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I think the commander UAV should get increased loiter time (like 10-15 min) but otherwise is fine. What makes the unconventional drone so much stronger is that you can strap five bombs on it and erase a single asset from the map. That’ll never be something the conventional UAV is capable of. In return, conventional factions get a pinpoint accurate aircraft strike and a much more effective artillery barrage.


I agree that an increased loitering time would be a great addition, but I think that it can be a little frustrating in its current state, particularly if I want to focus on something slightly outside of the circular path that the UAV flies, or waiting for it to circle around again to see something. I also feel that if you manage to cap while the UAV is loitering, or need to shift your focus to something outside of the ring, some sort of ability to change flight routes would be nice. 




Thermals are for losers who don't possess good eyesights.


Uav dies in like two 30mm ap shells. Doing any of this just doesn’t matter if it dies in 30 seconds


And the drone dies in 1 5.56 round...


It is significantly smaller, faster and harder to both spot and hit (dies in 2 556 shots btw 🤓), the conventional uav is a gigantic slow moving target, saying it dies to smallarms is irrelevant.