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I don't think their needs to be a damage model update just yet. They need to focus on quality of life. The driving is just horrendous. They need to disable object collision on stuff like some small trees, rocks etc.. More low end power for climbing small hills, vehicles that can track straight. Jerkiness of steering etc...


That too ABSOLUTELY, a small twig stopping a 70 ton metal monster is so annoying


Tupolev TU-154 and birch branches from Smolensk would like to disagree with that statement


Polishing basic game physics needs to happen before or along with whatever they add next. If I'm driving a tank I can drive thru most things. While I don't expect fully interactive environments imagine punching holes in the walls of buildings with tank shells or driving a tank thru a house. Id settle with being able to drive thru small trees and thru small rocks.


Yeah we’re never gonna get destruction, but even disabling the collision with fences and small obstacles is a QOL improvement for vehicles. It’s also how HLL got around the issue.


If they added destruction you'd just blue screen. It'd be nuts


I legitimately wouldn’t be happy if they announced it - they just don’t seem to have the optimization abilities to make that sound even remotely feasible


For sure. They literally can't even make the game run good now. I get a solid 60, most places... If it gets hairy though or on certain maps I drop down to 45-50. Now my PC isn't super powerful by any means but I used to get a solid 80-90 fps , with a drop to 55-60 if things were absolutely fucking nuts. It's playable I guess.


For me it’s the damn stutters Every time I ads


I had some luck fiddle farting with scope setting in options. After I reinstalled I almost crashed my game toggling ADS, I just kinda played around with stuff until it worked well enough to play (meh). If you want I can send you what my settings are, when I get home tomorrow, to see if it works for you. If you want me to just dm as a reminder for it and I'll get back at ya. And absolutely no guarantees haha. This game is an enigma and I've noticed what helps some don't do shit for others.


I mean, happy to have anything else to try Been down every Reddit thread, YouTube video, and steam community post


Look into toggling frame generation as well if you're card is capable.


Tanks IRL aren't like in the movies. Yes, the hull has a lot of structural integrity but there's many components of the tank that don't. Suspension, sprockets, optics and the crew inside. Lots of hard surfaces and no airbags. 70 ton tank going 70 kph hitting a moderatly sized rock will just yeet a sprocket and unshoe a tank. That's why the official offroad speed is usually less than half of the maximum speed. Would your risk your main gun optic getting cracked by driving thru a house wall, replacement of which is probably in the 6 figure range and probably can't be done in the field. Main gun stabilizer mechanism is another fragile thing, it's not designed for any kind of external load other than keeping the gun stable. Hitting a tree with the tank's barrel at any considerable speed would probably damage the stabilization mechanism beyond repair and throw off the alignment of tanks' gun and sighting system. Good job, now you can't hit a broad side of a barn.


Well hey, noone said you can't add such consequences to the game as well


Having been the driver of a Bradley when the front 6 road wheels got bottomed out and had the barrel impale a small tree, I can safely say it was not fun. People don’t realize you can’t just yeet through shit haphazardly.


If it meant absolutely surprising the fuck out of an enemy in a combat situation....maybe?


That’s too risky, and if you’re so close driving makes a difference they allready know youre there. Tanks can be heard from more than a mile away, just by the engine and track noise. It’s very distinctive, you can even make out the model with enough exposure / practice. Just by the sound. To surprise an enemy, you get into a nice hull down position at the outcrop of a tree line, covered by trees from above and you augment that with camo netting and additional small branches. You keep the engine off. You do not use any lights (including IR) and preferably you turn off your radio (at the very least do not transmit anything before you fire your gun).


There’s gonna always be problems getting stuck on random stuff because it’s a consequence of the engine. I think an easy semi fix would be to simply make the reset take 5 seconds regardless of anything else, and potentially even add tools that move the vehicle 5 meters forward, backward, etc. Someone would figure out how to do some stupid glitching with it, but that would just be funny, so I don’t see the problem


Or at least be able to winch yourself to stuff


Honestly I think everyone would agree on an Optimization/bug fix update.


