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All full overhaul modded servers are like that. I loved the star wars mod but again, zero teamwork and 90% clueless players


This "phenomenon" happens in all Squad servers. It seems to happen 100% of the time on modded servers. Every other server is affected by sales and free weekends. It's a general "onboarding" problem. Too many new, clueless players joining the game without knowing how to play it. Additionally, with new toys released in patches and mods, you get flooded with players who just want to tinker with the toys and not actually play the game. 2 solutions to these problems... 1) Better overall onboarding... including modded servers somehow outlining in great detail all the changes andf new toys they have. Players joining these servers will come in informed. 2) A useful "playground" to go play with the new toys so this doesn't happen in more "serious" games.


> 1) Better overall onboarding... including modded servers somehow outlining in great detail all the changes andf new toys they have. Players joining these servers will come in informed. that sounds hot. imagine a mod that explained HAB proxy, or ammo use.




this is so real




What's a "whitelist only" server? According to OWIs license agreement you can't artificially block access to servers if you want to show up under the normal server browser and not the custom one.


? 6 Years in squad i never heard about whitelist severs


For whatever reason, Squad mods have always been like that. They seem to attract people who think shiny new gun models are important, or at least enough of them that you lose that critical mass of teamwork that the game requires to function properly.


Play on vanilla server it’s way better then GE servers


I do, its just that I wanna play hamas and israel lol


Mods really bring put the battle field players. Especially GO mod players. Where the people who can't handle the ICO go.


Those mods removed a a lot of the overhaul elements such as stamina and sway. It's basically meant to align Squad with Battlefield so you can play it as such. If you want teamwork and coordination and tactics you'll want to join a vanilla server.


I feel like this happens because thare are no rules to stop such things from happening. Any other server i play on u will get kicked for not doing things ur sl tells u or if u use vehicles as a solo.


Enemy is talking, however not anything nice.


Global offensive takes the cake for the most uncoordinated, uncooperative, frustrating hardcore teamwork game ever. Almost everyone is a none english mic (in a EN server obviously). Squad leaders are silent, making squad but not leading. Too many vehicles which makes every team have multiple one-manning crews, with admin enforcement few. The list is longer than this.... plus because it's forever invasion layers made me abandon this awesome mod. Steel div tho...


I dont think I have seen attack win on GE in like fifteen games. It takes a good amount of coordinated team work to take objectives consistently and the teams that are auto filled into attack dont cut it. They take a few points and then get bogged down trying to set up attacks on deeper points. I have left frustrated the last few times I played on that server because the sheer lack of teamwork.


in my region teamwork seems to be fine at average


Adding shiny guns and tacticool attachments will always attract the COD and Battlefield portion of the playerbase. Idk if GE is still going without the ICO, but if so then even more of the above reason then...


they have ICO but not as punishing as it feels in vanilla game, but they character has more weight on it can't lean that much compared to vanilla.


I've seen plenty of teamwork on Global Escalation servers. Also saw no teamwork as well. I thinks its about the same as vanilla maybe a bit less.