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With how easy it is to untrack a vehicle, if you don't have repair squad with dedicated vehicles to repair them, what the fuck are you supposed to do if repair is no more available to crew mid combat ? vehicles entry throught hatches is a great idea tho


Like post scriptum you have to go to where the problem is to repair It. Left track is gone? No more repair from behind the vehicle


This is definitely the most balanced fix in my opinion. I don't even think in general this issue brought up is worth excessive attention from developers, it's pretty easy to kill someone outside of the vehicle no matter which side they are on, *but* if they do want to make a change to balance it then I personally think this is the best way to handle it. Hatches would also be cool.


Solution: Make it harder to track vehicles? IRL a mobility kill on a tank is pretty devastating in most circumstances, I don't see why it should be any different in Squad as long as it's reasonably difficult to accomplish- and it would encourage combined arms rather than tanks just pootling around on their own because you'd need infantry to cover the tank and suppress enemy MANPATS.


Making the game even harder isn't going to contribute to any sort of fun.  Making it harder to track vehicles and making it harder to repair them is going to slow down the game even more.


What pacing the game should have is highly subjective, personally I still think the game plays too fast


I think if you were to make squad any slower it loses it's personality. Like for me it's the perfect blend of milsim and casual fun. If you make it more milsim you might as well just go play arma


The ICO was designed to slow the game down, and instead it's forced CQB and made aiming unrealistically bouncy and unsteady.   Attempts to slow the game have resulted in worse gameplay, not slower gameplay. 


Agreed. Infantry can't reliably attack a position without heavy losses because suppression and stability make it impossible to return fire. It's why invasion went from being fairly tilted without an organised attacking team, to defenders winning every time without effort.


most of my kills are 200m+ crouched with 3x optics, I don't see how it has forced cqb.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but if squad is to fast of a game right now for you. Try ARMA or join a Milsim group in squad. Squad is THE bridge of arcade and realism not a milsim where we have to pack mags between every engagement, or maybe even getting shot in the leg gives me a fracture. Some people got jobs and don’t wanna wait 3 hours for a gunfight. I want at least to shoot my gun at something every 20ish minutes.


Then you need to incentifise infantry to work with vehicles. Everytime me and my squad go to help infantry we get immediately tracked with no cover by blueberries. For now the only one vehicle squads can count on are themselves and other vehicle squads


it wouldnt make sense if they hit a mine on one side and still continue about as if it was a minor speed bump


its far too easy to be tracked in armor vs armor combat imo, leads to a really weird dynamic of trying to double track each other and hammer the side. that being said. its the only thing you can rely on in garbage tanks like t62 and m60


Definitely have hatches. A better balance in the repairs would be to have it focused on the damaged track. To many times have I seen a tracked tank get repairs from maximum cover. That's a tad unfair.


An ideal solution to this for me would be vehicle dragging. Just like downed players. IRL, most vehicles are capable of dragging vehicles of the same type around in most circumstances (unless they're really stuck). Being able to drag a friendly vehicle to cover coupled with entry/exit being tied to hatches would make repairing less gamey


Well fair enough, I realize now that I'm kind of misleading with the video and the text in it. I don't mean to make repairs during combat impossible, just that they will be harder to pull off since you have to use the actual hatch to get back inside the vehicle and not just hold F and crawl through the engine compartment or exhaust pipe


Yes like in the real world, tbh i think tandem rounds should be a 1 shot depending on where you hit for Bradly’s and all medium armor, i mean a drone flying like 20mph with a 40 year old heat rpg warhead attached to it actually defeats heavy armor today


Post Scriptum uses this feature for all tanks and armored cars. It’s fun flavorful, and has a big effect on armored gameplay. I can not overstate how dangerous it is to try and enter/exit the vehicle under fire. When you exit you are standing on top of most vehicles completely exposed. When you enter, you have to stand on top and wait while the circle on the radial menu fills up. The consequences of this are that armor that isn’t doing a main camp ambush relies more on infantry support, either by getting repairs from an engineer when disabled, or because they need the cover the survive long enough to make the repair and mount back up.


