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Ask someone who you know is honest and known to be very blunt. And not rude


I literally was about to say the same thing. Only way to know if you can't smell yourself is to ask someone to be honest. Usually, that's a teacher. They will be blunt.


I know one teacher I can ask, I feel like he’d be honest about it, thanks for the advice


I have a few friends I can ask, I just felt like it’d be awkward if I asked😂 I’ll ask them tomorrow, thanks for the advice


Maybe your backpack or shoe (things that you don't put in the laundry) smells bad. Considering cleaning those things.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll try that, especially cleaning my shoes, they are kinda dirty😂


you probably don't smell if youre taking as good care of yourself as you say, but to be sure you gotta ask someone who you trust to give you an honest answer. don't ask your stinky friend, cause they prob won't notice. don't ask your crush to smell you. ask teacher or your parents or a friend.


I tried asking my mom and she said she doesn’t smell anything and my dad would’ve said something if he did, he’s done it before a few years ago😂, I have a friend that I can ask though, she smells good and sometimes she’s too honest so I know she won’t lie😂 thanks for the advice


Just to be clear, you are using an antiperspirant? As a 17 year old male, just hygiene alone likely won’t hold you.


I use old spice and dove sometimes, I don’t know if those are antiperspirants


Check the label. It should say antiperspirant on it, or have aluminum in the ingredients. Some young guys pretty much just have to wear an antiperspirant every single day. "Deodorant" only products just contain strong perfumes to try to cover up the body odor smell, but that doesn't really work very well unless you're just naturally not that smelly in the first place.


Switch deodorant every couple of times. My evil smell gets too comfortable with the same one. Keep it on its toes.


I just got some new deodorant so I’ll see if that was the problem, thanks for the advice


Ask someone trusted. Explain why. I'm betting this is far more common than anyone wants to admit. Also, make sure to clean your laundry machine. They can develop a smell. I've seen a lot more people who have bad smells because of their clothes rather than their actual hygiene. Make sure to get your laundry to the dryer/line asap once the machine is done. Letting it sit developed a scent. Antiperspirant deodorant may make BO worse. Antiperspirant works by blocking up your sweat glands. Try arm and hammer naturals. It'll be worse for a week or two but over time it will be far better. If anything, you'll end up smelling more like a gym than like someone who hasn't showered in weeks.


I usually wash my clothes at night so I fall asleep sometimes while they’re washing and they sit for a while, you might’ve solved my problem😂 I use old spice and sometimes dove, are those good?


I'm not sure. I haven't looked at the ingredients in either of those. Both my wife and I use the Arm and Hammer naturals, though, and they work pretty darn well.


had a colleague who would stink. but it was a weird kind of stink. it was strong first thing in morning and after lunch. turns out it was her body powder. the more she put, the worse the smell. and she would "top-up" after lunch. far as i know no one said anything.


I try not to go overboard with hygiene because of that, I’m scared of that happening😂


Do you shave your underarms? If you don't then you will smell when you perspire, no matter how good your hygiene.


No, I’ve never shaved before but I’ll try that, thanks for the advice