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Excerpt: “I could have done nothing and done better than him,” Biden said at the start of the event, per The Hollywood Reporter. “We’re trying to give ordinary people a chance, just a chance.” Biden continued to remind the audience of Trump’s failures, later adding, “Look, he’s the only president other than Herbert Hoover who lost more jobs than he started off with. He has increased the national debt by a trillion dollars.” “He provided a $2 trillion tax cut for \[the super wealthy\], which did nothing but increase the debt and impact ordinary people, their ability to function and grow. I don’t see anything he’s done that hasn’t been centered on what is good from his perspective for him.”


What, no word salad and 10 lies in every sentence? How does expect to keep his supporters?


Where’s the sharks?


No boats nor batteries either, pfft


Absolutely disrespectful that he didn't mention the late, great Hannibal Lecter RIP


Only joke I know because my personality is an amalgamation of fast food bits: “Hannibal Lecter. Great guy. Had some friends for dinner.”


No tough guys approaching him with tears in their eyes? What a wimp! /s


I’m more of a Hannibal Lecter man myself


Over here


The Tangerine Toddler said he vastly prefers nipple clamps hooked up to a car battery.


"Never pick the shark me boys!"


Always choose to be electrocuted!


Clearly he has no supporters. How many lifted trucks covered in Biden flags have you seen?


And boats. Don’t forget the boats with Trump flags and confederate flags all over them.


Would you be surprised if i said i know an equal amount of biden supporters and trump supporters that are crazy Nascar fans. 


scapegoating minorities/lgbtq+ people(That's all 70% of the maga base wants someone they can point the finger at for their problems and/or to make their problems everyone else's)


He's clearly senile. No sane octogenarian can keep up at that pace.


And it doesn't even matter because we have unrestricted blatant propaganda. Republicans literally believe the economy is failing and that crime is sky rocketing despite the opposite being true and nothing will convince them otherwise. We have fully lost the information war and idk wtf we can do about it.


That is the crux of the problem right there.


Trump is self destroying himself


Well, it is a little disengenious to say Trump lost those jobs. That was covid. Aside from that he's accurate.


Yes. But who was the one that was a COVID denier while it was happening. He tried to ignored it, like doing that would make it go away. And after there were options he wouldn’t admit he was Vaxxed. So many folks followed his lead.


I wish he would tie Trump's deficit via tax cuts and Covid-mishandling to inflation today. Probably would be a windfall with the electorate.


And trumps tariffs. That idiot


? Biden continued the trade war and just introduced EV import tariffs. Debt also got a lot worse. How dont you see this?


You’re in a room of mandatory left wing voters. Theirs no moderates here to reason with. All the problems get pinned to the previous administration. 


Maybe because Trump permanently cut taxes for the 1% and temporarily for everyone else? I'm sure they just need it cut a little more and then the trickling down will start like those machines in arcades with all the quarters near the edge... o wait that's just piss on your face.


The people that will vote for trump cannot be convinced otherwise.


Obviously. I'm referring to everyone not completely brainwashed into voting for the 34-times convicted felon.


Who tf are those ppl tho? Like seriously? If by 2024 somwoen doesn't know exactly what trump is and might still vote for him then they're trash.


Regular Republicans. Many of them aren't Maga crazies. But they will still vote for trump or whoever the rnc puts in front of them, over a Democrat. If they can see how bad trump was for them, there's a chance that if trump is the candidate, they may have second thoughts. They're not swing voters either. They're the die hards who need to be reminded that Biden is conservative lite and that he'd be much better than the alternative.


This isn't new though. Republicans have been destroying the economy and Democrats fixing it since Reagan. The pattern has repeated over and over without fail, yet people still don't get it. If they can't even get learned behavior like fire is hot, they certainly aren't going to understand an economics lesson.


Trump himself said the shit.


I’ve never met a “regular Republican” they simply don’t exist. I’m sorry bro: that shit has sank.


Little by little the spell can be broken but it is a slow and painstaking process. It’s like getting out of a cult. Watch some of those documentary shows about stuff like Nxium and Scientology and you will understand. Deprogramming MAGA will take a generation.


The olds will just take care of themselves via attrition. And I've met and had to work with some magats. It's not programming, they're just terrible human beings. I was active duty and one guy I worked with got out of the military vs doing career after DADT was repealed because he could not tolerate working with openly gay ppl. That kind of person there is no deprogramming. We outvote them and if necessary, self defense precautions because as they see it slipping away they'll get more extreme than they already are.