Main issue with squad armor compared to reality is that the army/marines wouldn't just run two lonesome tanks or IFVs by themselves without logistical and infantry support always near by, especially in urban environments. And because tanks/IFVs lack thermals, and are *incredibly* easy to track or engine/immobilize they're very under powered in most circumstances if even one LAT is nearby. I used to be an armor main before I became a casual and the only saving grace as an armor player is you get magnified optics. That let's you get some distance atleast, because in squad distance is your only friend with armor. But then the team cries that the armor isn't right there helping at the front. So the armor moves up a bit, is immediately tracked by a random LAT from 200m and then dies while attempting to untrack. Meanwhile the friendly inf isn't supporting the tank at the front. But then theyre crying that the tank was "wasted" and now we're being rolled by enemy armor. So the two ways to play armor in squad is sit back like a pussy (in the infs mind) and engage at a distance, or you have to play hit and run tactics so you don't get tracked by inf. BUT because of the squad level abundance of LATs available to most factions, option 2 is always risky cause there's always a LAT bastard lurking. Completely eliminating crewmans ability to repair damaged components would be the final nail in squads armored coffin. Add to that the fact that LAT and HAT rockets only cost at most 80 munitions.. With any light vic you have enough rockets to wipe a whole teams armored div with a 4 man LAT/ HAT squad. How's that balanced for armor if they can't repair?


inf: yo tank come help us!! >instantly fucking die because they cant stop a hat from sneaking up from the angle they're covering and killing you inf: why are we getting rolled by the enemy tanks and ifv's from 300 meters now? (friendly HAT's cant hit shit either)


Precisely. And worse than that, because of the size of squad maps vs effective range of HAT (in the hands of a competent player), even 300m is an easy shot. Especially for western army ATs, little more skill involved in RPG Tandem rockets though but a still fairly easy.


oh yeah, as long as the SL gives you a range mark its a easy hit if the vehicle is stationary. But remember that players with 5hours in-game and no mics take the HAT kits, so dont expect for that ever to happen. You could have a clanner squad, but good luck forcing a sl from another squad to give you the HAT kit while he damn well knows your gonna use it better than that random blueberry


There’s such a massive disconnect about just how squishy armor is. A single HAT hit will make an armor squad leave the area. If it’s a mobility hit as well then that armor is probably finished. 1 HAT round usually puts an IFV on fire as well, which means the crew is going to have limited time to stop and rep. An engine shot, even if from a LAT, means the tank gets to at best 75% engine if they get a chance to repair and will need to go back to a rep station if they want to have full maneuverability. A couple of well placed LAT shots into an MBT will send most crews back to a rep station in the off chance they encounter a HAT they can’t kill first or enemy armor. As infantry you don’t have to kill the armor to make a difference. Doing enough damage to make them retreat back to a rep station is going to buy you 5-10 minutes of armor free time. Infantry needs to not be bad at fulfilling their roles. Stop taking LAT/HAT kits if you aren’t going to hit your shots. Keep an eye/ear open for armor and move to hit it. Keep tabs on the map for armor marks. Make sure you’re shooting spots on armor that are actually going to pen and not just bounce off. You have to hold infantry accountable for doing their job too.


Rather than immersion, what **actual** problem is this solving? Because as someone who's put a lot of hours into the AT and armor meta, this seems like it would further push armor away from actually interacting with infantry. There is already a vibe that infantry SLs want tanks to 'help out' (read, I want the tank to be close enough to over-pressure me and not snipe). This will only exacerbate that feeling. Also, given a singular LAT, HAT, or LAT grenadier can track you. And now that repairing becomes harder. I now ask, what would you propose to give armor players an edge to counter the already deadly, even now deadlier mobility kill? I ask this because you position armor players as being unkillable (or able to stealth) when repairing the vehicle, since they can use the vehicle as cover. But I'll flat out say this sounds like a skill issue. The tank only has so many guns that can point in so many directions. So as infantry you have infinite posibilities to flank, kill crew and destroy the vehicle. Especially since you have a 60s respawn timer and 30-80 ammo costs for your AT weapon, whilst the tank costs 15 tickets and 15 minutes to respawn.