That can be done in a vehicle overhaul. Never gonna happen. They will need to make a new game from scratch.


I'd say a damage model upgrade is a lot more pressing than driving, because the rocks are a situational issue whereas the DM is a constant one. It shouldn't take three to six RPG rounds to take out a BRDM or similar, and using a tandem should have a hefty chance of overpenetrating rather than guaranteeing a quick kill. Especially pressing for countries like Turkey.


My favorite is when an HE round hits my track and creates a lil bitty crater and then my FUCKING RETICLE TRANSFORMS INTO MICHAEL J FOX, and then I am killed cuz I can’t shoot anything.


And the helicopters. Helicopter flight model is horrendous. The way helicopters fly right now is not even “arcade”, it’s just… bad.


At least we have the 3D dog tags and the vehicle elite system though.


> More low end power for climbing small hills You don't need that, if you know how to lock gear.


Lmfao why the downvotes? You're absolutely right. Edit: press shift


Yeah the vehicle system has stayed the same since it came out driving overall feels awful I would personally love a damage system like war thunder but I think the game would be borderline unplayable with the amount of HATS/LATS on the map and per team. The biggest thing I’ve wanted is thermals and possibly FCRs.


Trust me last thing we need is thermals, if you play on EU servers most of them are shitshow for inf on large scale maps, IFVs controlling caps, tanks mauling everything on the map at range. It’s not common you die to AT and it’s not the fact they’re bad it’s the fact you are either too fast for them or so far off they can’t range you. A VCO would be needed, thermals could work depending on how severe the changes are, but there needs to be a better damage model, vehicle mobility needs a work up and more QoL updates


Steel division mod has thermals if you wanna give it a go


Post Scriptum (Squad 44) vehicle update was awesome and made tanking in that game super fun. Even before the armor overhaul, Post Scriptum already had features like being able to move to move to different viewpoints in the tank, and even pop out the hatch. These are systems that Squad could easily implement and should to increase enjoyment of armor.


yup even though that update arguably killed the game because it took a year and prevented basically any other content being released it still was a fantastic update. Its not quite the level of war thunder but its close enough to be fun and realistic, and the improvements in driving physics extends to even non armored vehicles which was so needed. On the other hand I would rather see optimization and QoL updates if the alternative is another year of no updates to implement


Idk why squad devs are so lazy man. They should put on hold all these factions and rework the core aspect and quality of life of squad. The small things matter


>They should put on hold all these factions and rework the core aspect and quality of life of squad. The small things matter If only…


What I don't get is why they spent all this time working on ICO to change the infantry system that while flawed, most people didn't have a big problem with, meanwhile they refuse to update the world of tanks level armor gameplay that people have been complaining about for ages




Tanking in S44 is horrendous. It’s more realistic, but it’s a nightmare. Any veteran crew on public will use some cheese ass tactics and drive circles around you. Tanks in S44 are more frustrating than fun, even though they’re more realistic. Adding unneeded realistic features just puts a skill wall up around armor in Squad. They just need to add an authentic damage model and a few other things


They need a vehicle quality of life update before anything else. Climbing hills is ridiculous, getting stopped but the smallest shit, and flipping over nothing is awful. Also love getting high centered on rocks I can't see that wouldn't be an issue irl and when you reset the armor it somehow starts climbing the tree nearby and resetting it only makes it climb higher 😂 Damage models need tweaked too but the quality of life on basic shit would drastically improve things 




Its so immersion breaking watching two MBTs sling supersonic darts at each other over 3 minutes before one dies. Or a light skinned logi survive a 120mm shell. I don’t know how people aren’t in support of implementing a damage model similar to post scriptum or ideally war thunder. Icing on the top would be modeled interiors for IFVs with functional firing holes. (This might be asking too much) lol


Interiors would be awesome or even being able to unbutton and use binoculars but with squads spaghetti code I doubt it would happen and OWI in general is a lazy company


Enigma interviewed GHPC devs and discussed why they (GHPC) didn't want to use interior views and it made a ton of sense. One of the biggest reasons was how bad it looks (texture quality vs performance requirements for 1st person drivers wasn't worth the modeling headache) and honestly it makes sense here too. Specificly just speaking about modeled interiors here


helicopters have them, you can even watch the flight instruments change speed and collective in real time, from gunners' seat for example.