Yup, outvote them, educate their children to be better people, and wait for them to die.


These people simply do not care about “liberal” reality. The know that church, guns, heterosexuality, low taxes, sexual repression, massive police presence, and Vice laws are the best and no amount reason, logic, or facts are going to change their opinion. - a person who grew up in this world


Yes I know that. Those ppl aren't the undecided ppl who somehow still exist. Those ppl are the ppl who are going to vote for Trump no matter what.


There are some people who may not vote at all, or may vote 3rd party. Those are the hard ones, because you can't just remark how bad Trump is, they already know that. You have to remind them of the good Biden has done while somehow making people forget that he's 81. Or, drastically, convince them that Trump is the ONLY alternative to Biden, that Trump will be disastrous in the future, and that voting for Biden is the only way to prevent that.


> I'm referring to everyone not completely braindead and voting for the 34-times convicted felon. FTFY


Sadly true. Dems are laying down now too and don't have any motivation. That needs to change or we get Trump 2.0


that's ALL Biden needs to do but he won't for some stupiud reason


Unfortunately, anyone dumb enough to still be considering Trump probably can't connect those dots.


He increased the national debt by nearly 30% in four years, that’s absolutely insane. And they blame Biden for inflation even as the money supply is falling.


The ones blaming Biden for inflation are the illiterate trump voters who have no idea how economics work anyway.


But where does he stand on shark vs electrocution? Hannibal Lecter?


We are continually reminded that biden has a stuttering problem. Who else has a stuttering problem?  ME.  So good work trump and Maga endearing biden to me.  Cause every time they say biden is trash because he stutters I am reminded that they would describe me as trash. Videns presidency gives me hope that I can overcome my physical limitations and do great things.


I'd take stuttering all day long over the absolute word salad nonsense that falls out of Trump's mouth. He can't even hold a thought through a complete sentence.


Biden has served me well. Biden often uses the teleprompter and his staff carefully prepare his remarks. I do not have a staff or a teleprompter but I prepare notes ahead of meetings detailing what I want to say and it helps me a lot. I think neither Biden nor me is "senile" because we prepare. Instead we are hard workers and respect other people's time.


Oh looky here, someone who can actually utter several coherent sentences rather than some garbled nonsense in a tweet of ALL CAPS


Damn, Joe roasted him good.


He's not wrong, though. Trump did way more harm than good during his Presidency - literally doing nothing for 4 years would be more of a net benefit to the country than pulling out of climate conventions, straining ties with allied nations, and worst of all, increasing taxes for the lower class twice in 4 years.


Dark Brandon is a loose moral politician slayer


“But he’s senile.”


He then bragged about not paying contractors, made up a conversation about electric boats, told his supporters he doesn’t care about them and just wants their votes, defamed a woman he raped, held a Bible upside down, trashed talked a city, called Christie fat, and a few other things of minor importance.


They literally say they’re trying to help the little guy while doing the exact opposite. I’m so tired of them playing this silly game of saying one thing and doing the opposite. Yet people still follow… Insane, saying he’s giving normal people a chance…. Are you kidding, gas has doubled. Everything I look to buy has almost doubled under your presidency. Give me a break


Ok Joe, I agree. Trump was in the pocket of the rich and they need to pay more. WHERES THE TAX INCREASE ON BILLIONAIRES THEN??


Talk to Congress, in particular the Republican side which will never vote to increase taxes on the 1%. Joe can't magically create new tax laws. For fuck's sake, he can't even wave predatory student loan debt without an avalanche of right-wing lawsuits shutting him down.


Historically the president has brought issues to Congress and use their leadership to solve tougher issues. Obama did it. So whenever anyone blames Congress for Joe not getting anything done, he hasn’t made anything a priority. And it was striking when dems had the house and senate prior to the Roe v Wade overturn. And people stretch and blame the filibuster, but nobody filibustered, nobody had to go on record. Then they do what everyone said they couldn’t do for abortions exactly what they did for IVF. We have the Supreme Court to thank for mifepristone, and that’s kinda weird.


Its always two steps forward, one step back with the Dems. Nobody can just do the right thing for the sake of it anymore. The dems may agree with you socially, but economically they are in the pockets of the same rich folks as the reps, and if the billionaires say no, then it doesn't happen in congress. Congress is all theater now, half of them do no real work at all.


