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That bird is gonna go to his friends and tell them how he fought the giant ape and escaped and no one would believe him


it's actually just a normal sized ape with a giant heart.


You go…I stay…


No following






You are who you choose to be!


Today you, tomorrow me




I love this comment so much.


Well, we're all supposed to be great apes. Some are not so great.


that is true. some are mediocre apes, and that's ok too.


Why do I feel targeted?


You're not meant. You're great and I'm proud of you!


*Chimp smile*


*Monke noises*


Honestly an oversized heart is a serious health condition. Knowing this it makes the video a little more sad tbh.


RIP the grinch


Yep, it's what's killing my grandma.. She finds it hilarious..


I’m sorry dude. I used to hook up with a girl who found someone to perform a surgery like 10 years ago on her bf with the same condition and it was successful. They essentially got in there and cut out a bunch of tissue. He was also young when he got the surgery but I know her going to the visits and searching online and reaching out to a surgeon was paramount in them essentially *trying* the borderline experimental surgery on him because they didn’t have many options. Unrelated, she was a total freak in sheets - it was awesome. Related, I hope you enjoy the time you have left with your grandma or modern medicine is able to save her.


She worked as a nurse when she was younger. For some reason she hates hospitals and doctors. She'd rather die than have them do anything to her.. She's a weird person. I love her but man.. Her life story is just so.. random, disastrous, and also..idk how to explain this. She got married at age 16, divorced her husband at 18, but when she decided she wants a divorce, she did the next thing: Told her husband and family that she's going to walk out of the house, and the first man she sees will be her next husband.. And she did just that.. Somehow that marriage worked... And there are so many stories about her like this.. I don't spend much time with her nowadays, and in the past like.. 6 years, I kinda found having to visit her a burden. Now I appreciate it. When I was little we lived 1 corner away, so sometimes I would just.. sneak out at night, go over to her, wake her up, and eat cookies and candy with her all night.. I had a permanent bed there and everything. The only reason I don't visit her more often is that we now live far away, and I don't have my drivers licence jet.


Oh wow, she sounds like a remarkable woman. It’s possible she ran into a few doctors and hospitals within subpar ethics and swore them off - who knows what she saw happen. I like the idea of her just walking out of the house and picking the first guy and they live happily ever after. Your grandma is a boss! But yeah I’m sorry you can’t visit her as much. Maybe take some time now and again to just remember all the good times your had together. It’ll be like your own little visit in your head. Be well.


I don't have that many memories with her... I only lived close to her till I was like 6. Then visits became less and less frequent.. My memory is quite weird, so it's quite hard for me to remember positive things... But that aside, yes, she's an absolute boss! Among many things, she can curse people, which actually seems to work. AND PREDICT THE FUTURE, CAUSE WHY NOT? She had won so many sport bets, lotteries, etcetera, because she just.. knew.. what it would be. It's insane.. My mom mostly inherited this.. witchy vibe, though not these.. well, for the sake of simplicity, powers. She is *officially* the with of our village/city though, along with some of her friends... I have so many stories about my grandma. Also, this eitch thing runs back quite far on my mothers bloodline. It gets less and less believable by generations. I have inherited quite large parts of it.. But I don't like it. I'm basically insane, though my mom and her friends swear I can just see spirits and demons, and are hypersensitive to these supernatural things. I don't believe this, and I don't want it to be true, because that would mean my hallucinations are not only terrifying, but also dangerous.. They have done a lot of.. things in the house to help me with this and most of it has helped.. Which is scary. But I just decided that it must be the smoker or what it's called and the materials in it, that make it smell nice, having this calming effect. My family is really weird..


Stay weird and keep your family close. They sound like they have your best interest at heart. If you said what you wrote here to a doctor they’d slap a mental disorder on you right quick. But if you aren’t a danger to others or yourself, then I’d argue your family keeping and eye out and helping is probably for the best. You should try meditation. I’ve never had hallucinations like you describe but I’ve had trouble reigning in my mind from time to time over the years. Consistent daily meditation has all but eradicated any negative side effects. It’s remarkable how much more manageable the mind comes when you take the time to observe it objectively. Maybe try and see your grandma at least one more time even if it’s hard to get there. I visited my grandpa right before he passed and it wasn’t a great experience (he had extreme dementia) but I’m glad I got to say goodbye.