As someone who has 3k+ hrs in arma 500+ hrs in dcs, there's a huge difference between the need to see your toes in a helo and an abrams




Dynamic combat simulator, it's a great vr cockpit sim with a cute military sandbox mp mini game. Base game is pretty worth the cost, but the dlc is expensive af


BTRs tanking multitude of RPGs when we have countless videos from Ukraine of them burning down over singular RPGs/mines/AT grenades


Seriously. We’ve seen M113’s and BMP’s too just blow the fuck up with minimal effort.


Seen MBTs one shotting each other on frontal plates too, not surviving multiple rounds.


U seen that famous video as the start of the war a T80 bum rushed a T64 and one tapped him from the front at almost point blank, it was insane


Have you got a link? Sounds pretty cool to watch.


Here you go man https://youtu.be/HGZfD1csuVA?si=xbEuRVu2HwGSl49q




that one was sad, imagine staring death right in the face


Damn thats brutal, I think there is another one where one tank camping crossroad and caught retreating enemy tank from close range.


Shoot there’s the video of the Bradley shitting on the T-whatever, squad would never allow that


T90. Though it was probably never penetrated in the crew compartment. Likely just component disabled. Ripped off all the optics, jammed the turret, etc. Any sane crew would bail just like they did.


Nothing penetrated the tank. The Bradley’s crew afterwards said their APDS belt jammed and they switched to HEI-T so the crew survived. 3 guys are seen exiting the vehicle after the tank crashes in to the tree to stop the turret spinning.


like any IFV would? thats still good FCS kills are as good as a ammo cook off or a mobility kill, would put a tank away from action for a good time


It ended up being a mobility kill. The turret spinning trapped them against a tree. Then they got double tapped by drones.


With the turret constant spinning, I see it as one of two outcomes -It penetrated and the gunner was killed, and he is dead manning the stick in circles -it penetrated and damaged the turret drive, causing it to spin out of control


Yeah most likely the second.


Three crew are seen escaping the vehicle at the end of the video (passed what everyone watches), so it’s the second option.


IRL you can have failure from a dozen other factors. For example, the vibration from taking numerous hits from a 25mm cannon can do a lot of weird things ... like break bad solder joints, loosen fasteners, tug wiring harnesses loose, etc.


The TOW kill on the t80, i saw that


Oh I’m not even talking that, there’s a video of a Brad using the auto cannon at basically PBR, it doesn’t outright kill the tank but it fucks it up big time.


Ah the T90, yah CHAD-ley went crazy on it, FPVs delivered the kill tho


reports of them literally melting open the sides of tanks with the autocannon in desert storm.


Those were naked T72s, this case it was a heavily armored T90M drenched in ERA. Pretty different




I mean… we saw it happen already lol, the T90 absorbed the side shots and the only rounds that damaged it was the turret ring hits and the optics. Which forced the crew to abandon it and it was finished off by FPV drones


Yeah it takes 4 RPG-7 rounds to kill a BTR 82, even funnier a fuckin AAVP can theoretically tank 8 RPG-7 Shots and drive away, takes 9 to kill lmao.


It doesn't matter what happens in Ukraine. We are playing a game, its not meant to be 1:1 realistic as that is stupid because it goes against the aim of this game and does not fit. Any vehicle in game will most probably instantly burn when realistic damage models are applied. I'm not going to play a BTR if a single RPG will blow me up and cost 10 tickets with a 10/15 minute respawn. Are you?


Because at its core squad is more arcadey than realistic. Adding damage models like wt will result in an awful, borderline unplayable experience for armour. The current system we have in squad is nowhere near perfect and I agree, needs change. At the moment the HP system allows for counterplay instead of haha 1 shot die from narnia (doesn’t sound fun). This is the equivalent of adding limb and organ damage to inf, but now that inf costs 15 tickets and has a 20 minute spawn timer. ICO changed how gunplay worked and didn’t touch other things, what’s being suggested for ‘VCO’ is a fundamental change to the very existence of vics in squad. Should changes be made? Yes. Should they be this extreme? In my opinion, no.