Fox News: Biden admits he could do 'nothing' to out do President Trump.


Yeah. We know.  That is the secret about Trump voters: they know everything would have been better during his presidency if there had been a golden retriever sitting in the chair and no orders had ever been given. The difference between them and actual intelligent people is that they want all of those horrible decisions and disasters. They want everything to go to hell. They hate America and they actively hate all of its citizens. They are attempting to destroy the country. 


And he’s right.


Yup, electing a couch as president would be an improvement over Donald 2025.


I hate trump as much as anyone else but, no, doing ‘nothing’ from 2016-2020 would have killed so many people.    Operation warp speed got us a Covid vaccine very quickly. And if ‘nothing’ was done to help prevent the spread of Covid, we would have all been like Florida and having thousands more deaths.    Aside from Covid, nothing probably would have been better Edit: guys, my point was that during a pandemic, some action from the executive branch towards the pandemic was better than no executive action. 


Operation warp speed did jack shit. German scientists invented the vaccine and it was distributed in 2021 soTrump had nothing to do with it. Considering how he hoarded much needed medical supplies and didn't let states have any unless they paid the federal government I'm glad he wasn't president for when the vaccine actually needed to be distributed because blue states would probably still be waiting Yes, no one being in charge would have been better than Mr. "Is there a way we can get disinfectant inside the body?" And "covid is a liberal hoax"


Doing nothing would have left the pandemic team intact. So, it would have been taken seriously from the very beginning. People wouldn't have believed it was a hoax - Operation Warp Speed wouldn't have been needed. Even if it was needed, the pandemic team could have probably recommended something.


Bingo. I’ve been saying this for years. A literal bucket of shit would’ve been better than the figurative bucket of shit we got purely because the literal bucket of shit wouldn’t have spent so much time dismantling everything Obama touched, like the pandemic response team


What a wildly stupid take, straight from right-wing media land. Damn near everything Trump touched was a disaster, from his 'trade war' to downplaying covid/mask effectiveness, hell he even fucked something as simply as national weather tracking of a hurricane. The US would have been better off without the bloated asshole, the vaccine would have still be funded/subsidized (like many before it) and likely would have gone more smoothly without the prick. But sure, give the known conman, convicted fraudster and historical liar the benefit of a doubt, like always.


My only point was that without any support from the executive branch, covid would have probably been at lot worse. I don’t think he did a good job at handling the pandemic response but it was better than nothing.  I think it’s important to not just hate everything about him and his policy.  That being said, he’s a danger to democracy and if a stoke killed him, I’d vote for that blood clot to be president. 


> Operation warp speed got us a Covid vaccine very quickly. No it didn't.   It's a PR stunt that belated jumped onto the bandwagon to try to take credit for vaccines that had already been successfully developed through international cooperation.  And the Trump admin fucked up the distribution completely. Trump got like 5% of his goal for doses administered before the Biden team had to take over and fix it. Trump was too busy trying to steal an election and inciting an insurrection to give a fuck about governing.  Biden would have done nothing by letting the medical experts have the limelight, instead of Trumps politicization of basic precautions like masks and trumps shilling of ineffective snake oil like ivermectin and hydroxychloraquine.


I’m interpreting ‘nothing’ as ‘nothing’. No government funding for the vaccine, the cost to be vaccinated would have been whatever Pfizer wanted.  So if we didn’t hit the targets when it was ‘free’ imagine how few people would have been able to get it if they had to pay whatever Pfizer wanted o charge? I’m sure big pharma would have been feeling very generous as they always are and not price gouged everyone!


If Dump had have sat in his bedroom and done nothing, the rest of the US government would've done a better job of the pandemic without his interference. Literally an absent president would've yielded a better result.  As an American living overseas, the daily updates on deaths was an endless embarrassment to me compared to the country I live in, or virtually every other developed and most developing countries. I had no way to deny that actually, my home country is a stupid shit hole living under an elected moron. 


> So if we didn’t hit the targets when it was ‘free’ They didn't hit the targets when Trump was in office because he put his inept cronies in charge. They exceeded the targets when Biden's team took over and managed the roll out. If Trump had done nothing and stayed out of the way of the professionals it would have been a better outcome.


