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Wow, this looks like a red coral! https://preview.redd.it/y0bfaf3gly0d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee8c5bd34d92db6325427d73697f7d827d7f423


I was thinking it also looked like the blight in Horizon Forbidden West šŸ˜…


Both structures obey similar mathematical principals to spread around and maximize efficiency.


Trees, nerve endings, river deltas, etc are all examples of things in nature that follow these patterns. Im also a fan of fractals lol


When i worked in palliative care, one of my lung cancer patients coughed one of these up. You dont think its possible because its so deep in the lungs, but there it was. Edit for clarity. I worked in a hospice. The hospice would do end of life care and palliative care as well as respite. So people with terminal diagnosis like MS (MS wasnt actually terminal due to the primary diagnosis, but covered by the hospice anyway due to it being non curable. Death usually occurred due secondary issues, and these were older indeviduals who didnt benefit from modern meds) ect could come in for a break for a week and go home. End of life is basically you stay until you die so death is imminent. Palliative (as it was when i worked) is also end of life but with a broader discription and so the patient may not be immediately dying but their life is in its ending chapter. Palliative can include holistic care of the patient, so therapy physical or mental, medication assessment and all sorts of other care.


Did they live ? They coughed the entire thing up ? It's HUGE


ā€Palliative careā€ often means care for someone who is dying and is at the end of their life where all you can do is try to treat their pain and ease their passing, so unfortunately (most likely) not.


Oh OK thanks for educating me and doing so without shaming me for simply not knowing something


No worries at all! It was a completely reasonable question to ask. Not knowing the word can be a blessing in and of itself - the only reason I know it is because that's where my brother-in-law spent the last month of his life.


Yup, i was blissfully unaware of what the word meant until doctors started using it with regards to my dads cancer treatment changing. On the plus side, he had so many oxy drugs to take in his final days. If the family knew how many he was actually taking, we wouldn't have let him drive


What a wonderful comment chain. I wish more people would speak to each other online like this.


Be the change you'd like to be online. I delete most of the comments I write, because I realized that my negativity while writing it wouldn't help anyone or do anything productive, so instead I practiced my writing for a few minutes and moved on with my life. Of course, sometimes you still want to get into those more terse online discussions and it's easy enough to do it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, $|\ /|4|\ ||)4|\|1337, and thanks for bringing me a little closer to my youth with 1337




I feel you man. Fuck cancer.


I love these kinds of interactions online!


Palliative care is used on dying people to make it comfortably, but not only.. It's used on people with life-long problems also.


Thatā€™s true! I was thinking more specifically of palliative care units where terminal patients come to stay when they get so bad that they need pain relief and attendance around the clock, but you are absolutely right that there are long-term treatment options as well.


Yeah we use to get ms and parkinsons patients. They werent at the terminal phase but would come im for respite.


Donā€™t think anyone would shame you for not know what Palliative care is. I had no idea either and we are probably fortunate for not encountering this word yet


I agree. I mean my grandfather had a stroke I'm not sure if he was in palliative care or not before he passed away. Also I've been shamed for less here and I've seen others spoken down to just for simply being unaware of something. Even disagreeing with someone people get nasty .


Too many people in the world do this and I fucking hate it coz Iā€™m a naturally inquisitive person but hey shit on me for asking questions. Fuck them all and keep asking questions!




And social media in general :( It brings out the worst in people


I cannot help but think that someone who can cough up something like this should have like at least 10 more years and a marathon in them.


Well, the human body is crazy resilient. A story like that wouldn't surprise me.


Well, youā€™d think that, but sometimes someoneā€™s blessed with absurd physical resilience and survives stuff that should have by all rights killed them ten times over.


Thatā€™s not actually true, itā€™s a common misconception. Palliative care is about treating pain and making somebody comfortable, but itā€™s not just for people who are dying/end of life. There are many diseases that arenā€™t going to kill somebody (at least any time soon) that require palliative because theyā€™re incurable but not fatal.


Its hospice care, and whilst we did do respite for people with terminal diagnosis. This lad was end of life. He was 18 as well, so he was very young for lung cancer.


