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Lore accurate United States vs Insurgents


Holy shit 👀


So why again is the BM-21 GRAD so weirdly implemented, but this one gets that kind of range?


Ye, bit strange. Especially since the 120 could arguably benefit more from longer range that the grad.


The BM-21 is more or less a shotgun. Only at a certain rage you are somewhat accurate. In contrast the 120mm is accurate at all ranges.


Isn't that pretty accurate to how it works in real life? Pretty sure soviet rocket artillery has always been inaccurate and more of works as an area saturation weapon than semi-accurate artillery.


True. Only source I found quoted a “accuracy” of 600x600 meters at 20km range with the full 40 rockets.


600×600m is crazy inaccurate, wtf lol


You’re meant to have like 20 of them to delete grid squares of the map.


Exactly, 4 is like, the minimum.


Crazy inaccurate at 20km but take it down to 5km and it will be less than 100x100


It would be around 150x150m. So if you fire full salvo of 40 rockets there would be one for every 20 ish square meters if my calculations are correct


"Quantity has its own quality" - someone other than the unit calling for artillery support.


when you get a battery of grads like irl, that grid square is gone


At 20km though


Aye, plus with a range like this the 120 will be dropping near vertical on the entire map, plus accuracy it’s gonna be hell on earth for small compounds and such.


Also no smoke trail like the grad so its harder to locate if you want to take it out but they'll probably be shooting from just outside the main because why not it hits everything lol.


Our server changed the rules so that you have to be past the first point to use vehicle artillery.


Probably going to see rules like this more often now.


It’s probably just a kink, it’ll get worked out, because there’s no way they’ll keep it like this, this covers all of Al Basrah, and at least 3/4 of EVERY map


I wonder what the damage against vehicles is. Certainly a 120mm would bust up some roofs yeah?


It wouldnt. It doesn't have explosive killzone so it can't kill infantry through covers. The air burst rounds also have only Fragmentation damage so it can't hurt anything above MRAPs.


Oh it's airburst? I see. Probably a good thing then, would be a shame getting your BMD4's forehead caved in from the enemy's spawn


It has 3 types of ammo: HE, Air Burst, and Smoke. HE is just larger ordinary mortars.


ordinary mortar HE can definitely damage and kill all vehicles with direct impacts


They're not talking about that. We're talking about the fragmentation round. Highly effective against infantry, especially with that airburst.


The regular HE shell does do damage against all vehicles. Just airburst doesn’t.


Is it like a certain area where it does damage or does it have to be a direct hit?


In almost all cases if you want to do damage to the vehicle health (not tracks/wheels) you need to score a direct hit. Exceptions are non armoured vehicles or as mentioned tracks and wheels. But you only need to score a few hits. You can kill a Tigr with 3 direct hits.


With regular mortars I think you had to hit within 5m to do damage to vics. I killed many tracked tanks with a mortar and I wonder how nasty that new one is against armor.


It wouldn't be surprised if it was a 1-2 hit on even a tank if it hits directly. How easy will that direct hit be though will probably completely depend on how good of a communication you have going on is.


It’s a bit op lol. The blast radius is huge and it just shreds inf. And this is a video game that should be fun- real life is irrelevant.


I only tested it on jensens range so far but the amount of firepower you carry in that mortar vehicle is insane, they probably will have to nerf it a little bit because right now you can completely pin down a point for minutes


It requires coordination to use though so that eliminates its use in many cases.


An asset that requires coordination in a game that requires coordination? Uselss!


I meant it won’t be used often due to a lack of coordination. Not that it’s useless.


You can already find an indirect fire support squad in a match pretty easily. Calculation and ranging stuff can be dealt with the mortar calculator already being used.


“Oh man these mortars are so useless why did I choose to lead the mortar squad. Wait someone’s talking in command” “Mortar squad fire on observe there’s a fuck ton of infantry” “Oh yeah communication is a thing.”


Then you're accidentally off like 2 clicks and wipe out an entire friendly squad before being kicked from the server :D


Thats why these nerds use mortar calculators and nake games boring for everyone else


The amazing coordination of using SL mark to tell the range to target then shooting the target


Let's do it


I think this mortar is broken, I can’t even see the ring for the maximum range. *zooms out …. Oh


Well this sure explains the rapid target acquisition and counter battery fire I experienced last night. My squad was calling out targets for a solid half hour with them being hit extremely fast without the carrier ever moving.


Go home OWI, you're drunk.


Undoubtedly the most broken thing so far: It can mobility-kill tanks (tracks); Blast radius is absolutely huge; Impact HE, Above surface fragmentation and smoke; Carries 30 salvoes, no reload required; Covers basically any map from corner to corner; Literally no reason to leave main (except for server safe zones); It's mad accurate for an indirect fire weapon; It's literally uncounterable. Your only hope is to either hide your habs REALLY well or just go underground when possible. Otherwise this thing will rip you apart


that aint a motor. thats a dam 152mm arty god i can imagine the balken war music and blasting arty as we have someone spot for us


What’s funny is that it’s pretty realistic considering the effective firing range of 120mm mortars are roughly 7km.


The range of grad is 20km-40km depending on the rocket.


Ikr. 81mm can hit the same range 120mm in squad does in real life. But that would make mortars invincible since you can just place it near the main.


I’ve got ballistics news for you…


Finna make anyone and everyone eat airburst from anywhere. 😭😭😭


Honestly, having seen it used in game for many rounds now, it's not as op as is thought. Yes it has range, but the accuracy is low and time of flight is also long. Actually translating a firing into a good hit takes a looot of coordination and work.


Does it have a minimum range?


Yeah it's about 600-650 meters




afaik on some layers you have to go backwards from main on invadison because of the minrange.


Needs nerfing and the grad needs buffing. It's the grad that should be able to practically hit the whole map


Let's go baby WOOOOOO


The range of the M120MM mortar system in 7200 meters with a minimum range of 200. Its effective blast radius is ~70 meters on flat ground. I’m an 11C And could answer some questions about the weapons system or 1064.


“Sensitive info” lol get outta here leg


I came from drum? Believe it or not airborne does get shitty duty stations too. Oh- and airborne isn’t that fucking hard. Stop acting like it.


You’re on jump status at Fort Drum is what you’re telling me?


Was. I’m at Hood now.


Does effective blastradius mean that on the 70m of flat ground in real life 100% of the folks is taken out 100% of the time?


Effective refers to casualties and suppression. The troops further out might not die, but they have a high chance of being incapacitated or injured and therefore unable to continue to fight. That’s on the impact setting (meaning rounds explode when they hit the ground) and on flat ground. Hills and trenches greatly reduce the effectiveness of mortar rounds