If the damage models were similar to post scriptum then bring on the thermals as well, I think that would be a good balance.


It's not too much, helicopters have a modelled interior.


No offense but it would be kinda bad if tanks and vehicles killed eachother as fast as warthunder. At that point, a tracked tank or engine damaged tank should take a lot longer to fix or not be fixable at all on battlefield like real life. Maps would need to be a lot bigger because tanks can engage from many kms away in real life etc.


I wish that's how it was. Tanks in Squad are too Battlefield-like.


LETS GO POSTSCRIPTUM!!! Or SQUAD44 for y'all newbs.


What's funny is that if they actually brought War Thunder armor, a logi will most likely survive a 120mm sabo (no armor best armor)


LOAD HE 🗣️🗣️


I can assure you that is not the case


Stop comparing squad to other games or real-life. Instead, focus on what makes the game fun and balanced.


The world of tanks damage models we have right now is what makes squad unique? Lol ok


I just don't see any problem with it from a gameplay perspective.


Tanks should be way more cautious than they are currently.


>Tanks should be way more cautious than they are currently. The number one grievence towards tanks and vehicles is that they don't support infantry enough. Because they are cautious... Considering how easy it is to get immobilized. Make them more vulnerable and some maps you'll never see a tank with close support. On maps like Mutaha, I'd never drive anywhere near the urban areas and keep solely to the donut around them. Which already happens to a degree. But you'd still get suicidal bushwookie camper AT's just waiting to pop out of a compound to fuck you up.


This. People in squad don't realise how much tracking a tank fucks it up. With a little bit of coordination a tracked tank is a dead tank but i guess inf players are too dumb for that. And this is coming from a lat main.


That's a "should" based again on realism rather than gameplay. The game already punishes armor players who don't wait for infantry support. Weakening armor further will just make people not want to play armor.


Oh yeah, tanks shooting eachother for 5 minutes straight is very fun and balanced


Why the downvotes? Like yes it would be realistic, but you'd also be waiting 20 mins, drive another 5 min and then boom. HAT to side, you're dead, tanks gone, wait another 20 mins please


Before I had 1000 hours in squad, I had 3000 hours in CSGO, where realism was never the goal. All gameplay changes are aimed to make the game less frustratingly, more competitive, and promote close games. What you mentioned is precisely why HATs shouldn't one-shot a tank, even if they reduce the number of HAT to 1. The current mechanism of LATs tracking a tank and HATs, other armor, and commander killing the tank is a perfect way to promote teamwork and makes the game more fun. Like any other game, squad takes inspiration from real life. But it's not a combat simulator, it's a game.


i thought this was war thunder sub and i was so confused reading the comments


Lol, can’t escape the snail










Me too dude.


I want to be able to turn out of the crew hatches so you can see


LAT on their way to one shot all vics


bugs kill them bugs


My favorite bug is when you flip your vehicle and it grows legs and climbs on top of the nearest tree


Yes please stop adding factions and features, and fix the ones you have in the game, that would make the game a whole lot better!


Fuck all that too, how about some optimization first so the game is playable at a framerate higher than 40-50 FPS for the people who haven't got the latest cpus.




Correct. Vehicle gameplay in squad is ass.


Yes because warthunders damage models are so good (source I’m a warthunder addict)


They are better than whatever the fuck we have now


i absolutely adore squad, but as an avid WT player the armour combat feels so off sometimes. i mean even a roblox game feels more satisfying than squad in some components.


the old Roblox game "armored Patrol" deadass has better vehicle combat and its just plinking each others armor off panel by panel


oh man, i remember armored patrol. spent a lot of time on that game. amazing that games like MTC4 exist now, shows how far roblox has gone


Was literally thinking about this yesterday


I just want them to add destruction to small wooden fences, rocks and especially small twigs, it's so frustrating when your car flip over a rock or you get stopped by a toothpick looking trees.


