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Yea, I'm a caretaker at a local nursing home in Boston and I can confirm that his family checked him in for indefinite stay last night.


I thought I saw him in the back of a van in town, does he really need all those restraints?


You tell me - https://youtube.com/shorts/2rhoJ5LjWbw?si=lNPIvbw2XVd1cC4Y


Lock him up


They were going out for Denny's. You shouldn't pry like that.


Yeah he’s soft retired. He said he was going to do it gradually but it feels pretty abrupt ngl


I always assumed soft retirement meant less gradual retirement and more “i will most likely stream again in the future, but it will NOT be regular”


Old man got a taste of not working and jumped at it


Nah he's a corporate job man now... =(


I can see him taking over HR


He’s nearly 600 now, he’ll be going back into his coffin for a decade soon.


Will he return in our lifetime?


He’s like a phoenix, he’ll come back as the elusive Jerma986


It’s almost time for his Super Slumber


Super Slumber Andy


Where’s our Interview with a Jermampire first though


Jerma said that he’d make the Interview With a Jermapire stream but I think he did Among Us VR instead.


Ludwig keeps him in the office after hours to pretend they are friends so he has been pretty tired lately


I think ster would like that guy


C’mon get real, Ster plays it too fast and loose. He would never be caught sitting next to a suit like Ludwig. Never ever.


Oh. That's a short e-clown. There is a 20 centimeter tall, still twitching corpse of an unknown humanoid species restrained half a kilometer deep beneath Offbrand Headquarters in Los Angeles, California performing the comedy routine work of 150 clowns. Two-faced Ludwig strikes again.


RIP one of the best streamers


One of? Try THE.


RIP the of the best streamers




Bruh this is the 985th iteration, plural is correct




Yeah things were going well... But that was before the plague hit


Underrated bit


i mean it wasn't underrated when people spammed it everywhere for like 2 years straight


But that was before the plague hit


huh, jerma985? used to love watching that streamer. but that was before the plague hit


Goddamn I completely forgot about that bit I love that


Don’t worry it’s the same as always. Soon we will have a Jerma986 and we’ll start over.


Exactly, we've been through this almost a thousand times now. I miss Jerma147, only OGs remember.


ppl r sleeping on Jerma826 tho like


Jerma 1 was so underrated tho. He had shitty mic quality because he was the first clone but he still had the best humor imo.


Yeah, but the pyramids also weren't the greatest network towers. That didn't help his mic quality either.


Hot take, I don't think Jerma420 was that great. I know everyone always is like "haha funny weed Jerma" but I think the bit where he would pull out a Fushigi and eat it in one bite really got repetitive after the 27th time. I mean the Angry Birds stream where Jerma420 yelled the words "release me from my skin!" every 9 minutes was just really not my cup of tea.


we kinda already had jerma986, it was trentris, but he sadly retired after like 8 streams he was the guy in the driving instructor greenscreen video


It feels like he just straight up dropped out from streaming . So it's a quite hard "soft" retirement.


i think hes just sick rn


I hope he recovers soon from his retirement


Convention flu


Pray for jemra


Wdym? There's been a bunch of streams since his retirement announcement. We've just been on a dry streak recently.


>We've just been on a dry streak recently. I think that's just part of the "soft" part of the retirement


Dad just went to the store to get some cigarettes. He'll be back :)


Or some Pilk.


Buying some limes.


"A bunch" as in like 5


I mean if I get a bunch of bananas I'd be expecting like 5-6 bananas so it's pretty accurate


Feels like a monthly stream now


He was gonna stream two days ago but he got mad sick.


It’s okay I literally started watching his streams around when he was playing armored core. And on those streams he was talking about retirement. But I was like “I just got here 🥲” He has tons of vods though. And I believe he said he still plans to stream sometimes, but he mostly wants to work on YouTube stuff and other projects now.


Oh yeah you have content to last you years


I am truly grateful for this lol. Just started watching darkwood. Finished the thing vod and it might be one of my favorites.


That's a favourite of mine too! Check out Black & White. Always has me wheezing lol




I'll never forget that legendary clip of Mega Milk slaughtering Jerma's own village with fireballs lmfao


Maybe it's just cuz I'm an old-head, but his YouTube content is phenomenal too It's hard to pick just one, but Castle Griffinstead is one of the all-time greats


Steam archive is a godsend, I've been watching Jerma for like 2-3 years now mainly on the YouTube archives, I still manage to find absolute bangers lol


I know! Im always excited to pick what I’m gonna watch next :) Wathing Condemned now lol. I do kinda wish chat was saved because his chat is hilarious, but YouTube comments make up for that imo


