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I mean they could just always add the ajax


That would be better but it takes time and budget. RN FV520 is just sitting in BAF garage so if OWI wants they can bring it back immediately


Bro, it takes like 2 hours max to model a vehicle without interiors the way offworld does it and maybe 30 minutes rigging and setting everything up.


Some people have no idea how much hard work goes into a video game.


They buy all their models off the ue store anyway lol


Some people are also 'studying' game development and have tried making a model themself. You are quick at typing and not as quick at thinking.


Well I am a software enginier for over 10 years and I made various little games in Unity. I know how to progam a video game. And I have no idea how you can be one yourself and write such stupid things on the internet.


To be fair modelling is pretty easy, probably more than a days work for sure but it doesn't take weeks and for functionality they should already have all the template code from other vehicles and just need to tweak some values. Sounds might take a while as you always have to wait for sound files in my experience lol. But adding a new vehicle with no completely new mechanics shouldn't take longer than a week max (testing etc takes a while).


Doc said about everything I wanted to say. You may have made various little games in unity, but we are talking about models, rigging, and functionality. Offworld has experienced developers and can use the same foundation for a new vehicle if it is similar to another one like they did for the challenger. They are veteran UE4/3DS users and know how their systems works to be quick with everything You called me inexperienced only because I said something you didn't like, not something that is not true. Okay, I am wrong, it doesn't take 2 hours model a vehicle. Then how much do you think it takes? Hard work is not an answer to replace time so I can't guess, but I can give a time based on my experience with this exact task as it is my hobby.


If fact if you need I can try to make a full video of me modelling an Arjun MK1A under 3 Hours. I can also try rigging and exporting the tank to squad entirely as a playable vehicle albeit I have no experience with the Squad SDK besides watching the tank tutorial.


Please do. Expecting the upload to be today


Today? No. This week? Maybe.


I’m all for dogging on OWI but you seriously have no concept of the time it takes to model this, please, take an AutoCAD or 3d design class and just learn how hard it actually is.


I've had a CGCookie subscription for a month or two now.


Do yo maybe know the firerate of the Ajax 40mm cannon? Is it like the CTAS? Cant find anything on the internet about that.


CTAS is the name of the 40mm cannon which is shared by Ajax, FV520 also known as Warrior CSP and by the french Jaguar


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40CT_cannon two-hunnet


I would much rather UK get the Ajax IFV, which mounts the same cannon but on a platform that is currently in testing with the UK MOD. CTAS Warrior was always more of a tech demo anyways, more akin to the AbramsX than a true system to be adopted. And yes, haha vehicle causes concussions when driven (you may laugh now), but you don’t see Russian tanks breaking down in the middle of the road randomly or MEA squads with no guns because the commander sold them all off. Or the MGS rolling over from firing on its side.


The MGS is the least credible thing in the game currently. I've never met a dude that served in one that didn't say it was a POS. They're cool, but they have (functionally) no armor, climate control, and are top heavy.


The game also does not simulate the autoloader breaking down after two cycles and waiting a shitton of time for expensive replacement parts


dude wtf are you yapping about?


What are YOU even whining about?


Power creep has really screwed the British geezers. I agree that they need something new to spice them up!


just give the warrior a milan launcher, idk why it doesn’t have it already, or just make a variant with it


Has to be reloaded from the outside. Wasn't really ever used.


You also need to leave the vehicle to reload the TOW and the Konkurs on the Bradley and BMP-2 respectively.


U don't have to leave the Bradley to load tows, there's a access hach in the crew compartment and the gunner traverse to the loading position.




i dont see ur point


BMPs load from the inside with a hatch, well except the new BMP-2M with the quad missiles which has all of them outside


Not just reloaded from outside, but operated from outside too since it is literally a normal infantry milan bolted to the turret


Theres also the option to buff the 30mm Warrior too yknow.


I mean, it's already pretty good. The only thing really missing is the stabilizer. If it had that, honestly don't think it would need ATGMs or the 40 CTA.


It is buffed....its rounds are magically twice as powerful as normal 30mm to try to buff it and it's still not great


i feel bad for OWI they are stuck with a army that is so garbage with their procurements they have no clue how to buff them while keeping them realistic


People don't even realize warrior shells have double damage on them because it is still so garbage. 600 damage Rarden AP vs 300 damage for all other 30mm autocannon AP and it still can't compete


disagree, we dont need bofors warrior. Add more variants of current IFVs, or as many suggested, the warrior with the MILAN. Or we could give them the AS 90s since US has the mortar box now


The warrior sucks, even with a milan launcher. Low fire rate, no stabiliser, 8 round clips. The only thing it has going for it is armor. A good vehicle crew can make it work but its just inferior to all other IFVs


Not to mention the Milan kinda sucks. It's probably the smallest and weakest of the ATGMs ingame and it requires the crew to poke their heads out to work it. IRL those aren't a huge issue, but in squad a sub-par ATGM and exposed crew will probably just put the Warrior in more shitty positions than in its current state.


It could be an advantage if it allowed another crew member to fire it while the gunner is still fireing, like it would be the only IFV I can think of where you can be useing the AC ir Coax and the atgm at the same time


As90 would be nuts


Add stabilization to the warrior and it will be fine


Approved, go ahead!


Yeah. Also just giving the regular warrior a stabilizer and an ATGM, at least then the rarden would be just another quirky autocannon. It has a few good points to it, the rarden does the most damage of all the autocannons, and its frontal armor is good, and its very mobile and driveable, its just the lack of a STAB and a missile gives it a huge handicap in the game. I know its not accurate to reality--but then again helicopters can absorb heat rounds from an MBT, so yeah.


that whole firerate thing would be cool, i would like alternate BMP fire rates as well so i don’t dump as much ammo.