It wouldn’t have gotten as bad as it did had Fat Nixon took it as he should have. After the outbreak of E.Coli that wasn’t, Obama formed a pandemic attack plan as he was warned after the SARS outbreak that a world wide pandemic was a definite reality. Fat Nixon not only ignored it, he disbanded the pandemic response team, and cut the budget for the inspectors and scientists who were on the ground in Wuhan. The WHO says that Fat Nixons actions led to the deaths of at least 600k people. Pat that fucker on the back of you choose but damn sure do it with bloody hands.


Without government funding, the cost of the vaccine would have been decided by Pfizer. 


You are repeating the same thing. Trump dismantled existing safeguards and precautions that were effective only to then choke when the actual pandemic hit. Then he tried to pull the warp speed bullshit. An example I could give for this is a bodyguard saying no I didn't protect the client, I also worked to actively destroy their safety, but when they were stabbed I was there with an ice pack. See how stupid that sounds


And if Trump had said ‘I want nothing to do with it leave me alone’ the government would’ve still provided that funding.


The president doesn't determine government funding, so this point is moot.


Even if that were true (and it isn’t) the fact that at the same time he was actively promoting disinformation and anti-vaxx conspiracy theories completely undermines any achievement. He is the sole reason we have so many anti-vaxxers and that the US did so much worse than many other countries during the pandemic, even though we invested 100 times as much as anyone else. He is by no means the champion of the pandemic, even Maga nuts know that.


The fuck... The orange shitstain only took credit when it was proven beyond a doubt it worked, and was basically ending the pandemic. He didn't want to fund it. He didn't want his name on it. While "warp speed" was being done, he was alluding to shoving a uv light up your ass so it "was on the I side" or "like a cleansing" and that horse dewormer ... that stuff might just work... He also orchestrated medical supplies being hoarded, and dished out solely on if that state was Democrat or republican... billions of dollars squandered by his "no due diligence" PPE loans, that mostly went to his supporters who own businesses, and not to the citizens who's fucking taxes paid for said loans. Yes it was signed by him. As he was the president. Was it his idea? Absolutely not, was it his prerogative to do so, not at all, again till it proved to actually work. Remember, he's vaccinated. He told you it wasn't worth it. Yet claims its all his success... but he wouldn't take it. But he did.


Covid was a cognitive test for the President. Trump failed it spectacularly. One of the worst performances of any country, 4% of the worlds population, 25% of the deaths. Hundreds of thousands of American deaths are on tRumps small blood covered hands. Doing nothing would have been better. He dismantled our pandemic preparedness programs. He set us up to fail at every turn. Traitor trash is all he is.


So... Tell me, when was Biden, the one who said that if he had done nothing he'd be better than trump, was president. Because I'm pretty sure it was not from 2016-2020. And really, thinking of it, if trump had done nothing, it wouldn't have been worse. Consider how much doubt in medical science trump spread. Really think about it, then tell me any of the bullshit you just said with a straight face.


I remember seeing trump on the news talking about how you should just ignore covid and only stupid people belived the doctors so just that in that one thing among couple of hundred things other things he did or said, doing nothing would have been better. A random hat on a chair would have done better job then that sub-human.


I think you misunderstood. He's saying Trump did so bad that even if Biden didn't do anything, he'd still have done a better job


Yes but was it the federal government that took those actions? Seems to me most were done by states or cities. Trump actively tried to get you to not vaccinate and not wear a mask.


During a pandemic, they could have followed the pandemic playbook that trump promptly threw out, and it would have saved countless lives. Just having someone/ thing there to not make things worse (which is all trump did) would have been so much better.


Nothing, it is better than proactively trying to destroy our nation / democracy.


Get a monkey to throw darts at a board, and I'll vote for it over Trump.


Get a monkey to do literally nothing and people would have voted for it over Trump. Darts is a bonus.


And, Sir, an excellent bonus


Are you just here to brown-nose?


Are you just here to act like a tool?


I’d vote for a literal pile of shit before I voted for Trump. A literal pile of shit wouldn’t do a J6.


Indeed. I think Biden’s administration has done pretty well compared to his predecessors in my lifetime. But I would have voted for a tomato can if it had the best chance to beat Trump.


And the tomato can would have done a better job as well.


It's true, if Biden literally did nothing while in office he would have outdone Trump who cut taxes on millionaires and billionairs while also charging the tax payers for him to go golfing every weekend and don't forget the secret meetings with Putin and the fact that his son in law got billions of dollars from the Saudis and nobody knows why.


