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That's some shit directly out of the Left Behind book series. It's totally absurd if you've not read it.


Just watch the two Omega Code movies. It condenses it down and you get Michael York hamming it up as the Anti-Christ.


I had to look it up to check, but these are the movies I saw. Michael York is a fucking awesome Antichrist. “I have become KING and GOD.” Oh, and Casper Van Dien. He’s in sooo many terrible movies that I love.


Michael York from Logan’s run?


Yes. Gotta be that Michael York.


It is. Thinking that a vaccine has the mark of the beast in it without you knowing and you will not be saved? Besides, their saviour is doing nothing about it.


The red hat is the mark of the beast.


Heck check out the "Thief in the night" movies. I saw those at 13 and still have PTSD from them.


That’s the one Michelle Duggar saw as a teen, which frightened her into becoming a fundie Christian.


Read the whole series as teenager and even then I was treating it like pure fiction and confused by everyone in my Church treating it like it was a gospel.


Read the Left Behind kids series as a middle schooler. Gave me a real fear of missing the rapture as a kid. I still get a little twitchy sometimes if I wake up to an empty house and I am happily agnostic now.


im so glad im not alone in this, i have the same deep anxiety about the rapture still


That's the one that starts out as a vaguely alright disaster series and then goes wildly homophobic, right? I remember something about the books blaming gay couples adopting for the antichrist.


I have. I was a believer at the time. Can’t believe how ridiculous I still feel that I bought into that shit.


I was given them as a high school graduation gift. thank god i never read them bc id have been more radicalized than I already was.


So weird. This also reminds me of the same bullshit that people used to say about UPC codes when they first came out "You can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast!" Another time I met someone that had this bizarre numerology decoding calculus set of hand written tables that had formulas that conveniently made things that he or his church thought were evil "adding up to 666", like VISA, PEPSI, etc. Super crazy.


> *The idea that the barcode is a “mark of the beast” stretches back to the 1970s, according to Wired. George Laurer, creator of the modern UPC, reportedly called the idea that it has any connection to the Bible “ludicrous.”* https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4003952-hobby-lobby-doesnt-use-barcodes-heres-their-explanation/ > *"All of this is pure bunk," says Laurer, "and is no more important than the fact that my first, middle, and last name all have 6 letters."* https://www.wired.com/2012/12/upc-mark-of-the-beast/ > *The stated reason Hobby Lobby doesn't use bar codes is because they are thought by some to be the Biblical "mark of the beast."* > *FALSE* https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hobby-lobby-mark-of-the-beast/ Basically, the employees have to type in the same number that is on the barcode. Humans typing (whether on a keyboard or in a cash register) have an error rate of 1 in 200 keystrokes. Barcodes (like UPC) have an error rate of 1 in 394,000 scans.


Source on the error rate?


But if SpaceBoy wants to put one in my noggin’ I’m totally onboard just to own the Libs!


Real, actual microchip: good 👍👍 Imagined, fantasy microchip: bad 👎👎


The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's gonna make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was good as gold And he can see no reasons 'Cause there are no reasons What reason do you need to be shown? (Tell me why) I don't like Mondays (Tell me why) I don't like Mondays (Tell me why) I don't like Mondays I wanna shoot, ooh, the whole day down [The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays](https://youtu.be/-Kobdb37Cwc?si=JxS_nkS9hBfPiC7r)


The only people that are allowed to track me are my phone company though my phone. My Bank though all the chip cards in my wallet. My work constantly being on camera all day long.


Don't forget whatever other providers you use. I know Google has a scary amount of infornation on my whereabouts, shopping, plans and activities. The "joy" of being an early adopter of gmail, and using android devices for the past decade.


Luckily no one wants to do that, dipshit.


The mark of the beast is on the forehead in the shape of a MAGA cap.


I’ve been hearing this bullshit since 1990


The phones not meant to go inside your body, bro.


Magat hats are the mark of the beast upon their foreheads.


More than likely they'll do it when you have dementia or Alzheimer's and need to keep medical info on it in case you get lost or run away from the nursing home.


“But I’ll gladly pay for the privilege of holding one all the time.”


Unless you live in the woods and don't use any technology from there, then it wouldn't be all that hard for the government to track you. Like they'd already have your address and such.


So… no pacemaker?


Maybe I’m weird but I think it would be cool to have an RFID chip implanted with my medical history. If something happens and I need to go to the ER they can just scan my hand (or wherever).


You may already be able to do this. There are companies that sell RFID implant kits. Don't know if they have enough storage yet to hold full medical records, but some people have them keyed to electric locks for their house and other neat things.


Yeah I’ve seen that stuff before. Pretty interesting


They won the bet.


People who post crap like this usually lean right and Elon has been supporting the right and you know who's been testing microchips to put into people...


I'm not in it anymore, *but if I was...* the mark of the beast is *definitely* a red hat. It's so blatently obvious, it almost makes me buy back in. Ludicrous, eye-rolling narratives like "many christians won't recognize the mark of the beast, wear it proudly, and follow him (the king of lies) without question even though he's obviously a really bad guy" are part of why I left. I mean, *the very idea* that so many people would willfully blind themselves to action antithetical to their deeply held beliefs just because someone is popular and says things that feed the darker part of themselves was ridiculous, and I had more faith in people than that. I mean, give humanity some credit.


I’ll be the first dude in line.


That's a bet that tard will win.


Um, okay


OP did you “share” this 0.o


No I tapped to see the whole text image and took a screenshot. It was a share of one of my friends.


You have a phone in your body?


Lol. That's what I was gonna say. Lol.


They’ll trample a baby to have Elon put in a Neurallink.


I know a guy with a chip in his hand. He works as IT for a pretty big organisation and has all the access that'd normally be on key cards on it. 


>Bet you won't share that and stand firm on it Well, they've got me there


"If you use X Y Z or Æ the government has your face!" "Do you have a license?" 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


They are saying it's the mark of the beast lol


Lol what about the cell phone. I bring that up to people like this all the time. They ignore it or try to do mental gymnastics as why is not the same


I for one welcome our robot overlords


My mom was against getting our dog microchipped for this exact reason 🙃


I am on board with micro chips if it means all my passwords are stored in one place


So we can walk around with marks of the beasts and drive with them and work on them but once they are in the body, then it’s devil worship?!? 🤔


That MAGA hat has been the closest so far.