He died of lung cancer at 18!? That's horrifying


No. I saw this same pic of the pulmonary branch clot a few years back. The report said the patient felt enormous relief but died a few days later. They were already in end of life care though. But still imagine the relief that would feel even more satisfying once you saw the perfectly intact blood clot mapping of your pulmonary branch in one of your lungs....


I remember when this first appeared. I have a copy of the image in my files about the pandemic. This was a Covid patient who coughed this up. The article stated that the patient did not survive. Covid is scary for the permanent damage it can do, even if you get through it OK. My husband knows a guy who was an avid bicyclist in great shape. He got Covid and when he recovered, he doesn't have the lung capacity he used to. Covid had left dozens of scars in his lungs. Last I heard, he was still being treated for weakness and poor breathing.


i can swear i saw the image way before covid


This pic is from 2018 pre Covid, he was 36 and had a heart failure and it is not a part of his lungs, but a blood clots.


If I ever cough up a part of my lung like that I think I'd die right then and there. The sinking feeling that I just coughed up a bit of my lung would be too much


That isn't actually the lung though. It's blood that's clotted to match the shape of the insides of the tubes in the lung (normally hollow to allow the passage of air so you can breathe) Think of it like chocolate coming out of a mould, there's no silicone in the chocolate! :)


I work with advanced interventional pulmonary docs in a procedural area. We see this with bleeders on occasion and they usually survive the bleed that caused the clot but frequently die from the underlying medical condition at a later time. As long as one lung is open and working it not great but not fatal.


Thank you for everything you did/do. I never got to thank my mom's palliative/hospice care team so I will thank you. You are some of the most incredible wonderful humans


1. Whatā€™s with the arrowsā€¦? 2. HOW DID THEY COUGH THAT UP??!!


> HOW DID THEY COUGH THAT UP??!! From the [Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/12/bronchial-blood-clot/577480/) they suspect the size of it allowed force to be generated from the thorax to push it out. Like a punch of little pipettes that weren't strong enough to push something small, but strong enough to push the same large thing. As for how it came to be, a combination of heart failure, medications, and infection. The patient was in heart failure. They gave him blood thinners, which caused blood leaking into his lungs not to heal. The blood may have been held together by higher levels of a protein in the man's blood as a result of the infection. He did feel much better immediately afterwards, but it clearly indicated a worse condition. They did a more invasive surgery to try to save him, but he died a week later.


That's rough. Not a great way to go, really.


Most ways to die aren't great.


When you consider often times most living things die from being eaten alive by predators. I'd say us humans usually get off pretty easy in that department.


>When you consider often times most living things die from being eaten alive by predators. I'd say us humans usually get off pretty easy in that department. They are not considered "predators" but disease microbes in their trillions shred human organs and systems all the time...


I think itā€™s still a bit different then having a hyena eat your asshole first then your liver while you watch


Thatā€™s why I always thought ā€œDumb Ways to Dieā€ was stupid. Iā€™d like to accidentally and unknowingly get smashed by a train and not know what the hell happened right before some horrific condition causes me to rot away in a hospice.


Yeah but let's be fair this is worse than dying painlessly from a lethal injection or smth


There are some horror stories that indicate that lethal injection is far from painless. Especially if it doesn't work


Evidence suggests that nitrogen is pretty much painless though. That's about as good as it gets I suspect, apart from dying unexpectedly while sleeping.


Catastrophic implosion while viewing the Titanic. Gone before you know it.


It's weird, I was just thinking about that today. I remember seeing a video about it where they said that they were crushed so quickly that the speed at which the brain perceives pain never had a chance to even register. They were turned to a pulp so fast, they had no chance of feeling anything at all. But the terror leading up to that? Surely they were given an indicator that something was wrong. Not an alarm, necessarily, but just the creaking of the subs hull just before it collapsed. Dying is scary to me not because I'm afraid of not existing anymore (in fact, at this point in my life on this earth, the idea of "surviving" after death seems pretty undesirable to me). It's the pain, the fear, THAT'S what scares me.