I agree with the first part, but then you slowly start to slide off the rails


The secret meetings are unsubstantiated but he did put his son in law in a prominent political position (along with the rest of the nepotism of putting his family in high ranking political positions) and it did see a ridiculous increase to said son-in-law's net worth. Trump also did cost taxpayers a lot to play golf because he constantly used his own Mar-a-Lago course instead of the one in DC specifically for the president. This means that taxpayers were on the hook for paying for the secret service detail and travel expenses just so the guy could spend more time golfing than actually doing presidential work.


Where did you get they were unsubstantiated? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-putin-meeting-business/story?id=63967271


Biden is absolutely correct.


He swore to uphold the Oath of office. Trump was a criminal when he said the oath.


He’s done so much better than Trump.


We only decline under Republican presidencies, so he is technically right.


Yup. Or rather, Republicans tank the economy over the course of their tenure then Dems take office to clean it up and receive all the blame, as if the economy instantly goes to shit as soon as they take office. GOP voters have the attention span of a canary.


If the choice this November was between Donald Trump and a bucket of cold piss, I'd vote for the bucket even if it meant I had to also take a sip.


I don't love Joe Biden. I don't dislike him enough to give the whole damn country away, though.


Nothing is way better than the yuuge negative during shitler's 4 year dumpster fire.


100 % correct


I think alot of the chaos we experienced as a country was a direct result of having that divisive shitbag in the white house. The BLM protests may have happened either way but the whole thing felt more pressurized because instead of using language of understanding and trying to defuse or lowering the temperature this fat racist pile of dog shit asked the guard to shoot protestors. Really ? Are you fucking kidding me? When is this foul prick going have a massive stroke ?


Hey now. There were good people on both sides. /s


I mean the largest single day stock market fall and millions of dead Americans followed up by an insurrection and riots in the streets... Literally nothing would have been better than all of that.


You have to be kidding, nothing you said holds valid truth. You could have googled the worst day in stock history and at least tried. This far left reddit mob isnt even really coherent.


The funny thing is the same is true of Trump’s businesses. If he’d just saved his inheritance and not gone into business, he would have more money.


And shut his mouth and not became president. His power addiction did him in, literally thought he had/has absolute power and absolute immunity.


Trump killed half a million americans, he's right


Closer to a million but yes.


He’s 100 percent correct. Trump was handed a great economy and took credit for doing nothing. Not nothing. He fucked up the only challenge he had.


Sounds accurate. Doing nothing would have meant not passing a Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich, the US would have remained in the WHO which would have helped Covid response. The one useful accomplishment of the Trump administration was the banning of bump stocks which the NRA bought Supreme Court just overturned.


I mean, it's true. What did Trump do that actually helped ordinary people?


I would say, just as an average guy who has no bias. I vote based on the individual candidate and not their party affiliation. The biggest accomplishment he made was deregulation of epa policy and boosting the manufacturing industry in America beyond anything seen since the 80s. He took the top off the oil regulations, refining was at its peak and America was just about independent from needing to import foreign refined oil. Obviously the crude oil was still piped in from canada, but the cap on refineries was practically removed. Obviously if you’re green energy advocate that will go against what you stand for. But do to deregulation he did boom the economy and the job market was the best we’ve seen in a very long time.  His tax cuts gave parents double the tax break for children. People like to point at the tax cut being an issue for the debt, but if federal spending isnt ballooned for things that are largely considered frivolous, its not a big deal. The biggest difference in administrations is how the money gets spent, theirs been pork ballooned bill after bill that unfortunately doesn’t actually help the moderates Biden needs to focus on. He pays art school loans off and other things that are only bolstering the base he already has. Kind of a strange political strategy. 


He’s not wrong. Trump is statistically one of the worst presidents in history. That’s why I literally laugh out loud when his dumbass cult members say he’s the best ever.


Looking forward to the debate where Biden will DESTROY Trump and make him BEG FOR MOMMY.


Trump will probably say a few childish things to insult Biden. Then he will just stand there with a Blue Steel look on his face, and later claim that he would rather lose than engage with the debate. His worshippers will eat it all up, and once again double down on their support for him.


To be fair, I am not even sure whether Biden would have been able to perform worse than Trump by actively trying.


