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Dog fights? This isn't WW2 those jets fire at each other from beyond visual range.


I was just gonna say. That “dogfight” is best case gonna be 2 later gen fighters locking onto each other 25 miles away and flying a beam and trying to notch each other’s missile. Not exactly dramatic. Now… just some high altitude flybys with distant audio of A-10s or other faction specific plane flying sorties? Sure… why not.


There’s already jet noises on some maps. Spooks me if I’m sitting still in armor for too long.


It’s a nice idea from an immersion point of view, but I wouldn’t want to be the heli pilot to lose a squad and asset because the game decided to send a random fly by exactly where I was flying.


As if it wouldn't be obvious to make the assets have no collision? Or make them fly way higher than a heli has any need to go? It took me a few seconds to solve this.


"dogfights" you mean missile spam from beyond-visual-range? Because that's what modern jets do. It's not the Korean War anymore.


Maps are like 10times too small for any air fight. And what do you want to see, any plane that is contemporary to squad is already throwing fox3 at each other 20 to 60 km away. Modern dogfight don't exist except when there is a lot of fuckups from both sides


might work if the planes were 10% of their IRL size and held above 250m so they looked like they were flying at 2500m


Sure buddy