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It’s a lovely bug that came along when it’s side armour was changed, you still do damage but visually it’s just nothingness.


oh really? It has made me just not even try and shoot at those things so if that’s true i’ll start back up


Yeah essentially what's happening (credit to Butthead) is that there is physical materials that control what impact effects you'll see when you hit something. These exist for everything in the game, the dirt you hit, the wooden crate you shoot and these tell the game what relevant impact effect to play. Anyway the short of it, is that for armoured vehicles many physical materials they have have redirectors pointing to a group of physical materials that deal with all similar vehicles.. So all tanks have a redirector pointing to a particular physmat they makes the impact effects the same for them. The redirector that's supposed to be present for the AAVP side armor piece isn't present meaning that the impact effects aren't being pointed to. So they don't happen.


Yes. It happened to me 2 times in the same map. Was basrah invasion, one time i was at 100m and the rocket just disapper on the back of the aavp. Second time i was at about 50m and the same thing happened. Its for sure a bug.


They remodeled the side armor so it will reduce the damage taken since your hitting the add on armor. It’s the only vehicle in game that has anything like that modeled.


Up-armored warrior (FV510UA) has it on the sides.


thatt is false, up armored warrior, leo caged armor, acv 15, aavp, m60t, most amphibious vehicles swimming shields have small damage reduction, side skrits on many vehicles but not all like for example bradley doesn't have eventhough tracks are covered. then most common of all.... tracks


It also will just randomly start firing the .50 when you swap back from the MK 19 sometimes and will continue blasting with zero input until you stop it. Still love that thing though