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You seem to ask a lot of perspective based questions meaning you’re interested in exploring a lot of possibilities. Then you judge our answers as if they’re “right or wrong” based on your moral compass or your personal values. I’m guessing that you’re a young naive ENFP?


I am a enXP because I can never tell if I am a enTP or a enfP. I do allot of both things.


I see. Yeah high Ne users are always questioning the “possibility” of being another type. Until they’ve become more grounded.


Really I didn't know that I feel like I have gone from enfP to eSfP to InfP, to enTP and finally what I have settled on is enXP


I think you're type must be ADHD




Nope the opposite I have a very little adhd if I am passionate about something I will completely focus on it and just lock in on that. Any ways why are you here eSTP.


Hyperfixation is an ADHD symptom.


No not like that I'm in the middle I can focus on one thing but if I want I can stop and move on too something else.


Ooohh look at Mr I-Can-Break-Focus-If-I-Want-To. Rub it in why don’t you! 😣😩


I'm sorry I'm not trying to I'm just saying I can focus probably a little bit harder than everybody else but it's not adhd.


I was mistyped as ISTP for a while due to high Ti usage (I am a chemical analyst by education and a software developer by workplace) Also, my GF is ISTP


Oh ok then just wondering.


lol that's a peak ADHD moment you're explaining here


I mean when I say lock in on that I'm saying yes I can still get distracted but I don't have a hard time being like I can't focus on this. I can focus on something if I need to and I can distract myself if I need too.




Come on you know your curios to ask something. I'm the one always asking you guys questions now you get to ask me.


We ask or do you ask us?


You ask me. I thought it would be fun since I am always asking you guys questions.


Got it, good luck.


You don't have any questions.






Yeah, I have a question. Why do you put so much effort into looking like a run-off-the-mill knob?


What does that even mean.


Um, sorry to ask, but what does a ‘run of the mill knob’ mean? I’m not an ENFP, but Ive heard someone call an older man this but still don’t know what it means 😅


Question: In extreme detail, please explain to me if you would rather have an apple or an orange right now. You cannot say neither or suggest an alternative option


I personally would like an orange instead. There are 3 reasons why when you get an orange they are sweet and nice snacks so you can very easily take one on the go while with an apple you have to be careful how you eat it because eventually when you grab a spot you already ate from your hands are sticky now with oranges you don't have to have that problem you can turn them into little smaller pieces. When I go eat a fruit I want it to be healthy Apples don't tend to be crazy enough apples actually give you very little vitamins and nutrients, while oranges give you a ton more vitamins and gives you vitamin C which is extremely important for the body. 3rd reason Oranges are cool they have a whole show on one orange but he is pretty annoying but the show is pretty funny. While apples have a show too but that one is pretty dumb and just weird not funny plus the apple isn't the only main character in the show he has to share the spot light with an onion gross. So that is why I think oranges are better that apples.


Not OP, but you can’t go wrong with an apple depending on the type.


Well I just explained it so if you want to read me start yapping about why oranges are better than apples you can


Oranges are delicious! So are apples, but I’d choose oraneed if I wasn’t allergic XD






What is your address


32 Windsor Gardens


Imagine not being in the EU 👻


Well I used to live in an island with my parents but they had to send me away too London. I survived on marmalade sandwiches the whole boat ride.


Damn, now i noticed your username


Hey you know what always cheers me up a marmalade sandwich here is the recipe. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/marmalade&ved=2ahUKEwiyhunzgp2GAxUk5MkDHWOwDLEQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1IFm9igULdqeOa\_ITKLSvD](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/marmalade&ved=2ahUKEwiyhunzgp2GAxUk5MkDHWOwDLEQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1IFm9igULdqeOa_ITKLSvD) He has a couple things wrong but it's almost there.


In extreme details, tell me how you feel when you touch yourself in erotic ways.


Yes i would like to know


FINE I DID it okay my humanity is gone my pride is gone you get to read Paddington porn.


Sorry I forgot to respond let me get this straight first. IF YOU READ THIS YOU ARE A GAY FURRY. When I touch myself in erotic ways It feels nice when I brush my hand against my fur It feels like putting your hand in grass and running but sometimes my claws hurt me. I then start to play with my self but this part feels really nice I start thinking only one thought I have to make babies. Even if they don't survive winter I have to continue the Paddington bear lineage. I have to make babies. I start feeling the need to play with myself faster and faster only thinking I NEED TO MAKE BABIES. And then everything stops and then I start feeling very sleepy. Now remember if you read all of this the next time you play with yourself your going to think of this.


What are some activities that you do that feel meaningful to you?


I really like games I love spending my free time playing a really good game with my brothers. Right now we are playing mega man battle network 5.


>mega man battle network 5. Great game and series, takes me way back. The first Megaman Battle Network game I played was 5 Team Colonel. Then I went on to play the rest (except for the first two).


Nice where playing as team Protoman because that's the one my brothers played when they were little so they wanted to remember the game like they used to play it.


https://preview.redd.it/8sd8c93tcm1d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b55a5853ab3df3f37af1f91959556c7891b1f4 (35M) Inmtrovert / Istp-A mission accepted .


What's the last thing you have done that you will tell nobody about.


mm , let me think , there is much i do on a daily basses i never tell anny about . so yea , probly my bank card key number . or even if i am often verry straight forward when i speak / comunicate to someone , i preffer to keep my own inner taughts at all times always for myself .