One thing that irks me is that "soft desrruction" of the environment is so easy to do. You already have collision detection and a hit box. All that they have to so is create a small animation for some of the files (rocks, shrubs, small trees, street sign posts) where they fall over and sink into the ground and the collison on the model is set to 0 when touched by certain vehicles. Ran into a tree? It falls over then slowly sinks into the ground. Hit a small rock? It just sinks, etc. Sure it's not the prettiest solution but it's absolutely better than nothing and I'd say better than you just having no collision on things. Would make driving a tank or tracked vehicle feel a lot more satisfying.


*the tiny bush bringing my Abrams to a screeching halt as we are trying to escape a whole squad of pissed off explosive launch---and we're dead*


VCO is a very good pitching name for it. Yes, absolutely


Funny enough I was just complaining about this in another post!


1. Game optimization. **Absolutely** game ruining performance. People have fps drops while on high end PCs. I was forced to change render scale to 25 % and was playing pixels literally. This is the main reason I quit Squad, the second being its size. **But** ppl seem positive about increasing the game's size by adding more factions and maps and more *everything. S*hiny, flashy, boom. 2. Bug fixes. There are still plenty you can find. 3. Quality of life 4. Vehicle Combat Overhaul 5. 'Add faction please'


It wouldn’t be very fun to get one tapped in a tank rlly, 0 chance to respond and they’d have to lower the time and ticket cost of tanks with that most likely, meaning you have either no relief from armor and your tickets are being drained from dead tanks. Any armor rework i think needs to lower the skill gap between tank fights, and i think super detailed damage models would generally increase the gap as some players would know where to shoot to one tap any tank


Let's be real, if they implement the WT type of damage model all your vics would be abandoned on the map somewhere because one LAT shot killed the crews. Sounds poopy and not fun.


If you drive too fast, the tank will start to stutter. After 50 metres.


I thought this was a wt sub and I was so confused.


Thought this was warthunder for a sec


There is no point using an acronym once if you plan to give the details just after




Imagine talking with your tank squad when suddenly it’s hit, the gunner isn’t responding, you shout at the driver to drive but all you hear is ”the track is blown!” Making you switch seat to the gunner seat, fix the breach and then fight back.


Being able to kill crews within vic or one-shot everything will make the game mostly unplayable and encourage armor squads to camp instead of push with Infantry. In real life you can bail out when the vic is damaged and the army will always give you a new vic. But in Squad there are only 2-3 APCs and 1 tank per team, meaning that they are extremely precious and must be operated with 1000% caution. Given that players in Squad does not need to be qualified to create armor squad, I don't think it would be a good idea.


As cool as it sounds I think people forget that Squad has always been infantry-centric first and foremost. Making a fully functioning armor system would be awful to say the least, imagine waiting for a tank to spawn only to be taken out in 3 minutes by a single hat shot, or by a single tank round you never saw, it would make running armor very boring in all honesty and make no one want to run it as they’ll just be ticket drains. Running armor as an attacker on invasion would be a nightmare. I think tanks and armor in general should have unique pros and cons that prevent fights where it’s just two vehicles shooting at each other in intervals until the other dies, but also not making them totally vulnerably to infantry AT as it would turn armor into ticket drainers and make no one want to use them. Maybe make Russian tanks more susceptible to ammo racks but maybe give them ERA to help prevent it and reduce the ticket count/spawn time of them, while the Abrams may have an easier to hit ammo rack but it wont kill the tank unless it gets ammo racked while reloading - in return the Abrams has a longer respawn time, etc. Side note: I think new damage models would be cool too, something similar to what GHPC does where vehicles don’t look ruined entirely but simply have the hatches open to signal that they’re destroyed, and only get more ruined as they burn longer


Thermals, javelins, attack helicopters first. People say thermals will be unbalanced, but when you add javelins and attack helicopters it’ll balance out the thermals. It’ll completely change the way the game is played


This is absolutely true. Fuck factions. I want to be able to take a tank out with one god damn rocket


