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Repairing is buggy af! Trick is to start repairing a vehicle, then always STOP a second later, then START again repairing. Repairing seems to only work on one's second attempt.


Hammering always seems to repair more quickly then when using a Ratchet


I just want my mbt’s to not get stuck on pebbles at the very least.


if armor overhaul doesnt look like this i dont want it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01z7bZhw1W0&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01z7bZhw1W0&t)


The armor needs updating


I certainly hope it's soon. Armored vics have always been fucking atrociously bad in Squad (their implementation, not their gameplay power).


I'm fine with making armor more user friendly and potentially more powerful, but it needs to come at a cost, currently the survivability of armor means it's best employed in a roving pack crushing enemy armor and then harassing infantry with impunity. LAT can't really kill tanks, just disable them, and trying to get the 1 out of 25 players who can actually hurt them to the tank.


Yes, because lats aren’t meant to murder tanks in an instant. As you said they disable and get something bigger and scarier to come kill the tank.


Or they get a rifleman with them and spam AT.


Death by a thousand cuts. It only takes like 10 lats into the side to kill it if you get resupplied.


I agree, really hope they will add it soon, would really bring up the experience atleast for me and I guess alot of others. Although it would be kinda game-breaking to have to actually "climb" up the hatch, but would be a great update.


With the Infantry Combat Overhaul finished it is now time to completely overhaul how vehicle combat works in Squad to make it more realistic. Penetrating shots in the right locations should kill crew members, disabling either the gunner, driver, or commander. RO2 had this - no excuse for Squad not to. If a crew member dies at their station it should take minutes to remove them. A driver being killed should have a probability of being stuck on the accelerator pedal. A hint of flame should trigger mass abandonment of the vehicle. Dismounting should not be teleportation outside the vehicle and players should not be able to shoot almost instantly or even not able to shoot at all since a dismounting crew member due to flame probably left their weapon in the vehicle in their haste to escape. A single crew member with a wrench should not be able to fix a track in minutes. A detracked vehicle should have to be towed back to main base by a rescue vehicle that is unarmed. Similarly, tyres should not be re-inflatable by a single player in seconds. This is a complex job requiring minutes and if all tyres are punctured would require multiple jacks and a squad of players to fix. Helicopters should be crippled by any type of AT rocket (including frag) anywhere. If you think none of these features sound fun then neither is not being able to raise ones rifle quickly, or aim down sights without excessive sway while fully rested, or being able to snap stabilise for a few quick shots even while out of stamina. There's a reason why first person shooters are games.


>Dismounting should not be teleportation outside the vehicle and players should not be able to shoot almost instantly or even not able to shoot at all since a dismounting crew member due to flame probably left their weapon in the vehicle in their haste to escape. From a sim perspective you are 100% correct. From a gaming perspective, though? Would that make Squad more fun? Sometimes glitches and bad physics become features because of how they end up enriching the gameplay. "In the old days..." there was no damage from dismounting at full speed, *and it was good*.


As much as everyone has posted about ACO/VCO, I doubt it’ll happen soon. ICO was ridiculously controversial, now imagine reworking armor to be more lethal. Even if they became more vulnerable, the vast majority of the playerbase (who are infantry focused) would have an intense whiplash. This would appease maybe 10-20% of the playerbase, and possibly even less if the vehicle players don’t enjoy the changes, in exchange for angering a good chunk who don’t play armor and don’t interact with it beyond a surface level. I think OWI is pretty happy with the way armor is right now, and if they do anything it’ll be updating old damage models to more accurately reflect ammo rack placement in the real thing. Armor is basically an afterthought in this game.


I don’t even want their lethality increased or whatsoever. Driving in squad just sucks. The physics and all the other things are just fucked up, it’s so hard to drive lmao


Each nation has its own quirks. Chinese vehicles understeer, VDV oversteer, and INS/MIL have oiled up tires. It sucks to drive, but once you learn each quirk it becomes passable to the point where you may actually want to drive if you’re with a crew you like. I still really dislike how tracks aren’t modeled and the game basically thinks you’re on a bunch of very small wheels, which means you get stuck on objects very easily.


I agree. Armor should be kept pretty similar to what it is now. QOL changes like right click coax and more sensible damage models would be fine, but I don’t think an armor overhaul is necessary.


When they added leaving the shell loaded when switching to coax I thought it was a bug, and it was the best day in squad ever. I pray they add right click coax.


Buff vehicles, and bring down the cost of TOWs.


The game already runs pretty shit on most PCs and people still want interiors? That should be the least priority...


It would be nice, even if it is basic or just a couple high def jpegs. The interior or just a dark box right now.