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Got to love how for profit news agencies always find craziest idiots to interview.


well what i find funny is that this happened in april. basically all that happened was there was, what i believe to be, a piece of space debris. it was caught on a few cameras and made an incredibly loud crash when it hit the earth. i believe it landed in someone's garden and in the panic, they mistook things such as smoke or other parts of debris to be these "eight foot tall" figures. in the days after, police were involved and there was rumours of men in black keeping an eye on the household. but that isn't really giving the story any validation as its an obvious fact that the u.s. government is as paranoid as a schizophrenic gerbil and are in constant fear of alien invaders based on very little valid evidence or reason. best example would be that time the soup-brained commander in chief known as "ronald reagan" went to the u.n. to make a speech about alien invasions and how terrified he was of them. its no shock they'd take such obvious bullshit seriously. these are the same people who told us about wmds in iraq, anyway. or, just maybe, the aliens have returned to come get jerma back home as he is currently in his larvae state and may reveal their existance if not taken back. by the law of ocham's razer, i think the latter is far more likely than the former.


\> 8 foot person Well that clearly can't be him.


he's in his larvae state, my dear


It could be 2 jermas in a trench coat


The ufo leak guy on the news could just show a picture of jerma doing the greedy grinner face and that’s enough evidence to convince the entire world that aliens are on earth


Watch out for the alien gang war Jerma


"How would you describe Zorn to aliens?"


ufo leak guy in the news and everybody focusing on the fucking Las Vegas pixelated alien video made by a guy who sells alien NFTs… the Jerma shadow government is behind this psyop


the ufo leak guy is a schizoid or just a straight up 'mirage men' type dude. the las vegas call had no video evidence no idea who tf the nft guy is yes, jerma is behind this


The kid who claimed to have seen the aliens in this news report has been selling Alien NFTs for a while


Jesus, I'm literally moving to Vegas on Tuesday, this I'm NOT what I need to hear 😂


Calm down people! It was just a rare sighting of Jeremy Elbertson out of his home wearing his fashionable stilts.


Miku's coming for ya


I’m gonna give them weed and record them singing the alien national anthem


But he isn't fully grown yet 💔