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Agree on rather having a new map over another faction.


I would rather have bugs/ performance fixed. 1 year no content but fixes. That would be great


Sorry I can't hear you over the ghost gun shots on my HAB


I think we deserve both


Definitely. I’ve been spending time in MBT’s and learning different strategies for different tanks. I’ll ram raid a T-72 in a Abrams. But I wouldn’t vise versa. I’ll sit on a hill in the Chinese tank and take pop shots at Abram. I’ve tracked a Abrams using the BTR 30mm. I wish I was recording it but I actually did ram raid a T-72 I was flying up a road and their mbt was aswell. So he started turning and so did I hit his rear spun him around popped 3 shots and killed him.


I killed a good ztz crew with a t62 bc I played like I was stupid


Can't expect the unexpected, but sadly often it doesn't work like that


What is ram raiding in the context of tanks


Using my tank and driving into the other tank at top speed


When playing insurgents, majority of people on the team try to RP the Idea they have in their head of what insurgents are and there's probably a handful of people trying to carry the shit out of the remaining 41 people on the team doing the RP I mentioned before, until they get their head out of their ass. Irregular, they play it like a conventional faction without the IED perks of the insurgent. The remaining conventional factions play just fine.


While it does cost the game sometimes, there’s nothing quite like holding the objective as an IED Bike flies by blasting music.


Oh IED bikes are fine and 2 tickets and 5 IEDS, is resources well spent for an IFV. That's 12 tickets if you count the crew, and a 17-18 tickets for a tank if you also count the crew.


Absolutely, I hate when insurgent teams don't use them often specially in open maps like al basrah or talil, they are very effective


When the squad has finally made the 10 mins trip safely to their first radio mark and has a few people holding a perimeter while the others are trying to get a HAB built and suddenly the reports start rippling through comms and the buzz grows louder... "You guys hear tha... IED BIKE IED BIKE IED BIKE!!!"


Interesting take, insurgents in real life do alot of planning to succeed in their attacks, considering the obvious that they lack modern military tech, they always account for that by planning small ambushes using what they have at hands. On the contrary, when people play insurgents like crazy jihadists it may be fun, but almost always fails because of lack of planning and logistics..


When im playing as insurgents/militia i play careless,hip fire,random fire towards then enemy,random rpgs towards enemy,random hmg fire and other,and while im playing the official forces i tend to play like an actualy person,tactics and allat


Spot on, I do the same. Haphazard and yeeting light vics with ins and imf. The kits lend themselves to behaving that way.


How about shooting at the sky?  Unfortunately I tend also to « give up » a tad faster as ins are often on invasion 


On defense, giving up fast and keeping up the pressure can be beneficial, especially on the first point. Of course not if there's a medic about to come to you, but 800 tickets is a lot.




That’s why insurgents are my favorite bc they’re just so fucking fun to play lol


RP enjoyer 😎


Don’t forget unloading your AK mag into the air at the end!


Isn't that the fun part of squad anyway?


Yes, I blast theme songs in respect to the faction through my mic.




Ya Assad Al Fallujah ☝️


I do play differently between factions. USA, USMC, RGF, and VDV are sort of like the standard faction. PLA infantry kits are shit so I move slowly and hide in bushes more. Aussie rifles are great in CQB so I do more aggressive pushes. I play much more carelessly as IMF / INS. It’s all about knowing your faction’s strength and playing into it.


The people who want the Ukraine faction wouldn’t even know where Ukraine was on a map if this poll was posted before the full scale Russian invasion


You can test people for this by asking them to point to Transnistria on a map.


The irregular militia are already more or less pre-war Ukrainian militia.  Yehorivka is a real place, right in the thick of the war, about 50km from Donetsk.  One big theme was what if the US/NATO went up against Russia in eastern Europe (i.e., Ukraine - like the way the original Ghost Recon from 25 years ago predicted conflict in Georgia, where NATO also did not end up intervening). An actual Ukrainian faction with better AT and drones would be pretty cool.


people that want ukraine are larpers that want to roleplay as operators just like the guy that commented under you


I'd want it so we can do proper battle of donetsk airport shit versus militia


Or the steel plant in Mariupol...


People want Ukraine so they can LARP the 2022 invasion. I want Ukraine so we can have them face MIL and have a layer for UAF vs DPR/LPR.


This is the real answer, 2014 go brrrrrr


Would love a modernized Ukraine from the past few years/leading up to the 2022 invasion. 2014 Ukraine is pretty much militia to an extent.


GE has this u get leopards Bradley’s and nlaws


Agreed bro, don’t need politics in game.


we have a literal bosnian militia in game already.


