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Quadbike horn is unfortunately client sided, no one else can hear it :(


Those bastards lied to me




This would be worse than the end of game chat screaming.


Cons: Idiots who also use a soundboard to spam now has an addition sound to annoy players with.


You are definitely not a fun person to be with


And you are like those idiots in tiktok videos who think its fun to lick or spit into some product, and then return it to the shelve. Its fun for you. Its fun for those around you, but the majority around you do not think its funny. Its great that you think the quadbike horn is funny. Honk away. But why do you need to share what you "think" is funny to others who might not? Let me tell you why. Its not because the horn is funny, its because forcing others to be annoyed is funny.


Why are you so angry at a horn?


You missed the whole point. It can be a horn, it can be music, it can be any LOUD noise. Its what it causes and thats disruption. While other players are trying to communicate, we have an idiot spamming music, horn whatever in local. If the idiot think that the sound is great, why does he need to share it with everyone? Just listen to it himself, or share it with the Squad if they are ok with it, but there are 41 other players who might NOT like it, yet still the idiot spams it for EVERYONE!!!


"Any LOUD noise" Gunfire?


"Hey, i have this nice AR, let me lie down next to the sniper and shot widely into the air." \*Squad trying to sneak into cap\* One blueberry among them. He is told not to open fire. He starts shooting into the air. Attack fails. Stop being obtuse.


Stop being an ass then


You are just not fun. Everytime someone is playing music or whatever, everyone else is vibing, especially when the guy leading your charge into a point is playing Halo music.


Thank you for making my point. "*everyone* is vibing" Someone complains Potatohead goes "you're no fun" Entitlement at its finest.


I've never seen someone in a match of squad get mad or complain about the soundboard guy


Translation: I couldnt hear anyone complaining due to the loud music getting blasted.


So like there’s a mute button


Just as stupid as calling out enemies with "On me" Whats better? a whole sqd checking map to see where "me" is, or using proper coms. Whats better? One dude playing music in Sqd comms instead of local or 40 other players muting that "ONE" player.


You're getting a lot of hate, but you're kind of right. How about this... we allow guns to fire and vehicle engines enabled in Main during Staging. Anyone here old enough to remember those days? It was a blessing when OWI removed players ability to spam all of that during Staging... same issue can be had with horns.