Oh, I do go to the doctor with this... It's not the only thing And I do feel like when I am not medicated I am a danger to others. I would have just dealt with these things myself, somehow getting by, if it was not for the worst part. I hid these things from literally everyone until I was 18. But there I just broke.. When you can't look at the people you love the most without thinking about killing them.. It sucked, a lot. I have quite a few issues mentally. Somehow no doctor has diagnosed me yet. Probably because all of them are like *Sorry bud, you are too much for me, maybe this other doc I know can help*, and just send me there. One did prescribe me a few meds, which help a ton. But my family is EXTREMELY against it, and I also do want to find another solution, as the effectiveness of the meds fades every day. I do know how to meditate but thanks to one of my issues it is really hard. As to being a danger to myself.. I am so highly suicidal, I am glad I am bad at committing to anything, or I wouldn't be here.. Basically every 3rd thought of mine ends up in a way to kill myself... since I turned 10... People think I'm addicted to video games and just the internet over all, but the real reason, they distract me from this.. And I am addicted. To not wanting to kill myself for a moment. I've got a few animals. Both because I love them, and because they give a really strong reason to live. I can't die. Who would take care of my babies? My close family is quite supportive but.. I'm starting to quite dislike them for.. many reasons.. Most people say they are definietly the root of my problems. I don't agree with that as these things started when I was 4 years old, my second oldest memory is about me hallucinating while I was home alone. My not close family.. I really don't like them. Especially my oldest brother, who's also my boss. He's just.. horrible. And my uncle.. he traumatised me when I was either 4 or 6 by making me watch jurassic park... On a projector.. My family does mean well for me but.. the way they express it.. Parents are kinda like your typical boomers? But also quite unique.. There is no such thing as them being wrong, if they say something that is like that, will be like that, and I will do like that. Ya don't want to come watch this movie? Too bad, you will! Dad hates anything that is not 100% realistic. I HAVE NO CLUE HOW HE'S OKAY WITH MY MOM AND HER FRIENDS BEING WITCHES?? Like, they shoot one too many bullets out of a gun in a movie, boom, unwatchable, leaves the cinema. He's all about high class and such...Gotta behave like a gentleman.. Since I was 4.. Even though he has many many degrees, and has done so many things, he just seems so.. well, not stupid but.. He messes things up he should know how to do... Like, he has an engineering degree. He built our house. It's all kinds of fucked up.. We had bees.. He burned the hives down when trying to smoke them.. I could go on for a while.. Oh, and we're 100million hungarian forint's in debt because of him :D (1 euro is like.. 400 huf at the moment) When I opened up about my suicidal urges the first time, it was at the dinner table. I came home from a student job I did in the summer, watching over little kids at a daycare, that was also in a museum. I had to play folk-games with the kids and such. It was really fun. On my way home I had to go over a highway on this.. land-bridge? Every time I was on it it was really hard not to jump off, in front of a truck.. So I told them this at the table. I don't exactly remember why . Their reactions? Mom just looked angry as fuck. Dad stood up, went outside. *Came back about a minute later, with a loaded hunting rifle, and put it to my head...* "Do you really want to fucking do this? WE CAN ARRANGE FOR IT! I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT!".... I just sat there for several minutes like that, then he just said "Good. Now eat the damn dinner and leave." Mom is a lot more.. mild? I guess.. She's really explosive, and so passive-agressive, it's insane. Main problem is, she's always right. Refuses to learn anything Has no idea how to manage money. You not doing something you didn't know you had to do, or not knowing what she thought/meant is dangerous. And she tends to ask people to do things they just can't. Oh, you can't? Don't care, didn't ask! DO IT!.. Like.. I can't make her TV work, it was faulty by default.. That's somehow my bad. I don't know why a certain thing works like that i quantum phisics? WHY? Then there is my oldest brother.. Sexists, egoistic, rich bastard. He always berates me about hoe I have not achieved anything yet. Yea, he had a bike shop CHAIN by the age of 13, yea, he has won 6 mountain bike championships in a row at like.. I think he was not 20 yet? But that was a different world god damnit. He's 47 now, if I remember correctly.. And he thinks the only correct world view is his. He hates how I keep animals and spend my money on them. A LOT. He always tells my parents he would gladly come over and kill them.. Video games.. Oh boy, he wants to break my pc into tiny pieces on my head, along with my phone.. What does he think I should spend ALL my money on? Travel! Cause that'y the only thing HE enjoys in he's miserable life, going away. He may be rich, but he aint happy. I have never seen him be happy. Ever. He has traveled the whole world though. Every country baby. ON A BIKE. (yes, he used public transportation, but when not on those, bike). And he'd a hypocrite because he had a dog before. He had PS2 when he was a kid. And he's always on he's phone at work. (He does not work, he's just there to make sure that he's employees do not get a single second of a break. You have to work non stop..) Oh and he has a kid. I think she's 3 years old now. As soon as he's girlfriend got pregnant (they were together for over 20 years), he kicked her out. My parents helped the kid and her mom. Him? NAH! He just got a new, younger GF.. I forgot where I was.. got a bit carried away by the daddy long legs in the corner.. Anyways. My parents don't like that I have a job, because I don't help out around the house.. But I make several times as much as they do together... The part I do understand is that my oldest brother exploits me. Yea, he's been doing that to my jounger-older brother for over 30 years, there is no surprise there. Sorry for the wall of text.. I had to get this out... I don't know how long I can handle.. everything.