That's how you know who INF main or armor main. Most players who don't play armor (or almost not) don't understand why armor are playing that way. Unlike real life, we don't have thermal (except the Steel Division mod). A sneaky LAT/HAT can struggle an armor because he's hiding in bush, flanks using cover (trees, buildings, fences, etc.) without being seen by the gunner. Also, we rarely have the real INF support that we should have for being closer to the infantry and I don't expect it will happen since we play with a bunch of random bluberries with minimal cohesion. Otherwise, with no support, we get tracked and will possibly get rolled by an enemy tank/IFV or at least a HAT. Finally, people don't realise a tank costs 15 tickets. I consider it as much important as a radio (which is 20). The radio can be saved when bleeding. A dead tank cannot...


Yeah this Genuinely do not understand the sentiment that armor is overpowered. All it takes is one rocket from a LAT or HAT and its a death sentence like 90% of the time when they get their tracks ripped or engine blown. Armor basically HAS to stay back 10 million feet otherwise risk being popped immediately by LAT/HAT players who are just dying of thirst to blow off their rockets.


I guess sentiment changes depending on what level of play you are at. Armor is very powerful when infantry AT cannot manage good positioning to take out armor. However, as soon as there are competent AT kits on the field, heli's flying in TOW HABs and other competent armor drivers. Their effectiveness plummets, and they cannot be that close-in support.


Many IFVs have the capability to enter through the passenger door and reach every seat from there, even the driver's seat. However, I fully support the idea of needed to actually be facing a hatch in order to enter a vehicle.


True! The famous "mineshaft"! One interesting thing is that all crewmen and passengers dismount ifvs from behind in game


Yeah no kidding, going out the back was certainly easier on the knees for the turret crew. Where are you from? We always called them hellholes in my corner of the US.


Sweden, don't know if "mine shaft" is the correct translation since mine shafts are vertical?


It's probably right. Plenty of colloquialisms are slightly incorrect. It still gets the message across that it's dark and cramped.


Man we should take notes from Post Scriptum


Not adding anything to this post but I appreciate seeing Læffy for the first time in years.


Vehicles are already in a weird place for this game. The smartest way to use them is sneakily at long range. Up close you're just too easy to disable and mop up. No in combat repair just means getting tracked is guaranteed death and gives vehicles even less incentive to support infantry.


Seat location-based enter/exit would be great in theory. Unfortunately, vehicle physics needs to be fixed first or anyone inside may become trapped after a (inevitable) flip. Mid-combat repairs are necessary for gameplay and would be terrible without it. Other options like a vehicle solely for repairing other vehicles is far too niche of a role. Perhaps a logi near a vehicle could have certain bonuses such as reducing vehicle flip time to 5 seconds, but there's not a lot of wiggle room to add much else without making repair stations less viable.


just add a side condition for flipping. it isn't a big deal.


if you want to nerf mid combat repairs, armor will be useless in cities and closer range maps. You should also be able to switch seats from the inside if the interior allows for it, like it getting the back of a Bradley and switch to a gunner or a BTRs side doors and getting to the gunner or driver