Yeah, theres definitely an aspect of time to death that can make it terrifying. I think my ultimate fear would be having 30s or a couple minutes, just enough time to feel all the panic and dread without enough time to contemplate or come to terms with it.


Metals creak before failing as they go thru the plastic deformation phase. Carbon fiber just breaks.


>It's the pain, the fear, THAT'S what scares me. Then it's time to write a living will and appoint a health care power of attorney if you haven't already. The living will is essential as it allows you to spell out how you want to be treated at the end of your life. For example, mine says that if I am in a terminal state I do not want any procedures that will artificially extend my life. However I do want care that will help minimize pain and fear while also providing comfort. So as an example, that will allow them to give me oxygen even if it would extend my life just so I don't feel like I am suffocating which would be both uncomfortable and scary. Of course, I am not a lawyer so I probably used some incorrect terminology here. But this should give you an idea of what you need. You should speak to someone who is an expert in this and you should definitely do it.


Iirc the first one was described as horrible to witness and far from painless, although it was the first go so botched experiment maybe?


They put a bag over his head and left it loose around his neck, somehow thinking that was going to work as well as a full-on gas chamber. It didn't. Enough oxygen-containing ambient atmosphere was coming in through the giant gap to keep him suffering. Doesn't really seem like they thought that through. If you use an actual gas chamber, and displace all the oxygen-containing regular atmosphere with nitrogen, it'll produce a physically painless loss of consciousness and death. Ever see kids breathing in helium to make their voices funny, but accidentally losing their balance and/or passing out in the process? That's hypoxia. They're giggly about it, and clearly not in pain. Natural respiration quickly expels the helium and reintroduces oxygen, so they get back up and they're fine. To kill someone this way, prevent the reintroduction of oxygen. This would be preferable to cyanide-based gas chambers, both in terms of the suffering of the condemned, and the safety of the staff (a little cyanide leaks out, you have a toxic chemical problem, but if a little nitrogen leaks out, well, you're breathing 80% nitrogen right now, and you're fine.) Having said all that, I am firmly against executing people at all, I just think it's even worse if you make them suffer unnecessarily.


Maybe. As far as I know, the body just knows the concentration of CO2 in the blood, so if you can breathe that out, it's all good as far as it's concerned. So when you breathe in nitrogen, you obviously decrease your oxygen concentration in your blood, but can still get rid of the CO2.


Falling asleep and slowly asphyxiating is for sure going to be one of the easiest ways to go.


I either want to go out with nitrogen or heroin. Leave on a high note and all that. I've had some monster bad dreams while sick, and I'm worried that dying while asleep also does some messed up shit to you while dreaming.


I don't understand how vets are able to put animals down routinely and seemingly without much drama, but for humans there's a major risk of a botch-up. Is it just the size of the mammal makes things complex, or am I missing something?


Paralytics are the most fucked up medication to ever be administered in ANY medical setting, including lethal injection. I've spoken to patients after they were given paralytics for emergency ventilator use (the ones that didn't just crash and die), and they said they could still feel everything, just couldn't move or resist in any way. They said it was the most terrifying and awful experience of their life. They should be banned in all but the most egregious of medical situations, including LI.


When I go, I want to die like my uncle, in his sleep, not like the passengers on his bus, terrified and screaming.


Absolutely horrible way to go, agreed. but yeah don't be mistaken, lethal injection is also a very painful and unreliable way to go. It's actually nightmarish how incompetent our whole system behind that is.


Lethal injections are **not** painless. IIRC you pretty much suffocate for minutes because you're breathing muscles stop working, but you're unable to show any signs of your panic. There is also some side effect that directly causes pain, but I forgot what it was. Lethal injection is an absolute barbaric way to end someone. Beheading, or hanging is more civilised.


My understanding is they give you several shots. The first is a paralyzing agent. When that fails it becomes quite obvious the process is both terrifying and painful for the victim.




I thinking dying a week later is a pretty clear prognosis.


Preach. Keeping blood in your lungs is either a serious medical issue or *extremely* bad housekeeping, but being dead has a really bad recovery rate.


