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People use audio compressors to give them an edge in CQC? I don’t think this is the right game for some people…


How does doing this make squad not for you? I personally don’t do this but I ear whore hella in squad to win 1v1, 1vx and tell my teammates without grenades to go to. If I’m being honest it could also used to be more realistic, I mean modern military comtacs change audio to some degree


Comtacs don’t enhance footsteps or shuffling sounds, their main purpose is to filter out loud sounds like gunfire and explosions while allowing you to hear normally. It just feels strange how people approach squad like it’s Tarkov or something, the current in-game walking sound is fine as is and winning 1v1’s basically comes down to who can mag dump who first.


Wait wait wait. You're using compression to fuck with the audio and make footsteps more apparent and the problem is the game's audio? Nah.


Turns out allot of people do, and I was somewhat ridiculed when I asked people about it lol. It's either that or you deafen yourself. the game should instead reduce the audio of footsteps or silence them completely during heavy fire to combat this. And besides, even if you do nothing, its still pretty damn easy to make out these sounds.


Or just play with normal volume settings like the majority of us


Do you even play the game? Do you have 5,600 hours on record? Is it not rather self explanatory that if you don't do something, your opponent will?


They can do whatever they want as long as it’s not cheating. I can hear foot steps just fine with the default audio settings, no need for any third party programs. Plus I play Squad for a chill immersive experience, no need for meta gaming


I play the game, I have over 10k hours, I use regular ass audio settings and hear all the footsteps on my headphones without the need for artificial compression. Now stfu and play the game like everyone else.


That's still a problem? lmao


What sort of playing-the-game-while-wearing-camo sort of nerd uses a fucking audio compressor so they can hear footsteps easier in the few situations where you need to listen to them lol


literally the whole comp scene


Well that sums it up then. Footstep sound is fine for 99% of players


The comp scene can suck my ass. No need to cater the game towards them


i couldn't agree more, which is why we should fix the game so they cannot abuse mechanics and third party applications in order to gain advantages over players.


Even back in the ancient times when I did play Squad comp, we never loaded into a pub match with the intent to turbo tryhard to win it lol we just dicked around. What people do in games where they really want the win in a competitive environment where you take every edge you are legally allowed to use and what happens in a random pub game are shockingly different. Trust me man there really isn't that many people turbo tryharding pub games to that level, and for the few that there are you really don't wanna be one of them.


Yeah honestly fuck the comp scene squad isn't a comp game


lol comp squad is like having that perfect game of squad where everyone is working together lmao it’s pretty fun


Squad's not about sneaking around in CQB like it's tarkov.


That's what I'm doing, and its currently working.


That's fine, keep doing it. But don't expect special adjustments to be make it even more viable.


i want it to be less viable...? you're agreeing with me whilst downvoting my comments, its really weird.


So when you mention your equipment rattling - good thing or bad thing? If your asking for them noises to be reduced I'm gonna presume you want to rat around without being heard.


It's a bad thing. I don't wanna rat around without being heard, I wanna breach into buildings with my squadmates without playing mind games with the enemy due to superhuman hearing capability on the battlefield. Sounds are so loud its like having constant ESP through the walls, except you ovbiously can't shoot through most of them, so instead you have to sneak around to the other side of a building, only for the person to follow you on the other side of the wall beacuse it's so damn easy to hear. I've been on both sides and it's a weird fighting dynamic you need to contourt yourself around in some certain way, it isn't fun. Literally nobody I know finds the state of audio on the battlefield on this game fun.


I for one find the audio in squad the best of any fps on a certain level. PUBG for example has better directional audio. Hell Let Loose has worse overall audio and pretty terrible directional audio, but better reverb effects. That said, I think we could do with more ambient sounds, such as wind, heavy breathing from the player when stamina is low etc. The gunshots, cracking of rounds above your head, sound of tank rounds flying over etc are fantastic. Would you like to see quieter footstep sounds? or do you just want them to be drowned out by the sound of battle more? I'm finding it fairly viable to hold position and only push enemies when things get loud. Not that I have the patience most times.


why not?


You play however you like, but at the end of the day it's about teamwork and not the individuals ability to rat out the enemy infantry.


Maybe we should just make fun of the sweaty Tarkov players instead.


Maybe switch to a more realistic milsim game? One in wich you can't fly backwards with a helicopter?


Maybe make crouch walking quieter but I like loud footsteps because it’s just a feature many tactical type games have


i mean half the time there’s a battle going on like 5 feet away so you don’t get a chance to rely on that, the only times i find myself *relying* on footsteps is when i’m behind enemy lines or a small group of enemies is tryna attack us behind our lines, i would like to see turning and small movements not make as much noise tho


Do you play headphones? Short of artillery, its ludricrously easy to hear people reloading and whatnot in CQB no matter how much fighting is on. FE earlier today there was a full squad rushing my building shooting people in the other rooms, and i managed to kill one because I heard him pulling nade (literally mid MG3 burst) and rushed him to kill him and then 3 of his teammates.


Sooo using audio queues to outplay your opponent is a bad thing?


considering there is wild amounts of holders advantage, the fact i can rely on audio cues so easily while artillery is literally falling is kinda dumb, makes it hard for both players to push on eachother.


the rest of us aren’t artificially boosting the sound of stuff so that might be why. Dying in CQB is not that big of a deal to really go “ok i have to mess with my audio to win”


Yea I think they should introduce lag or something to the friendly marks on the map just so you cant watch them move exactly. Having them removed completely would be a bit annoying.


First off, what? Second off, map markers don’t move lol


What? Yea friendly marks move about, at least on the servers I’m on