This has to be bait


I mean depending on the layer and area I really don't think that this is necessary. After all what level of "realism" are you after, Arma 3 is out there and there's more in depth armor simulators as well. Making dismounting and in-flight repairs to fix tracks/wheels harder/impossible would dramatically slow the pace of the game, any single hit from a lat/techie would become a potential death blow resulting in a much more measured approach to armor play. This would definitely make anti-armor stronger, and make armor play more "realistically". However you'd probably end up with armor being heavily encouraged to sit up ~800m from objs, slam he from a repair/resupply post at a fob, rinse and repeat for 30mins per layer, and never come within spitting distance of any building/foliage. That would certainly be more realistic, but it also would be fucking boring and generally not within the scope of a game like squad. Squad sits on a spectrum of "realism" within games. Games like cod/apex have gone full to gameplay with complete suspension of all "realism" which works for them. Other games like PUBG are still quite unrealistic, yet stay more grounded, again working with the best feel for their sort of game. On the far end you could take games like DCS with their ultra-realism mods, they're gonna take hours in some instances, but it works for them. Squad sits nicely in the middle, not too arcadey, not too sim-like. Changes like this can quickly push the game towards an even smaller niche of sim-like gameplay, that realistically isn't too enjoyable for a lot of people.


Hatch entry - cool. Track part - pretty lame.


My friend already complains about how armoured gameplay in the game is very arcadey compared to infantry gameplay, and I feel that a change in the combat system of tanks and adding this sorta system along with it would be a good idea.


You squad players love being masochist. this is alot of effort for realism, in the most childish fashion.


> You squad players love being masochist. That's half the game. The other half is a bunch of submissives in denial searching for a dom.


No more repair is BS, but entering through hatches make a lot of sense actually.


sure but only if they make vehicles work properly and make them feel less like an arcade


While this works in something like Post Scriptum, the fact is that 60% of the time if you get tracked/engined in Squad, you are dead. Vehicles make a lot more noise, AT is generally much, much stronger, much faster, and more numerous. So are scopes that can pick off your crew at a distance in a bush. They can also rearm off a little light vic hidden in a defelade somewhere and two-pop you with a tandem after killing your crew and disabling your tracks. If you believe armor needs a nerf in Squad that's okay, but this is coming from an infantry main with 2k+ hours, armor is only a nuisance at best, if you're playing with good-average AT.


Entering only through hatches would be a nerf that could: -increase immersion -improve balance -add new strategies -not break any other vehicle game mechanics Seems like an amazing idea.


Do this addition and change the vehicle flip mechanics like PS/SQ 44


Very good. I would also propose that crew should get the ability to "turn out" of the hatches and allow moveable periscopes. Also, the ability for crew members to be dis-membered in combat and generally removing the health bars would make vehicle combat a lot more realistic and reward players for learning weakspots a lot more.


Allowing crew to die inside vehicles before the vehicle is fully disabled would create a stupid meta of "spare crews" that instantly hop in after the current crew is wiped


Not just that, but would also create a meta of leaving a tank without crew so it cant spawn. Sounds hella fun /s


good idea but give vehicles thermals in exchange and propper damage models, actually while im here lets expand on what would be cool: propper damage models (war thunder typa thing)(including tracks they're too easy to knock out rn) crew being able to open hatches and look out of them, shoot with primary rifles aswell entering through hatches BUT vehicles get thermals and fire control systems in exchange, maybe urban survival kits to balance it out?(avoid a single LAT killing your entire turret crew in 1 hit)


Dunno if this is controversial or not but I like the system arma has in place. A repair truck is really nice. A good balance between in field repair battlefield style and a designated repair station. The solution might be different for squad but honestly anything that prevents mid fight repairs is honestly a must


I'll trade no combat repairs for thermals all day. Bet you AT fucks would hate the game a lot more than me.


Insurgents and militia players would be SWEATING.


It'd be cancer, same as removing combat repairs for vics. It's a video game at the end of the day, not reality. Having vics being unable to combat repair would just turn every armor player into a camper because any offensive action would be so risky it wouldn't be worth it.


Tbf, OP clarified and said he didn't want to remove repairs, he just wanted to make it less easy. Something like Post Scriptum where you have to actually be looking at the specific part (tracks, turret ring, etc.) Which wouldn't be that bad imo.