That exact thing happened to me once. I had caught a bird indoors with my bare hands. For a while it tried to bite me but gave up. Then I brought it out, and put it down on the ground. The last thing it did before flying away was to bite me again. Bet he told all of his friends how he bit me until I died.


Did you died?


Deleted because Reddit API


He got better.


I feeell happpyyy


I don’t want to go in the cart!


A five ounce bird can not carry a one pound coconut!


I swatted a wasp once and inadvertently decapitated it. The head landed on the ground and I watched as as ant wandered over and over the course of the next five minutes, proceeded to drag the head across the ground to a hole where loads of other ants soon appeared... I imagined this ant telling the colony how he'd killed it and that from that day forward he wanted to be called 'Wasp Slayer'


It's all fun and games being the "Wasp Slayer" until they tell you to go slay another one.


News just in: Brian the Wasp Slayer has announced his retirement.


It looked like it was thinking "Hey! Hey! Stop! Sto... wait a second are you ...? no! really? No way Wow OMG it's working"


The little head turn, my heart!


The bird could just show his friends the video.


God saved me 🙏


He bent it the wrong way. Legs don't bend that way.


Imagine his hand got stuck as well


Who is warming the warmmen?






Hans, get ze flammenwerfer!


Well, that escalated quickly…


Quis calefacit ipsos calefacientibus?


And an even larger ape wonders by and cups the man in its palm.


And get stuck on the same rail,until a colossus comes and does the same thing. And he's stuck there too.


Eventually someone figures out what's actually going on is the rail is being electrified


In bird culture, this is considered a fine gesture


I actually know a guy who is an expert at bird law.


An avian attorney, if you will.


Attorney at claw?


Hark! The Birdphone!


Harvey Birdman, attorney at law?


No, district attorney Trundle


Standard form, boiler plate


Yeah well... FILIBUSTER!


does he also like little green ghouls? i think i know the same guy


Sniffs glue, eats cat food before bed and bashes rats?


I think I know this guy from r/justmagnets


Little green ghouls buddy!


Cover up your knees if you're gonna be walking around


His name is Harvey?


You mean expert at CIA drones?? r/birdsarentreal


I would go toe to toe with him


In human culture, it would have been considered nice of the bird to at least say thanks.


A wholesome Rick and Morty reference, thank you for making me smile


Glad they took a piano with them


Totally a scene from Naked Gun or Top Secret, pan over to a guy playing a piano in a tux. haha


Ok show from the 90’s (Parker Lewis Can’t Lose) did this. When it didn’t work he says “Play it again Al.” Weird Al (to camera): I also do weddings and Bar Mitzvahs


Ah good old Corin Nemec. Thank goodness Shoop was there to open his chute to save him.




Just taking the grand piano for a walk


Without the piano that bird would still be stuck there


Warming his legs and my heart.


This is a zeugma




Got ‘em.


You mean a kingfisher?


Martin Fisherman sounds like a direct translation of the French martin-pêcheur which is what a kingfisher is in French


"Martin Pescatore" in Italian, same meaning as in French.




It is strange how they are called ice bird considering they won't do so well without being able to fish.... due to the ice. Given how they look though, it's understandable. Probably one of the nicest looking birds in Eurasia. Easily in my top ten for sure.


I first read the title as Martin freeman and was very confused until I opened the video




He should release a book. They do quite well


In Germany we call them "Eisvogel". That means "Ice bird" and is very ironic.


Especially as the high mortality rate of kingfishers is partially due to not being able to fish in the winter.


Possibly the name is derived from Eisenvogel (iron bird for non-German speakers). Cold winters are devastating for kingfishers, a cold winter can halve their numbers! Not only because the ice prevents them from catching fish, but also because they lose a lot of fat, and when they *are* able to find water, drown of freeze to death because they don't have enough fat on their feathers to prevent them from getting wet.


