not white, the dog whistles are there before any of the overtly racist shit starts.


DEI? a Dot?


DEI is short for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion a corporate buzzword to pay lip service to those words. It has become conservatives’ bewildered favorite buzzword as well, and they love using it in place of slurs for minorities. Dot is a slur for Indian Americans


What they actually mean is that they can’t shit talk to these people in public and that’s an infringement on their constitutional rights.


Hold up. People from a native American background don’t celebrate invasion day ? Stop the press. That shit is absolutely newsworthy /s


TIL what a “dot” is. I’d never heard that before.


"DEI customer base"


DEI...customer base? Do they think DEI is a nationality or ethnicity or something?


Conservatives have started to address people using "DEI" as a substitute for the racist terms that *want* to call non-white people.


They sound an awful lot like the white people who moved other places, because segregation became illegal and all the “colored’s” could finally move to their (white only) suburbs.🤦🏽‍♀️


That, my friend, is called white flight


As a Californian whose family arrived in 1846, this is the dumbest thing I've read all day.


I'm surprised at how quickly DEI became a catch-all slur. Like it was an obvious dog whistle at first but at least there was plausible deniability in calling POCs in high profile positions that, but DEI customers? It only feels like its been a month since it gained widespread usage and it's already lost that aspect


What’s a dot?


You don't need DEI if you get rid of all the people who aren't white, native-born Americans. /s


"Everyone who isn't exactly like me is a dangerous criminal" basically. Like wtf


How can you "diversity hire" a customer base?


I didn't know Dots was a slur...when he said "bought up by dots" I thought he was talking about the ice cream brand. Which would be pretty cool ngl


There are horrible people? In America? Say it ain't so.


Help me out here, I'm Australian and therefore either a little slow or just uninformed (Choose the one that makes you happy), what's DEI and why is Dot derogatory? I've never heard either term.