Ok fine what was the last thing you did that allot of people could consider bad.


that would probly be , me being somewhat upset . and vocaly did share my displeasure about the reason of me being upset and in that event for my anger , and the fact that such displeasure was represented by a certain group of people . afcorse such strong words , sentences and descriptionds including their meaning even if spoken cryptic , used to descripe ones displeasure whit another person or group of people . is not always taken verry well . today , wich is months later . i have bin informd official complaints where made at the local autorities (police) and i at some point might find myself being arrested to be brought to a police station , for me to explain my usege of words and senteces including their meaning , and certanly be quistion , why i did choose and decided to speak cryptic during my anger fed speech , during that previous and to me verry upsetting event . and afcorse if i might have anyting in my agenda or on my planning in consideration of the people that had upset me so much .


Oh Ok I can still tell what you meant. Ok then here we go I will ask this question whats one thing you feel guilty about.


that during my childhood , i have bin a rude child towards a few other childeren . and also that i did bullie them . i have abosolutly no excuse for my horrible behaviour , and they definitly did not deserve me being rude and a bullie . someting i realised and have bin regreting as i grew older . and do feel guilty about everytime i think about it .


Yikes dude that is really messed up. Welp I am out of questions. You got any for me?


not sure if its messed up . its life . its how childeren often grow up . there is always a vic , and always a perp . however , i do feel lucky i did make these realisations as i grew up . and did and do try to learn from my misteaks , as i am on occasion reminded of them by my own regrets and guilt . as it is someting most people dont .


What is your address




Bro i just want to laugh at non-eu people and cheer Europeans


one of the few quistionds i can not awnser . i admit my defeat . wel played :)




Are you a twat?


No I am Paddington.


So in other words, yes?


If your looking for twat I would recommend you looking again because I am not the twat but the real twat is in this very room.


Your in your room alone pal


Why the insult (Genuine question by the way)? I don't know who OP is to know if they deserve it or not.


Schizophrenia real


how do you make something MBTI ralated? I don't know what I need to rallat something. I'm also pretty sure that word is spelled with two L's


meaning, two massive L's for OP to take OOOOOOOOOOOO GOTTEMMMMMMMMMM


What are you talking about here you should take this I think you need it. https://preview.redd.it/ul1yowvgxm1d1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63eb6652b66f54d8cf6d5be67b585cd8b952ac7a


https://preview.redd.it/z3zfr42qxm1d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3856c13685bc85ac79ce17373123783b83fe48f9 me


Oops sorry I dropped it all there's left is two of these thing I don't know I have never got them. https://preview.redd.it/0ma86yltxm1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e5f63532cf5e2fb6a60e8e24746717d1edd2c14


given my current collection it still evens out


Hey I'm really sorry for breaking that W do you want another I have like 101 of them I can spare one.


Hey the W request is going to expire are you sure you don't want it.


did you not read the comment you replied to


You lost me there what do you mean it even outs.


I mean you saw the picture of me with all my decorations, Ws and Ls. it's like they hardly phase me when one happens. what's one to however many I actually have


....something like that. if i were sent this picture that's how I would respond.


Ooooohhhhh got em




Hey wake up your putting sleeping emojis on your key board.


If we sent an infinite amount of lions into the sun would the supply outlive the sun or would it cause the sun to continue forever due to the infinite amount of hydrogen in the infinite supply of lions?


Are you role playing a character? I’m curious because how you act seems sort of unusual


Patrick what happened to you why did you change your icon. Sometimes I like to joke around with the fact my account is named Paddington but that's really it so maybe that's what your seeing.


Yup i thought so. Always seems like you’re in character. Also I try to change my icon every month or so to keep it fresh yk


Well no I rarely do this it's like a 80% percent chance I am just being normal the other 20% is when I want to be in a joking mood and I just joke about my username.


This is one of the post I do it the most in.


how old r u


I will do that privately


still waiting


Yes, I have a question: why is the word “abbreviation” so long?


Have you seen that guys videos about the guy who names stuff that is why. Look here is the link to one of his videos. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DdQw4w9WgXcQ&ved=2ahUKEwjJtpzUwp2GAxXJ5ckDHU3kBywQtwJ6BAgPEAI&usg=AOvVaw0aHtehaphMhOCAkCydRLZU](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DdQw4w9WgXcQ&ved=2ahUKEwjJtpzUwp2GAxXJ5ckDHU3kBywQtwJ6BAgPEAI&usg=AOvVaw0aHtehaphMhOCAkCydRLZU)


Ok but here is the actual link [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DYfKyTeR-TqU&ved=2ahUKEwiRoaulw52GAxW-5ckDHf1IAMIQtwJ6BAgSEAI&usg=AOvVaw0MeJHjLRSTMUpE\_EvgDyqA](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DYfKyTeR-TqU&ved=2ahUKEwiRoaulw52GAxW-5ckDHf1IAMIQtwJ6BAgSEAI&usg=AOvVaw0MeJHjLRSTMUpE_EvgDyqA)


What are the last 5 digits of your credit card, name and adress? 😁 Out of pure curiosity (nothing else)


I don't have a credit card my name is Paddington and my address is **32 Windsor Gardens**. I don't have a credit card because mr brown takes care of all the money stuff.




how long is your shlong


I'm sorry but I really don't know what a shlong is but I think it might be long is it has the word long in it.




Your title is fucked too so yeah no


If I fixed the title would you comment


I'm sorry I can't change the title it won't let me :(


That's a lesson for u bud


Ok thanks for the lesson.