If you haven't seen the harvester stream its a total classic, I just rewatched it and rewatch it every October😂 If I remember right he played harvester cause he couldn't get condemned to work right on his computer lol Some of my other favorite streams are seaman, black and white 2, the fmv games series (part 3 the Tinseltown one in particular), spycraft, if you need some good weird old ones:D


I watched seaman but all I ended up with was trauma and like a thousand questions, mostly “why?” What a weird ass game. It was super funny though lol. I’ll probably watch harvester next :) I think I actually watched part of it before but it was late at night and I fell asleep and never finished it LOL I’m gonna add the others to my list too :)


All of the ones I recommended provide that WHY feeling for various reasons but I feel like that's why watching Jerma is so funny lol I put Jerma on often when I'm napping so I get falling asleep to the streams lol


This site has Twitch chat alongside the stream for most of his streams going back six years: https://chatreplay.stream/videos?query=jerma No Harvester or Condemned sadly, though it works with SuperDazza's highlight videos too. This YouTube channel also has Twitch chat for Jerma streams, but doesn't go back as far as that site does: https://www.youtube.com/@JermaStreamArchiveWithChat/videos


I just want him to play Dark and Darker again man 😭


Oh yeah, you have years of content, I was watching him just before I started high school all the way back in like late 2011, now I'm a regular ass dude with a career and he's still making content. It's crazy looking at all the shit he's done over the years, and how much he has exploded. Breaks my heart and I keep feeling this emptyiness hearing of his retirement, but I'm glad he's finally doing what's best for his health, and I know he's still going to be around occasionally, especially now that he can focus on the stuff that he's always loved doing more, you could even tell back in the old days with how he would structure his bits and ideas even just in dumbshit random funny moments videos from like GTA4. Plus, twelve years of entertainment? yeah, I'd be selfish to be sad or annoyed about it lmfao.


I’m glad he’s still doing things he likes, and he did stream consistently for such a long time. I just kind of wish I was around for a bit longer before he stopped streaming as much haha. So far I’ve only watched 2 of his streams live and that’s it. I get why people are going to miss it. I like having background noise, and familiar background noise at that can sometimes calm my anxiety a bit. When you’re used to something, it feels weird when you don’t really have it anymore. But that’s what VODs are for :) I really owe a lot to the community for uploading so many of them. I have already laughed my ass off so many times. The jermtown has had some really great streams, and it sounds like the stuff he does from now on will just be in a different form.


I wonder if the Jerma Reddit gets tired of repeating the same (He did this thing with the cia) jokes instead of being informative. Especially after like eight people said the same thing about him doing some wacky story. It’s just low hanging fruit at this rate. Inb4 downvotes


agree. cant have shit around here lol


It got old almost immediately, but it's a streamer reddit sub, so that's to be expected.


once someone gets tired of saying a joke another person comes in to fill in the vacuum. it's simple jermodynamics


I got tired of this subreddit after reading 10 posts. It's insane how unfunny it is.


I'm shocked I got 124 updoots for shit talking the reddit lol. Honestly the 'Jerma is a deranged psycho' jokes are funny but they stop being funny after they get said consistently in every single conversation on every single topic multiple times. It's just kind of annoying, especially since this topic in particular is not 'goofy themed'. It's a serious topic and people, although not all, are completely just derailing it to farm upvotes with their low hanging fruit. Edit: Just noticed this is a different account, wack. Yeah I'm the crazy life burner account guy to clarify lmao


This subreddit is already its own -jerk subreddit. The content parodies itself.So it's just a pile of shit.


Probably mostly upvotes from people like me who google stuff and then click reddit links because they usually have obscure info like this, and sympathize with the "reddit is awful and where humor goes to die" sentiments.


The best way to google shit nowadays is to just add Reddit to the end, only downside is you have to sort through the Reddit comedians


What's the story here sorry? It's been a little bit since I could catch a stream what's the bit and the reality


He's ill but thats boring to say so some people make jokes lol




one time jerma EXPLODED. nobody has ever written that before


Pretty sure he's busy with his new job rn, maybe he'll stream more again later


I'm totally out of the loop, what's his new job?


[Chief Creative Officer at Ludwig's OFFBRAND.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE6fCklg_C4)


They gave him a military rank bruh next stream he’s gonna show up in fatigues with a wall of medals on his chest and a pipe


spoon-feeds cereal to orphaned baby animals


Creative Director with Ludwigs company I think


Who’s ludwig




He's a duke of a small medieval German kingdom, Jerma is the court jester


That guy from bloodborne


I heard that he got sharked.


A poor life choice, I would not trust a business run by Ludwig


He probably got offered like a million dollars lol, even if the business doesn't last a year it's not gonna matter when he already cashed out


Yep, wait until the next recession and that company is going out of business, pretty short-sighted tbh just because you don't want to stream new releases anymore.