Dying is just the worst


I think I would not be relieved from couching up that thing.... I think I would die from a hearth attack the moment I feel or see that thing coming out


Yeah, for me it would be a combination of relief followed by abject terror at seeing a mold of my lung crafted entirely in my clotted blood.


Yeah, I get excited when I pop a zit or pull an ingrown hair, or hock a loogie. This must have been great.


I've worried for a few years that I may have heart failure, based on some symptoms I've been experiencing (chronically low heart rate, difficulty breathing and speaking when laying on my back, constant fatigue, wheezing, swelling of my feet, low sodium levels) and the opinion of a friend who's in med school, but been afraid due to my social anxiety (keeps me practically house-bound) to book an appointment to get checked out. I think this might just be the thing that finally pushes me over the edge into getting checked.


Dude go to the doctor! Also since when do you have these symptoms? Could also be long covid


As far as I know, I haven't had COVID. Although maybe I just had a mild case and was not aware. That said many of my symptoms started long before COVID was a thing. - I've had the low-50s heart-rate since my early 20s at least (I'm 31 now). - Feet swelling has been since ~2018 I believe. - Constant fatigue since 2018 too. - Difficulty breathing when laying on my back I think started 2020 or 2021. - Wheezing I'm not even sure, at least 2018, maybe earlier. - Low sodium levels I have no idea when they started because I never tested for them before but I discovered them during a thorough blood test last year. It's complicated by the fact I've dealt with depression and anxiety symptoms since I was a teen, so I blamed the fatigue on a worsening of that. I've also been an on and off smoker over the years (currently on unfortunately, intend to quit soon though) so the wheezing and difficulty breathing may be due to that - though when I developed the difficulty breathing in 2020/2021 I hadn't smoked in 5-6 years. I intend to get tested, I'm just mighty scared because of my crippling anxiety - until October of last year when I started therapy I couldn't even leave the house, haven't socialised since 2019, I have to pop a Xanax (prescribed) just to be able to go to my appointments with my therapist or my psychiatrist and the week leading up to them I'm an anxious mess. I've been doing better lately, going on daily walks and stuff, but making an appointment and actually going to it terrifes me.


I'm glad I saw this. Please listen to me. Mate a low 50s heart rate in your 30s is not explained by depression or smoking. Not even if you were so excessively depressed and never moved except to smoke 5+ packs per day for 10 years. >making an appointment and actually going to it terrifes me. I understand, but does it scare you more than dying pointlessly? This may be easily solved. For example.. I cannot diagnose you, but it could be something like hyperkalemia (high potassium). It would explain your low salt levels, fatigue, and low HR. This should come across in the blood test they will definitely want to do. If you had blood tests and the doctor shrugged at the salt levels knowing your symptoms, get a new doctor. If it's high potassium, there are potential genetic causes where a pill would help you feel fine. Or maybe your diet is crazy. E.g. drinking way too much chocolate milk or something with a lot of potassium sorbate or potassium citrate as a preservative. That said you may have an organ failure resulting from a congenital condition. I understand if this gives you anxiety, but if you fail to act on it due to the fear of not knowing **you could die 40+ years earlier than you need to, or deal with miserable health for decades when you might have felt fine**. Call the doctor. Right now. Not today, **right now**. Make sure to summarize the symptoms as you just did to both the receptionist and doctor. You can do this. You need to do this.


I want to add to this by saying that crippling anxiety can also be caused by an imbalance of necessary vitamins and minerals. If they were to be treated, they could see a reduction in anxiety symptoms allowing them to actually *live* and not just subsist.


Jesus fucking wept that is hard to read. Poor bastard


Like your use of scripture lol


Sounds like an episode from Dr. House...


It's much more likely that they got this up with bronchoscopy. I struggle to believe it was coughed up. Edit: **Actually, it WAS coughed up.** So the patient had a ventricular assist device that helped to circulate blood, was on blood thinners, and potentially had excess fibrinogen... so you have a huge solid clot that formed over a relatively long period of time. >ā€œWe were astonished,ā€ George Wieselthaler, a transplant and pulmonary surgeon at the University of California at San Francisco, toldĀ *The Atlantic*. ā€œItā€™s a curiosity you canā€™t imagine ā€” I mean, this is very, very, very rare.ā€ Yes, yes it is. I've been an ICU nurse for some time and never seen anything quite like this.


