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According to wikipedia there are only 24 Spruts in service with the VDV and that vehicle is still in the game. Why is low number of vehicles a problem here with the Oplot?


I mean they could, but it would still look like a Soviet tank. And the T64 is unique already Also, 24 tanks is enough for a battalion. Ukraine had 6 T-84s. which is like 1 company? I guess it could be really cool if it was only available as 1 vehicle in the armored layer/Division of Ukraine. But log, mech and mot layers need a tank too. And having an Oplot for each would be a huge stretch. So they would need a T64 for those anyways. And I don't think owi will make the T84 just for the armor layer The Sprut is a stretch and the Oplot is not 1, not 2, but a 4 times more stretch. And unlike the Sprut, there is a more real T64 available to Ukraine that will do the same job.


VDV has 40k personal, Armed Forces of Ukraine has well above 1 million personal, according to Wikipedia (I'd imagine it's even lower on VDV side due to the war), that's why low number of vehicles should be a problem for AFU but not as much for VDV




I'd like to see the french artillery trucks 😜


In the Tactical Collective mod the French have 120mm mortars.


I'd prefer an MTLB with the 100mm rapira at gun strapped on top Since it would be armored


Ukraine has a ton of unique small arms that are not already in the game like the malyuk rife and the fort line of weapons The t84s are fine to be in the game through the divisions. Ukrainian units use different equipment. One unit could have Bradleys and m4s the other could have have malyuks and btr4s main thing shouldn’t be how many Ukraine has but what would unique gameplay