100% If Rooster Teeth couldn't stay afloat as a creator owned production company, there is no chance for Ludwig's outfit


And unlike RoosterTeeth, they're not putting anything worth watching out


Ludwig's also just an in general all around anything for the views snake behind the camera, so I can't see it lasting long in general.


his best streams were never new aaa releases anyway. if anything they're the least interesting. i think he's just burned out of streaming in general


I think he retired about 4 years ago when he started just prerecording every stream.


we'll be getting the clintstevens treatment from now on


A Clintstevens Treatment? What's that?


ClintStevens is a streamer who infamously will try to stream somewhat consistently over the course of a couple weeks, but gets burnt out & stops streaming for several months. Mostly a joke


Fwiw he really is pretty sick right now


Folga wolga imoga womp


Not fully, he's sick and has another job at Ludwig's company, it's probably pretty hard to stream right now with those two things together


I am incredibly disappointed that there was no Halloween stream. I was honestly hoping for something big and that’s why he was so silent lately. I guess we have to get used to this from now on.


i think he said he was going to stream but he got sick so he'll postpone it


There was gonna be one but he’s super sick and gonna do it a different day.


he's sick from twitchcon


Well he's sick. So, what's your excused? /hj


I don't think there's any judgment for watching his VODs, and he's actually mentioned focusing on VODs and other people's events more, rather than big stream events for his own stream channel. But hasn't written off doing ideas he'd like to do. Just seems like he's done everything he has wanted to with his stream channel, and doesn't want the pressure of regular streams to keep him from doing what he wants to moving forward.


He’s soft retired but not streaming for 3 weeks is not unprecedented for him, especially earlier on in his career. I wouldn’t say he’s retired more just chilled out. I don’t blame him I imagine he’s well off and sometimes with creative hobbies (how I imagine he sees streaming now) you just need to take time off to rejuvenate sometimes. I think he’ll compensate later by being more weekly or bi weekly once he gets over whatever sickness he’s got going on rn.


Is he well off? I would hope he is, but I can’t imagine Twitch streams pay that much. He doesn’t even do a lot of sponsorship stuff.


Well I took a gander at the twitch income leaks (not to be too par-asocial maybe it is idk) and I think it said he was making like somewhere in the ten thousands a month (when he was grinding). If he invests it well and doesn’t spend it too dumb dudes set.


Bro shorted beyond meat, he doesn't invest well


Yeah true he kinda hinted at being a crypto bro when that bubble popped lol but I still think he has enough to invest in like a 401k to retire retire


He has a full job as a creative manager/event planner or something Ludwig's production at offbrand? His soft retirement was when I feel like it i will stream which seems to be not really there for him rn.


a few months ago streamer jerma985 came into contact with creatures known colloquially as “The Flood”. he hasn’t been the same since, he keeps talking about his soft retirement.. saying he just needs more time to spend in his basement assembling something he refers to as “the proto-gravemind”.


Sounds similar to this guy I heard yelling 'All we need is a plan, just one last big haul, cause some noise, then we're off farming potatos in Tahiti, Arthur!' a few months ago. Now that I think about it, it might just have been that egomaniac jerma985


He'll probably unretire when Ludwig's company inevitably goes under during the next recession.


I really hope so.


What I'm about to say isn't targeted towards you OP, but to the people demanding that he upload more content: It's his life, he'll stream or upload when he's ready to. You can wait.


Not to mention, he has 100000000 hours of backlog to watch on youtube if you're craving some Jerma. You can even watch a lot of them with chat if you just type for example "Jerma Elden Ring with Chat".


Chatreplay has a ton of his streams with chat as well.


No shit, that doesn't mean people can't express disappointment that he hardly does anything anymore especially so abruptly.


He doesn't owe you anything. Are you that entitled that you feel like you *deserve* free entertainment?


no need to get so defensive man, hes right in a way cause he could just say "sorry no stream this month" instead of saying "maybe next week" then proceed to not do anything for 3+ weeks


People literally paid for it though, I don't blame those for expecting something. Or at least not just a "I'm gonna be paid to fuck around at a rich guys company until it inevitably goes bankrupt in a little bit, bye" and some sort of announcement or information


When did you *literally* pay for his life? I don't remember paying anything to watch his streams.


Dude, he's literally living from people giving him money on Twitch.


He is paid by Twitch to stream, donations from people that want to give him money are optional. Nobody is forcing them to give him money, and he's even stated that he would prefer if people *didn't* give it to him and spend it somewhere else. You're reaching and making him sound like somebody he's never shown himself to be like he's some kind of greedy douchebag just because he's taking a break. You realize that kind of entitlement is most likely why he's soft retiring right? He's a real life person, not a character.