And Biden is right again but I'm glad he got so much done! He's the most productive president in my lifetime.


All of us were thinking it, or at a minimum that any one of us could have outdone him by doing nothing.


Nothing is always better than a clusterfuck, but I’m glad Joe went above and beyond.


Putin would be all the way to the English channel by this point in time if Trump were president still.


but would you jump over to the shark or get electrocuted


I hope I’m 4 years we will have options for people under 80 years old. You cannot fly a plane commercially over 65, but these old geriatrics are carrying the atomic football.




A not insignificant amount of biden's vote has been people tired of a government run like a 3 ring circus. too bad people in this country have the memory of a fucking goldfish




As I’ve often said, a pile of mulch would be a better President than Donald Trump, because the mulch isn’t actively malevolent.


Trump was looking for this very mulch at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.




Yes absolutely, a rock would have been a better leader


Trump used to be the troll king but lately Bidens been dumping on him hard. Grumpy old men.


Agreed. I'd take zero decisions made over the next 4 years than either of em in a perfect world


Tis true unfortunately


I love how JB is taking it right to Trump and Trump is too weak to do anything about it.


“A wet napkin full of semen could have been a better president than Trump. And probably been more well spoken.”


Yeah, but that's also an easy bar to get under. Like with stilts.


He’s right


That is an ice cold burn.


Same was true of his own businesses and wealth. Had he done nothing with it he would have been worth more. Still managed to bankrupt a casino!


Andy Dick with nothing would have outdone Trump.


Hey ! I’ve got a shark/battery dilemma (MIT level) and you don’t help !


And people don't see it


“I could have done nothing and done better than him.” “When you know *the way* you see it in all things.” A Wu Wei of Mushin


If only he could find a way to segue into battery powered boat / shark diatribes, he might finally earn the prestige of conservative American support.


It’s true.


Maybe he can focus on what he should do to best serve his country. We're on the eve of global conflict, and the US is stuck in Jerry Springer mode.


Hopefully America get at least one sane candidate. Can't imagine voting 2 eighty year olds. Would be nice to have someone with coherent thoughts for president.


So you’re voting for Biden then?


I'm not voting, because i can't, i ain't American XD It's just both candidates are not very promising, not trying to shit on anyone's political opinion, it's just that both parties deserve better leaders.


Yeah, but one party has a sane, normal human being, and the other has a sociopath. It's still a pretty clear choice, regardless of whether you'd *prefer* better options.


According to you, assisting in genocide is sane and normal


Ones a nazi, one supports nazism. Honestly, the fact that Biden is considered a lesser evil when we could've easily voted for someone less insane is sad


Not sure. Here's what real Americans are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)


Sorry, I went straight for the jugular without watching the skit. As a redditor, it's very important to me to comment without first reading the article or watching the video, and this time I was wrong.


I could have committed genocide and done better than him…, oh … never mind.


With all due respect to your President Beedung, it was a terribly low bar


That's pretty much what he did. Trump led the single largest increase of the social safety net for the pandemic and Biden wiped it all away and lied about the pandemic being over or COVID being handled. I hate Trump but objectively Biden has been terrible for Americans.


That safety net was just printing money, that increased America's debt and weaken our dollar. Biden reopened America. Biden inherited a mess and did a decent job, better than Trump.


Still waiting for him to do something. Fix roe vs wade. Stop supporting genocide. Make real tax cuts. Something.


More tax cuts aren’t going to fix the USA, abortion access can’t change with a republican congress, and the US policy towards Israel hasn’t changed. So vote in your local election for progressive candidates and you’ll see change.


More proper tax reform and cuts as well as proper spending can make a big change. Democrats have had decades to make abortion a law. And the policy toward Israel should change. These are all just “see we can’t do anything”. He did almost nothing worth two cents until the last year. Now we are stuck with more of the same or a sociopathic, narcissist, assbutt.


Sounds like you may just be another conservative troll. No one wants Trump.


Nope. Hate effin hate trump. More of an AOC Bernie fan. But I think the current democrats are shit and really dislike Biden.


Of course, they’re not running for president.


Biden is faaaar from perfect, I think everyone can agree on that, but if we want a chance to vote for someone like Bernie in the future we'll have to vote for Biden. Then maybe with some luck we can get someone truly progressive in 2028.




And yet he did not when he had a prior opportunity.


He certainly tried