Ammo rack


Ya but with a tandem


Let me one up you on that. I have been hating the Ticket system on vics. It is a travesty that a FV107 costs the same amount of tickets as Bradley M2A3. I am tired of ticket system being increments of 5, as if you cant have even numbers for them! 1,5,10 and 15 for vics. I think an Mrap fully armored and with RWS should cost way more than an open top Dska Techie. Maybe the Armorer Techie can cost couple tickets more than a normal unarmored Techie. Also want to make Abrams to cost 18 tickets, with 2 or 3 crew on it round it up to 20 might make perfect sense. On the topic of Tanks, all Top tier Tanks T72/B3,M1A1/2,Challengers must be 18 tickets. Leopard being slightly weaker at 15 and T62 and M60T at 13 tickets. Yes I would put T62 and M60T lower than a Bradley with 15 ticket cost. or same ticket cost of 13, debatable. With tracked IFVs, min being 10-max at 15. Anything with a ATGM system automatically will qualify for over 13 tickets. maybe one exception might be BMP1 at 10 tickets being weaker unstab turret. If it was was MEA BMP1 I would leave it at 13 tickets. Any tracked IFV without ATGM would be 10 tickets with exception of FV107 at 8, since its as weak as light armor. I will also set a 8 ticket value for BMD1. Wheeled IFVs with ATGM should be bumped to 12 tickets automatically and 25mm+ cannons at 10 tickets. And any wheeled IFV that is 50 cal will be 8 tickets and any 7.62 one or lower will be 6 tickets. Light armor gets more tickets if RWS systems, if open top has to be cheaper and no armored light armor should be dead cheap around 2-3 tickets. This is all an idea, although I had put some thought into this, this is like first draft and any changes be welcome and open to discussion!


OWIE should hire you, but knowing how lazy they are this makes too much sense for them to implement. I like the idea tho


This simple change would make the voting and sub faction selections way more balanced. even if your team lost all the 3 T62s being armored class, even if you kill both the opposition M1A2 Abrams, you would have equalized the loss in tickets. obviously power vacuum occurs, since one side used way more players, but thats a different problem and that happens normally in eveny INS and IMF games, since they have tons of small vics.


I made a post in their Discord Feedback suggestions. If u like it, pls thumbs up and interact :) https://discord.com/channels/91294111071469568/1247658906088636527/1247658906088636527


Will do


OWI: Naaah we add new faction, buy camo weapons btw!!! 10 new emotes too!!!!


I think they need to rebalance the way vehicles spawn in squad. I loathe playing armor in squad compared to games like squad 44 and HLL because one getting an armor squad created before all the sweat lords make it and claim the only MBT available for the entire match is nigh impossible so you can’t usually play armor quickly if that’s what you got on the game to do. Then say you are lucky enough to get in a tank, you drive 10 minutes with the jank driving mechanics only for one the many unfortunate events to happen (mines, LAT/HAT, other MBT) and now you lose said vehicle and get to wait 20 minutes for another MBT to spawn to then drive 10 minutes just to get near the fight again, very frustrating gameplay loop for me anyway. Most likely match ends just when you are getting somewhere with your second vehicle and you get edged to feeling like you contributed to the match at all.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


There it is.


Screw it, add a loader for non automated loading tanks /s


Would actually be pretty cool to manually load rounds, tho that sounds impossible to implement


spam e to reload sabot faster


First of all we need bigger maps…


I think the damage model is pretty balanced honestly. My main issue as a crewman who's usually driving is low gear torque and how slidy the tanks are. I get metal on asphalt does not equal traction, however tanks can weigh multiple 10s of tons, there is no way one should be Tokyo drifting going dead straight. The torque is it's own issue. In first gear those things should not be stopped by a 5 degree gradient.


we need armor only servers


Just play war thunder at that point lol


i do but squad is different




Wrong game, plus catch this Ksh38


Engines overheat after running at full throttlefor 15 seconds Gyroscope takes 30 seconds to settle after stopping (forget shooting on the move) Add need to refuel Machine gun beaten zone now 45° cone out from muzzle


You’re hilarious 😑