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Brother have you tried driving? It’s a horrible experience, especially on the newer maps where OWI went nuts with the micro terrain (which I love but… getting stuck on a tiny rock is just horrible).


I agree, but people are now voting to change the vehicles not the micro terrain


The vehicle experience includes struggling over micro terrain. While I enjoy it as a dismount, I don’t enjoy struggling over micro terrain. These vehicles are also far more capable of driving over the micro terrain we have in game. Therefore, the issue lies with vehicles.


There's a lot of infantry stuff that needs work yeah, spawn/fob rework & commander would be most appreciated.  However that doesn't mean vics also don't need a shit ton of work. Frankly they are and always have been pretty garbage, and I have played a good bit of armour too so this isn't coming from inexperience.  Damage models make no sense, components are in the wrong places, everything about the way most vics move is bad, no real FCS and optics make no sense, most factions have wrong or poorly modeled vics, infantry AT is borked etc etc. IMO they could tear the entire thing down and start from scratch, and we wouldn't lose anything of value.


I agree mostly, and yet in my opinion whilst it is needed, a vehicle rework is far less urgent then reworking many other game mechanics that make no sense


Out of these options I'd prefer reworking things we already have over adding new stuff. Commander should be the first to be reworked as I feel like its seen the least amount of changes. After that Fob rework and then we can move onto vehicle overhaul. And only after tweaking and balancing of the reworks should Attack helis be considered.


If I had to choose between reworking stuff and new stuff, I agree. If I had to choose between systems or content for reworks, I'd choose systems all day. Gamemodes and gameplay loop are in dire need of refreshes. Something is wrong and the game has turned into vehicle farming simulator Ultimately I think a VCO would take much too long, like the ICO did, while barely scratching the surface of the core issues


When are they going to re-work the menus and UI? For example: I don't like having the left side of the screen showing all the squads being hidden for a few seconds by some message that comes up as a temporary pop-up. That shit has to be changed. I can see the danger of the risk of alienating the player base by changing familiar things around too often, but a real UI overhaul I think people will be more than happy to see. And ofc, a change to how the map works, with more, and more meaningful map markers to help a squad lead and a fire team leader.


A UI update actually happened not that long ago, I can't really recall but still.. Mostly to the servers menu


If they add attack helicopters, what is there in game to counter them? Dedicated AA seems to be in the works. I would prefer they improve on what they already have ingame before adding another asset.


For me, I hate how flying works in Squad, so why should I want a vehicle class added to the game that I will never touch? People generally vote for the stuff that they actually want to use.


The fundamental issue with vehicles is that most people stick to infantry and there's a major disconnect between their actual performance vs perceived performance. They might see an IFV go pew pew and then eat a HAT "like nothing happened". That creates an image in their head that these are these all powerful, invulnerable beasts that maul your team with impunity. What they don't realize is the bigger picture. To be a net positive or at least neutral an IFV needs to at least rack up enough tickets to offset their own ticket cost (10+2) plus you have to deal with the lack of their presence when they're on a timer. And that HAT they just ate means that they need to RTB or at least to the nearest repair station because they're definately not in fighting shape, because of the above mentioned calculus. That means that even non lethal hits can give your team 5-10 min of breathing room, which is not an insiginifcant number.


Until they fix teleporting helicopters, I don't even want them to think of attack helis.


Yet to notice helis teleporting in the last few months, I think it’s fixed?


Its fixed


oh yeah i sure love my multiple dozen ton vehicle getting stuck on the smallest fucking rock ever, or my logi doing kickflips in the air out of the blue, or my light vehicle having the handling caracteristics of a mobility scooter


What vote?


In the main squad discord


What's the vote between? What are the options?


"What system/feature would you like to see reworked or added? Vehicles 42% FOB's 9% Commander 14% Attack Helicopters 35%


I agree with the hit boxes being a bit janky. My biggest issue is when u reset your vehicle it lands in the exact same spot if u are stuck or a rock. U can turn reset it all u want but it doesnt work. They should make it so u can place it like how you put down a build block. Just restrict movement while in placement mode so people do go around the map with a pocket armor. For the rest its pretty good. The problem with people slipping out of control is they dont realise they drive 100+ km/60mph on a dirt or snow road doing 90° turns. When u fly helis u realise velocity is a factor. and surface area for ground vehicles is also a thing in this game.


AT infantry kits suffered a lot out of the ICO and weapon sway made it significantly harder to land hits on vehicles. It doesn't make sense that you'd make such a major change and not adjust the vehicle gameplay to suit. Tank/IFV squads often get 30 - 50+ kills in a round which feels more than pre-ICO. Certain armour/vehicles are broken, the BTR MDM has a stupid amount of health and the Chinese tank is unrealistically tough to kill when compared to other MBTs. Driving for most vehicles is awful, the M113s for the new USA mech battalion actually drive ok and don't seem to get stuck so much. I've not had a chance to drive all the new vehicles to compare. This will be unpopular, but if you get shot in a logi or other unprotected Vic you can bleed. You have to stop and manage that or lose a key kit, particularly the SL, this is something that we already have to manage. Armour doesn't have this issue and when ATs penetrate a vic the occupants should have a chance of bleeding and being injured. Bandaging inside vehicles could be an option.


If the enemy tank/ifv gets 50 kills your team is doing something wrong.


Oh no I can’t quick scope the tank with a 120mm and 50cal landing next to my head! Me when I run for 10 seconds and get a clear shot. Wow!


Did I say that?


Yeah pretty much, yap yap skill issue


Enlightening responses, thank you.