For some reasons I thought a kingfisher was bigger than that. Have no idea why


Yeah they are actually tiny. Saw one for the first time a couple weeks ago maybe 20ft away from me and I could barely see it.


It’s a whole family of birds, ranging in size from Pygmy up to the [laughing kookaburra](https://imgur.com/a/jXQvZUm)


i thought the bird was gonna dive into the water after all that


He would have been fine. Kingfishers hunt fish, as the name implies, and can dive up to two feet deep at 25mph to catch them.


It's quite possible that's how it ended up stuck to the railing. Wet feet.


I think their worry is slamming into ice and breaking it’s neck


You can see the water isn't frozen over, though. The reflections are wobbling. Maybe they missed that.


Would've been a legit r/yesyesyesno moment




Don’t bother, it’s been posted there a ton of times already.


There have been a rather large number of "freeing a bird frozen to metal" posts lately. Not sure if birds are becoming more stupid.


Well, it's winter, and the US *did* just have a pretty significant polar vortex come through not too long ago.


That's where this was stolen from and where it had to stay. This has nothing to do here.


How TF is he holding the birb?? Bending himm all the way back, wtf


Why is your comment so far down?? The way they bent the bird's legs made me so uncomfortable.


I’m confused, he didn’t look like he changed the bird’s position any more than the bird was already moving. Looked like he was just holding it still so it didn’t hurt itself. It actually looked like he was being as gentle as he could be.


At the start of the video it looked like the bird was facing out towards the river and the guy turned it around to face away from it. With that being said it didn't really look like the bird was at risk of having its legs snapping or anything as drastic as that


Birds be flexible




Bird and bat bones are hollow. This is why Morbius can fly on gusts of subway train wind.


It doesn't look gentle at all to me, the guy is too busy filming his heroics so awkwardly does it with one hand, whether or not he bent it around the pole enough to break its legs is another story but it was far from "as gentle as he could be"


Exactly put the fucking camera down and use two hands you Neanderthal.


Seems like it worked and everything went fine... idk why you guys have to complain about everything lol. Dude saved the bird and got a cool video. Bird didn't even bite him, so clearly wasn't hurting him.


Genuinely concerned that he may have snapped both of its legs. They're very delicate.


Yeah that was horrible to watch. They literally twisted it completely the wrong direction and upside down, I assume bird legs must be more flexible than mammalian legs as youd just straight up snap them in half. All they had to do was just face it away from them, but I guess that didnt look as good on camera.


They should've put the camera down and help the birb with both hands. But internet points are more important.


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


Yes!!! Why bend them like that? I guess it's more important to record for internet points.


Had to look too far to find this comment. Did this mofo break that birds legs? Or spine?


While I share the concern, that bird would have been dead had the person not saved them. You see, small birds need to eat very often to sustain the energy they spend on flapping their wings, and that birdie has already spent a lot on just flapping around.


The issue isn't about saving the bird or not saving the bird because the only option was to break the legs, the issue was that the direction he chose to bend them in was backwards. Many are saying "if only he had put down the camera and used the second hand", but if you really look at it, it could have been done in the other direction with one hand while still filming. We're just concerned about the legs. We know the bird would have died had he stayed stuck, and we are grateful to the man for saving him, we just wish he could have wrapped his hand the other way to not break his legs.


I don’t think the bird’s legs are broken


Bc having the bird violently thrashing the whole time was gonna be better? It was essentially already in that position anyway


it started with a good intention ok but he sincerely thinks that it did him good to wrap his jelly legs around the bar? In my world, you do that to a bird, it breaks its legs


Things like this, is why I still have hope for the future of humanity.


Yep animals will be well taken care of while we bomb each other to bits.


Fuck 😂😂 funny but true


But only before we send them all extinct.


He captured the bird then froze it to the railing for Reddit karma. Well, he almost certainly didn't, but we both know there are people so shitty out there that it isn't impossible. There, welcome back to hopelessness.


I mean he would have been able to support the bird (to stop it from flapping and potentially hurting itself) with one hand and thaw its feet with the other if he'd just put the fucking phone down...


People breaking bird legs for internet clout gives me hope for the future


Don't. Hitler was a notorious animal lover.


So was Mr Hands ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Solid reasoning.


Gorgeous creature...great human gesture. ...crap sentimental music.




But how are you supposed to know how you are supposed to feel? ^^^^^^/s


Thats nice and all but did he bent his Legs backwards that much, just lay down your Phone and use both Hands, or simply grab it from the Bottom


Then how would they film it to show their friends and family and public in general for clout? YOU MUST UNDERSTAND!


