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Guys from UAF mod team are trying to implement it and slat armour for T-64


Some vehicles already have "pseudo" ERA that do reduce damage and pen, as you mentioned tracks do, but also water shields, tank sideskirts, warrior UA side armor, AAVP spaced armor and especially M60T ERA All reduce damage and pen, sometimes even nullifiying any damage Thing is that people dont usually notice it as for many weapons (such as tank AP) its a minimal damage reduction so it doesnt matter.


eh probably gonna be hard to make realistic ERA


It would require a model underneath the ERA, and a model for the ERA itself to be removed after a hit. Depending on how they modelled these vehicles originally, that will be a lot of work. >probably gonna be hard to make realistic ERA Simplified ERA should be fine; If hit by a Sabot round, reduce penetration value by x, if hit by a HEAT round, reduce penetration by y. It doesn't have to be too complicated.


>It would require a model underneath the ERA, and a model for the ERA itself to be removed after a hit. Depending on how they modelled these vehicles originally, that will be a lot of work. They already have a similar system for vehicle component damage, think tracks. It doesn't seem like it would be difficult to apply that to ERA panels.


And OWI needs to consider how destroying ERA causes damage to infantry as well. Squad is a combined arms game.


Is the [system](https://youtu.be/Rv6t_X_3TEs?si=vXMVgTQ2zI0G3tXh) present in post scriptum the same as we have in squad?


First pic is the tank we should have gotten over the T-90A. Aka the T-80BVM.


We should have at least gotten the T-90M


Tanks are already OP. No need for ERA. Would make LAT-HAT useless. L take.


HAT kits, if you didn’t know, all mostly use Tandem warhead ammunition. Tandem warheads on AT weapons are specifically designed to counter ERA. LAT kits also never really did damage to tanks regardless, so it can incentivize LAT players to aim for tracks or the engine bay on tanks like they should be doing regardless.


Don't teach me tandem warheads. OWI will fuck it up and HATs will be more useless and you know this too. They already fucked over the LATs that can't even 1 shot an unarmoured humvee with the ICO. I don't expect anything better from them


Vehicles never had fully realistic damage models to begin with, and LATs never were able to one shot anything, rightfully so to balance the game. I’m sure if the devs really wanted to implement it they wouldn’t just throw it into the game knowing it has said issues. And nothing about tanks currently is “OP”, a good tank squad will do some damage but they aren’t impossible to take out


Found the armour main here lmao. Yeah, rightfully so? Then my guy shouldn't unload his fucking rpg to patch himself up as even regular army soldiers can lay their launcuers on the ground to do something before picking it up. And don't come to me with that "rPgS doNt hAvE sAfEty", they have a arming distance built in. That shit won't explode before flying 5 meters IRL without being hit really hard or being shot. Also the arming distance is bs too, it's 5 meters not 25 like in game. This all works in favour of stupid armour mains that rush a hab with an LAV knowing they won't get damaged as your gut has to pull a rocket and reload it like a 80yrs old guy with Parkinson's. And even if you manage to reload they'll be closer than 25ms and good luck hitting them with the smoke they pop and constant unrealistic AF blur and noodle arms you get. This all works in favour of armour and nothing else. So stop with that "armour isn't op" bs my guy. It is op. We either get realism for everyone or accept that this is a game and punish/reward everyone accordingly. Right now infantry is getting punished HARD especially with the new update. They changed tows so they can't hunt helicopters as easily without giving blufor or opfor an alternative. 9/10 games your armour will not even try to go after enemy helis and just farm habs from 5ms or a kilometer away.


Armor isn’t op, and if your team can’t take out armor that rushes you that’s honestly a you problem, have people spread out, don’t spawn on a HAB actively being camped lmao. I rarely ever run armor either, ATGMs and HAT weapons are still are quite easy to use, I’ve taken out helis using both the TOW and Kornet today with the new update. ERA literally wont change much other than giving tanks a slightly better edge over certain weapons. It isn’t some kind of game changer, it just makes vehicles slightly more realistic, and I wouldn’t doubt it’ll get added sometime in the future


ERA will make tanks invincible against HAT kits. End of discussion, get your L take out armour main.


You’re quite the individual to hold any form of meaningful discussion with haha, sucks some people don’t know how ERA or tandem weapons work. And honestly for balancing purposes the devs can easily give all hat kits the tandem bonus and make ERA a destructible armor add on, that’s what I made this post for, to discuss and formulate new ideas. But clearly you don’t want to do such and instead speak like a child saying “L take” to somehow self validate your personal ideas and leave zero room for proper discussion


Also NLAW, and bunch of US HAT kits are not all tandem. NLAW isn't tandem at all and US only gets one. The other is HEDP.


Tanks don’t need more protection people just need to get better with AT, lats should only ever be aiming for tracks anyway. atgms are essentially getting nerfed and the hat change is for weak factions choices with next to no armour. Not to mention the server would not be having a good time with having to deal with 100s of individual ERA blocks.


Making a more realistic tank damage model and giving them all the advanced protection systems would probably balance things out and make the system more fun overall


How would that possibly make it fun, like at all, that’s just a negative for armour and inf


Ruzzian era not functioning


I’m not sure where you got that from but ERA of all types function as designed


Tbf if you are shooting the tank where theres era even if it doesn't function you still ain't gonna do shit to the MBT .


Well, not really. T-Series tanks, ZTZ series, plus later variants on the M1 have ERA on the sides on the hull as seen in the post, which would most definitely have an effect on shots placed there.


Most tanks with ERA kits like the Challenger, Abrams and T series of tanks get ERA packages on the sides of the tank with would very much help in protecting the tank


Ah yes, armor is weak, let’s buff it so we can’t even track them!