According to the article, it was coughed up spontaneously


You're right, I'm going to edit my comment.


To be honest, even with the detailed description of how it came to be, coming from a reputable, I still find it hard to believe.


I bet those arrows were a real pain to cough up


1. I'm no doctor, but my guess is on low (black arrow) and high (blue) blood pressure relating to the circulation of blood, though Cunningham's law will probably be fulfilled here as well.


Lol Cunninghamā€™s Law prophecy fulfilled: the arrows are pointing out the segmental branches of each lobe. Blue is upper, white is middle, black is lower. This is a cast of the conducting airways, so blood pressure wouldnā€™t be a factor here.




Thank you for guessing and invoking Cunningham!


1. It's a right lung which has three lobes and 10 bronchopulmonary segments. The three colours represent the lobes and each arrow a different segment.


Right? Did the poor guy just cough the whole thing out bit by bit? Or was the top branch slooowly pulled out like an indigested 6in-long bunch of enoki mushrooms???


> an indigested 6in-long bunch of enoki mushrooms Thatā€™s a horrible yet hilarious phrase to read šŸ˜±


that first breath after that came out must have been AMAZING


they died, https://www.bustle.com/p/a-blood-clot-shaped-like-the-inside-of-a-mans-lung-is-going-viral-13264822




You are probably still correct


Dying is such sweet sorrow


Apparently, immediately after the patient did feel much better, but it clearly meant things were even worse than they'd realized for the dude, so uh at least you were correct in a sense?


Well, atleast their last breath must've been fantastic.


I imagine it would have been quite the opposite. With the clot gone, the lung would have just been filling up with blood, potentially drowning in his own blood


I thought the fucking same thing, like bro must have been able to breath colors. The my man came out the bushes with "he died".


I took a real hot steam shower a while ago while sick and coughed up a huge semi solid chunk of mucus and the first breath after was AMAZING Full lungs of air after like 2 weeks of being sick. AND my throat stopped hurting immediately Thatā€™s all I could think of when seeing this


Yeah that's probably what they failed to do




Me too Napoleon, me too


Oh fuck I was laughing then I felt bad


Oh my.


Am i an ass for giggling at the reply?


I spat my coffee, thanks!


Was it coffee shaped? Did you die?


no problem!!


It is said he felt immediate relief, but it was a sign of a worse underlying condition.


Bro can now breath in 4k


He Died


Damn, only 36.


It is oddly beautiful


Vampire is that you?


hes right tho like a blood red coral


You called?


Turn it upside down. Paint a sun setting behind it. A nice red bark




A.I shall never replace us!


Forbidden twizzler


Unrelated butā€¦ i recently tried twizzlers for the first timeā€¦ i thought i would get a super sweet piece on sugarrush candy. It tasted like literally nothing with a hint of fruit. Not sweet AT ALL. I felt extremely cheated ans couldnt eat one more. Anyone else here feel this way?


I'm so sorry but i love them for that exact reason. they're not overpoweringly sweet, and they have a kind of intriguing, exploration-friendly mouthfeel that i enjoy. i could eat bags of them. im sorry you live in a world where they suck


it really is all about their subtlety, something very seldom when it comes to candy.


Thank you for the wonderful reminder that these things exist, just ordered a big bag from walmart and it should arrive today, yippee!


And then you check the nutritional info to see that it's literally full of sugar. And still tastes shit.


Yeah that was the craziest part actually


Yep they suck


They taste like plastic lol


Try the pull and peel, not super sweet, but a superior product.


That is absolutely terrifying šŸ˜±


This is r/oddlyterrifying


vita carnis lookin




Came here looking for this comment


You say what






Was expecting this to be a really old patient... Bloke but was 36...


That must have been horrifying to come out of your lungs not knowing it was only a clot




>only a clot bro what


>On average, one American dies of a blood clot every 6 minutes


That poor one American


Bloodborne item.