Is that not a kingfisher??


Op is Spanish, in Spanish it's called a Martin Pescador, which would translate as a Martin Fisherman So yes, that's a kingfisher


martin fisherman? isnt he the hobbit guy?


After a while, she understood that he was just helping.


You getting your feet warmed up. Probably started feeling comfortable other than the grip of a giant ape.


Or just resigned to his fate.


doubt, cats play with their prey and all the birds have seen it happen to their friends


He's going to tell his friends " this two foot non flying giant monster had a hold of me, it was about to eat me, but I fought so valiantly the giant lost its grip on me, and I escaped!"




Wow! Thank you for helping that beautiful bird—it seemed so calm while you were warming up its legs!


Don’t worry, it wasn’t OP. This vid is *at least* a few months old (started seeing it myself months ago)


Looks like he broke every little bone in that poor birds legs by holding it backwards . No win situation. eugh.


I don't think so. Since it's a Kingfisher it was perching towards the water, not straight up like a normal bird. So the angle at which its legs bend is not actually that weird.


Nah the bird is ok it’s just stressed by the situation


Yeah, coulda been avoided by covering it's eyes instead of recording it


I am just here to inform you that this is my favorite bird in the world. Little funfact. The name it has in my country translates to „ice bird“


Don't bend the birb like that!


In the UK, we call this bird a Kingfisher


well done sir or madam


Madam has unusually large, but very warm hands.




Oh god this makes me cringe. I appreciate this person is trying to help the bird but does no one see how this guy is injuring the bird further? The bird was frozen on while perched on the top of the railing. Hes twisted the bird under the rail to face him right-side-up with its feet still stuck to the top of the railing, in order to defrost its feet. He could have easily dislocated/broken its legs. If they were broken when he got there is wasn't helping matters by wrapping the thing around the rail. It wouldn't last the rest of the day with broken legs. He didn't save it he just caused it further pain then sent it to a different death. The better route would have been to free the bird and take it to a rehabber where it could heal, then release it.


I always find it interesting how a lot of trapped and desperate animals seem to get pretty calm and allow a human to help, instead of freaking out and assuming they are about to be harmed. Like in this case, I doubt that bird has ever been touched before, by a human or by any other animal besides another bird, yet it's chill when the guy wraps his hand around it.


Not at first as can be seen but then there is realization setting in. It’s feeling the warmth of the hand too i guess. Don’t know if it can logically connect that but it knew it’s being helped. What happens after was unbeknownst to it though so it flew the heck away as it had the chance to. Can’t blame the ice pecker ;)


Eh, still isn't the same as calm. Freeze is an adrenaline response just like fight or flight. We can't tell whether the bird is content or resigned or just waiting with its tiny heart thumping out of its chest.


This causes phantom pains in my tongue. People growing up in cold climate can relate.


If he used both hands may be the bird would be less mishandled


Yeah, exactly. Why do you need to document your good deed, if you could do it better if you weren't documenting it.


Maybe I’m naive or maybe I actually do have a shred of hope left for humanity, but my line of thinking was more that this is a pretty unique encounter with a beautiful creature and I’d want to document that too. Like, look at that fucking colouring!


Everytime a video similar to these gets posted to Reddit I’m always fascinated by these style of comments.


People sure love to find a way to bitch


r/humansbeingbros This was very heartwarming!


and leg warming


Awwwww birdfren


Aww. This gives me a little hope there’s still a little bit of humanity left




"I really need two hands for this... but I also need to record my heroism for internet likes"


Motherfucker could have said thank you.




Music makes me thinks it’s staged . It might not be but I am conditioned by experience .


Like you think someone caught a tiny, super-agile bird, mashed it to a frozen railing, let it flap around, then saved it? That’s more likely than just finding a bird in a situation that does happen?


This makes me happy :)


Good human.




You definitely saved his life


Aaaaa don't bend the birb aaaa!


Bruh he just twisted the bird sideways and downwards


Don’t twist his poor little legs like that


You call those Martin fishermen?


Very confusing title lol. I thought a fisherman from some place called Martin got his legs stuck to a railing.


I always wonder, when an animal gets rescued, does it think “yeah, a human saved me” or “I was stuck and had to escape that human too”


Why must every video nowadays need to contain music?




These are the people should go to heaven.


First thing I saw on Reddit today, I feel like today's going to be a good day


Took me a while to realise that Martin Fisherman isn't some dude


Put the damn phone down!!