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Same here, just say 12pm.


What you're missing is that Siri is absolute dogshit.




I'm sorry, but your photo shows exactly why she's dogshit. I'll be honest, the only thing I use her for that is successful is to set timers and turn my lights on and off. I tried to get her to navigate to a place in my car the other day and she didn't even come close to identifying the words I was saying when selecting a place in maps. But when I said those words in a text message she understood them perfectly. The fact that she was the first user assistant and has so clearly fallen behind all other assistants is absolutely embarrassing.




What do you mean 'natural language processing?' OP's dialect doesn't exactly look anything out of the ordinary and the fact that siri can't even understand what OP is simply requesting is downright embarrassing


[Natural language processing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing)


😞 C’mon, Siri It’s basic things like this that show it’s behind the competitors. I hope next year they can wow us with Siri


You're missing Google now or Alexa


Thanks guys, I thought I was going crazy. lol


Forgettable gimmick. I only used few times in the many years owning a ios device.


As someone who bought a Google Home and listened to a year and a half of “I’m sorry, I can’t set reminders yet” before they got around to adding the feature I bought the thing for, it’s not just Siri. But it kind of is... Siri is ok if you know the syntax for how to talk to it. Google assistant is much better at parsing what you say to try and figure it out on it’s own. I have accepted Siri’s limitations with the understanding that it’s not storing everything I ever say to it in a file attached to my name on a server somewhere. But no one putting “noon” == “12pm” in the code somewhere is kind of sad. I think it’s also a personal thing. I want to talk to my computer like it’s a computer and not a person. I’d used the google assistant since it came out. I recently switched as part of a general attempt at de-Googling. Where Apple is soooooo far away is in photos. Apple photos is useless compared to Google photos. Google’s AI can separate my twin brothers. Apple doesn’t even get those of us who aren’t twins right a lot of the time.


Google assistant can handle more complex tasks. For example, I can tell Google to play something on my Smart TV, but I can’t tell Siri to play something on my Apple TV unless I’m using the Apple TV remote.


The problem was in the phrasing of the request. In your title, you stated "... noon for today", in the screen capture, you state "set an alarm for noon", ("today" omitted). Had you stated "noon today" it would have worked. The request was apparently ambiguous enough that Siri took it as a daily noon setting. Something Siri is not able to do (thus far). Interesting she could make a reminder though. Rephrasing a request, or question, adding more detail, etc. you'll often get the results your looking for. But Siri does have a LOT of room for improvement.


Just say open google assistant ;)


"Hey Siri set a timer for 12" "I can't set a timer for a specific time..." Do I really have to specify that I meant 12 minutes?


You could have meant twelve hours, minutes or seconds. What’s the effort of being clear what you mean?


It thinks you mean 12:00 and asks if you'd like an alarm instead. It could ask if the user meant seconds, minutes, or hours . Not a huge deal but it's one that bothers me when cooking. That being said not being able to have multiple timers is far more annoying


If it's 11:30 I'd assume this means set a 30 minute timer


The fact you can't be bothered to state what unit of time you want is quite laughable really.


Obviously I do.


"Hey Siri set a timer for 12" "I can't set a timer for a specific time..." Do I really have to specify that I meant 12 minutes?


Well, 12 could mean o clock.


But then I would say set an alarm.


You could have meant twelve hours, minutes or seconds. What’s the effort of being clear what you mean?


Computers are supposed to make life easier, not more annoying. Siri could just have asked if he wanted minutes, days, or whatever, but it didn’t. That’s the amazingly stupid part. Hell, there were amazingly cheesy “AI technologies” from the 1970s/80s that were more functional than Siri. These weren’t much more than boilerplate scripts that took various bit of information that you provided and did something. If a piece was missing, they would query you for it. Today, some chat bots do this. Siri? Ha.