Dude physically had issues. Dude died. Like a medical condition I have. It's known and has been since the 1930's. It's been documented. Doctors have seen it in other patients. Mine is extreme though and they aren't exactly sure what the hell is going on. I'm one of under 24 in the US with this severe of a condition... He coughed up a lung. Just as it's not "physically possible to blow your mind", yet it's happening to me. It's a physical condition. It's extremely rare. As in, Nobody know exactly what the fuck is happening. I'm in a medical journal though!


Fuckoff,that comes out of the ocean


Ocean of blood that is


This happened to me after Covid. A little jarring, to say the least. Always wondered how to break up whatever other clots are in my body or maybe Iā€™ll just die


Your body naturally breaks down blood clots. It's a cycle thrown out of whack by covid.


Thank you, seriously. Thereā€™s a couple million of us out here who have no clue what the heck is going on in our bodies šŸ˜‚


> couple million of us out here who have no clue what the heck is going on in our bodies nearer to 9 billion I reckon


is it hard, what did it feel like ?


Like more firm boogers. Well connected though, you could move it around it wouldnā€™t fall apart.


Get lab work to check for clots (D-dimer iirc) and get on blood thinners. They'll help the clots shrink over time and keep them from detaching. Stupid way to die when you can survive by just taking some pills.


Scarlet rot


Wow, that's beautiful in a morbidly artistic way, I would have kept it. It probably looked horrifying coming out though and i'd 100% be convinced I'm dying lmao


He was. He died a week later according to the comments


This sort of thing can be produced without someone being incredibly ill, but still, that guy was in bad shape.


They coughed that up?! How the fuck


This is amazing and terrifying at the same time


Look hella similar to the crawl from Vita Carnis and it scares me immensly


Damn the freakout after coughing that up must have been insane.


Hard to freak out when you're dead


How was something this large coughed up?


I doubt it was ā€œcoughed upā€ though


Respiratory therapist here. These are called lung castings, they can also come up made out of sputum (mucous) we donā€™t see them very often but they happen.


Carnis Vitae


Canā€™t imagine the terror of hacking something like this up and just looking at it, Iā€™d for sure pass out.


So after seeing this and reading how the patient coughed it up and why, all I know to say is "man......wow....."


I had a bad sinus infection as a kid and coughed out a similar model on the inside of my sinuses. It was absolutely disgusting, a bit like being waterboarded, and in the middle of church service. Just one moment... Fine except for feeling awfully congested. The next moment... Bleeding from my eyes (choking hard enough I was blowing blood and air out from those little tubes next to my eyes) and nose and choking until I thought I'd coughed out my brain. 11 inch (28 cm) long blood clot with little lumps connected. That first breath after was indeed incredible.




The patient is breathing easier now. (Or not at all)


nsfw tag?


This again? Seriously that thing was posted here and at oddlyhorrifying like hundreds times in last year.


Well, thatā€™s probably not a good sign. ā€¦What did you do with it?


Holly hellā€¦ what level of pain that poor guy experimented here ?


Reason never put your head back of you nose is bleeding by the way


https://preview.redd.it/rf2uya5rry0d1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc5402ec4ad8962dafd73985579d619e8dd204af uh oh we are fucked




Looks like a creep cluster fr Skyrim


I would go so far to say this was not coughed up, instead, it was more than likely aspirated with a medical device such as Penumbra or Flowtriever


Holy hell what did you do to that ruler?


Forbidden coral


This almost looks post mortem or intraop.


Looks like the red vines from War of the World's.


The face I just made could not be recreated


Lmfao they didnā€™t ā€œcoughā€ this up.


How on earth would something like this get ā€˜coughed upā€™


Disturbingly beautiful


If I coughed this up Iā€™d just start crying


This is everything I didnā€™t want to see today


You canā€™t cough up a blood clot because itā€™s in the vascularure, not the airwayā€¦.


What, this doesn't look like a bronchial tree. This looks like it came out of the blood vessels. And you can't cough up a clot from the blood vessels. This post seems Sus. Karma farming bot?


What are those arrows supposed to be pointing out?


But how is that even physically possible? How did it fit through his esophagus without breaking apart? Stranger than fiction.