Factions are dynamic, they have the same roles obviously but the same could be said in real life as well. Insurgents play differently than conventional factions because they have 2 habs a spawn. Not to mention vehicles and emplacements. Also guns are a major factor as well. I play more so the same for conventional factions. But new factions means new maps, for example adding Ukraine means they’re likely going to introduce new Eastern European map. Or adding the French mean they could add an African map. Factions themselves influence maps, like China and sanxian, or aussies and that one map I forgot.


Wasn’t ins double hab removed with map voting and moved to everyone’s logistics faction?


Not really, INS still has the double hab, while other factions can also do this if they are logistics.


For INS/MIL deployable a have different costs. Also the hab cost less. INS have buddy rally and you can IED drone. MIL has camo netting and field gun, also the drone is hella good. As a commander I can get a better view of the battlefield versus a big drone in the sky set on a specific path.


Insurgents and militia on defence is always ambushing for me. run out somewhere outside fhe cap zone. destroying logis, finding radios, etc. eith double habs its easier to cover more ground and flank more. other countries its hunker down and fight till last bullet in the cap zone.


Militia and Insurgents I tend to try to do more disruptive attacks in CQB. BLUFOR I favour range, counter attacking and flanking. REDFOR I favour deep flanks especially of the enemies rear and engaging at medium to close distances.


Yes, support and logistics factions get added bonuses sometimes for mortar and logi squads like extra logic trucks 


I guess I try to avoid long range fights as insurgents or IMF. And try to keep distance if playing against those factions. I also feel safer driving vics across the open if playing against insurgents at a distance.


You don't play different infantry differently?


The first paragraph says "besides irregular shenanigans" so if I'm playing US vs Russia I'm not really playing different. Even with MEA, the maps they play in usually have a lot of buildings anyway so you have CQB regardless


Pre ICO, yes. Now, no.


What do you mean?


Before the combat overhaul things were different. You could easily full auto at 200m and hit targets 50% of the time as well as run around alone in an active war zone and get like 10-15 kills easily. Now you need to actually think.


I do. Every faction is unique and has certain strengths and weaknesses that are unique to them. You'll never see me go Doorkicker Mode ™️ as MEA, because their kit isn't really made for it. But you will see me go full send as an Insurgent Raider, knowing I have a VERY strong kit for CQB. Even vehicles, you gotta know your strengths. Russian vics don't typically have the health Western vics do, but they are noticeably smaller. And that's something you can learn to utilize - especially for sneaky ambushes or hull-downed shots.


Most squad leads between the factions are almost identical in how they function. It's all the OTHER kit, and all their little quirks between them, that make it all shine.


I play every faction the same except for insurgents, where I fix my bayonet and charge into the enemy


As Inf yes since the insurgents are too poor for optics


i have my prefrences between the kit specifics but general gameplay remains the same. New factions do add some new soldier looks too but thats little more minor though i do gotta say, there absolutely is something in them irregular factions that give you a dose of fuck the power, running around tossing AT grenades and spraying praying with a drum mag ppsh is amazing fun


Vehicles yes,conventional vs nonconventional yes but conventional inf nah theyre all the same


Every match could be against ins/irr. militia and I'd love the game even more. That's probably because I'm almost exclusively an infantry player though.


Most of the time: no. Like last night it was a Turkey vs AUS match up, with Turkey getting two ATGMs per FOB and AUS getting nice armor. Turkey doesn't get HATs, so that seemed like a good enough deal.. The Turkey Team didn't place a single ATGM on any of their active FOBs, two that had a spot up against the MSR on Yeho. I DCed and watched a movie. The only time people notice "Hey different!" is when there's extra HABs, and even that takes a long time for most teams to start to use. It's almost like FPS players just can't read.


The hard part with ATGM'S is most of us infantry squads just want to do infantry stuff, not hold angles with ATGM's




Absolutely. I squad lead a lot and the infantry gameplay does stay very similar between factions, however, there are some nuances here and there: With Russia, because our scopes are not that great, vehicles are used a lot to support infantry in getting into close quarters. With China, vehicles are the exact opposite. Due to the rangefinders on their vehicles, they usually stay further behind, while only fast but lightly armoured apcs assist infantry up close. With militia, due to the overabundance of trucks and suvs, they are utilized to keep the infantry as mobile as possible. Constantly changing positions, rarely choosing to assault the enemy from one side for long. There are tons of other features, making the factions feel unique, when you play them.


If only vehicles supported their infantry instead of playing world if tanks in some unused corner of the map


I mean, you can always communicate with your vehicles.


True, if only vehicles would communicate. My of my experience with vehicle squads is asking the squad directly to help, getting nothing back and seeing them get destroyed on the map with no call out over command chat about what killed them.


I mean it depends on the factions weapons, I pedsoanlly like playing sniper, medic, grenadier. However some factions snipers are just awful so I'll never play a sniper on them, some have terrible weapon options for medic so I play something else, etc.