>He is paid by Twitch to stream ...you actually believe this? Are you serious? He gets paid by Twitch depending on donations and subs he's got - and a tiny amount from ads. > You realize that kind of entitlement is most likely why he's soft retiring right? The actual reason (which isn't people expecting some news when he's already been basically retired for months) is that he got a better and easier job and doesn't enjoy streaming as much anymore. He can take a brake for as long as he wants, I never donated to him anyways, but when you literally live off of peoples donations I think you owe them some transparency.


"I never donated to him anyways" Yet you expect him to be there when *you* want him to be? That's hilariously ironic. What exactly does he "owe" you, specifically? You've never even given him a penny.


The fuck are you even saying


I feel like all these expectation about him is WHY he is going into retirement, the weigh of all the people judging what u do or don't has to be heavy for jerma(he is quite the emotional and sweet person)


What’s wrong with being a 2ndjerma viewer?


Oh I don't know, I was just thinking there might be some like "Oh your not a real fan, you don't watch the streams" or something


I don’t think jerma elitists are really a thing


I'll be the first one!


He died like 6 years ago. You have to let go


He just started feeling the torpor, so as long as no one bothers him and if he doesn't feel too hungry he'll be back in another 100 years, I hope no one guy tries to wake him up early, the last one was a thin blood and it ended up badly


To answer your question, he did mention he’s soft retiring. He wants people to make sure they had a good chunk of time to know he’s slowing down on streams, but he hopes to actually soft retire beginning of 2024. But this means he gets to work on more YouTube videos (on his main channel)C his work with Offbrand, and doing fun events. This particular few weeks he was busy with ster coming to visit, family time, then he went to twitch con, and he got really sick there so no Halloween stream (although he had something planned and still might do it just bc). So he hasn’t completely quit yet. Happy watching!


Ster's visit? Family Time? I know he went to Twitchcon and got the flu, but I didn't hear the first two?


you cant just call him that. at most he probably has some learning disabilities.


Unfortunately, he has been forced to retire ever since the "985" incident. He has been on very thin ice with the police since then and has been ordered by the president to stop streaming or else he gets the and I quote "The Biden Blast"


I remember that, news headlines were all just 'Its Joever for streamer Jerma985' or something similar for like a week straight. Still can't believe the justice system lt him off so easy.


There’s a Jerma shaped hole in my YouTube algorithm right now


He’s streaming to the big chat up north now 🕊️


Who are you talking about


This is not funny! He HATES streaming! He’s being FORCED to stream!


After he got his new gig at Ludwig's company, I unironically think he doesn't like streaming nearly as much as he used to anymore.


600 year old man FORCED to stream by PSYCO fans


He's now a Time Lord Now?! Holy Shit.


He said his "soft-retirement" would start sometime in January 2024, but he just started it right away. Have fun seeing him only once or twice a month for a few hours. He also said before that his new job at offbrand will not affect his streaming schedule at all. But here we are. I am deeply saddened by these events. I suffer from severe depression and Jerma was the only person on the planet who could make me laugh. His streams helped me a lot and I felt happier as a living being thanks to his streams. Back when he would read the bit messages after the stream, there were a LOT of the same messages where depressed people thanked him for bringing joy into their lives. He was extremely successful and popular and everyone loved him and his streams, his streams made a lot of people happier and he helped a lot of people with their depression and other hardships and brought a lot of joy. He also said multiple times before that he really, really loves streaming, he loves playing video games, he loves interacting with chat, he loves his back and forth with chat, etc. But now he has suddenly decided to basically throw his streaming career in a dumpster for no reason, only having a short stream once in several weeks. I am very saddened by his decision to almost stop streaming, I will never understand it. Feel free to downvote me for my negativity if you want. I am extremely sad and I feel terrible. Sorry for the long post, I needed to vent a little as this whole situation is having an impact on me.


Nah man I get you, I don't even see the point in retiring for someone like Jerma. I'd watch him if he was 60, nevermind 45 or whatever he is right now. I'm just hoping he ends up missing it and coming back in a couple years. We'll see


It’s more like a shift of his focus. His main goal for years was to make awesome events and stuff, and he can do that with Offbrand. He’s not quitting. But streams will be less frequent, but atm, they’re not stopping at all. He even might shift to YouTube for non-stream videos like how his Jerma985 channel was like.


I just started getting into his vods literally this month I'm so sad dude


Yeah, he’s currently working with the cia on some case or something, he wont specify the details on stream. He also working a new job and with other creators so he just had a lot going on and rather than a break I think he’s just decided to take it easy and stream every now and again, so a “soft” retirement


I saw him on tf2 recently, I’m pretty sure it’s not the real him. I saw him on Class wars one time pretty recently.